MS/MS and Libraries |
Tools for processing raw data to database ready cleaned spectra with metadata. |
RMassBank |
[110] |
BioC |
From RT-m/z pairs (or m/z alone) creates MS/MS experiment files with non-overlapping subsets of the targets. Bruker, Agilent and Waters supported. |
MetShot |
[111] |
GitHub |
Creating MS libraries from LC-MS data using xcms/CAMERA packages. A multi-modular annotation function including X-Rank spectral scoring matches experimental data against the generated MS library. |
MatchWeiz |
[107] |
GitHub |
Assess precursor contribution to fragment spectrum acquired or anticipated isolation windows using “precursor purity” for both LC-MS(/MS) and DI-MS(/MS) data. Spectral matching against a SQLite database of library spectra. |
msPurity |
[112] |
BioC |
Automated quantification of metabolites by targeting mass spectral/retention time libraries into full scan-acquired GC-MS chromatograms. |
baitmet |
[113] |
MS/MS spectra similarity and unsupervised statistical methods. Workflow from raw data to visualisations and is interfaceable with xcms. |
[114] |
BioC |
Import of spectra from different file formats such as NIST msp, mgf (mascot generic format), and library (Bruker) to MSnbase objects. |
MSnio |
GitHub |
Multi-purpose mass spectrometry package. Contains many different functions e.g., isotope pattern calculation, spectrum similarity, chromatogram plotting, reading of msp files and peptide related functions. |
OrgMassSpecR |
Annotation of LC-MS data based on a database of fragments. |
MetaboList |
[115] |
In Silico Fragmentation |
In silico fragmentation of candidate structures. |
MetFragR |
[116] |
GitHub |
SOLUTIONS for High ReSOLUTION Mass Spectrometry including several functions to interact with MetFrag, developed during the SOLUTIONS project ( |
[116] |
GitHub |
Uses MetFrag and adds substructure prediction using the isotopic pattern. Can be trained on a custom dataset. |
[117] |
GitHub |
Retention Time Correction |
Retention time prediction based on compound structure descriptors. Five different machine learning algorithms are available to build models. Plotting available to explore chemical space and model quality assessment. |
Retip |
GitHub |