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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Nov 7.
Published in final edited form as: Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2016 Nov 7;23(6):392–405. doi: 10.1080/09286586.2016.1243717

Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Trachoma in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia: Results of 79 Population-Based Prevalence Surveys Conducted with the Global Trachoma Mapping Project

Berhanu Bero a, Colin Macleod b,c, Wondu Alemayehu a,d, Solomon Gadisa e, Ahmed Abajobir a, Yilikal Adamu f, Menbere Alemu g, Liknaw Adamu h, Michael Dejene i, Addis Mekasha e, Zelalem Habtamu Jemale e, Damtew Yadeta e, Oumer Shafi j, Genet Kiflu j, Rebecca Willis k, Rebecca M Flueckiger k, Brian K Chu k, Alexandre L Pavluck k, Anthony W Solomon, for the Global Trachoma Mapping Projectb,*
PMCID: PMC6837860  EMSID: EMS84788  PMID: 27820657



To complete the baseline trachoma map in Oromia, Ethiopia, by determining prevalences of trichiasis and trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) at evaluation unit (EU) level, covering all districts (woredas) without current prevalence data or active control programs, and to identify factors associated with disease.


Using standardized methodologies and training developed for the Global Trachoma Mapping Project, we conducted cross-sectional community-based surveys from December 2012 to July 2014.


Teams visited 46,244 households in 2037 clusters from 252 woredas (79 EUs). A total of 127,357 individuals were examined. The overall age- and sex-adjusted prevalence of trichiasis in adults was 0.82% (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.70–0.94%), with 72 EUs covering 240 woredas having trichiasis prevalences above the elimination threshold of 0.2% in those aged ≥15 years. The overall age-adjusted TF prevalence in 1–9-year-olds was 23.4%, with 56 EUs covering 218 woredas shown to need implementation of the A, F and E components of the SAFE strategy (surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement) for 3 years before impact surveys. Younger age, female sex, increased time to the main source of water for face-washing, household use of open defecation, low mean precipitation, low mean annual temperature, and lower altitude, were independently associated with TF in children. The 232 woredas in 64 EUs in which TF prevalence was ≥5% require implementation of the F and E components of the SAFE strategy.


Both active trachoma and trichiasis are highly prevalent in much of Oromia, constituting a significant public health problem for the region.

Keywords: Ethiopia, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, prevalence, risk factors, trachoma, trichiasis


Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness, and is caused by conjunctival infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Early infection manifests as redness and irritation, with follicles on the tarsal conjunctiva; this may meet the definition of trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) of the World Health Organization (WHO) simplified trachoma grading system. Repeated infections may result in scarring of the conjunctivae, and alteration in eyelid morphology and function such that in-turning of the eyelashes ensues; this condition is known as trachomatous trichiasis (TT). The in-turned eyelashes rub on the cornea and cause devastating pain at each blink.1 With repeated rubbing, ulceration and subsequent opacification of the normally clear cornea can develop, which may result in visual impairment and blindness.2,3

WHO has targeted trachoma for elimination as a public health problem worldwide by 2020, advocating control using the SAFE strategy (surgery for trichiasis, antibiotics to clear infection, facial cleanliness, and environmental improvement), with the recommended intensity of interventions stratified by the prevalence of disease.4

Trachoma is a public health problem in more than 50 countries, with 232 million people estimated to be at risk of blindness from it in 2014. Significant progress in eliminating trachoma has been made in the past decade, with seven countries (Gambia, Ghana, Iran, Morocco, Myanmar, Oman, and Vietnam)5 having reported achieving the goal of elimination. Ethiopia is estimated to be the most trachoma-affected country in the world.5

Oromia is the largest of the nine regions of Ethiopia by both landmass and number of residents, with the 2015 population estimated to be over 33 million.6 It is divided into 12 town administration units and 18 rural zones; these are further divided into 304 woredas (districts), of which 265 are rural. The 2005–2006 national survey of blindness, low vision and trachoma estimated the region-level prevalence of TF among children 1–9 years of age to be 24.5%, and the TT prevalence in people aged 15 years and older to be 2.8%7. Despite these estimates, which were among the highest known, by 2012 only 23 of the 265 rural woredas had either started interventions against trachoma or had prevalence data to guide programmatic interventions (Table 1, Figure 1). For the purposes of the work presented here, existing district-level prevalence estimates were considered to be adequate if they were (1) designed to estimate the prevalence of TF in children aged 1–9 years, and (2) had taken place in the 10 years prior to 2012, when the project began.

Table 1. Woredas surveyed for trachoma, or in which interventions against trachoma had commenced, prior to the Global Trachoma Mapping Project (GTMP), Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012.

Zone Woreda Year of most recent surveya TF,b % Trichiasis,c % Remarks
Arsi Ziway Dugda 2010 22.1           3
Dodota 2010 16.9           2.5
East Shewa Bora 2008 60         12
Dugda 2008 60           7
Adami Tullu, Jido Kombolcha 2008 23           7
Lomie 2013 12.53           1.68
Adama 2007 19           1.7 MDA stopped in 2011. An impact survey was not done. Re-surveyed with GTMP.
Fentale 2010 10           1.7
Bosset 2007 19           1.7 MDA stopped in 2011. An impact survey was not done. Re-surveyed with GTMP.
East Wollega Sibu Sire 2007 24.5           3.5 No woreda-level baseline data; antibiotic distribution commenced using region-level prevalence data (shown).
Sasiga 2010   9.6           0.7
Diga 2010 14           2.5
Ilu Aba Bora Gechi 2011 23.2           1.6
Jimma Sokoru 2007 24.5           3.5 No woreda-level baseline data; antibiotic distribution commenced using region-level prevalence data (shown).
Omonada 2011 12.8           2.8 No baseline data. Data shown are from an impact survey conducted after 3 years of antibiotic distribution.
North Shewa Dera 2010 34.1           8.7
Hidhebu Abote 2008 42.9           4.8
Wore Jarso 2010 16           9.5
West Arsi Arsi Negele 2009 39.6           6.9
West Shewa Dendi 2010 27.4           0
Gindeberet 2011 55.3           1.7
Abune Gindeberet 2011 55.3           1.7
Bako Tibe 2010 37           0.5

Population-based prevalence survey.


Population-level prevalence in those aged 1–9 years.


Population-level prevalence in those aged ≥15 years.

MDA, mass drug administration; TF, trachomatous inflammation – follicular.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Map of woredas with previous trachoma mapping, or in which interventions against trachoma had commenced prior to the Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012.

Based on this assessment, over 230 woredas in Oromia were identified that did not have program ready trachoma data, or had data that were considered to be outdated. WHO guidelines recommend that district-level estimates are used to make decisions on where to implement the SAFE strategy. However, a 2010 WHO recommendation allowed for mapping at larger scales in suspected highly trachoma-endemic areas, in order to expedite the start of much needed interventions.8 To complete the map of trachoma in Oromia, we undertook a series of population-based prevalence surveys covering all remaining unmapped rural woredas in Oromia. Because trachoma was expected to be highly and widely endemic in the region, surveys were initially conducted at sub-zone level, i.e. generally involving the combination of several contiguous woredas into a single evaluation unit (EU). The objectives of each survey were to determine the prevalence of TF in children aged 1–9 years, and to estimate the prevalence of trichiasis among people aged 15 years and older, each at sub-zonal level; and to identify risk factors associated with TF and trichiasis in these age groups.

Materials and methods

In general, the methodology used for this work followed that published previously for the Global Trachoma Mapping Project (GTMP),9 with context specific details added. Surveys were initially undertaken at sub-zonal level, with woredas grouped following sociodemographic divisions and existing administrative boundaries, in order to form contiguous EUs of approximately 500,000 inhabitants.

Prior to the start of field work, fieldworkers were deployed to obtain a list of all kebeles (the smallest administrative units with population estimates) and geres (kebele divisions consisting of about 30 households each) in all woredas included in each survey, from the respective woreda health offices. Where an EU comprised more than one woreda, the number of kebeles selected from each woreda was proportional to that woreda’s population. Kebeles were then selected with a probability proportional to size technique. This provided all individuals in the survey populations an equal probability of selection. At the second stage, one gere was randomly selected (by drawing lots) from the list of all geres in each selected kebele. An additional gere was sampled within the kebele if teams were unable to sample 30 households in the first selected gere.

Based on the most recent census data, it was estimated that 48 children aged 1–9 years would be found in each gere.6 Therefore, to achieve the target framework of 1222 children in sampled households in each EU, 1222/48 = 25.5 clusters were needed, so 26 clusters were planned to be visited per EU. All individuals at least 1 year old in selected geres were invited to be included, and the gere was considered to be the cluster unit for the purposes of analysis.

Survey teams

Survey teams comprised a trachoma grader, a data recorder, and a driver. Graders and recorders attended the standardized 5-day training using GTMP training manual version 1, held in Bishoftu, Oromia, with both graders and recorders trained in the survey rationale and methodology, and each having to pass an examination before being considered for the survey team. Full details are provided elsewhere.9

Ethical review

Ethical approval was obtained from Oromia Regional Health Bureau Ethics Review Committee (BEFO/HBTFH/1-8/2110) and the Ethics Committee of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (6319). Official letters of permission were obtained from each zonal and woreda health office.

Informed verbal consent was obtained from all study participants. For children aged <15 years, consent was obtained from the head of household. Verbal consent was considered most appropriate because of low literacy rates among the survey population. People with active trachoma (TF and/or trachomatous inflammation – intense) were provided with a course of tetracycline hydrochloride 1% eye ointment and given instruction for its use. Participants found to have trichiasis were referred to the nearest eye health facility for further assessment. The cost of lid surgery for those with trichiasis was borne by the project.

Risk factors

Water, sanitation and hygiene variables were collected by data recorders by direct observation and via standardized interview questions with the household head. Variables related to water access and source type for both drinking and washing, and sanitation types, used WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program definitions.9,10

Data on climatic variables possibly related to trachoma risk were obtained during fieldwork and from existing data sources, using knowledge of the epidemiology of trachoma in other environments. Altitude was collected directly at the time of the surveys by recording global positioning system (GPS) coordinates at each household. Climate variables derived from local meteorological stations were obtained from WorldClim variables (, at a resolution of 2.5 arc minutes (~5 km).11 Variables chosen were those considered to be potentially relevant to C. trachomatis infection transmission, including mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, precipitation in the driest month, maximum temperature in the hottest month, and minimum temperature in the coldest month. Climatic variables were assigned to households at cluster level, with the cluster GPS coordinates derived from the means of household GPS coordinates.

Data analysis

Descriptive data and prevalence results were produced using R 3.0.2 (2013, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). TF prevalence in children aged 1–9 years was adjusted for age in 1-year age-bands using the latest available census data.12 Trichiasis prevalence in those aged ≥15 years was adjusted for age and sex in 5-year age-bands. Trichiasis prevalence for the whole population was estimated by halving the ≥15 years’ trichiasis prevalence.13 Confidence intervals (CIs) were generated by bootstrapping adjusted mean cluster-level outcome proportions. Raster point values for climatic variables were extracted using ArcGIS 10.3 (Spatial Analyst; Esri, Redlands, CA, USA). Data clustering was analyzed using Anselin Local Morans I statistic at polygon level, with contiguity of edges and corners between polygons used to define spatial relationships, and outcomes standardized for the number of associated polygons, in ArcGIS 10.3 (Spatial Statistics).

Risk factor analysis was performed using Stata 10.2 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA). A multi-level hierarchical model was used to account for clustering at gere and household level. Co-linearity of variables was examined using Mantel-Haenszel tests of association, but was not an absolute exclusion criterion. A stepwise inclusion approach was used for the multivariable model, with variables considered for inclusion if the univariable association was significant at the p < 0.10 level (Wald’s test). Variables were retained in the model if statistical significance was found at the p < 0.05 level (Likelihood ratio test).


All 18 rural zones of Oromia region were included in the surveys. A total of 59 sub-zone level EUs, covering 252 woredas, were surveyed from December 2012 to July 2013. Remapping (by adding additional clusters) occurred in sub-zones found to have TF prevalences in 1–9-year-olds <10%, following the WHO recommendation8 that district-level data be obtained in this circumstance. This affected seven sub-zones covering 38 woredas, resulting in their division into woreda-sized EUs for district-level mapping. For reasons of practicality, remapping was truncated after 20 of these woredas had been remapped (from May to July 2014), with the provisional decision not to remap the remaining 18 low prevalence woredas based on results from the first 20, and challengeable should further research suggest that it be reviewed.

A total of 79 EUs were surveyed, with 46,244 households in 2037 clusters visited, and 139,105 people sampled for inclusion. A total of 127,357 participants (91.6%) consented and were examined, with a mean of 2.75 people examined in each household. A total of 41,642 children aged 1–9 years, and a total of 69,481 individuals aged 15 years or older were examined. In total, 9008 cases of TF and 865 cases of trichiasis were identified.

The age-adjusted TF prevalence among children aged 1–9 years ranged from a low of 1.1% (95% CI 0.3–2.2%) in Gaji woreda of West Wellega, to a high of 48.7% (95% CI 41.6–57.1%) in the Horo Guduru zone woredas (Figure 2). The mean age-adjusted TF prevalence over all EUs was 23.4% (95% CI 22.8–24.2%) in the same age group. Of 79 EUs surveyed, 56 (71%) showed a TF prevalence ≥10% among children aged 1–9 years. In other words, 218 (87%) of 252 woredas included in the surveys were part of EUs that had TF prevalence ≥10%. Each of these woredas require mass distribution of azithromycin, together with implementation of the F and E components of the SAFE strategy, for at least 3 years before impact survey.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Prevalence of trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) in children aged 1–9 years by evaluation unit, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

A relatively low prevalence of TF was observed in the western part of Oromia, including EUs in Ilu Ababora, Kelem Wellega, and part of West Wellega (Figure 2). This area formed a group of 22 contiguous low prevalence EUs; an overall low prevalence EU grouping statistically significant at the p < 0.05 level (Anselin Local Moran’s I).

The age- and sex-adjusted trichiasis prevalence in those aged 15 years and older ranged from 0.0% (95% CI 0.0–0.1%) in Nole Kaba to 2.5% (95% CI 1.6–3.6%) in the EU covering Kersa, Mean, Tiro, and Afeta woredas of Jimma Zone (Figure 3). The mean age- and sex-adjusted trichiasis prevalence over all EUs was 0.82% (95% CI 0.70–0.94%) in those aged 15 years or older. Overall, 72 EUs had a trichiasis prevalence in those aged 15 years or older that was higher than the elimination threshold of 0.2%. In other words, 240 woredas (95.2% of all woredas included in the surveys) were part of EUs that had a prevalence of trichiasis suggestive of a significant public health problem.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Prevalence of trichiasis in adults aged ≥15 years, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

TF and trichiasis prevalences by EU are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.

Table 2. Prevalence of trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) in children aged 1–9 years by evaluation unit, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

Zone Evaluation unit Children aged 1–9 years examined, n TF cases, n Unadjusted TF, % Adjusted TF, % (95% CI)
Arsi Amigna, Bele Gasgar, Robe, Seru, Shirka 1091 307 28.1 29.6 (23.4–36.4)
Aseko, Chole, Gololcha (Arsi), Guna, Merti   878 221 25.2 24.3 (17.1–31.8)
Degeluna Tijo, Enkelo Wabe, Limuna Bilbilo, Lude Hitosa, Tena 1022 243 23.8 20.9 (14.2–27.4)
Deksis, Dodota, Jeju, Sire, Sude 1036 315 30.4 30.1 (24.1–38.1)
Hitosa, Munessa, Tiyo, Ziway Dugda 1017 274 26.9 23.6 (15.7–31.5)
Bale Agarfa, Dinsho, Gasera, Goba, Sinana 1023 480 46.9 42.3 (35.7–51.0)
Berbere, Dolo Mena, Gura Damole, Harena Buluk, Meda Welabu 1041 441 42.4 38.8 (32.5–45.5)
Dawe Kachen, Dawe Serer, Ginir, Gololcha (Bale), Goro (Bale), Lege Hida, Rayitu, Seweyna 1008 432 42.9 40.4 (33.2–49.3)
Borena Abaya, Bule Hora, Dugda Dawa, Gelana 1292 502 38.9 37.1 (30.2–43.7)
Arero, Dehas, Dire, Miyo, Moyale, Teltele, Yabelo   882 272 30.8 29.2 (20.9–38.6)
Dillo, Melka Soda 1073 485 45.2 43.5 (35.4–53.1)
East Harerge Babile, Chinaksen, Gursum, Jarso 1076 487 45.3 42.3 (34.2–48.3)
Bedeno, Deder, Malka Balo   993 354 35.6 30.9 (23.2–39.6)
Fedis, Girawa, Golo Oda, Meyu, Midega Tola 1187 575 48.4 46.6 (37.9–54.1)
Goro Gutu, Kersa, Meta 1120 394 35.2 34.6 (29.2–40.3)
Haro Maya, Kombolcha, Kurfa Chele 1061 267 25.2 25.0 (18.8–30.5)
Kumbi 1046 426 40.7 38.0 (32.2–43.2)
East Shewa Ada’a, Gimbichu, Liben   758 297 39.2 37.8 (31.4–46.0)
Adama   711 262 36.8 34.7 (24.1–37.8)
Boset   891 303 34.0 31.2 (27.1–43.8)
East Wollega Boneya Boshe, Jimma Arjo, Leka Dulecha, Nunu Kumba, Wama Hagalo, Wayu Tuka   840 177 21.1 19.8 (13.0–27.9)
Diga, Gobu Seyo, Gudeya Bila, Guto Gida, Sasiga   845 184 21.8 18.4 (11.0–27.6)
Gida Kiremu, Haro Limu, Ibantu, Kiramu, Limu   994 441 44.4 43.2 (34.3–51.3)
Guji Adola, Hambela Wamena, Liben (Guji), Odo Shakiso, Wadera 1265 469 37.1 35.5 (29.2–42.7)
Afele Kola (Dima), Ana Sora, Gora Dola, Saba Boru 1071 264 24.6 24.8 (18.1–33.0)
Bore, Girja (Harenfema), Kercha, Uraga 1253 434 34.6 29.7 (21.3–37.4)
Horo Guduru Ababo, Abay Chomen, Abe Dongoro, Amuru, Guduru, Horo (Horo Guduru), Jarte Jardega, Jimma Genete, Jimma Rare   967 488 50.5 48.7 (41.6–57.1)
Illu Aba bora Ale   631   42   6.7   4.9 (1.5–8.7)
Alge Sachi, Bilo Nopha, Metu Zuria   843   71   8.4 5.5 (2.1–10.2)
Badele Zuria, Chora, Chwaka, Dabo Hana, Dega, Dorani, Meko   943 157 16.6 16.0 (10.0–23.4)
Bicho, Borecha, Dedesa, Hurumu, Yayu   803 212 26.4 21.0 (14.1–28.3)
Bure   694   73 10.5   8.8 (4.4–13.8)
Darimu   954   95 10.0   7.3 (3.5–12.2)
Didu   762   82 10.8 10.2 (6.6–14.6)
Halu (Huka)   549   10   1.8   1.2 (0.4–1.9)
Nono Sale   332   74 22.3 22.4 (15.0–30.1)
Jimma Chora Botor, Limu Kosa, Limu Seka   933 215 23.0 20.5 (13.4–28.2)
Dedo, Seka Chekorsa 1012 488 48.2 45.9 (38.8–52.2)
Gera, Nono Benja, Setema, Sigmo   972 479 49.3 46.3 (37.7–53.5)
Goma, Guma, Shebe Sambo   991 431 43.5 41.5 (32.9–50.2)
Kersa (Jimma), Mena (Jimma), Tiro Afeta 1103 400 36.3 35.5 (27.3–44.4)
Kelem Wollega Anfilo, Gidami, Sayo   879   29   3.3   3.2 (1.0–4.9)
Dale Sadi, Gawo Kebe, Lalo Kile   937   89   9.5   8.6 (4.1–13.0)
Dale Wabera   886   42   4.7   6.3 (2.7–10.9)
Hawa Galan 1331 154 11.6 10.0 (4.6–16.0)
Jimma Horo 1027   22   2.1   2.9 (1.0–5.6)
Yama Logi Welel   931   41   4.4   4.2 (1.7–6.2)
North Shoa Abichuna Gne’a, Aleltu, Jida, Kembibit   861 223 25.9 25.5 (18.2–33.6)
Debre Libanos, Kuyu, Wuchale, Yaya Gulele   968 466 48.1 47.1 (40.0–55.9)
Degem, Dera, Gerar Jarso, Wara Jarso   824 411 49.9 48.4 (40.3–58.0)
South West Shewa Akaki, Bereh, Mulo, Sebeta Hewas, Sululta, Walmara   881 290 32.9 29.8 (21.2–38.5)
Ameya, Goro, Waliso, Wenchi 1159 391 33.7 32.1 (22.6–41.8)
Becho, Dawo, Ilu, Kersana Malima, Seden Sodo, Sodo Daci, Tole 1006 316 31.4 30.3 (23.2–37.6)
West Harerge Anchar, Goba Koricha, Habro 1040 391 37.6 36.3 (28.7–45.8)
Boke, Daro Lebu, Gemechis, Oda Bultum 1231 416 33.8 33.4 (27.3–41.2)
Chiro Zuria, Hawi Gudina, Mieso 1047 304 29.0 28.3 (22.4–35.3)
Doba, Burka Demtu, Mesela, Tulo   978 207 21.2 21.8 (14.4–30.4)
West Shewa Adda Berga, Ejere (Addis Alem), Meta Robi   950 348 36.6 35.4 (27.3–43.4)
Ambo Zuria, Jibat, Nono, Tikur Enchini, Toke Kutaye 1058 330 31.2 29.1 (22.9–37.2)
Bako Tibe, Cheliya, Ilu Gelan, Dano, Mida Kegn 1100 438 39.8 39.8 (31.0–47.3)
Dendi, Ifata, Jeldu 1084 190 17.5 17.0 (12.4–22.1)
West Arsi Adaba, Kokosa, Nenesebo 1159 143 12.3 13.2 (7.5–18.6)
Dodola, Gedeb Asasa, Kore 1381 317 23.0 21.9 (15.6–29.7)
Shalla, Shashemene, Siraro 1327 620 46.7 45.8 (37.8–55.1)
Wondo, Kofele 1497 383 25.6 27.3 (20.0–35.5)
West Wollega Ayra, Guliso, Jarso, Nejo   714   28   3.9   3.9 (1.2–7.7)
Babo   997   25   2.5   2.5 (1.0–4.8)
Begi 1079 109 10.1   9.3 (6.5–12.8)
Boji Chekorsa   778   20   2.6   2.8 (0.7–5.9)
Boji Dirmeji   640    8   1.3   1.2 (0.3–2.1)
Gaji   780   10   1.3   1.1 (0.3–2.2)
Gimbi   713   20   2.8   1.8 (0.8–3.3)
Gudetu Kondole 1197 174 14.5 14.3 (8.5–19.9)
Haru   708   20   2.8   2.9 (1.2–4.6)
Homa, Yubdo   742   53 7.1   5.7 (2.1–8.5)
Kiltu Kara, Mana Sibu   949   82   8.6   8.0 (3.7–13.8)
Lalo Asabi   705   18   2.6   2.9 (0.4–6.6)
Nole Kaba   741   33   4.5   4.3 (1.2–7.2)
Sayo Nole   789   25   3.2   2.1 (0.4–4.5)

CI, confidence interval.

Table 3. Prevalence of trichiasis in adults aged ≥15 years by evaluation unit, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

Zone Evaluation Unit Adults ≥15 years examined, n Trichiasis cases, n Unadjusted trichiasis, % Adjusted trichiasis, % 95% CI
Arsi Amigna, Bele Gasgar, Robe, Seru, Shirka 1371 10 0.7 0.3 (0.1–0.7)
Aseko, Chole, Gololcha (Arsi), Guna, Merti 1280 21 1.6 0.9 (0.5–1.4)
Degeluna Tijo, Enkelo Wabe, Limuna Bilbilo, Lude Hitosa, Tena 1332 15 1.1 0.8 (0.2–1.5)
Deksis, Dodota, Jeju, Sire, Sude 1282 18 1.4 0.7 (0.4–1.2)
Hitosa, Munessa, Tiyo, Ziway Dugda 1394 31 2.2 1.3 (0.7–2.0)
Bale Agarfa, Dinsho, Gasera, Goba, Sinana 1514   7 0.5 0.3 (0.1–0.7)
Berbere, Dolo Mena, Gura Damole, Harena Buluk, Meda Welabu 1137 12 1.1 0.7 (0.3–1.0)
Dawe Kachen, Dawe Serer, Ginir, Gololcha (Bale), Goro (Bale), Lege Hida, Rayitu, Seweyna 1303 33 2.5 1.5 (0.9–2.1)
Borena Abaya, Bule Hora, Dugda Dawa, Gelana 1283 14 1.1 0.7 (0.2–1.1)
Arero, Dehas, Dire, Miyo, Moyale, Teltele, Yabelo 1275 29 2.3 0.9 (0.5–1.6)
Dillo, Melka Soda 1170 12 1.0 0.6 (0.3–1.0)
East Harerge Babile, Chinaksen, Gursum, Jarso 1364 30 2.2 1.1 (0.6–1.6)
Bedeno, Deder, Malka Balo 1321 30 2.3 1.1 (0.6–1.6)
Boke, Daro Lebu, Gemechis, Oda Bultum 1403 37 2.6 1.2 (0.7–1.7)
Fedis, Girawa, Golo Oda, Meyu, Midega Tola 1586 49 3.1 1.7 (1.2–2.4)
Goro Gutu, Kersa, Meta 1537 47 3.1 1.4 (0.8–2.2)
Haro Maya, Kombolcha, Kurfa Chele 1478 42 2.8 1.4 (0.6–2.0)
Kumbi 1096 30 2.7 1.0 (0.5–1.6)
East Shewa Ada’a, Gimbichu, Liben 1235 42 3.4 1.5 (0.8–2.5)
Adama 1318 31 2.4 1.2 (0.4–1.3)
Boset 1580 32 2.0 0.9 (0.7–1.8)
East Wollega Boneya Boshe, Jimma Arjo, Leka Dulecha, Nunu Kumba, Wama Hagalo, Wayu Tuka 1477 18 1.2 0.7 (0.3–1.1)
Diga, Gobu Seyo, Gudeya Bila, Guto Gida, Sasiga 1470 14 1.0 0.5 (0.2–1.0)
Gida Kiremu, Haro Limu, Ibantu, Kiramu, Limu 1453 29 2.0 1.1 (0.5–1.9)
Guji Adola, Hambela Wamena, Liben (Guji), Odo Shakiso, Wadera 1354 19 1.4 0.9 (0.3–1.9)
Afele Kola (Dima), Ana Sora, Gora Dola, Saba Boru 1163   1 0.1 0.0 (0.0–0.1)
Bore, Girja (Harenfema), Kercha, Uraga 1314   9 0.7 0.3 (0.1–0.6)
Horo Guduru Ababo, Abay Chomen, Abe Dongoro, Amuru, Guduru, Horo (Horo Guduru), Jarte Jardega, Jimma Genete, Jimma Rare 1458 32 2.2 1.5 (0.7–2.3)
Illu Aba bora Ale 1612   7 0.4 0.3 (0.0–0.7)
Alge Sachi, Bilo Nopha, Metu Zuria 1720 11 0.6 0.5 (0.1–1.1)
Badele Zuria, Chora, Chwaka, Dabo Hana, Dega, Dorani, Meko 1593 25 1.6 1.1 (0.5–2.0)
Bicho, Borecha, Dedesa, Hurumu, Yayu 1644 24 1.5 1.1 (0.6–1.8)
Bure 1617   6 0.4 0.3 (0.0–0.7)
Darimu 1695 10 0.6 0.3 (0.1–0.7)
Didu 1582   3 0.2 0.1 (0.0–0.1)
Halu (Huka) 1600   9 0.6 0.3 (0.1–0.6)
Nono Sale   780   1 0.1 0.1 (0.0–0.3)
Jimma Chora Botor, Limu Kosa, Limu Seka 1614 26 1.6 1.0 (0.4–1.6)
Dedo, Seka Chekorsa 1511 49 3.2 2.3 (1.4–3.3)
Gera, Nono Benja, Setema, Sigmo 1349 28 2.1 1.6 (0.7–2.8)
Goma, Guma, Shebe Sambo 1634 35 2.1 0.9 (0.5–1.4)
Kersa, Mena, Tiro Afeta 1523 63 4.1 2.5 (1.6–3.6)
Kelem Wollega Anfilo, Gidami, Sayo 1630   8 0.5 0.4 (0.1–0.7)
Dale Sadi, Gawo Kebe, Lalo Kile 1617 14 0.9 0.6 (0.2–0.9)
Dale Wabera 1817 19 1.0 0.7 (0.3–1.1)
Hawa Galan 1846 30 1.6 1.0 (0.5–1.3)
Jimma Horo 1765   4 0.2 0.1 (0.0–0.2)
Yama Logi Welel 1766   5 0.3 0.2 (0.0–0.5)
North Shoa Abichuna Gne’a, Aleltu, Jida, Kembibit 1728 10 0.6 0.5 (0.1–1.0)
Debre Libanos, Kuyu, Wuchale, Yaya Gulele 1682 23 1.4 0.6 (0.3–1.0)
Degem, Dera, Gerar Jarso, Wara Jarso 1582 52 3.3 2.0 (1.3–2.9)
South West Shewa Akaki, Bereh, Mulo, Sebeta Hewas, Sululta, Walmara 1553 19 1.2 0.7 (0.3–1.3)
Ameya, Goro, Waliso, Wonchi 1716 55 3.2 1.7 (0.9–2.4)
Becho, Dawo, Ilu, Kersana Malima, Seden Sodo, Sodo Daci, Tole 1508 25 1.7 0.8 (0.4–1.2)
West Arsi Adaba, Kokosa, Nenesebo 1289   5 0.4 0.3 (0.1–0.6)
Dodola, Gedeb Asasa, Kore 1368   4 0.3 0.1 (0.0–0.3)
Shalla, Shashemene, Siraro 1416 35 2.5 1.7 (1.0–2.5)
Wondo, Kofele 1659 16 1.0 0.7 (0.2–1.2)
West Harerge Anchar, Goba Koricha, Habro 1527 49 3.2 1.6 (1.0–2.5)
Chiro Zuria, Hawi Gudina, Mieso 1461 46 3.1 1.8 (1.1–2.3)
Doba, Burka Demtu, Mesela, Tulo 1455 29 2.0 1.0 (0.5–1.3)
West Shewa Adda Berga, Ejere (Addis Alem), Meta Robi 1555 28 1.8 1.0 (0.5–1.5)
Ambo Zuria, Jibat, Nono, Tikur Enchini, Toke Kutaye 1457 15 1.0 0.4 (0.2–0.7)
Bako Tibe, Cheliya, Ilu Gelan, Dano, Mida Kegn 1632 33 2.0 1.2 (0.7–1.8)
Dendi, Ifata, Jeldu 1653 10 0.6 0.4 (0.1–0.9)
West Wollega Ayra, Guliso, Jarso (West Wollega), Nejo 1689 12 0.7 0.4 (0.1–0.7)
Babo 1782 14 0.8 0.4 (0.1–0.7)
Begi 1795 21 1.2 1.0 (0.5–1.7)
Boji Chekorsa 1783 13 0.7 0.4 (0.2–0.8)
Boji Dirmeji 1801 15 0.8 0.6 (0.3–1.0)
Gaji 1642   4 0.2 0.1 (0.0–0.2)
Gimbi 1581 18 1.1 0.5 (0.3–0.9)
Gudetu Kondole 1750 27 1.5 1.3 (0.7–2.0)
Haru 1638 10 0.6 0.4 (0.1–0.8)
Homa, Yubdo 1554   9 0.6    0.2 (0–0.4)
Kiltu Kara, Mana Sibu 1582 18 1.1 1.1 (0.4–1.9)
Lalo Asabi 1677   9 0.5 0.2 (0.1–0.4)
Nole Kaba 1586   2 0.1 0.0 (0.0–0.1)
Sayo Nole 1510   4 0.3    0.2 (0–0.5)

CI, confidence interval.

Clustering of TF and trichiasis

Null models for both TF and trichiasis considering age and sex showed statistically significant clustering at EU, kebele (cluster) and household levels. For TF, the estimate for the standard deviation of the random effects intercept on the odds scale for between-EU clustering was 5.8 (standard error, SE, 1.16, p < 0.0001); for between-kebele clustering was 4.3 (SE 1.04, p < 0.0001); and for between-household clustering was 3.5 (SE 1.05, p < 0.0001). For trichiasis, the estimate for the standard deviation of the random effects intercept on the odds scale for between-EU clustering was 2.10 (SE 1.08, p < 0.0001); for between-kebele clustering was 2.05 (SE 1.07, p < 0.0001); and for between-household clustering was 1.94 (SE 1.19, p < 0.0001). For both TF and trichiasis, clustering was strongest at the EU level, but the model adjusting for clustering at both EU and kebele level was a better fit to the data (likelihood ratio test, p < 0.0001). All subsequent analyses using hierarchical regression models accounted for both the EU and kebele in which examined individuals resided.

TF risk factors

Full univariable results for the outcome TF in children aged 1–9 years are shown in Table 4. A multivariable analysis was performed to identify independent predictors for TF in this age group. Younger age, female sex, greater time to main source of washing water, household adults’ use of open defecation, and lower annual precipitation, were all independent predictors of TF. Living at higher altitudes was associated with decreased odds of TF in children. Full multivariable results are shown in Table 5.

Table 4. Multilevel univariable analysis of factors related to trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) in children aged 1–9 years, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

Variable n TF, % Univariable odds ratio (95% CI)a P-valueb
Age, years 1–4 17,092 28.6 2.36 (2.22–2.50) <0.0001
5–9 24,550 16.8              1
Sex Male 20,679 21.4
Female 20,963 21.8 1.05 (0.99–1.11) <0.0001
Children aged 1–9 years in household, n 1–3 36,822 22.6              1
≥4 4820 14.6 1.12 (0.99–1.25)   0.1473
Inhabitants in household, n 1–5 30,507 25.4              1
≥6 11,135 11.3 1.00 (0.91–1.11)   0.2879
Open defecation (no facilities, bush, or field) Yes 15,576 30.7 1.18 (1.09–1.27)
No 26,066 16.2              1
Drinking source surface waterc Yes 7733 24.0 1.00 (0.87–1.15)   0.7583
No 33,909 21.1              1
Time to main source of drinking water, minutesd <30 19,657 17.3              1
≥30 21,985 25.6 1.11 (1.01–1.22)   0.0391
Washing source surface waterc Yes 9081 22.7 0.99 (0.87–1.13)   0.1213
No 33,949 20.5              1
Time to main source of water used for face-washing, minutesd <30 20,176 17.3              1   0.014
≥30 21,436 25.7 1.14 (1.04–1.25)
All washing at source 30 6.7 2.30 (0.34–15.55)
Cluster-level geoclimatic
Altitudee, m above sea level <2500 37,034 21.5              1
≥2500 4,595 22.4 0.41 (0.33–0.50) <0.0001
Maximum temperature of warmest monthf, °C <25 5,606 25.8              1
≥25 36,036 21.0 2.05 (1.64–2.59)
Mean annual precipitationf, mm <1000 9,319 37.7 8.53 (6.89–10.57) <0.0001
1000–1499 16,308 22.0 3.18 (2.61–3.87)
≥1500 16,015 11.9             1

Multilevel univariable random effects regression accounting for clustering at evaluation unit and kebele (cluster) level.


Wald’s test.


River, dam, lake, canal.


Time for round-trip estimated by household head.


From GPS coordinates of household collected at time of survey.


From estimates of mean kebele (cluster) coordinates extracted from Bioclim rasters (

CI, confidence interval.

Table 5. Multilevel multivariable analysis of factors related to trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) in children aged 1–9 years, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

Variable Multivariable odds ratioa p-valueb
Age 1–4 years (reference 5–9 years) 2.36 <0.00001
Female sex 1.08   0.011
Open defecation (no facilities, bush, or field) 1.16 <0.0001
Time to main source of water used for face-washing, minutes <30 1.00   0.0391
≥30 1.12
All washing at source 2.43
Cluster-level geoclimatic
Altitudec, m above sea level ≥2500 0.44 <0.0001
Mean annual precipitationd, mm <1000 2.03   0.0022
1000–1499 1.59
≥1500 1.00

Multilevel multivariable random effects logistic regression accounting for clustering at evaluation unit and kebele (cluster) level.


Likelihood ratio test of inclusion/exclusion of variable in final model.


From GPS coordinates of households.


Mean kebele (cluster) coordinates extracted from Bioclim rasters (

Risk factors for trichiasis

Full univariable results for the outcome of trichiasis in those aged 15 years and older are shown in Table 6. A multivariable analysis was performed to identify independent predictors of trichiasis in this age group. Increasing age, female sex, living alone, living in a household in which adults practiced open defecation, lower altitudes, hottest maximum annual temperatures, and lower mean annual precipitation were associated with the presence of trichiasis. The full multivariable results are shown in Table 7.

Table 6. Multilevel univariable analysis of factors related to the presence of trichiasis in adults aged ≥15 years, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

Variable n Trichiasis, % Univariable odds ratio (95% CI)a P-valueb
Age, years 15–24 19,622 0.1                1 <0.0001
25–34 18,468 0.5   3.46 (2.20–5.30)
35–44 13,122 1.0   6.73 (4.40–10.20)
45–54 8204 2.1 14.34 (9.50–21.50)
55–64 4913 3.3 24.32 (16.10–36.00)
≥65 5152 4.8 37.90 (25.40–56.70)
Sex M 30,706 0.5                1 <0.0001
F 38,775 1.7   3.36 (2.82–4.00)
Children aged 1–9 years in household, n 0 32,110 1.5   1.89 (1.15–3.08) <0.0001
1–3 34,809 0.9   1.15 (0.70–1.87)
≥4 2562 0.7                1
Inhabitants in householdc, n 1 6643 2.6   2.59 (1.95–3.42) <0.0001
2–5 47,183 1.2   1.34 (1.06–1.68)
≥6 15,655 0.7                1
Open defecation (no facilities, bush, or field) Yes 22,722 1.7   1.45 (1.23–1.70) <0.0001
No 46,759 0.9                1
Drinking source surface waterd Yes 11,786 1.4   1.21 (0.97–1.49)   0.08
No 57,695 1.2                1
Time to main source of drinking water, minutese ≥30 35,285 1.3   1.00 (0.84–1.16)   0.931
<30 34,196 1.1                1
Washing source surface waterd Yes 13,892 1.3   1.14 (0.94–1.40)   0.1857
No 55,589 1.2                1
Time to main source of washing watere, minutes ≥30 34,367 1.3   2.14 (0.25–18.22)   0.7839
<30 35,054 1.1                1
All washing at source 60 1.7   1.00 (0.85–1.17)
Cluster-level geoclimatic
Altitudef, m above sea level <1500 8973 1.7                1 <0.0001
1500–2499 54073 1.2   0.86 (0.65–1.12)
≥2500 6419 0.7   0.34 (0.22–0.54)
Maximum temperature of warmest monthg, °C <25 7714 0.7                1 <0.0001
≥25 61767 1.3   2.35 (1.67–3.29)
Mean annual precipitationg, mm <1000 12409 2.2   2.92 (2.06–4.13) <0.0001
1000–1499 24357 1.3   1.83 (1.35–2.46)
≥1500 32715 0.7                1

Multilevel univariable random effects regression accounting for clustering at evaluation unit and kebele (cluster) level.


Wald’s test.


Presented as binary living alone/not living alone in the final model, but displayed in further categories here for illustrative purposes.


River, dam, lake, canal.


Time for round-trip estimated by household head.


From GPS coordinates of households collected at time of survey.


Mean kebele (cluster) coordinates extracted from Bioclim rasters (

CI, confidence interval.

Table 7. Multilevel multivariable analysis of factors related to the presence of trichiasis in adults aged ≥15 years, Global Trachoma Mapping Project, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012–2014.

Variable Multivariable odds ratioa p-valueb
Age, years 15–24   1.00 <0.0001
25–34   3.25
35–44   7.20
45–54 15.62
55–64 24.98
≥65 41.81
Female sex   3.96 <0.0001
Living alone   1.30 <0.0001
Open defecation (no facilities, bush, or field)   1.26   0.006
Cluster-level geoclimatic
Altitudec, m above sea level <1500   1.00 <0.0001
1500–2499   0.93
≥2500   0.50
Maximum temperature of warmest monthd, °C ≥25   1.89   0.0017
Mean annual precipitationd, mm <1000   2.55 <0.0001
1000–1499   2.06
≥1500   1.00

Multilevel multivariable random effects logistic regression accounting for clustering at evaluation unit and kebele (cluster) level.


p-value from Likelihood ratio test of inclusion/exclusion of variable in final model.


Estimate from GPS coordinates of household.


Determining the prevalences of TF and trichiasis is crucial before developing and implementing interventions for the elimination of trachoma. This survey compiled these essential baseline prevalence data for the whole of Oromia Region. EUs covering 218 out of 252 districts surveyed (87%) had TF prevalences in 1–9-year-old children ≥10%, warranting immediate implementation of the A, F and E components of SAFE, in accordance with WHO recommendations.4 EUs covering a further 14 woredas had a TF prevalence between 5.0 and 9.9%, and need a single round of antibiotic treatment, plus implementation of the F and E components of SAFE, before impact survey. Collectively, this is a huge undertaking and will require intricate coordination as well as significant funding if the blinding effects of trachoma are not to continue into the next generation in Oromia.

Younger children were at the highest risk of TF in this study. Most studies report a higher odds of TF in younger children.1417 This may be because of improved hygiene practices with age, or partial immunity conferring a decreased risk or duration of infection or inflammatory response.18 It is possible that the pre-school age group may provide a more focused and efficient target for impact surveys in providing evidence of a diminished prevalence of trachoma for elimination programs.

In adults, the odds of trichiasis was 3.96 times higher in women than in men. This finding is in agreement with the last Ethiopian National Survey on blindness, low vision and trachoma, and other studies in Ethiopia and elsewhere; females are disproportionately affected by trichiasis.1921 The reason for this is unclear, but may be related to increased contact with children in societies where women are the primary caregivers, or to a genetically determined propensity to a more intense immuno-inflammatory reaction to C. trachomatis infection. The strength of this association in Oromia is among the highest reported.20

In our study 37.4% of children lived in households that used open defecation, and these children were more likely to have TF than children living in a household with any form of latrine. Trachoma is commonly linked with low levels of sanitation.2224 The link between trachoma and sanitation may be direct through enhanced density of the Musca sorbens flies thought to mechanically transmit C. trachomatis from eye to eye, or may just be an indirect metric for social deprivation, with its associated lower economic and educational opportunities overall.

We found an association between TF and increased reported time to the household’s source of water used face for washing. Trachoma has been associated with poor access to water,25,26 but is also found in areas where water is not necessarily in short supply.2729 The volume of water used by a household has been shown to decrease markedly when the round-trip to source and back takes more than 30 minutes,30 but more distant access to water does not necessarily mean that less is used for any particular water-requiring activity. The interaction between trachoma and water access is likely to be complex, given this difference between water availability and water use, and any proposed water access interventions should clearly be paired with general health and facial hygiene education. We acknowledge that effective ways to encourage sustained behavior change, in both developing and developing countries, have so far been elusive.

We found that TF was associated with living in lower altitudes, and in drier areas. The distribution of trachoma has previously been associated with climatic and geographical factors, such as lower altitude,31,32 lower precipitation,33 and higher mean annual temperature.17,33 The cause of the relationship of these factors with trachoma is unclear, but it is likely that locations subjected to extremes of any environmental variable will be relatively sparsely populated, limiting transmission potential, and that the people who have the option to migrate from these areas would be relatively economically advantaged anyway. It is likely that these climatic associations will not be universal and will be limited to specific geographical areas. It has been suggested that these associations could be used in politically or geographically difficult environments for stratifying risk and targeting interventions,34 although more work is needed to determine when and how this type of focused approach could be used for elimination programs in stable environments.

The highly focal distribution of trachoma has been described previously.26,3537 In keeping with this, we found that both TF and TT were highly clustered at EU, kebele and household level. Of note, despite the overall prevalence of trachoma being exceedingly high throughout most of Oromia, a group of EUs in Kelem Wellega and West Wellega Zones in the western part of the region had relatively uniformly low prevalences, while closely neighboring EUs (in areas such as Horo Guduru and East Wellega Zones) had TF prevalences amongst the highest in Oromia. Further study is warranted to identify the underlying factors associated with such steep prevalence gradients.

Both active and potentially blinding trachoma are highly prevalent in Oromia, indicating that trachoma is a significant public health problem in at least 218 woredas of the region. The high prevalence of trichiasis among women deserves urgent and special attention and suggests that programs need to ensure that the major part of their trichiasis management approach is tailored to the needs of women. Programs need to also focus on creating open-defecation-free environments and on increasing access to water as part of trachoma elimination efforts. Further study is warranted to determine why the western part of Oromia has a relatively low prevalence of TF compared to the other parts of the region.


This study was principally funded by the Global Trachoma Mapping Project (GTMP) grant from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (ARIES: 203145) to Sightsavers, which led a consortium of non-governmental organizations and academic institutions to support ministries of health to complete baseline trachoma mapping worldwide. The GTMP was also funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the ENVISION project implemented by RTI International under cooperative agreement number AID-OAA-A-11-00048, and the END in Asia project implemented by FHI360 under cooperative agreement number OAA-A-10-00051. A committee established in March 2012 to examine issues surrounding completion of global trachoma mapping was initially funded by a grant from Pfizer to the International Trachoma Initiative. AWS was a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellow (098521) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. None of the funders had any role in project design, in project implementation or analysis or interpretation of data, in the decisions on where, how or when to publish in the peer-reviewed press, or in preparation of the manuscript.


Declaration of interest

The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at


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