Gene expression profiling (GEP), next-generation sequencing (NGS) and copy number variation (CNV) analysis have led to an increasingly detailed characterization of the genomic profiles of DLBCL. The aim of this study was to perform a fully integrated analysis of mutational, genomic, and expression profiles to refine DLBCL subtypes. A comparison of our model with two recently published integrative DLBCL classifiers was carried out, in order to best reflect the current state of genomic subtypes.
223 patients with de novo DLBCL from the prospective, multicenter and randomized LNH-03B LYSA clinical trials were included. GEP data was obtained using Affymetrix GeneChip arrays, mutational profiles were established by Lymphopanel NGS targeting 34 key genes, CNV analysis was obtained by array CGH, and FISH and IHC were performed. Unsupervised independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to GEP data and integrated analysis of multi-level molecular data associated with each component (gene signature) was performed.
ICA identified 38 components reflecting transcriptomic variability across our DLBCL cohort. Many of the components were closely related to well-known DLBCL features such as cell-of-origin, stromal and MYC signatures. A component linked to gain of 19q13 locus, among other genomic alterations, was significantly correlated with poor OS and PFS. Through this integrated analysis, a high degree of heterogeneity was highlighted among previously described DLBCL subtypes.
The results of this integrated analysis enable a global and multi-level view of DLBCL, as well as improve our understanding of DLBCL subgroups.
Keywords: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; Independent component analysis; Transcriptomic variability; Gene signatures, prognosis
1. Research in context
1.1. Evidence before this study
The current gold standard of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) subclassification is based on gene expression profiling (GEP) leading to three main molecular subtypes: Germinal Center B-cell like (GCB), Activated B-Cell like (ABC), and Primary Mediastinal B-cell Lymphoma (PMBL). However, the clinical relevance of these subtypes is currently under question, as multiple studies have noted their heterogeneity. Furthermore, several recent prospective clinical trials based on the GCB/non-GCB dichotomy for targeted therapy have published negative results, suggesting too reductive a classification.
1.2. Added value of this study
DLBCL as an entity is increasingly characterized on multiple molecular levels. This study is the first to use unsupervised independent component analysis applied to GEP data in order to define gene signatures which explain the variability among DLBCL patients. Furthermore, the thorough integrated analysis performed highlights the interplay between gene signatures and genomic alterations.
1.3. Implications of all the available evidence
We defined novel gene signatures which refine the understanding of DLBCL heterogeneity and highlight novel prognostic factors. Currently accepted subtypes were dissected using our unsupervised analysis in order to identify the molecular mechanisms behind their complexity. Comparative integrated analyses were performed in light of recent data in order to provide an up-to-date overview of DLBCL subtypes.
2. Introduction
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common form of adult lymphoma worldwide, accounting for 30–40% of newly diagnosed Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) [1]. Since 2000, gene expression profiling (GEP) has subdivided the DLBCL entity into three main subtypes: Germinal Center B-cell like (GCB), Activated B-Cell like (ABC), and Primary Mediastinal B-cell Lymphoma (PMBL) [2], [3], [4]. The biological pathways behind each subtype and their clinical significance are now fairly well established, but approximately 20% of DLBCL patients remain unclassified according to this stratification, revealing further complexity that remains to be elucidated.
Standard DLBCL therapy remains rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (R-CHOP) chemotherapy [5], [6], [7]. However, recent studies have shown that the ABC/GCB dichotomy does not always translate to clinical relevance in the R-CHOP era, suggesting the need to more clearly refine these subtypes [8], [9], [10]. Furthermore, as targeted therapies become increasingly widespread, it is essential to thoroughly characterize each molecular subtype, irrespective of GCB/non-GCB subtype, in order to tailor each patient's optimal treatment [11].
In recent years, multiple studies have focused on single alteration type platforms, such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) to characterize DLBCL mutational profiles [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18] or array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) to detail DLBCL copy number variations (CNVs) [19], [20]. Even more recently, several studies have presented multi-platform results on DLBCL cohorts, in an attempt to deliver an integrated analysis of DLBCL genomic profiles [21], [22], [23].
In this study, we used independent component analysis (ICA) [24] applied to GEP and correlated NGS, aCGH, FISH and immunohistochemistry (IHC) data to perform a fully integrated analysis of mutational, genomic, and expression profiles of DLBCL. The resulting multi-level view of DLBCL enables a refined subclassification of this disease, novel prognostic characteristics, and should improve our understanding of DLBCL as a whole.
3. Materials and methods
3.1. Patients
The patient cohort has been previously described [15] and clinical trial results have been published. Briefly, 223 adult patients with de novo CD20+ DLBCL enrolled in the prospective and multicenter LNH-03B LYSA trials with available frozen tumor samples, centralized histopathologic review, and adequate DNA/RNA quality were selected (Supplementary Methods). The study was performed with approval of an institutional review board and written informed consent was obtained from all participants at the time of enrollment.
3.2. Gene expression data
Gene expression data was available for all 223 patients (GEO GSE87371). Samples were analyzed with HGU133+2.0 Affymetrix GeneChip arrays (Affymetrix). The chips were scanned with an Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000 and subsequent images were analyzed using Gene ChipⓇ Operating Software (GCOS) 1.4. Raw feature normalization and quality check were handled using Bioconductor software (affy, affyQCReport, GCRMA). One probeset per gene was selected using JetSet annotations. COO signature was established as previously described [15]. Of note, PMBL in this study are GEP-defined PMBL, whose signatures were established using hierarchical clustering (complete distance, Ward agglomeration) of a previously published gene signature [4], excluding TCL1A and E2F2 that could not be reliably measured on U133+2.0 arrays.
3.3. Independent component analysis
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a blind source separation method that has been shown to be particularly sensitive for identifying latent processes that underlie coordinated expression changes in transcriptome datasets [24], [25], [26]. While principal component analysis identifies components that best recapitulate the variance of the data under the constraint of orthogonality between the components, ICA performs a similar decomposition but constraining on statistical independence of the components instead. The result of the ICA decomposition of the gene expression matrix is a set of components which are characterized by the individual weights each component assigns to each gene and by the scores of the components in each of the samples. We applied the fastICA algorithm to GEP data (Supplementary methods) to extract a total of 38 independent components (Suppl Fig 1): 6 were eliminated due to probable batch effect. Each of the components was characterized by a score reflecting the activity of the latent process in the samples and by their “leading genes” (genes associated with the most significant weights for that component).
3.4. NGS data
The Lymphopanel was designed to identify mutations in 34 genes important for lymphomagenesis, as detailed previously [15], [27], [28]. NGS data was available for 213 patients.
Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM) Sequencing and PGM data analysis were performed as described previously, using an in-house generated bioinformatics pipeline [15], [27], [28].
3.5. Copy number variations
Copy Number Variations (CNVs) were identified performing Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) on 190 patients after whole-genome amplification, using Agilent SurePrint G3 4 × 180 K microarrays. Briefly, arrays were scanned with Agilent Feature Extraction and processed with cghRA [29]. Recurring CNVs were identified running GISTIC [30] version 2.0.22 (Supplementary Methods). Raw data is available via GEO (GSE136962); processed data with full annotations is available in Supplementary Methods and Suppl Tables 1, 2 and 3.
3.6. FISH data
FISH analysis was performed on 3 µm TMA tissue sections using break-apart FISH DNA probes for BCL2/18q21, and BCL6/3q27 (probes Y5407, and Y5408; Dako A/S) as previously described [31]. For cMYC/8q24, two different MYC break-apart FISH DNA probes were used: MYC FISH DNA probe Split Signal (Y5410, Dako A/S) and Vysis LSI MYC dual color, BA rearrangement probe (Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, IL), as previously described [32].
3.7. Immunohistochemistry
Immunohistochemistry was performed on 3 µm tissue sections for CD10, BCL6, MUM1, BCL2, MYC, FOXP1 and IgM as described previously [33], [34]. The Hans algorithm was applied using standard cutoff levels of 30% for CD10, BCL6 and MUM1. BCL2 and MYC overexpression thresholds were respectively set at 50% and 40%, in accordance with previous publications [35]. IgM staining was considered positive when tumor cells significantly expressed this isotype, with a threshold set at 10% [34].
3.8. Integrative genetic classification
Both NMF consensus clustering, according to the method used by Chapuy and colleagues [21] and genClass clustering, according to the algorithm proposed by Schmitz and colleagues [22], were applied to our cohort with adjustments made to account for our data and cohort size (supplementary methods).
3.9. Survival analyses
All statistical analyses were performed using R software version 3.3.3. Progression-free survival (PFS) was evaluated from the date of random assignment to the date of disease progression, relapse, or death from any cause. Overall survival (OS) was evaluated from the date of enrollment to the date of death from any cause.
4. Results
4.1. Biological interpretation of components
The biological role of each component was interpreted by analyzing the overlap between components’ leading genes and SignatureDB and MSigDB [36], [37], [38], [39] database genesets (Suppl Figure 2, Suppl Tables 4 and 5).
32 batch-effect-free components were identified, of which 28 showed significant results in geneset over-representation analyses. Many of these were closely related to well-known DLBCL features such as cell-of-origin, stromal and MYC signatures (highlighted in Table 1).
Table 1.
Biological interpretation of components.
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ICA components of interest are highlighted in this table, along with a selection of most significant geneset associations, used to extrapolate a biological interpretation of each component. Significant mutation, CNV, IHC and FISH associations are shown for each component when applicable (blue text for positive association, red text for negative association).
Component 2 is highly affiliated with monocyte/macrophage activity: leading genes include CD33 and CD68. Components 3 and 11 are both associated with the Stromal-1 geneset [40] but only have two leading genes in common (CETP and PMEPA1), suggesting differences between both components. Component 7 overlaps significantly with the Stromal-2 geneset [40]. Components 4, 5 and 9 are linked to proliferation, with components 4 and 9 being more specifically associated with MYC and BCL6 signatures respectively. Component 6 is linked to T-cell development and activity: leading genes include IL21 and ZAP70, which play an essential role in the regulation of the adaptive immune response by regulating T-cell activation. Components 8 and 15 are respectively enriched in GCB and ABC DLBCL signatures, while components 10 and 17 are highly linked to interferon and PMBL. Finally, certain components were enriched in specific cytogenetic locations, such as components 12 (18q21) and 23 (19q13).
4.2. Association of components with genomic alterations and immunohistochemistry
NGS, aCGH, FISH and IHC data were analyzed in order to establish correlations between components and mutations (Fig. 1, Suppl Fig 3a/Table 6), rearrangements (Fig. 1, Suppl Fig 3b/Table 7), protein expression levels (Fig. 1, Suppl Fig 3c/Table 8), and CNVs (Fig. 2 and Suppl Table 9). Notable significant associations are highlighted in Table 1. Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment was applied to each of the analyses to account for multiple testing; for associations between components and CNVs, a custom permutation procedure was used to control False Discovery Rate (Suppl Methods).
Fig. 1.
Component expression associations with mutations, FISH and IHC.
Density plots are used in each cell. The X axis represents component expression level and the Y axis represents patient distribution (gaussian kernel density estimate). Red and blue respectively indicate the distribution of patients negative or positive for mutation, FISH or IHC as noted in cell title. Grey areas correspond to the overlap between the two distributions. Only plots where ICA expression is highly significantly different between positive and negative patients are shown here (Mann-Whitney, FDR<0.01). Significance of the difference is furthermore described by stars in the top right corner of each cell : ** for FDR < 0.01, *** for FDR < 0.001, **** for FDR < 0.0001, ***** for FDR < 0.00001. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 2.
Graphic representation of component and chromosomal alteration associations.
Chromosomes 1 to 22 are represented along with their cytogenetic bands. Proportions of the series presenting copy gain (blue) or loss (red) are presented as histograms around the chromosome ideogram. Significant associations of chromosomal regions with component expression levels are shown underneath each chromosome: yellow indicates positive associations and black indicates negative associations, with correlation intensity being depicted by variation in color intensity. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
High component 4 and 5 (proliferation) expression scores were associated with CD79B and MYD88 mutations. Furthermore, component 4 was linked to 9p21 deletion, covering the CDKN2A/B/ANRIL locus of known tumor suppressor genes. MYC IHC expression was also positively correlated with component 4, consistent with geneset enrichment results.
Component 6 (T-cell lineage) was negatively correlated with CD79B and MYD88 mutations. It was also linked to a small deletion on 14q11, hosting TCR loci, reflecting the TCR rearrangements of the T lymphocytes present in the tumor micro-environment.
As expected, components 8 and 15 (associated with GCB and ABC respectively) presented GCB and ABC mutational landscapes respectively [15]. Component 8 was correlated with REL amplification (2p16) and with BCL2 rearrangement. Following the Hans algorithm [41], component 8 was positively correlated with BCL6 and CD10 expression and negatively correlated with MUM1 expression, whereas component 15 was negatively correlated with CD10 expression. Furthermore, FOXP1 was highly expressed in the ABC gene signature, and its IHC expression was negatively correlated with components 8 and 10 (GCB and PMBL). IgM was negatively correlated with component 8: this was expected, as GCB DLBCL typically switch to an IgG BCR, preferentially inducing plasma cell differentiation, while ABC DLBCL mostly express an IgM BCR [42].
Components 10 (interferon-related) and 17 (PMBL-related) share numerous positive correlations with mutations, including XPO1; furthermore, component 17 is linked to an even more complete PMBL mutational profile, including STAT6 and SOCS1 mutations [15], [43]. Component 17 was linked to 9p24 amplification, including PDCD1LG2 coding for PD-1-Ligand. Interestingly, GEP-defined PMBL with high interferon component expression scores, and therefore high PDL1 expression, also presented low T-cell component expression, in keeping with the negative regulation of T lymphocytes by PDL1 during the immune response (Suppl Figure 4).
Of note, high component 23 (19q13) expression score was positively associated with poor prognosis CD79B and MYD88 mutations and negatively associated with favorable prognosis B2M, CD58 and TNFRSF14 mutations [44], [45], [46]. Other poor-prognosis factors associated with component 23 included 9p21 deletion as well as FOXP1 and IgM expression, which might suggest preferential induction of NF-kB activation and other pro-survival pathways in this component.
4.3. Clinical data
A range of clinical traits were analyzed for correlations with the identified components (Suppl Table 10). IPI was negatively correlated with components 3 and 11 (Stromal1-like), as well as components 17 (PMBL) and 6 (T-cell). Age greater than 60 years was positively correlated with components 4 and 5 (proliferation and MYC/proliferation) as well as component 23 (19q13). Mediastinal localization was positively correlated with components 10 and 17 (PMBL-related) as well as component 3 (stromal1-like).
Association of component scores with survival was assessed first using a continuous Cox model adjusting the p-value for the number of components tested using Benjamini-Hochberg procedure and was then illustrated by grouping patients into component score tertiles. High component 11 (stromal1-like) scores were associated with better PFS and OS, both in patients treated by Rituximab-containing chemotherapy (R-chemo) and in patients treated specifically by R-CHOP, corroborating previous findings [40] (Fig. 3a). Component 23 (19q13) expression score was found to be correlated with poor OS and PFS in patients treated with either R-chemo or R-CHOP regimens (Fig. 3b). Component 8 (GCB) expression score was also correlated with significantly better PFS in R-chemo treated patients; however, this prognostic impact was not observed for OS or in other treatment subgroups (Suppl Fig 5).
Fig. 3.
Components with significant prognostic impact.
Fig. 3a.Positive prognostic impact of component 11. Fig. 3b.Poor prognostic impact of component 23. Survival analyses were performed according to treatment regimen: R-chemo includes all patients with Rituximab regardless of associated chemotherapy, R-CHOP includes patients with R-CHOP and R-CHOP like regimens (R-miniCHOP), R-ACVBP includes patients with R-ACVBP treatment. Patients were grouped into tertiles relative to component expression levels (low, intermediate and high). Progression-free survival analyses are shown in the upper panels; overall survival analyses are shown in the lower panels. FDR of continuous Cox model applied to R-CHEMO is shown. P-value is calculated for high tertile vs low tertile with hazard ratio (HR) indicated.
We used Lenz and colleagues’ cohort [40] as a validation cohort and were able to reproduce the positive survival impact of high component 11 (Suppl Fig 6a) and component 8 (Suppl Fig 6b) expression scores. We also used Affymetrix gene expression data available for part of Chapuy and colleagues’ cohort [21] and were able to reproduce the negative prognostic impact of high component 23 (Suppl Fig 7e/f) and the positive prognostic impact of high component 11 (Suppl Fig 7c/d) scores, but not the survival impact of component 8 (Suppl Fig 7a/b) expression score. Finally, we also used RNAseq data available for part of Schmitz and colleagues’ cohort [22] and were able to reproduce the positive prognostic impact of high component 8 (Suppl Fig 8a/b) and 11 (Suppl Fig 8c/d) expression scores, but not the survival impact of component 23 (Suppl Fig 8e/f).
4.4. Comparative analysis of integrated classifiers
Two recently published papers have also attempted integrated analyses of DLBCL cohorts in order to propose distinct genetic classifications of this disease [21], [22]. We applied both a semi-supervised methodology using the GenClass algorithm [22] (Fig. 4) and unsupervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) consensus clustering to our data [21] (Fig. 5, Supplementary Methods). Figure 6 offers an overview of the heterogeneity explained by both of these integrated analyses as well as their relationship to ICA-defined components in our cohort. To monitor the impact of missing values, we also reproduced these analyses on the 173 patients with fully available data on the three main molecular levels (GEP, NGS and CNV): neither genClass algorithm (Suppl Figure 9a) nor NMF clustering (Suppl Figure 9b) showed any major difference compared to the analysis on 223 patients.
Fig. 4.
Application of genClass Algorithm to Cohort.
Patients are distributed in columns and are grouped according to the genClass classification, cell of origin (COO) and NMF classification. Black squares highlight MCD, BN2, N1, EZB and STS clusters. Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) and Structural Variants (SV) selected by the genClass algorithm are displayed in rows (one row per gene). The total number of each alteration is shown in the right-hand panel. “.” indicates event types which are disregarded by the algorithm. Gray cell background highlights the availability of CGH or FISH data for the considered patient, only for genes (rows) where it is relevant. For SV, “Wild-type” and “NA” columns correspond respectively to patients wild-type for the chromosomal aberration in question or without SV data.
Fig. 5.
Application of NMF algorithm to cohort.
Patients are distributed in columns and are grouped according to the NMF classification, cell of origin (COO) and genClass classification. Black squares highlight clusters A (CA), B (CB), C (CC) and D (CD). Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) and Structural Variants (SV) selected by the NMF algorithm are displayed in rows (one row per event). The total number of each alteration is shown in the right-hand panel. “.” indicates event types which are disregarded by the algorithm. Gray cell background highlights the availability of CGH or FISH data for the considered patient, only for genes (rows) where it is relevant. For SV, “Wild-type” and “NA” columns correspond respectively to patients wild-type for the chromosomal aberration in question or without SV data.
Regarding genClass algorithm, the described pre-defined clusters (NOTCH1-mutated N1 subtype, CD79B- and MYD88 L265P-mutated MCD subtype, NOTCH2-mutated or BCL6-translocated BN2 subtype, and EZH2-mutated or BCL2-translocated EZB subtype) were assembled. Of note, MYC translocations, not available in the original paper, were associated with EZB subtype. 47.5% of our cohort was genetically classified into one of these four subtypes, similar to the original results (46.6%). A fifth subtype was added, termed STS for STAT6 or SOCS1 mutations, to account for the presence of GEP-defined PMBL in our cohort (Fig. 4). 11.7% of our cohort was classified into the STS subtype, leading to a total of 59% of our cohort classified into one of these five subtypes. CD274 (PDL1) gain was associated with STS subtype.
The expression scores of ICA-defined components were evaluated among the five defined subtypes (Fig. 6). Interestingly, components 4 (MYC/proliferation) and 23 (19q13) were significantly overexpressed among MCD subtype patients, component 8 (GCB) was significantly overexpressed among EZB subtype patients, and components 10 and 17 (Interferon/PMBL) were significantly overexpressed among STS subtype patients.
Fig. 6.
Relationship between genClass, NMF, COO and ICA classifications.
Heatmap illustrating the interplay between genClass clusters (BN2, EZB, MCD, N1, STS and other), NMF clusters (CA, CB, CC, CD, CU), COO (ABC, GC, PMBL, other) and ICA-defined component expression level. Percentages within each cell of the heatmap indicate the proportion of patients within the cluster indicated in row that also belong to the cluster described in column. For example, 90% of the 30 EZB patients are clustered within NMF cluster CA while the remaining 10% belong to CC.
Percentages on top of each classification-related column indicate the proportion of patients within each group considering the whole-cohort. For example, COO defines 38% of the cohort as ABC, 38% as GC, 8% as PMBL and 15% as “other”. Cell background highlights imbalances between these proportions, which would be expected in the absence of correlation, and the observed proportions (enrichments in red, depletions in blue). Color intensity varies according to the significance of a Fisher test (refer to the graphical legend at the bottom of the figure).
Cell colors in the ICA panel vary in a similar fashion: a red background indicates a higher ICA score in the considered group as compared to the rest of the patients, while a blue background indicates a lower ICA score. Color intensity varies according to the significance of a Mann-Whitney test, with the same legend described at the bottom of the figure. ICAs are ordered from the highest number of significant correlations (on the left) to the fewest (on the right), with their numeric ID printed at the top of the column.
Corresponding p-values and FDR are presented in Suppl Table 8. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
In the unsupervised NMF approach (Fig. 5), gene mutations and copy number alterations were considered as distinct input features, with the copy number features defined as recurrently altered focal regions or chromosome arms. The optimal number of clusters in our cohort was determined to be 4 (termed CA, CB, CC and CD), in addition to a CU cluster (3 samples for whom no molecular alterations were detected for any of the considered features).
CA patients were overwhelmingly of GCB subtype and exhibited classic GCB alterations, such as BCL2 and MYC translocations (including several double-hit DLBCL patients), and EZH2, CREBBP and KMT2D mutations. Accordingly, most CA patients were of the EZB genClass subtype. Of note, in this unsupervised approach, NOTCH2 mutations were not associated with this cluster.
CB DLBCLs were almost exclusively of ABC COO and either MCD or BN2 genClass subtype. Many characteristic ABC mutations were defining features of cluster CB. NFkB pathway alterations including MYD88L265P, CD79B, PIM1, CARD11, and PRDM1 mutations were common among CB patients. BCL6 translocations were over-represented in CB, accounting for BN2 subtype representation among CB. Deletions of tumor suppressor locus 9p21 were also an identifying feature of CB DLBCL.
CC DLBCLs were split between GCB and ABC subtype patients. They seem mostly characterized by multiple CNVs, with TP53 mutations being the only mutations significantly more prevalent among CC than other clusters, suggesting that this cluster is dependent on genetic instability. 17p deletion, including TP53, is also a defining feature of CC, further supporting this hypothesis. Given the pre-defined nature of genClass clusters, most CC DLBCLs did not belong to a specific GenClass subtype.
Cluster D included the vast majority of GEP-defined PMBL patients, who were therefore predominantly of the STS genClass subtype. STAT6 and SOCS1 mutations, but also B2M, TNFAIP3, CIITA, and XPO1 mutations were significantly more common among CD DLBCLs. Both focal 9p24 amplification, including CD274, and full 9p chromosome arm gain were also predominant CD features.
The survival impacts shown in Chapuy and Schmitz's papers were not reproduced within our cohort [21], [22].
4.5. Integrated analyses providing explanations for DLBCL subgroup heterogeneity
One of the goals of this integrated analysis was to better delineate DLBCL subtypes. GEP-defined PMBL seemed to be a relatively homogeneous group in our analyses. On the other hand, unclassified or “other” DLBCL seemed more difficult to characterize: GenClass and NMF analyses showed that “other” DLBCL are strongly represented among the BN2 genClass subtype and among NMF clusters linked to GCB (CA) and PMBL (CD). Interestingly, ICA was able to highlight that “other” DLBCL express component 6 (T-cell, p = 2.8e-4) and component 7 (stromal 2, p = 1.17e-3) significantly more strongly than GCB, ABC or PMBL patients (Fig. 6, Suppl Table 11). These data suggest a particularly strong involvement of T lymphocytes within “other” DLBCL, which might explain their inability to fit into the ABC/GCB GEP dichotomy and go against a specific B-cell oncogenic pathway linked to “other” DLBCL. Cibersort analysis [47] showed that component 6 was indeed more highly expressed among samples with higher total estimated T cell fraction (Suppl Figure 10; Pearson rho=0.75, p = 1.4e-41) and that “other” DLBCL contained a higher total estimated T cell fraction as compared to ABC, GCB and PMBL patients (Suppl Figure 10).
We also identified variability among the GCB subtype, with heterogeneity observed with respect to their expression of components related to MYC and proliferation (components 4 and 5) and to T lymphocytes (component 6). Indeed, this revealed GCB patients with a proliferation-high/T lymphocyte-low profile and GCB patients with the opposite phenotype (Suppl Figure 11). The identification of GCB patients with a more aggressive phenotype might explain the presence of GCB COO patients among the poorer outcome BN2 subtype (Fig. 6).
5. Discussion
In this study, we provide a novel multi-platform classification of DLBCL among a large, prospective cohort with thorough clinical data. ICA proved to be an effective unsupervised approach for the analysis of DLBCL GEP and we were able to detect associations between the identified components and genomic, protein, and clinical data.
Using the current ABC/GCB dichotomy, attempts at subtype-directed treatment have not yet shown efficacy in terms of prognosis, suggesting that the current DLBCL subclassification is insufficient for treatment decision-making [8], [48], [49]. Recent examples include the Phoenix study, which did not show a significant impact of adding ibrutinib to R-CHOP in ABC subtype [9], the REMoDL-B trial, which found no survival impact of adding bortezomib to R-CHOP including in ABC subtype patients specifically [10], and the CAVALLI trial, which identified the addition of venetoclax to R-CHOP as beneficial in BCL2 IHC positive patients, but with no impact of COO [11].
Our integrated analysis has shown that there is a much higher heterogeneity than previously suspected among ABC, GCB and “other” subtypes, as highlighted in Fig. 6, perhaps explain in part the negative results of such recent clinical trials. A large proportion of GCB patients present the classical GCB/EZB/CA phenotype, but a non-negligible sub-population are of a more aggressive BN2 phenotype with higher proliferation/MYC component expression scores. ABC patients are mostly CB but are split between BN2, MCD and N1 genClass clusters, suggesting biological heterogeneity and therefore prognostic variability [22]. “Other” DLBCL strongly express T-cell component and are distributed in a fairly balanced way among NMF clusters; however, they are over-represented in BN2 genClass subtype, suggesting that their defining alterations have yet to be identified. GEP-defined PMBL patients were voluntarily kept in this study as they were part of initial DLBCL clinical trial cohorts and their presence helped to better define this particular subgroup of DLBCL patients according to their genomic characteristics. Finally, genetic instability seems to be an important factor as it defined an entire cluster both in our study (CC) and in Chapuy's (c2). Furthermore, CC patients were mostly unclassified using genClass-defined seed classes, suggesting that genetic instability is an often unrecognized factor in DLBCL subclassification.
Many components had biological roles defined by their overlap with geneset databases, without significant associations with either NGS, CNV or FISH/IHC data. Of note, our Lymphopanel was selected based on existing literature data. Although this method did not enable novel mutation detection, it showcased that our study was able to produce dependable results with only 34 genes analyzed for mutations, more easily reproducible in a routine clinical setting than whole-exome sequencing. Of particular interest, all recent integrative analyses of DLCBL highlighted the importance of CNV data: several ICA-identified components were defined exclusively by chromosomal hotspots and cluster 2 as defined by Chapuy depends almost entirely on chromosomal alterations. Monti previously identified the negative prognostic impact of complex CNV phenotypes, even increasing prognostic accuracy compared to IPI [19]. This indicates the importance of taking into account multiple molecular levels when defining DLBCL subgroups, not only GEP.
Our study also highlighted prognostic indicators in component 11 and 23 expression scores. Component 11 was determined to be strongly similar to the Stromal-1 gene signature defined by Lenz [40] and its positive prognostic impact was confirmed there, as well as in Schmitz et al's cohort [22]. Furthermore, our study suggests that component 23 expression highlights an all-around poor prognosis phenotype, whose negative impact on PFS and OS was confirmed in Chapuy et al's cohort [21]. In terms of CNV it is associated with gain of 19q13, which is represented in R/R phenotype [43] and has previously been shown to be linked to poor EFS at 24 months [50]; component 23 is also linked to both CD79B and MYD88 mutations, associated with poor-prognosis ABC; in terms of IHC, it is associated with FOXP1, BCL2 and IgM expression. Finally, component 23 was shown to be over-expressed in the MCD subgroup. 19q13 gain/amplification has previously been shown to be specific to ABC DLBCL, notably encompassing SPIB, which has been described as an oncogene essential for ABC DLBCL cell line survival [19], [20], but this is the first study showing that a gene expression signature associated with 19q13 gain, among other alterations, is linked to poor OS and PFS among a prospective cohort. Furthermore, SPIB was not among the leading genes of component 23, indicating that its prognostic impact is independent of this previously described oncogene.
On the other hand, we did not reproduce significant survival differences in the subtypes identified using GenClass and NMF clustering, unlike the results published by Schmitz and Chapuy respectively [21], [22]. This might be due to variability among cohort subpopulation distribution (voluntary enrichment in ABC and unclassified patients in Schmitz's paper), overfitting or the lack of a uniform treatment regimen among our cohort, leading to smaller survival analysis subgroups.
One of the main goals of integrated analyses is to attempt to better pinpoint which groups of patients would benefit from targeted therapies. Of great interest today are immune checkpoint inhibitors, including PDL1/PD1 blockade. It is crucial to best define targetable patients, as despite the potential of PDL1/PD1 blockade in this disease, certain patients only experience a short-lived response before relapsing [51]. In this study, we identified a subpopulation of PMBL patients specifically showing high interferon component and low T-cell component expression scores that might be interesting candidates for PD1 blockade treatment, already approved by the FDA in PMBL.
In conclusion, we have provided a multi-level integrated analysis of DLBCL, using an innovative unsupervised approach applied to a prospective cohort. This yielded novel results as compared to the two other currently published integrated analyses of DLBCL. Further studies are needed to validate the components identified herein, as well as their multi-level molecular profiles. Such studies are crucial for tomorrow's precision medicine era as we advance toward treatment decisions based on combinations of alterations rather than single variants. Integrated analyses such as ours provide the framework for refining DLBCL subtypes and potentially improving patient outcome.
Author contributions
SD designed the study; analyzed and interpreted data; wrote the paper
BT designed ICA bio-informatics pipeline; collected, analyzed and interpreted data
SM designed aCGH bio-informatics pipeline; analyzed and interpreted data; designed figures
P-JV designed NGS bio-informatics pipeline; collected and analyzed data
EB collected, analyzed and interpreted data
PR collected, analyzed and interpreted data
PE collected and analyzed data
PP collected data
CC-B collected and analyzed data
BF collected and analyzed data
TP collected and analyzed data
J-PJ designed gene expression data analysis; collected and analyzed data
CH collected and analyzed data
GS designed the study
TJM collected and analyzed data
KL collected and analyzed data
HT designed and supervised the study
FJ designed and supervised the study
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest relevant to this study. Dr. Haioun reports personal fees from Amgen, personal fees from Roche, personal fees from Celgene, personal fees from Janssen, personal fees from Gilead, personal fees from Takeda, outside the submitted work; Dr. Salles reports personal fees from Amgen, personal fees from BMS, personal fees from Abbvie, personal fees from Janssen, personal fees from Merck, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Gilead / Kite, personal fees from Epizyme, personal fees from Pfizer, personal fees from Celgene, personal fees from Roche, personal fees from Takeda, personal fees from Autolus, personal fees from MorphoSys, personal fees from ACERTA, personal fees from Servier, outside the submitted work; Dr. Molina reports personal fees from Merck, personal fees from Celgene, personal fees from Novartis, outside the submitted work; Dr. Leroy reports personal fees and non-financial support from Bristol Myers Squibb, personal fees and non-financial support from Roche, personal fees and non-financial support from Astra-Zeneca, personal fees and non-financial support from Nanostring, personal fees from MSD, outside the submitted work; Dr. Jardin reports personal fees from Gilead, grants and personal fees from Roche, personal fees from Janssen, personal fees from Servier, grants and personal fees from Celgene, outside the submitted work.
We warmly thank Céline Villenet (Université Lille 2) for her technical work in producing aCGH data.
Funding Sources
INCA (Institut National du Cancer) funded this study but had no role in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the paper for publication.
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.09.034.
Appendix. Supplementary materials
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