Figure 2.
Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination of the relative composition of the 18 coral taxa found in the middle Holocene reef framework (a, b). (a) Site scores of intervals in the cores, with colors representing subregion of the FKRT. In (b), the colors of site scores are faded so that trends in the data can be more clearly displayed. Colored ellipses representing 95% CIs around the weighted average of site scores for each subregion. The names of the 10 most abundant taxa are plotted at the weighted average of their species scores. To simplify the plot, an extreme outlier from the Lower Keys (NMDS1 = −3.86) was not displayed. (c) Average relative composition (%) of the 10 most abundant coral taxa in the five main subregions of the FKRT during the middle Holocene. Taxa with relative abundances < 1% throughout the FKRT were combined into the “other taxa” category. Genera are Orbicella, Acropora, Pseudodiploria, Diploria, Colpophyllia, Montastraea, Porites, Siderastrea.