a, Known cell-type marker gene expression for each cell-type. b, Expression of known cell-type marker genes in each cluster (left) and fraction of cells in each cluster expressing each marker gene (right). Vertical blue line represents a scale bar referencing 0.5. c, over-representation analysis (hypergeometric test) within each of the pre-cluster marker sets (rows) of genes identified as markers in Lake et al. 2018 (n=1729 total genes, columns, left) and genes identified as markers of cortical layers in He et al. 2017 (n=3400 total genes, columns, right). d, fraction of cells of each type isolated across all (n=48, left), no-pathology (n=24, center), and AD-pathology (n=24, right) individuals. e, fraction of cells of each type isolated from each individual (n=48, columns).