回顾性分析2016年1月~2017年12月于南方医院肝脏中心就诊的17 721例CHB患者的影像学资料及相关临床资料,与同期在南方医院健康管理中心行常规体检的21629例普通人群进行比较分析。
与普通人群相比,CHB患者的肝囊肿、肝血管瘤、肝硬化结节发病率更高,局灶性结节性增生的发病率更低(分别为11.8% vs 8.7%、8.2% vs 1.6%、20.6% vs 2.4%、0.006% vs 0.042%,均P < 0.05),肝细胞腺瘤的发病率无统计学差异(P>0.05)。肝囊肿和肝硬化结节的发病率随年龄增长而升高,其中男性发病率高于女性(P < 0.001);肝血管瘤的发病率在30~49岁患者中最高,无性别差异(P>0.05)。肝脏良性占位的超声表现多为内部回声均匀,边界清晰,形态规则:肝血管瘤常为高回声(83.32%,1579/1895),与小肝癌相比,它的四周与内部血流信号较少,固有动脉流速更低,门静脉流速更高;肝硬化结节多为强、弱混合回声(79.60%,7637/9595),结节内部和周边无血流信号,当其体积增大,伴内部回声发生不均匀改变时,提示恶变概率升高;肝囊肿常表现为内部无回声,后方回声增强。
Keywords: 肝脏良性占位, 慢性乙型病毒性肝炎, 发病率
To analyze the incidence and risk factors of benign liver space-occupying mass in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and the ultrasound features that differentiate these masses from small hepatocellular carcinoma.
We retrospectively analyzed the color Doppler and clinical data of 17 721 patients with CHB treated in the Hepatology Unit of Nanfang Hospital between January, 2016 and December, 2017. The data were compared with those of 21629 healthy control subjects undergoing routine physical examination in the Center of Heath Management of Nanfang Hospital during the same period.
Compared with the control subjects, the patients with CHB had significantly higher incidences of hepatic cysts (11.8% vs 8.7%, P < 0.05), hepatic hemangioma (8.2% vs 1.6%, P < 0.05) and hepatic cirrhosis nodules (20.6% vs 2.4%, P < 0.05). The incidences of hepatic cysts and cirrhosis nodules increased with age and was significantly higher in male than in female patients (P < 0.001). The highest incidence of hepatic hemangioma was found in CHB patients aged 30-49 years without a gender difference (P>0.05). Sonographically, the benign liver masses commonly showed homogeneous echo within the lesion with clear boundaries and regular shape. Hepatic hemangioma was distinctively hyperechoic in 83.32% (1579/1895) of the patients, while small hepatocellular carcinoma presented with weaker peripheral and internal blood flow signals with a lower flow velocity in the arteries and a higher flow velocity in the portal vein. Liver cirrhosis nodules mostly showed a mixture of strong and weak echoes (79.60%; 7637/9595) without blood flow signal within or around the nodule; an increased volume of the nodule accompanied by heterogeneous echoes within the nodule indicated an increased probability of malignant lesion. Hepatic cysts often displayed no echo within the lesion, but the echo could be enhanced posteriorly.
The patients with CHB are at a significantly higher risk of developing hepatic cysts, hepatic hemangiomas and hepatic cirrhosis nodules than the control population, and an older age and the male gender are associated with a higher incidence of hepatic cysts or cirrhosis. The differences in the sonographic and hemodynamic features can help to differentiate hepatic benign mass from malignant lesions, and kinetic changes in sonography can be used to monitor potential malignant transformation of the cirrhotic lesions.
Keywords: benign liver mass, chronic hepatitis B, incidence
采用常规筛查技术早期检出肝脏良恶性占位,进行鉴别后开展早期治疗是临床上亟待解决的问题[1]。随着慢性肝脏病发病率的升高和超声影像学水平的提高,肝脏占位性病变的检出率明显增加[2],肝细胞癌(HCC)的发病率也在升高[3-4]。国内外研究报道,肝脏良性占位中,肝血管瘤、肝囊肿和肝硬化结节较为常见,在普通人群中的发生率为4%~20%[5-6],局灶性结节性增生(FNH)和肝细胞腺瘤(HCA)仅为0.001%~0.03%[7]。我们在临床实践中感到,慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者的肝脏良性占位性病变发病率较其他人群高,但迄今未见相关的大样本临床调查分析。而在众多肝脏占位中识别出良性占位性病变,并将其与肝脏恶性肿瘤,例如HCC进行鉴别,及时发现某些特殊的良性占位,例如肝硬化结节的恶性改变趋势,对于提高CHB患者的生存率和生活质量意义重大。本研究回顾性调查、比较、分析了17 721例CHB患者和21 629例普通人群的超声影像学和临床资料,对肝脏良性占位性病变的发病率,及其与乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染、年龄、性别的关系进行分析,总结了良恶性肝脏占位的超声影像学特征和鉴别特点,具有重要的临床实用价值。现报道如下。
1. 资料和方法
1.1. 研究对象与分组
研究组选取2016年1月~2017年12月于南方医院肝脏中心行肝胆彩色多普勒超声(以下简称“彩超”)检查的CHB患者17721例,男性13 468例,女性4253例;对照组选取同时期于南方医院健康管理中心行常规体检的普通人群21 629例,男性13 497例,女性8132例。
1.2. 诊断依据及排除标准
1.3. 统计学方法
应用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计学分析,计量资料以均数±标准差表示,满足正态分布与方差齐性的采用t检验,不满足的采用校正t检验。计数资料的比较分析采用卡方检验和Fisher确切概率法[14],所有检验为双侧检验,检验水准为α=0.05。
2. 结果
2.1. 研究对象的一般情况
CHB患者17 721例,年龄1~85岁,平均(39.44± 11.20)岁,以男性为主,占76.0%,普通体检人群21 629例,年龄为5~85岁,平均(41.95 ± 13.32)岁,男性占62.4%。两组研究对象的年龄无统计学差异P>0.05),性别存在统计学差异(χ2=835.057,P < 0.001)。
2.2. CHB患者和普通人群肝脏良性占位的发病率
CHB患者的肝囊肿、肝血管瘤、肝硬化结节发病率比普通人群高(表 1),差异具有统计学意义(均P < 0.001),FNH发病率低于普通人群(P < 0.05),HCA发病率在两组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。总体上看,CHB患者肝脏良性占位性病变的发病率为40.7%(7206/17 721),明显高于普通人群的12.5%(2712/21 629)。
Incidence of benign space-occupying mass in the liver in patients with CHB and the control subjects
Lesion | CHB (n=17 721) | General population (n=21 629) | χ2 | P |
*Fisher's exact test was used if the theoretical frequency was less than 5. | ||||
Benign occupation of the liver | 7206 (40.6%) | 2712 (12.5%) | 4087.026 | 0.000 |
Hepatic cyst | 2098 (11.8%) | 1872 (8.7%) | 108.861 | 0.000 |
Hepatic hemangioma | 1457 (8.2%) | 349 (1.6%) | 971.386 | 0.000 |
Liver cirrhosis nodule | 3649 (20.6%) | 524 (2.4%) | 3391.647 | 0.000 |
Focal nodular hyperplasia | 1 (0.006%) | 9 (0.042%) | - | 0.028* |
Hepatocellular adenoma | 1 (0.006%) | 0(0) | - | 0.450* |
2.3. CHB患者肝脏良性占位的特点分析
2.3.1. CHB患者中肝脏良性占位性病变的构成
在17 721例CHB患者中,有7206例发生肝脏良性占位性病变,其中肝囊肿2098例,肝血管瘤1457例,肝硬化结节3649例,FNH 1例,HCA 1例。
2.3.2. 肝脏良性占位的年龄、性别特点
将CHB患者按每10岁进行年龄分层,随着年龄的增长,肝囊肿和肝硬化结节的发病率逐渐升高,且均表现为男性高于女性(分别12.5% vs 9.2%,22.6% vs 14.2%,均P < 0.001),肝血管瘤则呈现先升后降的趋势,30~49岁年龄段发病率最高(9.5%[1037/10 961]),男、女性发病率之间无统计学差异(表 2、3、图 1)。为排除肝血管瘤发病率的性别表现是由于各年龄层人数分布不均所造成,将肝血管瘤患者按照年龄分层发现,30~39岁年龄段的573例肝血管瘤患者中,男性的发病率高于女性(χ2=10.718,P=0.001,表 3)。FNH与HCA病例数分别仅1例,故未对其进行分析。
Incidence of benign liver space-occupying mass in patients with CHB at different ages
Age group (year) | Hepatic cyst (n=2098) | Hepatic hemangioma (n=1457) | Liver cirrhosis nodule (n=3649) |
< 20 | 0.04% (1/250) | 1.6% (4/1457) | 2.0% (5/250) |
20~ | 1.9% (63/3263) | 6.7% (217/3263) | 4.6% (150/3263) |
30~ | 8.7% (519/5959) | 9.6% (573/5959) | 13.3% (794/5959) |
40~ | 15.9% (795/5002) | 9.3% (464/5002) | 32.2% (1310/5002) |
50~ | 19.5% (439/2251) | 6.6% (148/2251) | 39.9% (898/2251) |
> 60 | 28.2% (281/996) | 5.1% (21/996) | 49.7% (492/996) |
χ2 | 855.455 | 68.707 | 1181.38 |
P | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Incidence of benign liver space-occupying mass male and femal patients with CHB
Gender | Hepatic cyst | Hepatic hemangioma | Liver cirrhosis nodule | Hepatic hemangioma (30〜39 year old) |
Male | 12.5% (1687/13468) | 8.0% (1081/13468) | 22.6% (3049/13468) | 7.1% (421/5959) |
Female | 9.7% (411/4253) | 8.6% (367/4253) | 14.2% (600/4253) | 2.6% (152/5959) |
χ2 | 25.370 | 1.565 | 143.871 | 10.718 |
P | 0.000 | 0.211 | 0.000 | 0.001 |
Changes in incidence of benign liver space-occupying mass with age in patients with CHB
2.4. 肝脏良性占位病变的彩超特征
2098例肝囊肿病例共检出3377个病灶,1984个位于肝右叶,1393个位于左叶,最小者直径为2 mm×2 mm,最大者为67 mm×55 mm,均表现为无回声区,伴后壁增强效应,边界清晰,形态规则。
1457例肝血管瘤病例共检出1895个病灶,1650个位于肝右叶,245个位于左叶,最小者直径为2 mm×1 mm,最大者为67 mm×48 mm,1579个表现为强回声(83.32%,1579/1895),226个为低回声(11.19%,226/1895),90个为混合回声(8.65%,90/1895),边界清楚,形态规则。彩超显示周边和内部未见血流信号者1429个(75.41%,1429/1895),点状、条块状血流信号者466个(24.59%,466/1895),固有动脉最小流速≤30 cm/s,最大流速≤ 75 cm/s,门静脉流速≥10 cm/s。
肝硬化结节9595个,最小者直径为4 mm×3 mm,最大者为49 mm × 42 mm,表现为强回声者380个(3.96%,380/9595),低回声者1372个(14.30%,1372/ 9595),等回声者144个(1.50%,144/9595),混合回声者7637个(79.60%,7637/9595),其中,31个呈现不均质回声(0.32%,31/9595),其余皆表现为内部回声均匀。彩超显示周边和内部未见血流信号者8753个(91.22%,8753/9595)。
肝血管瘤、肝囊肿、肝硬化结节,以及较少见的FNH、HCA的典型二维超声和彩超图像分别见图 2、3。
B model ultrasound and color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) of hemangioma, hepatic cyst and cirrhotic nodules. A, B: Hepatic hemangioma shows homogeneous echo inside the lesion with clear boundary and regular shape with blood pool in the B mode ultrasound imaging, while presented with hyperechoic, stripy peripheral and internal blood flow signals in CDFI; C, D: Hepatic hemangioma is hypoechoic with stripy blood flow signals surrounding the lesion in CDFI; E, F: A liver cirrhosis nodules is hypoechoic with relatively homogeneous echo, clear boundary and regular shape without blood flow signal inside or around the nodule in CDFI; G, H: Hepatic cysts display no echo or blood signal inside the lesion, but the echo can be enhanced posteriorly
B mode ultrasound and CDFI images of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) and hepatocellular adenoma (HCA). A, B: FNH shows homogeneous echo inside the lesion with clear boundaries, a regular shape, and stripy internal blood flow signal in CDFI; C, D: HCA shows a regular shape with strong but uneven echoes and blood flow signal within the lesion in CDFI
3. 讨论
我国每年HCC的新发病例数和病死率在恶性肿瘤中居前三位,华南尤其突出[3-4, 15]。早期诊断和及时治疗HCC,特别是小肝癌(SHCC),对提高患者生存率和生活质量有重要意义[16]。腹部超声因具有简单、经济、直观、快捷、无创、无辐射的综合优势,被广泛应用于HCC的早期筛查[17-18]。近年来随着CHB门诊随访的规范化和超声影像学的进步,我们在临床中观察到肝脏占位性病变的检出率明显增高,以良性者居多。然而,对中国人肝脏良性占位性病变的发病率未见文献报道。部分肝脏良性占位性病变,如肝硬化结节具有恶性转化为HCC的风险;肝血管瘤因与SHCC同样具有丰富的血供,易造成后者的漏诊、误诊。因此,识别肝脏占位性病变的性质,对于肝癌的早期诊断、早期治疗至关重要。我们对肝脏良性占位性病变的发病率与慢性乙型肝炎、性别、年龄的关系进行了分析,并归纳它们的超声影像学特征,以期为临床提供大样本的肝脏良性占位发病率的数据,为通过超声影像学鉴别其与恶性占位提供依据。
任彦瑜,在读硕士研究生,E-mail: yanyuren822@163.com
Funding Statement
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81772923)
Contributor Information
任 彦瑜 (Yanyu REN), Email: yanyuren822@163.com.
周 元平 (Yuanping ZHOU), Email: ypzhou@smu.edu.cn.
戴 琳 (Lin DAI Lin), Email: daill6@163.com.
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