Probabilistic atlases of neuroanatomy are more representative of population anatomy than single brain atlases. They allow anatomical labeling of the results of group studies in stereotaxic space, automated anatomical labeling of individual brain imaging datasets, and the statistical assessment of normal ranges for structure volumes and extents. No such manually constructed atlas is currently available for the frequently studied group of young adults. We studied 20 normal subjects (10 women, median age 31 years) with high‐resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning. Images were nonuniformity corrected and reoriented along both the anterior‐posterior commissure (AC–PC) line horizontally and the midsagittal plane sagittally. Building on our previous work, we have expanded and refined existing algorithms for the subdivision of MRI datasets into anatomical structures. The resulting algorithm is presented in the Appendix. Forty‐nine structures were interactively defined as three‐dimensional volumes‐of‐interest (VOIs). The resulting 20 individual atlases were spatially transformed (normalized) into standard stereotaxic space, using SPM99 software and the MNI/ICBM 152 template. We evaluated volume data for all structures both in native space and after spatial normalization, and used the normalized superimposed atlases to create a maximum probability map in stereotaxic space, which retains quantitative information regarding inter‐subject variability. Its potential applications range from the automatic labeling of new scans to the detection of anatomical abnormalities in patients. Further data can be extracted from the atlas for the detailed analysis of individual structures. Hum. Brain Mapping 19:224–247,2003. ©2003 Wiley‐Liss,Inc.
Keywords: brain mapping; methods; neuroanatomy; atlases; image processing, computer‐assisted; anatomy, cross‐sectional
Functional imaging parameters need to be interpreted with reference to structural imaging data [Duncan and Fish, 1998]. For single subjects, correspondence between structure and function can be obtained through coregistration of functional imaging data with high‐resolution structural imaging, typically magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There are various coregistration methods available, all of which achieve sub‐voxel accuracy [see Ashburner and Friston, 1997; Kiebel et al., 1997; Maes et al., 1997; Studholme et al., 1997; van den Elsen et al., 1993; Woods et al., 1993].
For group studies, this approach is only possible on a subject‐by‐subject basis, which generally requires time‐consuming and observer‐dependent region‐of‐interest analyses, or the use of regions defined by an atlas/template [Hammers et al., 2002]. For group studies using voxel‐based analysis techniques, individual datasets are generally spatially transformed to a common frame of reference, a template in stereotaxic space, and statistical tests are applied to these spatially transformed images. Ascribing an anatomical localization to differences thus found between groups is difficult [Mazziotta et al., 1995], as any given single brain used for visualization may not be representative of the average anatomy.
Traditional neuroanatomy emphasized systems and their three‐dimensional relationships [Lorente de Nó, 1934; Nieuwenhuys et al., 1988; Ramón y Cajal, 1929; Vesalius, 1543]. With the advent of positron emission tomography (PET), computed X‐ray tomography (CT), and MRI, the emphasis has shifted to spatial relationships in the three orthogonal planes, which makes correct labeling of structures noticeably more difficult than when they are viewed three‐dimensionally during dissection. Several printed atlases displaying two‐dimensional neuroanatomy have been published to aid in correct labeling [for example, Duvernoy, 1991; Jackson and Duncan, 1996; Mai et al., 1997; Roberts and Hanaway, 1970; Schaltenbrand and Wahren, 1977; Talairach et al., 1967; Talairach and Tournoux, 1988]. Currently used template coordinates continue to be translated back, with debatable accuracy, into “Talairach coordinates” (online at http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/Imaging/mnispace.html) [Duncan et al., 2000]. This printed atlas, together with most others, and many earlier digital atlases [e.g., Adair et al., 1981; Bajcsy et al., 1983; Bohm et al., 1983; Dann et al., 1989; Evans et al., 1988, 1991; Gee et al., 1993; Greitz et al., 1991; Hammers et al., 2002; Miller et al., 1993; Rizzo et al., 1997; Sandor and Leahy, 1997; Seitz et al., 1990; Van Essen and Drury, 1997] share the disadvantage that they are derived from very few brains, typically one, or even, as in the case of the Talairach atlas, from a single hemisphere. Hemispheric asymmetries [Free et al., 2001; Geschwind and Galaburda, 1985; Good et al., 2001; Watkins et al., 2001] are not accounted for when only single hemispheres are used. A wide range of neuroanatomical variation, particularly in phylogenetically or ontogenetically younger structures, is well recognized in primates [Stephan et al., 1988] and will not be taken into account by atlases derived from few brains.
The recognition of these limitations has led to the development of templates derived from multiple, typically MRI, datasets [Evans et al., 1992, 1994] that are used principally for spatial transformation purposes. Due to averaging, they do not resolve cortical features well enough to enable exact anatomical labeling, despite sometimes being called atlases. Related labeled probabilistic maps based on larger numbers of subjects have been developed, but due to the amount of work involved in manual delineation, only automated extraction methods were used [Collins et al., 1999].
Recently, gyral pattern matching methods have been developed [Fischl et al., 1999; Thompson et al., 1997, 2001]. They resolve previously manually outlined gross cortical features well, even after averaging of many subjects. An atlas of cortical variability has thus been constructed from MRI data from 20 elderly controls [Thompson et al., 2001] in whom sulci are more easily resolved. This surface‐based method does not, however, lend itself to volumetric studies of neuroanatomical structures or the investigation of subcortical structures. No corresponding variability data exists for younger healthy controls.
A further rationale for the development of a probabilistic or frequency‐based, label‐based atlas of neuroanatomy is to allow the statistical assessment of normal ranges for both structure volumes and spatial extents in native and stereotaxic space, to define a normal range against which patient groups may be compared.
The aims of this study were (1) to create a maximum probability map in stereotaxic space, and (2) to assess the descriptive volumetric statistics of the anatomical structures, both in native and in stereotaxic space.
We studied 20 healthy volunteers from the database at the National Society for Epilepsy's MRI Unit. They had no neurological, medical, or psychiatric condition and normal MRI studies as determined by two experienced neuroradiologists. There were 10 women (median age 30.5 years, mean ± SD 31.6 ± 9.9 years) and 10 men (median age 30.5 years, mean ± SD 31.5 ± 9.5 years). Ethical approval was obtained from the Joint Medical Ethics Committee of the Institute of Neurology and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College London, Queen Square, and all subjects had given written informed consent.
MRI acquisition
MRI scans were obtained on the 1.5 Tesla GE Signa Echospeed scanner at the National Society for Epilepsy. A coronal T1 weighted 3D volume was acquired using an inversion recovery prepared fast spoiled gradient recall sequence (GE), TE/TR/NEX 4.2 msec (fat and water in phase)/15.5 msec/1, time of inversion (TI) 450 msec, flip angle 20°, to obtain 124 slices of 1.5 mm thickness with a field of view of 18 × 24 cm with a 192 × 256 matrix. This covers the whole brain with voxel sizes of 0.9375 × 0.9375 × 1.5 mm. Nonuniformity correction was performed using a published method (N3) [Sled et al., 1998]. The images were then re‐orientated with the horizontal line defined by the anterior and posterior commissures (AC–PC orientation) and the sagittal planes parallel to the midline as in previous studies [Moran et al., 1999; Sisodiya et al., 2001]. Images were resliced to create isotropic voxels of 0. 9375 × 0. 9375 × 0. 9375 mm3, using windowed sinc interpolation in order to preserve the native resolution. MRI datasets were segmented into gray matter, white matter, and CSF using a fully automatic algorithm (Exbrain) [Lemieux et al., 2003; Lemieux et al., 1999].
Creation of the refined and expanded (final) algorithm for anatomical subdivision
We have previously created a single brain atlas for which a delineation protocol for 39 structures had been developed and tested on five different datasets with voxel sizes of 2 × 2 × 2 mm3 [Hammers et al., 2002]. This delineation algorithm has been expanded to include more structures. It has also been refined to take advantage of the smaller voxel sizes in this study, allowing for more precise anatomical delineation, and improving the definition of some structures. In the creation of the algorithm, we built on our previous work [Hammers et al., 2002; Niemann et al., 2000a] and standard atlases and textbooks of neuroanatomy [e.g., [Duvernoy, 1998, 1999; Jackson and Duncan, 1996; Kahle, 1986; Mai et al., 1997; Nieuwenhuys et al., 1988]. The list of all 49 structures and the delineation algorithm can be found in the Appendix.
Anatomical subdivision of the datasets
We used Sun Ultra 10 workstations (Sun Microsystems, Mountain View, CA) and Analyze AVW 3.1 [Robb and Hanson, 1991] for the creation of volumes of interest. The region‐of‐interest‐module of the Analyze software allows definition of the borders of structures using a manually controlled cursor. We determined the optimum viewing intensity settings (level and width) for each MRI scan, chosen to be comparable among datasets, prior to any region definition, and noted them. They were subsequently applied every time a given MRI was analyzed. The CSF partition of the segmented MRIs was called up as a related volume to assist in the delineation of the ventricles. Oblique slices, i.e., parallel to the inferior surface of the temporal lobe, were used where appropriate to assist in the delineation of the sulci of the inferior temporal surface. All delineation was performed in native space, i.e., before spatial transformation into stereotaxic space. All 49 structures were delineated by one investigator (R.A.) on each MRI in turn before the next structure was commenced. After a given structure had been delineated on all 20 MRIs on both the left and right, the structures were reviewed to ensure that there had been no evolution in the interpretation of the protocol. In addition, a separate neuroanatomically trained operator (A.H.) evaluated each structure to ensure that consensus was reached in all difficult cases. Several general rules applied. For example, when a narrow sulcus was used as a boundary between adjacent structures, this common boundary was drawn along the midline of the sulcus to avoid systematic bias that would favor the apparent volume of the second structure delineated. Where sulci that were more than one voxel wide were used as common boundaries, however, each structure was individually defined up to the pia mater adjoining the sulcus. In delineating larger areas of neocortex, sulci that did not form boundaries were not followed into their depths, where they were generally less than one voxel wide.
Normalization of the individual atlases into stereotaxic space
The anatomical subdivision of the MRI datasets as described above yielded 20 separate atlases of neuroanatomy in native space, each containing 49 volumes of interest. Within each atlas, each voxel occurring within a volume of interest has a numerical label between 1 and 49, whereas non‐brain voxels have a label of zero. The corresponding MRI volumes were spatially normalized to a widely used T1 weighted MRI template in stereotaxic space, the Montreal Neurological Institute/International Consortium for Brain Mapping (MNI/ICBM) 152 standard, as contained in the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM99) package (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, UK, online at http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm). This template preserves cerebral asymmetries [Evans et al., 1994]. Normalization was performed using the spatial processing routines contained within SPM99, implemented in Matlab version 5 (Mathworks Inc, Sherborn, MA) [Ashburner and Friston, 1997, 1999]. First, an affine linear transformation with 12 parameters (translation, rotation, scaling, and shear in each dimension) is performed. This is followed by nonlinear steps utilizing basis functions to accommodate interindividual differences on a smaller scale. The widely used default settings [Ashburner and Friston, 1999; Meyer et al., 1999] of 7 × 8 × 7 basis functions (representing x, y, and z dimensions in a three‐dimensional coordinate system where x increases from left to right, y from posterior to anterior, and z from inferior to superior) and 12 iterations were chosen for our study. The spatial transformation module allows for the determination of the necessary warping steps from one image and their application to another one, which is in register. As the T1 weighted MRIs from which the individual atlases are derived are known, this can be exploited to transform the individual anatomical atlases. The normalized images were resampled with isotropic voxel sizes of 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 in a matrix of x/y/z dimensions of 182/218/182 voxels. We used nearest neighbor interpolation to preserve unequivocal allocation of a given voxel to one VOI.
Preliminary statistical analysis
Structure volumes were extracted both in native and in stereotaxic space using Analyze AVW 3.1 [Robb and Hanson, 1991] The influence of sex on structure volumes was assessed using Student's t‐tests, and the relationship between structure volumes, and age with Pearson's correlation coefficient. For comparison with previous studies, right–left differences were computed and their significance assessed using paired t‐tests. Asymmetries of the frontal and occipital petalia were assessed by performing area measurements for the frontal lobe halfway between its most anterior extent and the most anterior slice containing the genu of the corpus callosum crossing the midline, and for the occipital lobe 10 slices (9.375 mm) anterior to its most posterior extent. As an example for stereotaxic coordinates for two structures in one direction of extension, we compared the maximum extents for the frontal lobe in anterior direction and occipital lobe in posterior direction. Descriptive statistics were calculated using Analyze AVW 3.1 and a standard statistical package (SPSS; SPSS, Chicago, IL). A P value of <0.05 was considered significant, without correction for multiple comparisons.
Creation of the maximum probability map in stereotaxic space
The probability of a particular voxel in stereotaxic space being occupied by a structure of interest can be ascertained by assessing the frequency of that structure residing at that voxel across the 20 datasets. Each structure delineated is identified by a unique assigned intensity, for example, the right hippocampus was assigned an intensity of one in all datasets, the left, two. Partial probabilities were avoided as we labeled the entire brain volume (see Fig. 1). We, therefore, computed the mode for each of the voxels of the normalized individual atlases, revealing the most frequently encountered object at each site and thereby creating a maximum probability map. Where two or more structures occurred with the same frequency at a given voxel, this voxel was randomly assigned one of the corresponding labels (see Discussion).
To obtain a visual impression of the improvement through inclusion of more datasets, four maximum probability maps were created, based on 5, 10, 15, and all 20 datasets, respectively.
The final delineation algorithm was successfully applied in all subjects without any alteration.
Structure volumes
The results (mean, SD), coefficient of variation (CV; defined as SD/mean) for all structures and the sum of all structures in native space as well as the corresponding values in stereotaxic space are shown in Table I. As expected, the variation of the total volume of all structures decreases markedly after spatial normalization (CV from 11 to 2%), whereas the effect of spatial normalization on the spread of the volumes of the structures is far less marked with an average CV of 18% in native space and 14% in stereotaxic space.
Table I.
Area | Region | Original data | Spatially normalized data | ||||
Mean (mm3) | SD | CV | Mean (mm3) | SD | CV | ||
Temporal lobe | L amygdala | 1638 | 300 | 0.18 | 2572 | 441 | 0.17 |
R amygdala | 1494 | 185 | 0.12 | 2347 | 328 | 0.14 | |
L ant lateral TL | 8055 | 1369 | 0.17 | 11660 | 1567 | 0.13 | |
R ant lateral TL | 8134 | 1597 | 0.20 | 11385 | 2149 | 0.19 | |
L ant medial TL | 7148 | 1113 | 0.16 | 10579 | 1499 | 0.14 | |
R ant medial TL | 7465 | 1343 | 0.18 | 10735 | 1912 | 0.18 | |
L fusiform gyrus | 5165 | 1207 | 0.23 | 8412 | 1454 | 0.17 | |
R fusiform gyrus | 4821 | 940 | 0.20 | 7967 | 1563 | 0.20 | |
L hippocampus | 1996 | 297 | 0.15 | 3109 | 347 | 0.11 | |
R hippocampus | 2251 | 364 | 0.16 | 3467 | 391 | 0.11 | |
L med + inf temp gyrus | 17522 | 3106 | 0.18 | 27424 | 3312 | 0.12 | |
R med + inf temp gyrus | 18726 | 3391 | 0.18 | 28989 | 3041 | 0.10 | |
L PH + ambient gyrus | 4971 | 738 | 0.15 | 7711 | 766 | 0.10 | |
R PH + ambient gyrus | 4775 | 761 | 0.16 | 7440 | 1019 | 0.14 | |
L posterior TL | 59820 | 12959 | 0.22 | 85891 | 14055 | 0.16 | |
R posterior TL | 60697 | 12559 | 0.21 | 88651 | 14472 | 0.16 | |
L superior temp gyrus | 13078 | 2288 | 0.17 | 18909 | 2265 | 0.12 | |
R superior temp gyrus | 13783 | 2178 | 0.16 | 19642 | 1912 | 0.10 | |
Insula | L insula | 14663 | 1857 | 0.13 | 20630 | 1193 | 0.06 |
R insula | 14574 | 2059 | 0.14 | 20296 | 1258 | 0.06 | |
Frontal lobe | L ant cingulate gyrus | 8426 | 1648 | 0.20 | 12731 | 3148 | 0.25 |
R ant cingulate gyrus | 8464 | 2008 | 0.24 | 12356 | 3055 | 0.25 | |
L frontal lobe | 194371 | 24429 | 0.13 | 285793 | 6915 | 0.02 | |
R frontal lobe | 195140 | 25355 | 0.13 | 289244 | 9222 | 0.03 | |
Parietal lobe | L parietal lobe | 126247 | 18613 | 0.15 | 183545 | 16148 | 0.09 |
R parietal lobe | 123500 | 17575 | 0.14 | 181217 | 11205 | 0.06 | |
L post cingulate gyrus | 8155 | 1332 | 0.16 | 11416 | 1308 | 0.11 | |
R post cingulate gyrus | 7927 | 1510 | 0.19 | 11293 | 2245 | 0.20 | |
Occipital lobe | L occipital lobe | 51710 | 8343 | 0.16 | 75443 | 11536 | 0.15 |
R occipital lobe | 53839 | 9911 | 0.18 | 77786 | 13122 | 0.17 | |
Posterior fossa | L cerebellum | 70259 | 6751 | 0.10 | 101327 | 4381 | 0.04 |
R cerebellum | 70860 | 7301 | 0.10 | 104407 | 4075 | 0.04 | |
Brainstem | 24835 | 2906 | 0.12 | 34852 | 1806 | 0.05 | |
Central structures | L accumbent nucleus | 363 | 97 | 0.27 | 506 | 123 | 0.24 |
R accumbent nucleus | 326 | 100 | 0.31 | 479 | 124 | 0.26 | |
L caudate nucleus | 4499 | 596 | 0.13 | 6571 | 957 | 0.15 | |
R caudate nucleus | 4473 | 605 | 0.14 | 6606 | 1075 | 0.16 | |
L pallidum | 1285 | 160 | 0.12 | 1784 | 205 | 0.11 | |
R pallidum | 1431 | 304 | 0.21 | 1995 | 343 | 0.17 | |
L putamen | 4421 | 567 | 0.13 | 6110 | 743 | 0.12 | |
R putamen | 4456 | 546 | 0.12 | 6295 | 635 | 0.10 | |
L thalamus | 7784 | 870 | 0.11 | 11167 | 882 | 0.08 | |
R thalamus | 7420 | 812 | 0.11 | 10517 | 1109 | 0.11 | |
Corpus callosum | 21646 | 2983 | 0.14 | 30887 | 3907 | 0.13 | |
Ventricles | Body of L lat ventricle | 7893 | 2411 | 0.31 | 11303 | 2333 | 0.21 |
Body of R lat ventricle | 7206 | 2880 | 0.40 | 10133 | 2376 | 0.23 | |
L temporal horn | 559 | 150 | 0.27 | 896 | 198 | 0.22 | |
R temporal horn | 643 | 128 | 0.20 | 1018 | 166 | 0.16 | |
Third ventricle | 1034 | 306 | 0.30 | 1462 | 366 | 0.25 | |
Total regional volume | 1289861 | 147973 | 0.11 | 1886954 | 37986 | 0.02 |
SD, standard deviation; R, right; L, left; CV, coefficient of variation (SD/Mean); ant, anterior; post, posterior; sup, superior; inf, inferior; med, medial; lat, lateral; TL, temporal lobe; PH, parahippocampal.
Maximum probability maps in stereotaxic space
There were 37,900 occurrences of multiple modes while calculating the mode for all voxels, compared with a total of 1.9 million brain voxels contained within the normalized regions (2%).
The presentation of the atlas itself is necessarily in the form of a series of representative images. The four maximum probability maps constructed using 5, 10, 15, and all 20 datasets, respectively, are shown in Figure 1. The smoothness of the boundaries, indicating the precision of the boundary estimate, increases markedly from the first map (five datasets) to the second map (10 datasets) and moderately from the second to the third map (15 datasets), while the improvement from the third to the final map (20 datasets) is subtle. Figure 1 also shows that easily defined, relatively constant features of human neuroanatomy such as the contours of the brain or the central sulcus appear smooth after inclusion of relatively few datasets, whereas boundaries of structures that are more difficult to define such as the lateral occipital‐parietal border only become smooth after inclusion of all 20 datasets. Figure 2 shows a three‐dimensional rendering of the maximum probability atlas revealing some of the internal detail, for example, the sylvian aqueduct or the suprachiasmatic recessus of the third ventricle.
Figure 2.
Labeled three‐dimensional rendering of the maximum probability atlas revealing some of the internal detail.
Examples of more detailed analysis
The measured brain structures were an average of 16% larger in men. This difference was significant in 28/44 gray/white matter regions and 4/5 ventricular regions. There was no significant correlation with age in any of the 49 regions. Significant right–left differences were found in 7/23 paired structures (excluding the unpaired structures brainstem, corpus callosum and third ventricle). The following structures were bigger than their contralateral counterparts: right hippocampus (13%), left amygdala (9%), right superior temporal gyrus (5%), right middle and inferior temporal gyrus (7%), left thalamus (5%), left pallidum (11%), and right temporal horn (15%).
Investigation of the petalia as described in Materials and Methods showed significant side‐to‐side differences. Right sided frontal petalia were an average of 4% bigger than their left counterparts, and 13/20 subjects showed this side difference, while the left occipital petalia was bigger than the right by an average of 16%, and this side difference was present in 15/20 subjects.
There were no average differences in the maximum anterior extent of the right and left frontal lobes. The left occipital lobe extended an average of 0.7 mm further posterior than the right; this difference was not significant.
We present the first fully manually constructed, label‐based maximum probability atlas of the human brain, designed for the younger adult age group that is frequently studied in functional neuroimaging studies.
Algorithm and anatomical subdivision
The major drawback of any manual labeling method is the strain it puts on human resources. At the resolution used in this study, it took one operator around 30 h to segment a single MRI dataset. We, therefore, restricted ourselves to the 49 structures presented here. This report introduces the concept of the construction of a maximum probability map and focuses on the temporal lobe, reflecting our interest in epilepsy. The current lack of further lobar subdivisions of the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes is a limitation, particularly where anatomical subdivisions correlate with functional specialization. Work to extend the concept presented here to the other principle lobes can build on more detailed anatomical subdivisions presented in earlier reports by other groups [e.g., Chiavaras et al., 2001; Crespo‐Facorro et al., 2000; Kennedy et al., 1998; Tomaioulo et al., 1999].
The current version of the atlas combines gray and associated white matter for most cortical areas. Automated software to segment T1 weighted MRI images is readily available [e.g,. Ashburner and Friston, 1997; Lemieux, 2001; Lemieux et al., 1999], and this information can be used to create pure gray matter, white matter, or CSF versions of the atlas if required.
Non‐automatic methods are subject to bias. There is currently no other way, however, to reliably incorporate expert knowledge into the definition of anatomical structures. We have tried to limit subjectivity as far as possible: To avoid bias through different orientations of raw data, in addition to careful acquisition, we used rigid body reorientation prior to delineation. We created a detailed, written protocol to which we consistently adhered. Publication of protocols is essential [Bergin et al., 1994] as it allows the comparison of other investigators' results; differences in boundary definition can be assessed and quantified. To avoid bias through different intensity settings, the optimum viewing intensity was applied every time a given MRI was analyzed. We measured each structure in turn and reviewed it after completion of all 20 datasets, to ensure there had been no evolution in the interpretation of the protocol. Difficult structures to define were noted and a consensus reached between the two main investigators (R.A., A.H.). Segmented images and oblique slices were used where appropriate to ensure optimum reproducibility.
We have not performed formal intra‐rater and inter‐rater reliability studies. We were, however, able to compare the volumetric results obtained for hippocampus, amygdale, and temporal horn with results obtained with the same protocol in a previous study [Niemann et al., 2000a]. The volumes for these structures obtained in the current study corresponded well, with the hippocampi being an average of 5.9% and the amygdalae an average of 4.4% larger. This volume increase (and corresponding 15% volume decrease of the temporal horns) reflects the smaller voxel size used in the current study, which minimizes partial volume effects and permits better delineation of the margins of a volume. Accordingly, the right–left asymmetry of the hippocampus and the temporal horns were replicated.
Normalization of individual atlases into stereotaxic space
Both the choice of the stereotaxic frame of reference and the choice of software and settings used for the spatial transformations have a direct influence on the results obtained. The MNI152 template was chosen as it is deemed to be representative of normal anatomy through the use of 152 MRI datasets in its construction and preserves asymmetry [Evans et al., 1994]. The MNI templates are known to be larger than the Talairach hemisphere (online at http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/Imaging/mnispace.html) [Ashburner et al., 1997]. Our data quantifies this difference for 20 healthy controls. The total regional volume was 46% bigger, which, assuming equal differences in each direction, corresponds to an average 13.5% increase in each dimension (Table I). For comparison, another group found the linear zooms for affine transformations of 51 normal brains to a single subject MRI dataset brought into MNI/ICBM space to be 1.10 in mediolateral direction, 1.05 in anteroposterior direction, and 1.17 in dorsoventral direction [Ashburner et al., 1997].
For the spatial transformations, we chose SPM99, using the widely used default settings and optimizing the process by manually defining the anterior commissure as the starting point for estimation. SPM99 and the current version of the maximum probability atlas can be used in combination. As regions were defined in native space, any future combination of template (e.g., more representative of normal brain size) and spatial transformation software can be used to create further versions.
The MNI templates are available for T1 weighted, T2 weighted and proton density images. If the maximum probability map was to be used for other data brought into MNI space (e.g., EPI for which there is a template delivered with SPM99), its accuracy would be influenced by the way such a template was created and ultimately by the degree to which such a template is truly in register with the MNI templates.
Characteristics of the regional data obtained
The different structures had different variabilities (Table I). This regional variation has various sources: Firstly, some structures, for example brainstem and cerebellum, are likely to be intrinsically less variable than brain areas that mature later, for example, association cortices. Secondly, some structures have more clearly defined boundaries than others. For example, the central sulcus and the outer surface of the brain can be determined with great precision, whereas there is no clear boundary between posterior temporal lobe and occipital/parietal cortex. Thirdly, larger regions tend to have smaller surface‐to‐volume ratios, allowing less variability through delineation of the surface boundaries.
A limitation of the current study is that the various sources for regional variation cannot be precisely distinguished. Such studies have been performed in several anatomical areas (see Comparison With Previous Work) but the attempt to investigate this for the whole brain was beyond the scope of this study.
The normalization process corrects mainly the variation in total brain volume but maintains regional variability (Table I), indicating the usefulness of assessing volumetric differences between groups of subjects in stereotaxic space.
Our preliminary statistical analysis was aimed at establishing comparability of our results with previously published studies. As expected, we found the well‐established volume differences between brains from male and female subjects [for a review, see Good et al., 2001]; no influence of age for this homogenous sample of younger adults; and we replicated known right–left differences for structure volumes [e.g. Niemann et al., 2000a; for a review, see Good et al., 2001] as well as for the frontal and occipital petalia. The finding of positional differences for the maximum posterior extent of the occipital lobe but not the maximum anterior extent of the frontal lobe is in good agreement with the data from the ICBM/MNI templates used within SPM99. It also shows one of the potential applications of the data collected in this study, i.e., investigation of stereotaxic coordinates. Providing full probabilistic information for all structures in all planes, however, is well beyond the scope of a journal contribution. It may be extracted from the electronic version of the data.
Creation of the maximum probability map in stereotaxic space
In the computation of the mode for each voxel, we used the convention that if two or more values occurred with the same frequency, one of the values would be chosen randomly. Most structures have a small surface/volume ratio, and this convention was only used in those 2% of voxels for which no unequivocal mode existed. Most of these lie on the outer surface of the brain. We initially used a cruder approach of always assigning the biggest of two or more modes. This initial approach can be seen as maximally biased. The mean difference between structure volumes obtained using both assignment algorithms was 0.09%, i.e., had we used the initial maximally biased approach, the anatomical structures' volume would only have increased by an average factor of 1. 0009, which is negligible compared to biological variation.
Even with the limited number of subjects included, considerable detail emerges in the maximum probability map, indicating good inter‐subject positional correspondence following the spatial normalization procedure. Many features, for example, the course of the aqueduct as a landmark in the midbrain (Fig. 2), or the position of the middle genu of the central sulcus and the hand knob of the precentral gyrus [Yousry et al., 1997], will be useful in functional neuroimaging.
Comparison with previous work
Collins et al. [1999] have described a probabilistic atlas based on a larger number of subjects. While they acknowledged that, ideally, manual segmentations of all atlas structures on all subjects should be used, due to time constraints, these workers used an automatic procedure to segment their datasets into anatomical regions. It would be interesting to compare the maximum probability maps obtained with the two methods to see whether the automatic method yields comparable results in terms of volumes and spatial coordinates. The extension of our work to very large numbers of subjects is hardly feasible, whereas their automatic approach would lend itself to such an extension.
A widely used work of reference has investigated the frequency of occurrence of different sulcal patterns [Ono et al., 1990] based on 25 postmortem brains. While being useful, this suffers the disadvantages of printed atlases, e.g., difficulty of access and limitation of data shown, and does not investigate the volumes of structures defined by the sulcal boundaries investigated. A variety of studies of small brain regions have been published that investigate volumes, surfaces, sulcal patterns, or subcortical structures in more detail [e.g., Amunts et al., 2000; Andrew and Watkins, 1969; Brierley and Beck, 1959; Chiavaras et al., 2001; Filimonoff, 1932; Geyer et al., 1999, 2000; Grefkes et al., 2001; Kim et al., 2000; Lohmann et al., 1999; Morosan et al., 2001; Niemann et al., 2000b; Niemann and van Nieuwenhofen, 1999; Paus et al., 1996; Penhune et al., 1996; Rademacher et al., 2001a; Rademacher et al., 1993; Rademacher et al., 2001b; Steinmetz et al., 1990; Thompson et al., 1996; Tomaioulo et al., 1999; Van Buren and Maccubbin, 1962; Westbury et al., 1999; Zilles et al., 1997]. Such approaches have been shown to be useful for the probabilistic localization of anatomical or functional areas of the brain [e.g., Fox et al., 2001; Paus et al., 1996; Van Essen et al., 2001]. Some further studies have investigated volumes of neuroanatomical structures without assessing variability in a stereotaxic reference coordinate system [e.g., Crespo‐Facorro et al., 2000; Kennedy et al., 1998; Lange et al., 1997], while others have defined neuroanatomical structures in various stereotaxic spaces without incorporating probabilistic information [e.g., Hammers et al., 2002; Talairach and Tournoux, 1988; Tzourio‐Mazoyer et al., 2002].
The development of an atlas incorporating macroscopic in vivo and microscopic in vitro data as well as blood flow activation imaging and other functional information, demographic and genetic information derived from a very large number of subjects by largely automated methods has been pursued since the early 1990s by the International Consortium for Brain Mapping [Mazziotta et al., 1995, 2001]. This data collection will be a very useful tool when it becomes available. The work presented here, incorporating manual segmentations of the entire brain, should be regarded as complementary.
A different type of information is being extracted in projects looking at cortical variability using gyral pattern matching [Thompson et al., 1997, 2001]. This approach achieves exact correspondence of a limited number of previously manually extracted sulci for subsequent measurements of parameters like amount of gray matter at a location defined through its relative distance from the mapped landmarks. In contrast to the approach used here, Thompson et al. achieve “exact” mapping of the sulcal landmarks, with ensuing “crisp” appearance of cortical features even after averaging of many subjects. The approach assumes a one‐to‐one correspondence, however, and their approach, although generalizable in principle, has so far only been applied to the cortical surface and the hippocampus, with no subcortical or volumetric studies. Again, the approaches should be considered complementary.
Further to the use of the maximum probability map to automatically segment structural and functional brain imaging data sets into anatomical regions [Hammers et al., 2002], there are several other potential applications.
First, as the maximum probability map is fully three‐dimensional and in register with the ICBM/MNI templates used within SPM99, it can be used to overlay results of group studies [Tzourio‐Mazoyer et al., 2002], giving probability‐based information based on a sample of 20 healthy controls. This is a significant methodological advance compared to the translation of the coordinates obtained into a stereotaxic coordinate system based on one hemisphere [Talairach and Tournoux, 1988]. The accuracy will partly depend on the type of original data used and may be lower for data with low spatial resolution (e.g., SPECT) or distortions (e.g., EPI). Use of automatical labeling will be greatest in areas where the anatomical boundaries necessarily used in the creation of this atlas correspond best to functional boundaries.
Secondly, the stereotaxically normalized versions of the individual atlases contain the full probabilistic information for any given voxel. This can be exploited for region‐based partial volume correction methods [e.g., Labbé et al., 1998; Rousset et al., 1995] in which calculation of absolute parameters of functional imaging data can be based not only on an individual voxel's tissue class probability but also its population‐based probabilistic anatomical classification.
A third potential application is the use of the probabilistic information obtained here for the detailed analysis of individual structures. By creating “probability shells” corresponding to certain percentile probabilities or by obtaining measures of linear extent or spatial relationship to reference landmarks such as the anterior and posterior commissure, information can be obtained on the range of normal anatomy. This information can then be further used for the comparison of patients in whom an alteration of shape or volume of a particular brain structure or region is suspected.
This work was supported in part by the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College (BSc Clinical Sciences Program). We are grateful to our colleagues in the Cyclotron Building (especially Richard Banati, John Aston, Kris Thielemans, and Federico Turkheimer) for help in the creation of the atlas, our colleagues at the National Society for Epilepsy for acquisition and preparation of the MRI datasets, Drs. Brian Kendall and John Stevens for neuroradiological evaluation of the MRIs, and all our volunteers for their participation.
Table 2.
The algorithm was developed from a previously defined protocol for the segregation of neuroanatomical structures. Each volume is described in terms of its defining boundaries in each dimension. When this is insufficient, footnotes are used. | |
Structures 1 and 2: Hippocampus (right; left)1 | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | First slice = most anterior slice where temporal horn loses it slit like appearance, widens and lies next to hippocampus. Include subiculum in measurement anteriorly. |
Posterior border | Last slice = slice anterior to that where cella media, temporal horn, and occipital horn fuse. Exclude the fornix on last slice as cannot be separated from the crura fornicis |
Medial border | Parahippocampal gyrus: CSF |
Lateral border | Anterior → posterior: Lateral ventricle; WM |
Superior border | Anterior → posterior: Amygdala; lateral ventricle |
Inferior border | Parahippocampal gyrus; uncal sulcus; interface of the prosubiculum and cornu ammonis; border between subiculum, and praesubiculum; sulcus hippocampalis |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 3 and 4: Amygdala (right; left) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | End of clear distinction between nucleus corticalis and adjacent cortex |
Posterior border | End of amygdala (at this level dorsolaterally to digitatio verticalis hippocampi, in dorsal ventricular wall) |
Medial border | Anterior → posterior: Cisterna chiasmatis and ambiens; previously outlined parts of hippocampus |
Lateral border | WM |
Superior border | Sulcus endorhinalis |
Inferior border | Anterior → posterior: WM; ventricle/hippocampus |
Number of slices | ∼15 |
Structures 5 and 6: Anterior temporal lobe, medial part (right; left)2 | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | Temporal pole |
Posterior border | First slice = slice anterior to the anterior end of amygdala |
Medial border | CSF (cisterna valleculae cerebri → cisterna ambiens) |
Lateral border | Lateral part of anterior temporal lobe |
Superior border | CSF; posteriorly, eventually temporal stem (then draw a straight line between most superior lateral & medial border) |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 7 and 8: Anterior temporal lobe, lateral part (right; left)2 | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | Temporal pole |
Posterior border | First slice = slice anterior to the anterior end of amygdala |
Medial border | Medial part of anterior temporal lobe |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | CSF; posteriorly, eventually temporal stem (then draw a straight line between most superior lateral & medial border) |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 9 and 10: Parahippocampal and ambient gyri (right; left)3 | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | Anterior end of amygdala as previously defined (that slice included) |
Posterior border | Posterior border of hippocampus as previously defined (that slice included) |
Medial border | Cisterna ambiens |
Lateral border | Anterior → posterior: Sulcus collateralis (not sulcus rhinalis) and superiorly towards amygdala previously defined/most lateral extent of temporal horn of lateral ventricle, subdividing the WM like the spokes of a wheel |
Superior border | Hippocampus and amygdala as previously defined |
Inferior border | Cisterna ambiens/sulcus collateralis |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 11 and 12: Superior temporal gyrus (right; left)4 | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | First slice = most anterior slice where amygdala is measured |
Posterior border | Last slice = most posterior slice where hippocampus is measured |
Medial border | Draw a line radially to the lateral inferior horn of the lateral ventricle or, if the ventricle is not discernable, to the most lateral extent of the hippocampus (amygdala anteriorly). Line comes from most inferior end of sulcus circularis insulae and most medial end of sulcus temporalis superior, respectively. These lines end in a short line rather than a point to include some of the WM (see examples) |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | Sulcus lateralis, thus including the planum temporale in the structure's posterior portion |
Inferior border | Sulcus temporalis superior |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 13 and 14: Middle and inferior temporal gyri (right; left) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | First slice = most anterior slice where amygdala is measured |
Posterior border | Last slice = most posterior slice where hippocampus is measured |
Medial border | Sulcus occipitotemporalis; from superior end draw a line radially to the most lateral extent of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle or, if the ventricle is not discernable, to the most lateral extent of the hippocampus (amygdala anteriorly). |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | Sulcus temporalis superior; from medial end draw a line radially to the most lateral extent of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle or, if the ventricle is not discernable, to the most lateral extent of the hippocampus (amygdala anteriorly). |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼︁25 |
Structures 15 and 16: Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (fusiform gyrus) (right; left) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | First slice = most anterior slice where amygdala is measured |
Posterior border | Last slice = most posterior slice where hippocampus is measured |
Medial border | Sulcus occipitotemporalis |
Lateral border | Sulcus collateralis |
Superior border | From the superior ends of sulcus occipitotemporalis and sulcus collateralis draw a line radially to the most lateral extent of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle or, if the ventricle is not discernable, to the most lateral extent of the hippocampus (amygdala anteriorly). |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 17 and 18: Cerebellum (right; left)5 | |
Orientation of slices | Sagittal |
Anterior border | Cut cerebellar peduncle parallel to floor of IVth ventricle beginning on the slice where the cerebellar peduncle joins the brainstem (pons) |
Posterior border | CSF |
Medial border | Midline |
Lateral border | CSF/sinus transversus (lateral sinus) |
Superior border | CSF/tentorium cerebelli |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼55 |
Structure 19: Brainstem (spans the midline) | |
Orientation of slices | Sagittal |
Anterior border | CSF |
Posterior border | CSF/cut from cerebellum as described under “Cerebellum” |
Medial border | No medial border; spans the midline |
Lateral border | CSF, pons/midbrain: as soon as the cerebellar peduncle is no longer in contact with the pons, the posterior remainder is measured together with the cerebellum; the superior remainder is measured with the basal ganglia |
Superior border | Cut from basal ganglia as soon as pedunculus cerebri enters them using a tangential line following the contours of the basal ganglia |
Inferior border | Inferior border of cerebellum |
Number of slices | ∼30 |
Structures 20 and 21: Insula (left; right) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | Last slice on which sulcus circularis insulae is visualized |
Posterior border | Last slice on which sulcus circularis insulae is visualized |
Medial border | Lateral border of putamen (draw a line from medial end of sulcus circularis insulae); if no longer visible, use anterior lateral border of caput nuclei caudati or lateral border of lateral ventricle, respectively; posteriorly use lateral border of thalamus instead |
Lateral border | CSF in sulcus lateralis |
Superior border | Sulcus circularis insulae |
Inferior border | Sulcus circularis insulae |
Number of slices | ∼70 |
Caution: left, then right; start by estimating anterior–posterior extent with sagittal slices. | |
Structures 22 and 23: Occipital lobe (left; right) | |
Orientation of slices | First sagittal, then transverse |
Sagittal cuts (start medially) | |
Anterior border | Sulcus parieto‐occipitalis |
Posterior border | CSF |
Medial border | Midline |
Lateral border | Last slice on which sulcus parieto‐occipitalis is visible in its full length (then change to transverse cuts) |
Superior border | Sulcus parieto‐occipitalis and CSF |
Inferior border | Tentorium cerebelli/CSF |
Transverse cuts | |
Anterior border | Straight line between medial end of sulcus occipitalis anterior, and lateral end of sulcus parieto‐occipitalis |
Posterior border | CSF |
Medial border | As previously defined on sagittal cuts |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | Parietal lobe (sulcus occipitalis anterior) |
Inferior border | CSF/tentorium cerebelli |
Number of slices | ∼85 |
Structures 24 and 25: Gyrus cinguli, anterior part (left; right) | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse, then sagittal, then return to transverse |
Inferior border |
Define on the most inferior slice on which genu corporis callosi is uninterrupted throughout its width (see Figure 3). |
Sagittal cuts | |
Anterior border | Sulcus cinguli |
Posterior border | Draw vertical line from corpus callosum to sulcus cinguli at the mid‐point of the greatest extension of the corpus callosum (measured using coordinates of region of interest module of Analyze AVW) on most medial slice; corpus callosum inferiorly |
Medial border | Midline |
Lateral border | Last slice on which sulcus cinguli is visible in its full length (then change to transverse cuts) |
Superior border | Sulcus cinguli; if double sulcus cinguli present (Ono et al., 1991) choose dorsal/anterior one. |
Inferior border | As defined in transverse orientation |
Transverse Cuts | |
Lateral border | Re‐defined as straight line posteriorly from anterior‐lateral end of sulcus cinguli on superior slices. |
Anterior border; posterior border; medial border; superior border; inferior border | As previously defined on sagittal cuts |
Number of slices | ∼50 |
Structures 26 and 27: Gyrus cinguli, posterior part (left; right) | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse, then sagittal, then return to transverse |
Inferior border |
Define on the most inferior slice on which splenium corporis callosi is uninterrupted throughout its width (see Figure 4). |
Sagittal cuts | |
Anterior border | Gyrus cinguli, anterior part |
Posterior border | Sulcus subparietalis; inferiorly, sulcus parieto‐occipitalis |
Medial border | Midline |
Lateral border | Last slice on which sulcus cinguli is visible in its full length (then change to transverse cuts) |
Superior border | sulcus cinguli; if double sulcus cinguli present (Ono et al., 1991) choose dorsal/posterior one. |
Inferior border | As defined in transverse orientation |
Transverse cuts | |
Lateral border | Re‐defined as straight line anteriorly from posterior‐lateral end of sulcus cinguli on superior slices. |
Anterior border; posterior border; medial border; superior border; Inferior border | As previously defined on sagittal cuts |
Number of slices | ∼50 |
Structures 28 and 29: Frontal lobe (left; right) | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border | CSF |
Posterior border | Superior → inferior: Sulcus centralis → line orthogonal to midline from medial end of sulcus centralis to interhemispheric fissure/gyrus cinguli/corpus callosum/lateral ventricle/striatum/insula → CSF in most inferior portion. |
Medial border | Superior → inferior: Interhemispheric fissure → gyri cinguli → corpus callosum → lateral border of lateral ventricle → lateral border of striatum/insula → |
interhemispheric fissure | |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | CSF |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼105 |
Caution: Start superiorly to reliably identify central sulcus | |
Structures 30 and 31: Posterior temporal lobe (left; right)6 | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border | Straight horizontal line marking the last coronal cut of the temporal lobe (see structures 8–11); include temporal operculum up to superior border |
Posterior border | Cerebellum and occipital lobe as previously defined |
Medial border | Cerebellum and occipital lobe; cisterna ambiens; cisterna venae cerebri magnae; splenium of corpus callosum; lateral ventricle; midline |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | Last slice on which the posterior border(s) of any of structures 9–16 occupied the majority (greater than 50%) of the space between CSF laterally, and non‐temporal lobe structures medially. |
Inferior border | CSF |
Number of slices | ∼45 |
Structures 32 and 33: Parietal lobe (left; right)7 | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border | Previously defined structures |
Posterior border | Previously defined structures; CSF |
Medial border | Midline; previously defined structures; corpus callosum; ventricle; basal ganglia |
Lateral border | CSF |
Superior border | CSF |
Inferior border | Previously defined structures |
Number of slices | ∼60 |
Caution: The parietal operculum, and praecuneus are included in the definition of the parietal lobe. | |
Structures 34 and 35: Caudate nucleus (left, right) | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border | Superior to inferior: frontal lobe and/or corpus callosum, then lateral ventricle, corpus callosum, frontal lobe |
Posterior border | Superior to inferior: lateral ventricle, internal capsule/anterior commissure |
Medial border | Superior to inferior: lateral ventricle/corpus callosum, frontal lobe as previously defined, following the intensity gradient of the caudate avoiding the medial gray matter adjacent to the CSF |
Lateral border | Superior to inferior: frontal/parietal lobe as previously defined, internal capsule, internal capsule/insula |
Superior border | Start on first slice where on which caudate is visible at the lateral border of the lateral ventricle |
Inferior border | Retaining the medial border, continue defining the caudate until frontal lobe as defined previously is reached. This border is subsequently edited in coronal orientation when defining the accumbens as a substructure of the caudate region as outlined here (see structures 36 and 37). |
Number of slices | ∼30 |
Caution: This protocol includes the Nucleus accumbens which subsequently will be redefined as a separate structure. | |
Structures 36 and 37: Nucleus accumbens (left, right) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal; start posteriorly. |
Anterior border | Last slice where accumbens can be clearly differentiated from the caudate. |
Posterior border | First slice where the inferior part of the previously defined caudate region is seen (e.g., inferior of the anterior commissure), separated from the superior bulk of the caudate region. This separated section represents the accumbens. |
Medial border | Do not change. |
Lateral border | Do not change. |
Superior border | Nucleus accumbens is always inferior to the lateral ventricle. Anterior to where the separated parts of the previously defined caudate region merge, the superior border is defined through its shape and a slightly more hypointense appearance than the caudate itself. |
Inferior border | Smooth previously defined border and exclude white matter and the medial gray matter adjacent to the CSF, impinge on previously defined frontal lobe region if necessary. |
Number of slices | ∼8 |
Caution: This protocol requires the prior definition of accumbens and caudate together on transverse slices as outlined above (see structures 34 and 35). The new regions need to be renumbered. | |
Structures 38 and 39: Putamen (left, right) | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border | Frontal lobe, internal capsule, insula in varying combinations as previously defined |
Posterior border | Internal capsule |
Medial border | Superior to inferior: Internal capsule, lamina medullaris lateralis, substantia perforata anterior |
Lateral border | Superior to inferior: frontal lobe/parietal lobe, insula |
Superior border | Most superior slice where putamen is seen |
Inferior border | Frontal lobe. The coronal orientation can be useful to verify the borders. |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Structures 40 and 41: Thalamus (left, right) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | End of anterior thalamic nucleus at foramen Monroi |
Posterior border | First slice where pulvinar is visible |
Medial border | Posterior to anterior: Cisterna ambiens/laminae tecti, corpus callosum, third ventricle/midline at adhaesio interthalamica |
Lateral border | Posterior to anterior: posterior temporal lobe white matter, insula as previously defined, internal capsule |
Superior border | Posterior to anterior: white matter/corpus callosum, lateral ventricle, stria terminalis/vena thalamostriata |
Inferior border | Posterior to anterior: cisterna ambiens, temporal lobe as previously defined (include both medial and lateral geniculate body, adjust temporal lobe regions where necessary) |
Number of slices | ∼30 |
Caution: Start posteriorly | |
Structures 42 and 43: Pallidum (left, right) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | First slice where visible (pars lateralis, within internal capsule) |
Posterior border | Last slice where visible |
Medial border | Internal capsule |
Lateral border | Lamina medullaris lateralis/putamen |
Superior border | Internal capsule |
Inferior border | Anterior to posterior: White matter of subcallosal gyrus, anterior commissure, white matter superior to anterior perforated substance/amygdala/hippocampus |
Number of slices | ∼20 |
Caution: Do not include lamina medullaris lateralis | |
Structure 44: Corpus callosum | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border, anterior part | Superior to inferior: cingulate gyrus and frontal lobe → frontal lobe |
Anterior border, posterior part | Superior to inferior: lateral ventricle, fornix, cisterna fissurae transversae cerebri → idem thalamus |
Posterior border, anterior part | Superior to inferior: lateral ventricle → caudate/nucleus accumbens |
Posterior border, posterior part | Superior to inferior: posterior cingulate gyrus and parietal lobe → idem and interhemispheric CSF |
Medial border | Superior to inferior: cingulate gyri as soon as the corpus callosum appears X‐shaped → frontal/parietal lobe → idem and posterior temporal lobes → head of caudate anteriorly |
Lateral border | Superior to inferior: frontal and parietal lobes → idem and lateral ventricle |
Superior border | Defined through remainder after delineation of cingulate gyri and frontal and parietal lobes. |
Inferior border | Anteriorly, last slice on which the corpus callosum can be clearly distinguished; posteriorly, inferior end of splenium |
Number of slices | ∼35 |
Caution: Do not include fornix. | |
Structures 45 and 46: Lateral ventricle, frontal horn, central part and occipital horn (right, left) | |
Orientation of slices | Transverse |
Anterior border, anterior part | CC |
Anterior border, posterior part | Superior to inferior: thalamus → unnamed region behind thalamus/posterior of insula → posterior temporal lobe → anterior border of posterior temporal lobe region (see structures 47 and 48) |
Posterior border, anterior part | Superior to inferior: thalamus → thalamus/fornix/capsula interna, caput nuclei caudati |
Posterior border, posterior part | Superior to inferior: parietal lobe → corpus callosum → parietal lobe/posterior temporal lobe/occipital lobe |
Medial border, anterior part | Superior to inferior: corpus callosum → septum pellucidum/fornix → basal forebrain. |
Medial border, posterior part | Superior to inferior: corpus callosum → medial parietal lobe/posterior temporal lobe |
Lateral border, anterior part | Superior to inferior: frontal and parietal lobes → plus corpus nuclei caudati → caput nuclei caudati → plus frontal lobe |
Lateral border, posterior part | Superior to inferior: frontal and parietal lobes → plus corpus nuclei caudati → posterior temporal lobe |
Superior border | First slice where ventricle visible, include part with partial volume effect |
Inferior border, anterior part | End of CSF in frontal lobe |
Inferior border, posterior part | End of CSF in posterior temporal lobe that lies posterior to the anterior border of the posterior temporal lobe region |
Number of slices | ∼35 |
Caution: right, then left. Use CSF partition of segmented MRI as related volume to aid in delineation, use autotrace function for posterior part inferiorly after CC disappears. | |
Structures 47 and 48: Lateral ventricle, temporal horn (right, left) | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | First appearance of CSF |
Posterior border | Last slice on which hippocampus is still delineated = last slice anterior to posterior temporal regions (see structure 45 and 46) |
Medial border | Anterior to posterior: parahippocampal gyrus/hippocampus/amygdala → hippocampus/choroid fissure → fimbria/crus fornicis |
Lateral border | Anterior to posterior: parahippocampal gyrus or temporal lobe white matter |
Superior border | Anterior to posterior: amygdala → temporal white matter (temporal stem) |
Inferior border | Anterior to posterior: temporal lobe white matter → plus hippocampus |
Number of slices | ∼25 |
Caution: may only be intermittently visible. Use CSF partition of segmented MRI as related volume to aid in delineation. | |
Structure 49: Third ventricle | |
Orientation of slices | Coronal |
Anterior border | Lamina terminalis |
Posterior border | Pineal gland, include recessus pinealis/suprapinealis |
Medial border | None (single structure) |
Lateral border | Anterior to posterior: hypothalamus → thalamus → nuclei habenularum |
Superior border | Anterior to posterior: lamina terminalis → anterior commissure/columna fornicis → foramen Monroi → tela choroidea (caution does not exceed height of adhaesio interthalamica posterior to it; do not confound internal cerebral veins superior of tela choroidea) |
Inferior border | Anterior to posterior: chiasma opticum → infundibulum → hypothalamus → posterior commissure |
Number of slices | ∼︁35 |
Caution: Use sagittal for help with posterior extent first. Use CSF partition of segmented MRI as related volume to aid in delineation. |
See Niemann K, et al. [2000a]. In the coronal orientation, the hippocampus has four distinct shapes when progressing posteriorly. The first is “boomerang‐like.” Three rules were applied to differentiate the hippocampal head from the amygdala in these anterior slices exhibiting shape one: (1) The dorso‐medial corner of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle indicated the position of the frontal cleft at the interface of the amygdala and hippocampus; (2) the myelin layer of the alveus of the hippocampus was used as a differentiator; and (3) when rules 1 and 2 were insufficient, a region of low signal could frequently be seen defining the border. This has been attributed to either partial volume effect due to a narrow cleft, or small vessels between the two structures. Shape two has been likened to a rabbit with its “head” medially, and the digitatio verticalis as its “ears.” When this shape was evident, the uncal sulcus was used as the inferior border. At the lateral end of this sulcus, a line was drawn at 45 degrees to the horizontal in a basolateral direction to approximate the interface of the prosubiculum and cornu ammonis. The third shape of the hippocampus has been compared with binoculars. If the uncal sulcus was no longer visible this far posteriorly, the border between the hypointense subiculum, and the hyperintense praesubiculum was used as the inferior border. The fourth shape is the first through the hippocampal body; at this point both the subiculum and fimbria were included in the measurement, and the hippocampal, not uncal, sulcus was used as the inferior border.
The border dividing the medial and lateral portions of the anterior temporal lobe was defined in the original protocol as the sulcus temporalis inferior. The nature of this sulcus was highly variable; it was not present throughout the anterior portion of every temporal lobe analysed. Therefore, it was not possible to rely on this sulcus as a consistent feature for division of the two portions. This observation is supported by Ono et al. [1990], who reported that the sulcus separates in 16 and 52% of anterior temporal lobes on the right and left, respectively, and is absent at the tip of 4% of temporal lobes. The division of the two portions of the anterior lobe was redefined using a radial divider tool within the software (Analyze). This divides a described region into a predetermined number of segments (in this case two) as radiations from a point defined by the centre of the area of the region. Thus, it was possible to provide a consistent definition of the two portions of the temporal lobe.
The course of the sulcus collateralis can be very variable, and may frequently be interrupted and/or duplicated as one progresses from its anterior to posterior extent. Consequently, in many of the datasets the path of this sulcus became impossible to determine for a few slices. In such cases, the protocol was refined to include the use of the transverse orientation to extrapolate a projected course over the slices in question.
The use of the sagittal orientation facilitated more accurate determination of the sulci that bound the superior temporal gyrus. Similarly, the transverse orientation was used with the middle and inferior temporal gyri.
The anterior border thus defined corresponds to the Spielmeyer cut.
In the more inferior slices where the splenium was absent or non‐continuous, the lateral ventricle was included in the definition of the posterior temporal lobe on the medial side. However, in the slices where the splenium was continuous (see Fig. B), the lateral ventricle and splenium were excluded.
The border with the corpus callosum was defined through a line between the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle and the gyrus cinguli. This line crosses the corpus callosum as it becomes confluent with the WM of the parietal lobe. The posterior border of the insula was defined as the last slice containing sulcus circularis insulae. Sometimes the insula did not extend as far posteriorly as the structures of the mid‐part of the temporal lobe (structures 9–16; see Figure 5). In these circumstances, an undefined WM region exists. Superiorly, this area is bounded by, and was included in, the parietal lobe. However, more inferiorly, the region in question was only included in the definition of the parietal lobe when it was continuous with other areas labeled parietal lobe. The coronal orientation was used to ensure the validity of this rule, and revealed that the cut‐off point represented the border with the most superior aspects of the temporal lobe (see Figure 6).
Figure 3.
The genus of the corpus callosum: a continuous throughout its entire width; b interrupted (see structures 24 and 25).
Figure 4.
The splenium of the corpus callosum: a continuous throughout its entire width; b interrupted (see structures 26 and 27 and footnote 6).
Figure 5.
In some datasets, the insula did not extend as far posteriorly as the structures of the mid‐part of the temporal lobe (circled). (See structures 32 and 33 and footnote 7).
Figure 6.
Validation of the inferior border of the parietal lobe (circled; see structures 32 and 33 and footnote 7).
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