This study characterized patterns of brain electrical activity associated with selective attention to the color of a stimulus. Multichannel recordings of event‐related potentials (ERPs) were obtained while subjects viewed randomized sequences of checkerboards consisting of isoluminant red or blue checks superimposed on a grey background. Stimuli were presented foveally at a rapid rate, and subjects were required to attend to the red or blue checks in separate blocks of trials and to press a button each time they detected a dimmer target stimulus of the attended color. An early negative ERP component with an onset latency of 50 ms was sensitive to stimulus color but was unaffected by the attentional manipulation. ERPs elicited by attended and unattended stimuli began to diverge after approximately 100 ms following stimulus onset. Inverse dipole modelling of the attended‐minus‐unattended difference waveform indicated that an initial positive deflection with an onset latency of 100 ms had a source in lateral occipital cortex, while a subsequent negative deflection with an onset at 160 ms had a source in inferior occipito‐temporal cortex. Longer‐latency attention‐sensitive components were localized to premotor frontal areas (onset at 190 ms) and to more anterior regions of the fusiform gyrus (onset at 240 ms). These source localizations correspond closely with cortical areas that were identified in previous neuroimaging studies as being involved in color‐selective processing. The present ERP data thus provide information about the time course of stimulus selection processes in cortical areas that subserve attention to color. Hum. Brain Mapping 6:216–238, 1998. © 1998 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Keywords: ERP, dipole modelling, selection, features
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