The location of brain regions essential for auditory language comprehension is an important consideration in the planning of neurosurgical procedures that involve resections within the dominant temporal lobe. Language testing during intraoperative and extraoperative cortical stimulation has been the primary method for localizing these regions; however, noninvasive alternatives using functional neuroimaging have been sought. Here we report on a study of 14 subjects who listened passively to alternating sentences spoken in their native English language and in unfamiliar Turkish while functional magnetic resonance images were acquired. The English sentences produced strong activation within the left superior temporal sulcus in all subjects. Lesser activation was seen in homotopic right hemisphere locations in several subjects. In addition to these posterior temporal activations, 8 subjects also showed activation to English sentences in the left inferior frontal gyrus. Turkish sentences evoked no coherent region of activation in any subject. As both the Turkish and English sentences were read by the same speaker, and were matched for length, volume, and intonation, we conclude that the activation pattern evoked by the English sentences reflects auditory comprehension. This conclusion is further supported by additional control studies that have shown a markedly different pattern of activation by pure tone frequency glides. Hum. Brain Mapping 6:1–13, 1998. © 1998 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Keywords: functional MRI, audition, speech, language comprehension
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