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. 2019 Oct 23;8:e49115. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49115

Table 1. The relationship between volume changes and EF across individuals (Δ Vol ~ EF + Age + ECTnum).

roi tEF pEF tAge tECTnum BHEFFDR
1 Δ VOLLeft.Cerebellum.Cortex −0.3668 0.7143 −0.1150 1.9368 0.8205
2 Δ VOLLeft.Thalamus.Proper 0.0244 0.9805 −0.4046 2.8696 0.9952
3 Δ VOLLeft.Caudate 0.6555 0.5132 −0.8301 2.6428 0.6924
4 Δ VOLLeft.Putamen 0.5737 0.5671 −0.5992 1.3203 0.7212
5 Δ VOLLeft.Pallidum 0.0060 0.9952 0.1026 1.2295 0.9952
6 Δ VOLBrain.Stem 1.2114 0.2278 0.8536 1.2309 0.4466
7 Δ VOLLeft.Hippocampus 4.5102 0.0000 −2.6814 3.3221 0.0012
8 Δ VOLLeft.Amygdala 3.9069 0.0001 −1.0572 2.1018 0.0061
9 Δ VOLLeft.Accumbens.area 2.0238 0.0449 −3.4456 1.7246 0.1737
10 Δ VOLLeft.VentralDC 0.1740 0.8621 0.0605 2.2614 0.9395
11 Δ VOLRight.Cerebellum.Cortex −0.5564 0.5788 0.0677 1.3212 0.7235
12 Δ VOLRight.Thalamus.Proper 0.4582 0.6475 0.3541 4.0787 0.7712
13 Δ VOLRight.Caudate 1.2293 0.2210 1.0254 1.5097 0.4466
14 Δ VOLRight.Putamen 1.0724 0.2854 −0.5112 1.4987 0.4756
15 Δ VOLRight.Pallidum 0.6045 0.5465 0.8016 2.9589 0.7181
16 Δ VOLRight.Hippocampus 1.5090 0.1336 −1.2924 3.2473 0.3441
17 Δ VOLRight.Amygdala 2.9945 0.0032 −0.6087 4.2603 0.0344
18 Δ VOLRight.Accumbens.area 1.9563 0.0524 −0.8782 3.5228 0.1937
19 Δ VOLRight.VentralDC 0.3488 0.7278 0.5197 0.7438 0.8248
20 Δ VOLctx.lh.bankssts 1.1757 0.2417 −0.4102 2.5801 0.4466
21 Δ VOLctx.lh.caudalanteriorcingulate 1.3404 0.1823 −1.2881 2.2330 0.4254
22 Δ VOLctx.lh.caudalmiddlefrontal −1.8989 0.0596 −0.3804 2.0087 0.2112
23 Δ VOLctx.lh.cuneus 0.9827 0.3274 0.1037 2.0348 0.5352
24 Δ VOLctx.lh.entorhinal 3.2229 0.0016 −1.2447 1.6659 0.0335
25 Δ VOLctx.lh.fusiform 3.0717 0.0026 −0.1806 2.1319 0.0344
26 Δ VOLctx.lh.inferiorparietal 1.5131 0.1325 0.8515 2.3077 0.3441
27 Δ VOLctx.lh.inferiortemporal 2.6985 0.0078 0.6415 1.9131 0.0577
28 Δ VOLctx.lh.isthmuscingulate −0.3275 0.7438 −0.4344 2.9060 0.8319
29 Δ VOLctx.lh.lateraloccipital 1.1916 0.2354 0.3669 1.2752 0.4466
30 Δ VOLctx.lh.lateralorbitofrontal 1.4274 0.1557 −0.0081 1.5758 0.3780
31 Δ VOLctx.lh.lingual 0.1391 0.8896 0.3506 2.4745 0.9572
32 Δ VOLctx.lh.medialorbitofrontal 1.0744 0.2845 −0.1246 1.1852 0.4756
33 Δ VOLctx.lh.middletemporal 2.0679 0.0405 −0.3780 2.2600 0.1720
34 Δ VOLctx.lh.parahippocampal 1.2683 0.2068 −0.2446 2.8373 0.4466
35 Δ VOLctx.lh.paracentral −2.0829 0.0391 0.2511 4.0937 0.1720
36 Δ VOLctx.lh.parsopercularis −0.6949 0.4883 −0.7822 1.8435 0.6694
37 Δ VOLctx.lh.parsorbitalis 0.8057 0.4218 −1.0427 0.9524 0.6289
38 Δ VOLctx.lh.parstriangularis 0.8228 0.4120 −1.2157 2.7977 0.6254
39 Δ VOLctx.lh.pericalcarine 0.4426 0.6587 −0.0479 1.8463 0.7712
40 Δ VOLctx.lh.postcentral 0.8692 0.3862 −1.7655 2.5145 0.5969
41 Δ VOLctx.lh.posteriorcingulate −0.8698 0.3859 −0.6961 3.3193 0.5969
42 Δ VOLctx.lh.precentral −0.7279 0.4679 −1.2884 2.4234 0.6682
43 Δ VOLctx.lh.precuneus −1.5879 0.1145 −0.4353 3.6729 0.3441
44 Δ VOLctx.lh.rostralanteriorcingulate 1.3315 0.1852 −0.4449 0.5630 0.4254
45 Δ VOLctx.lh.rostralmiddlefrontal −0.7192 0.4732 −1.6205 1.1936 0.6682
46 Δ VOLctx.lh.superiorfrontal −1.2073 0.2293 −0.5851 2.1065 0.4466
47 Δ VOLctx.lh.superiorparietal −1.7423 0.0836 0.6952 3.3288 0.2734
48 Δ VOLctx.lh.superiortemporal 2.2820 0.0240 −2.0868 1.6393 0.1199
49 Δ VOLctx.lh.supramarginal 0.5717 0.5685 −0.2467 2.1282 0.7212
50 Δ VOLctx.lh.frontalpole −0.2029 0.8395 −0.2904 0.4776 0.9267
51 Δ VOLctx.lh.temporalpole 2.5288 0.0125 −0.0731 1.3167 0.0762
52 Δ VOLctx.lh.transversetemporal 0.4387 0.6616 −0.4617 2.1817 0.7712
53 Δ VOLctx.rh.bankssts 0.1121 0.9109 2.0777 2.9991 0.9678
54 Δ VOLctx.rh.caudalanteriorcingulate −1.4295 0.1551 1.2935 2.4016 0.3780
55 Δ VOLctx.rh.caudalmiddlefrontal −2.9569 0.0036 1.6943 2.6065 0.0344
56 Δ VOLctx.rh.cuneus −0.0087 0.9930 −1.1806 2.4017 0.9952
57 Δ VOLctx.rh.entorhinal 1.2514 0.2129 0.7897 2.4722 0.4466
58 Δ VOLctx.rh.fusiform 1.5380 0.1263 0.7997 4.7854 0.3441
59 Δ VOLctx.rh.inferiorparietal −2.9902 0.0033 1.6520 0.7114 0.0344
60 Δ VOLctx.rh.inferiortemporal 0.9300 0.3540 1.9310 3.3455 0.5677
61 Δ VOLctx.rh.isthmuscingulate 0.0325 0.9741 0.4230 1.1493 0.9952
62 Δ VOLctx.rh.lateraloccipital 1.1796 0.2401 0.6095 1.5161 0.4466
63 Δ VOLctx.rh.lateralorbitofrontal 0.5347 0.5937 0.3393 2.9240 0.7314
64 Δ VOLctx.rh.lingual −0.0753 0.9401 −1.9555 3.5258 0.9865
65 Δ VOLctx.rh.medialorbitofrontal 0.7090 0.4795 1.5479 2.3419 0.6682
66 Δ VOLctx.rh.middletemporal −0.6005 0.5492 2.1275 3.6781 0.7181
67 Δ VOLctx.rh.parahippocampal 1.5217 0.1303 0.5057 3.1874 0.3441
68 Δ VOLctx.rh.paracentral −3.5101 0.0006 2.1809 2.2718 0.0170
69 Δ VOLctx.rh.parsopercularis −2.5585 0.0116 2.8854 2.9459 0.0756
70 Δ VOLctx.rh.parsorbitalis 1.0872 0.2788 −0.5812 2.3737 0.4756
71 Δ VOLctx.rh.parstriangularis −1.2468 0.2146 1.0686 2.6086 0.4466
72 Δ VOLctx.rh.pericalcarine 1.5878 0.1146 −0.0096 2.2815 0.3441
73 Δ VOLctx.rh.postcentral −1.7565 0.0812 1.2943 3.0605 0.2734
74 Δ VOLctx.rh.posteriorcingulate −1.5171 0.1315 2.0716 1.4731 0.3441
75 Δ VOLctx.rh.precentral −2.4918 0.0139 0.9967 3.7013 0.0762
76 Δ VOLctx.rh.precuneus −2.0231 0.0450 −0.1921 2.5419 0.1737
77 Δ VOLctx.rh.rostralanteriorcingulate 2.2083 0.0288 1.3734 2.3606 0.1362
78 Δ VOLctx.rh.rostralmiddlefrontal −2.6842 0.0081 0.5804 2.2235 0.0577
79 Δ VOLctx.rh.superiorfrontal −3.0013 0.0032 1.1011 3.2699 0.0344
80 Δ VOLctx.rh.superiorparietal −2.7495 0.0067 0.9014 2.0779 0.0574
81 Δ VOLctx.rh.superiortemporal 0.4377 0.6623 1.2455 4.4002 0.7712
82 Δ VOLctx.rh.supramarginal −2.4794 0.0143 2.7408 3.0429 0.0762
83 Δ VOLctx.rh.frontalpole 1.1256 0.2623 −0.1784 1.9185 0.4644
84 Δ VOLctx.rh.temporalpole 0.7274 0.4682 0.5099 3.7696 0.6682
85 Δ VOLctx.rh.transversetemporal 1.1426 0.2551 0.6448 3.2405 0.4614