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. 2019 Nov 26;14(11):e0219411. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219411

A digital collection of rare and endangered lemurs and other primates from the Duke Lemur Center

Gabriel S Yapuncich 1,*, Addison D Kemp 1,2, Darbi M Griffith 1, Justin T Gladman 3, Erin Ehmke 4, Doug M Boyer 1
Editor: Justin W Adams5
PMCID: PMC6879151  PMID: 31770383


Scientific study of lemurs, a group of primates found only on Madagascar, is crucial for understanding primate evolution. Unfortunately, lemurs are among the most endangered animals in the world, so there is a strong impetus to maximize as much scientific data as possible from available physical specimens. MicroCT scanning efforts at Duke University have resulted in scans of more than 100 strepsirrhine cadavers representing 18 species from the Duke Lemur Center. An error study of the microCT scanner recovered less than 0.3% error at multiple resolution levels. Scans include specimen overviews and focused, high-resolution selections of complex anatomical regions (e.g., cranium, hands, feet). Scans have been uploaded to MorphoSource, an online digital repository for 3D data. As captive (but free ranging) individuals, these specimens have a wealth of associated information that is largely unavailable for wild populations, including detailed life history data. This digital collection maximizes the information obtained from rare and endangered animals with minimal degradation of the original specimens.


Lemurs, a group of primates endemic to Madagascar, are an important group of animals for understanding the evolutionary history and adaptive origins of primates. Unfortunately, they are among the most endangered mammals in the world, with 94% of lemur species threatened by extinction [1]. Continued habitat degradation and fragmentation, illegal poaching, and challenging economic and political circumstances in Madagascar mean that lemurs are likely to remain under acute threat in the foreseeable future [1]. While conservation groups have developed several local, site-specific action plans [2], protecting and studying these animals requires multiple strategies both in Madagascar and internationally.

The Duke Lemur Center (formerly the Duke University Primate Center) is a prime example of an alternative approach to the conservation and scientific study of lemurs. Founded in 1966 in Durham, North Carolina, the Duke Lemur Center (DLC) was established to operate as a “living laboratory” and permit non-invasive study of rare primates, including galagos, lorises, and lemurs (which together comprise the primate suborder Strepsirrhini). Over its history, the DLC has housed more than 4,000 individuals from 39 primate species, and currently houses nearly 240 individuals from 17 strepsirrhine species. The DLC is involved in multiple lemur conservation efforts, including 1) managing several breeding populations as an Association of Zoos and Aquariums accredited institution; 2) the SAVA conservation program, a community-based approach to sustainable forest management and economic improvement in northern Madagascar; and 3) working with the Malagasy government to develop animal husbandry, welfare, and breeding programs for ex-situ lemur populations in Madagascar.

While the cofounders of the DLC, Dr. John Buettner-Janusch and Dr. Peter Klopfer, ran research programs focused on genetics and behaviour respectively, the DLC’s unique resources have provided data for a wide variety of scientific fields, including anatomy and physiology [e.g., 36], social ecology [e.g., 78], cognition [e.g., 910, biomechanics [e.g., 1112], molecular biology [e.g., 1314], and palaeontology [e.g., 1518]. The importance and rarity of the animals housed at the DLC necessitates thorough and effective use in educational and research initiatives, and this spirit of efficiency extends to treatment of deceased individuals. When an animal dies at the DLC (most frequently of old age), veterinary staff perform necropsies to remove internal organs and then preserve cadavers in cold storage for future research purposes. There are currently more than 400 cadavers in storage. However, because DLC cadaveric specimens are available for destructive sampling for research purposes [e.g., 1921], the total information preserved by each specimen decreases over time. Digitizing the DLC’s cadaveric collection presents an opportunity to preserve hard tissue data without degrading the specimen’s anatomical integrity, thereby increasing the educational and scientific value of these rare and endangered animals.

Here we present an open access 3D digital collection of microCT scan data representing 113 adult individuals from the Duke Lemur Center. The data presented here were generated by GSY and ADK for use in their dissertations [22, 23]. All scans are publicly available on [24], an online repository specifically designed to archive 3D data. At the time of manuscript preparation, the collection consists of 483 TIFF volume stacks and 374 surface files generated from the volume data. The collection will continue to grow with future scanning efforts at Duke and potentially from contributions made by other researchers (in the form of new scans or surface files derived from the current collection). Primate cadavers have long been recognized as valuable scientific resources that could be utilized much more efficiently [25, 26], provided scientists motivated by different research questions could coordinate specimen access. The digital collection presented here follows several recent efforts to digitize and publish unique and valuable datasets [2729].

Materials and methods

DLC cadaveric collection

A total of 483 microCT (μCT) scans of strepsirrhine primates housed at the Duke Lemur Center were performed at the Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility at Duke University. Specimens represent both major clades of strepsirrhine primates, including 82 lemurs, 17 galagos, and 14 lorises (Fig 1). Among these individuals, two lemurs and five loris specimens were iodine-stained to permit visualization of soft tissue anatomy. Currently, the sample is biased toward individuals less than 3 kg. Individuals of larger species housed at the DLC (e.g., Propithecus and Varecia) have not yet been μCT scanned, although methods developed in the course of this project will allow them to be scanned at high resolutions in the near future. Additional demographic information for most specimens is available in Zehr et al. [30]. Table 1 provides a summary of the sample by species, and individual specimens, scanning parameters and digital object identifiers (DOIs) for all currently available TIFF volumes are provided in Table 2.

Fig 1. Strepsirrhine phylogeny and number of individuals included in this microCT collection.

Fig 1

Dark circles and bars indicate taxa currently represented in the collection. Open circles and bars represent taxa housed at DLC but not currently scanned. Chronogram downloaded from, version 3 [39].

Table 1. Summary of sample by species.

Species n individuals k scans Iodine specimens
Cheirogaleus medius 9 35 DLC 1657m
Daubentonia madagascariensis 7 35
Eulemur coronatus 6 23  
Eulemur albifrons 8 31
Eulemur collaris 5 18  
Eulemur sanfordi 1 5
Galago moholi 13 53  
Galagoides demidovii 1 4
Hapalemur griseus 13 57  
Lemur catta 7 35
Loris tardigradus 5 23 DLC 977f; 1902f
Microcebus murinus 17 72
Mirza zaza 9 38 DLC 373f
Nycticebus coucang 2 10 DLC 993m
Nycticebus pygmaeus 4 15  
Otolemur crassicaudatus 1 6 DLC 1715f
Otolemur garnetii 2 10  
Perodicticus potto 3 13 DLC 917m
Total 113 483 7

Table 2. Specimens, scan names, scan parameters, and DOIs for all TIFF stacks included in this collection.

Abbreviations: mm, millimeters; kV, kilovolts; uA, microamps; GB, gigabytes; MB, megabytes.

Specimen Species Title DOI File size X resolution (mm) Y resolution (mm) Z resolution (mm) Voltage (kV) Amperage (μA) Watts (W) Projections Copyright
DLC 1607m Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.06 GB 0.025212629 0.025212629 0.025212629 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1607m Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 799.38 MB 0.026286393 0.026286393 0.026286393 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1607m Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.75 GB 0.029462179 0.029462179 0.029462179 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1607m Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.85 GB 0.04493203 0.04493203 0.04493203 156 112 17.47 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1636m Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 872.5 MB 0.024448479 0.024448479 0.024448479 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1636m Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 937.26 MB 0.032077279 0.032077279 0.032077279 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1636m Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.46 GB 0.030689647 0.030689647 0.030689647 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1636m Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 7.17 GB 0.049688201 0.049688201 0.049688201 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1653f Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.44 GB 0.018531365 0.018531365 0.018531365 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1653f Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.33 GB 0.027835561 0.027835561 0.027835561 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1653f Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 949.68 MB 0.055180769 0.055180769 0.055180769 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1657m Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.85 GB 0.051564646 0.051564646 0.051564646 145 157 22.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1657m Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 820.52 MB 0.022253715 0.022253715 0.022253715 140 169 23.66 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1657m Cheirogaleus medius Forelimb Zipped TIFF Stack 1.53 GB 0.033372468 0.033372468 0.033372468 148 231 34.19 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1657m Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 788.6 MB 0.016755471 0.016755471 0.016755471 203 132 26.8 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1657m Cheirogaleus medius Hindlimb Zipped TIFF Stack 1.63 GB 0.02942261 0.02942261 0.02942261 145 126 18.27 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1657m Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.74 GB 0.026287325 0.026287325 0.026287325 163 241 39.28 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3640f Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.92 GB 0.017541829 0.017541829 0.017541829 150 111 16.65 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3640f Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 3.27 GB 0.01787997 0.01787997 0.01787997 150 111 16.65 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3640f Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.69 GB 0.023770703 0.023770703 0.023770703 150 146 21.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3640f Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 944.31 MB 0.048064884 0.048064884 0.048064884 150 146 21.9 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 613f Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.52 GB 0.01618115 0.01618115 0.01618115 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 613f Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.23 GB 0.013749437 0.013749437 0.013749437 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 613f Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.12 GB 0.046091117 0.046091117 0.046091117 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 656m Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.36 GB 0.016657572 0.016657572 0.016657572 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 656m Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.68 GB 0.018231485 0.018231485 0.018231485 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 656m Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.16 GB 0.049809046 0.049809046 0.049809046 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 684f Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.32 GB 0.023747068 0.023747068 0.023747068 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 684f Cheirogaleus medius Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.6 GB 0.022694951 0.022694951 0.022694951 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 684f Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.01 GB 0.032473497 0.032473497 0.032473497 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 684f Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.74 GB 0.048452061 0.048452061 0.048452061 140 115 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 687f Cheirogaleus medius Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 3.08 GB 0.018175488 0.018175488 0.018175488 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 687f Cheirogaleus medius Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.93 GB 0.01998697 0.01998697 0.01998697 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 687f Cheirogaleus medius Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.25 GB 0.029686933 0.029686933 0.029686933 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 687f Cheirogaleus medius Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 8.91 GB 0.043963458 0.043963458 0.043963458 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6454f Daubentonia madagascariensis Basicranium Zipped TIFF Stack 4.85 GB 0.036600497 0.036600497 0.036600497 105 338 35.49 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6454f Daubentonia madagascariensis Cranium Zipped TIFF Stack 3.22 GB 0.055889439 0.055889439 0.055889439 80 528 42.24 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6454f Daubentonia madagascariensis Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.48 GB 0.056194843 0.056194843 0.056194843 80 528 42.24 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6454f Daubentonia madagascariensis Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.63 GB 0.050790539 0.050790539 0.050790539 80 528 42.24 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6454f Daubentonia madagascariensis Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.95 GB 0.097271818 0.097271818 0.097271818 95 495 47.03 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6604m Daubentonia madagascariensis Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.12 GB 0.105899701 0.105899701 0.105899701 120 396 47.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6604m Daubentonia madagascariensis Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.69 GB 0.068388529 0.068388529 0.068388529 100 430 43 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6604m Daubentonia madagascariensis Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.06 GB 0.067548797 0.067548797 0.067548797 110 401 44.11 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6604m Daubentonia madagascariensis Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 3.41 GB 0.06734892 0.06734892 0.06734892 110 401 44.11 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6725m Daubentonia madagascariensis Cranium Zipped TIFF stack 942.39 MB 0.053337122 0.053337122 0.053337122 105 377 39.59 2400 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6725m Daubentonia madagascariensis Feet Zipped TIFF stack 269.46 MB 0.058621731 0.058621731 0.058621731 105 246 25.83 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6725m Daubentonia madagascariensis Hands Zipped TIFF stack 634.99 MB 0.067034011 0.067034011 0.067034011 105 377 39.59 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6788m Daubentonia madagascariensis Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.49 GB 0.071475327 0.071475327 0.071475327 140 262 36.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6788m Daubentonia madagascariensis Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 3.31 GB 0.057212051 0.057212051 0.057212051 140 262 36.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6788m Daubentonia madagascariensis Leg Zipped TIFF Stack 3.72 GB 0.103460729 0.103460729 0.103460729 130 308 40.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6788m Daubentonia madagascariensis Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 4 GB 0.103460729 0.103460729 0.103460729 130 308 40.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6788m Daubentonia madagascariensis Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.66 GB 0.072993837 0.072993837 0.072993837 140 262 36.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6788m Daubentonia madagascariensis Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 4.18 GB 0.103460729 0.103460729 0.103460729 130 308 40.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6866f Daubentonia madagascariensis Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.28 GB 0.105899692 0.105899692 0.105899692 120 396 47.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6866f Daubentonia madagascariensis Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 859.13 MB 0.075191759 0.075191759 0.075191759 100 417 41.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6866f Daubentonia madagascariensis Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 823.18 MB 0.075191759 0.075191759 0.075191759 100 417 41.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6866f Daubentonia madagascariensis Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.99 GB 0.068061851 0.068061851 0.068061851 100 417 41.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6866f Daubentonia madagascariensis Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.33 GB 0.061293066 0.061293066 0.061293066 100 417 41.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.56 GB 0.053757131 0.053757131 0.053757131 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Hand/Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.38 GB 0.05461977 0.05461977 0.05461977 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 2.24 GB 0.110741361 0.110741361 0.110741361 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Tail Zipped TIFF Stack 1.68 GB 0.110741361 0.110741361 0.110741361 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.01 GB 0.051406145 0.051406145 0.051406145 115 354 40.71 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Tail Zipped TIFF Stack 931.79 MB 0.110741361 0.110741361 0.110741361 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 1.89 GB 0.110741361 0.110741361 0.110741361 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6915m Daubentonia madagascariensis Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.58 GB 0.053148061 0.053148061 0.053148061 115 354 40.71 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6941m Daubentonia madagascariensis Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.03 GB 0.064287297 0.064287297 0.064287297 100 417 41.7 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6941m Daubentonia madagascariensis Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.97 GB 0.075697608 0.075697608 0.075697608 100 417 41.7 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6941m Daubentonia madagascariensis Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.72 GB 0.061931368 0.061931368 0.061931368 100 417 41.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6941m Daubentonia madagascariensis Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.34 GB 0.107117295 0.107117295 0.107117295 110 418 45.98 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5937f Eulemur coronatus Leg and feet Zipped TIFF Stack 689.47 MB 0.076826893 0.076826893 0.076826893 90 393 35.37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5937f Eulemur coronatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.79 GB 0.107995905 0.107995905 0.107995905 95 568 53.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5937f Eulemur coronatus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 649.9 MB 0.107995905 0.107995905 0.107995905 95 568 53.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5937f Eulemur coronatus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.9 GB 0.107995905 0.107995905 0.107995905 95 568 53.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5937f Eulemur coronatus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 553.02 MB 0.076826893 0.076826893 0.076826893 90 393 35.37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6034m Eulemur coronatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.95 GB 0.093560301 0.093560301 0.093560301 100 435 43.5 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6034m Eulemur coronatus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 966.42 MB 0.053041793 0.053041793 0.053041793 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6034m Eulemur coronatus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 362.79 MB 0.05192272 0.05192272 0.05192272 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6034m Eulemur coronatus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.67 GB 0.046532523 0.046532523 0.046532523 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6035m Eulemur coronatus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 642.63 MB 0.052615654 0.052615654 0.052615654 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6035m Eulemur coronatus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 820.72 MB 0.05261565 0.05261565 0.05261565 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6035m Eulemur coronatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.45 GB 0.110741448 0.110741448 0.110741448 100 435 43.5 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6035m Eulemur coronatus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.56 GB 0.04962183 0.04962183 0.04962183 85 432 36.72 1900 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6177f Eulemur coronatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.02 GB 0.102041118 0.102041118 0.102041118 105 439 46.1 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6177f Eulemur coronatus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.23 GB 0.053221423 0.053221423 0.053221423 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6177f Eulemur coronatus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.34 GB 0.053221423 0.053221423 0.053221423 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6177f Eulemur coronatus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.62 GB 0.053221423 0.053221423 0.053221423 90 416 37.44 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6366f Eulemur coronatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.64 GB 0.106218575 0.106218575 0.106218575 100 470 47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6366f Eulemur coronatus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.05 GB 0.065021768 0.065021768 0.065021768 90 381 34.29 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6366f Eulemur coronatus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 432.03 MB 0.056339454 0.056339454 0.056339454 90 381 34.29 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6366f Eulemur coronatus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 736.72 MB 0.068660222 0.068660222 0.068660222 90 381 34.29 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6441f Eulemur coronatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.1 GB 0.106753863 0.106753863 0.106753863 95 564 53.58 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6441f Eulemur coronatus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 545.51 MB 0.053702723 0.053702723 0.053702723 75 593 44.48 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5512f Eulemur albifrons Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.18 GB 0.061939657 0.061939657 0.061939657 100 315 31.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5512f Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.061939657 0.061939657 0.061939657 100 315 31.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5512f Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 319.91 MB 0.061939664 0.061939664 0.061939664 100 315 31.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5530m Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.74 GB 0.110739912 0.110739912 0.110739912 130 315 40.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5530m Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 373.48 MB 0.055663954 0.055663954 0.055663954 100 370 37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5530m Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.04 GB 0.055663954 0.055663954 0.055663954 100 370 37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5547f Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.99 GB 0.101334296 0.101334296 0.101334296 120 389 46.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5547f Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.41 GB 0.069590054 0.069590054 0.069590054 95 410 38.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5547f Eulemur albifrons Hands/Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.44 GB 0.065668039 0.065668039 0.065668039 95 410 38.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 576m Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.46 GB 0.110739909 0.110739909 0.110739909 130 315 40.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 576m Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.051715311 0.051715311 0.051715311 100 370 37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 576m Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 394.4 MB 0.064558029 0.064558029 0.064558029 100 370 37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 576m Eulemur albifrons Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 640.48 MB 0.064558029 0.064558029 0.064558029 100 370 37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 576m Eulemur albifrons Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 813.53 MB 0.064558029 0.064558029 0.064558029 100 370 37 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6081m Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.61 GB 0.095492706 0.095492706 0.095492706 120 389 46.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6081m Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.73 GB 0.052984148 0.052984148 0.052984148 95 410 38.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6081m Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 476.34 MB 0.062752746 0.062752746 0.062752746 95 410 38.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6081m Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 254.66 MB 0.062752746 0.062752746 0.062752746 95 410 38.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6081m Eulemur albifrons Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.39 GB 0.062752746 0.062752746 0.062752746 95 410 38.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6184m Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.35 GB 0.10728737 0.10728737 0.10728737 105 487 51.14 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6184m Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.01 GB 0.075670756 0.075670756 0.075670756 100 459 45.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6184m Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.01 GB 0.059554111 0.059554111 0.059554111 100 459 45.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6184m Eulemur albifrons Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 329.96 MB 0.065921985 0.065921985 0.065921985 100 459 45.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6257f Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.53 GB 0.108921006 0.108921006 0.108921006 105 462 48.51 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6257f Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 851.72 MB 0.072339259 0.072339259 0.072339259 105 462 48.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6257f Eulemur albifrons Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 510.06 MB 0.072339259 0.072339259 0.072339259 105 462 48.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6257f Eulemur albifrons Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 602.63 MB 0.072339259 0.072339259 0.072339259 105 462 48.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6367m Eulemur albifrons Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.91 GB 0.097435437 0.097435437 0.097435437 105 462 48.51 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6367m Eulemur albifrons Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 840.05 MB 0.05718651 0.05718651 0.05718651 90 467 42.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6367m Eulemur albifrons Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.2 GB 0.047985416 0.047985416 0.047985416 85 529 44.97 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6367m Eulemur albifrons Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.92 GB 0.057632256 0.057632256 0.057632256 85 529 44.97 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5776f Eulemur collaris Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.53 GB 0.07017421 0.07017421 0.07017421 95 468 44.46 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5776f Eulemur collaris Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 293.1 MB 0.065335058 0.065335058 0.065335058 95 468 44.46 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5776f Eulemur collaris Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.52 GB 0.095144369 0.095144369 0.095144369 110 450 49.5 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5800m Eulemur collaris Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.95 GB 0.095557347 0.095557347 0.095557347 110 382 42.02 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5800m Eulemur collaris Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.85 GB 0.061797734 0.061797734 0.061797734 110 382 42.02 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5800m Eulemur collaris Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.22 GB 0.066519879 0.066519879 0.066519879 110 382 42.02 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5800m Eulemur collaris Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 841.5 MB 0.061797734 0.061797734 0.061797734 110 382 42.02 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5919m Eulemur collaris Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.47 GB 0.10545484 0.10545484 0.10545484 105 414 43.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5919m Eulemur collaris Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.91 GB 0.072178498 0.072178498 0.072178498 105 414 43.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5919m Eulemur collaris Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 488.04 MB 0.062790163 0.062790163 0.062790163 105 414 43.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5919m Eulemur collaris Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.06 GB 0.06360478 0.06360478 0.06360478 105 414 43.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5982f Eulemur collaris Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.07 GB 0.102257393 0.102257393 0.102257393 100 480 48 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5982f Eulemur collaris Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.14 GB 0.065846503 0.065846503 0.065846503 95 468 44.46 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5982f Eulemur collaris Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 936.29 MB 0.057301372 0.057301372 0.057301372 95 468 44.46 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5982f Eulemur collaris Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.4 GB 0.071583502 0.071583502 0.071583502 95 468 44.46 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6225m Eulemur collaris Hand/Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 606.09 MB 0.087543622 0.087543622 0.087543622 95 468 44.46 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6225m Eulemur collaris Skull/hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.04 GB 0.069161154 0.069161154 0.069161154 105 424 44.52 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6225m Eulemur collaris Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.35 GB 0.090182722 0.090182722 0.090182722 100 480 48 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5948m Eulemur sanfordi Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.06218655 0.06218655 0.06218655 160 165 26.4 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5948m Eulemur sanfordi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 786.7 MB 0.042960089 0.042960089 0.042960089 160 165 26.4 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5948m Eulemur sanfordi Cranium Zipped TIFF Stack 4.51 GB 0.046267938 0.046267938 0.046267938 160 165 16.5 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5948m Eulemur sanfordi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1010.02 MB 0.042960089 0.042960089 0.042960089 160 165 26.4 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5948m Eulemur sanfordi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 7.06 GB 0.108922616 0.108922616 0.108922616 160 165 26.4 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1080m Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.51 GB 0.025370026 0.025370026 0.025370026 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1080m Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 504.99 MB 0.025943503 0.025943503 0.025943503 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1080m Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.11 GB 0.016125461 0.016125461 0.016125461 190 110 20.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1080m Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.91 GB 0.046641555 0.046641555 0.046641555 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1087f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 5.81 GB 0.012471638 0.012471638 0.012471638 170 71 12.07 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1087f Galago moholi Leg Zipped TIFF Stack 5.72 GB 0.036122527 0.036122527 0.036122527 190 137 26.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1087f Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 6.78 GB 0.0218757 0.0218757 0.0218757 188 109 26.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1087f Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 849.09 MB 0.027454335 0.027454335 0.027454335 155 154 23.87 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1087f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.59 GB 0.036122527 0.036122527 0.036122527 190 137 26.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2016f Galago moholi Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 4.25 GB 0.023040427 0.023040427 0.023040427 170 129 21.93 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2016f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 935.19 MB 0.018501708 0.018501708 0.018501708 170 102 17.34 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2016f Galago moholi Hand(2) Zipped TIFF Stack 763.51 MB 0.018501708 0.018501708 0.018501708 170 102 17.34 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2016f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 8.54 GB 0.047878649 0.047878649 0.047878649 170 168 28.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2016f Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.48 GB 0.021710116 0.021710116 0.021710116 170 123 20.91 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2041m Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.15 GB 0.026992276 0.026992276 0.026992276 170 153 26.01 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2041m Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.31 GB 0.017008841 0.017008841 0.017008841 160 100 16 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2041m Galago moholi Hand(2) Zipped TIFF Stack 1004.74 MB 0.017008841 0.017008841 0.017008841 160 100 16 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2041m Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 5.35 GB 0.02195541 0.02195541 0.02195541 170 120 20.4 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2041m Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.54 GB 0.051666446 0.051666446 0.051666446 170 153 26.01 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2061m Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.17 GB 0.029418161 0.029418161 0.029418161 170 159 27.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2061m Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.78 GB 0.019379061 0.019379061 0.019379061 185 101 18.69 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2061m Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.42 GB 0.050659675 0.050659675 0.050659675 170 171 29.07 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3007f Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.79 GB 0.019496443 0.019496443 0.019496443 150 110 16.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3007f Galago moholi Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 4.29 GB 0.019496443 0.019496443 0.019496443 170 94 15.98 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3007f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.11 GB 0.043311324 0.043311324 0.043311324 170 164 27.88 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3123f Galago moholi Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.29 GB 0.02990908 0.02990908 0.02990908 140 155 21.7 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3123f Galago moholi Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.8 GB 0.018665278 0.018665278 0.018665278 140 125 17.5 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3123f Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.51 GB 0.022479782 0.022479782 0.022479782 155 150 23.25 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3123f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 724.22 MB 0.044618849 0.044618849 0.044618849 145 166 24.07 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3141f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.23 GB 0.014139019 0.014139019 0.014139019 170 81 13.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3141f Galago moholi Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 4.11 GB 0.024953157 0.024953157 0.024953157 160 147 23.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3141f Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 6.38 GB 0.021342928 0.021342928 0.021342928 170 120 20.4 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3141f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.05 GB 0.046546802 0.046546802 0.046546802 170 153 26.01 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3143f Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.24 GB 0.025652964 0.025652964 0.025652964 155 113 17.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3143f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 797.56 MB 0.018613258 0.018613258 0.018613258 155 113 17.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3143f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 710.81 MB 0.018613258 0.018613258 0.018613258 155 113 17.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3143f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.48 GB 0.046546802 0.046546802 0.046546802 170 153 26.01 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3158f Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 3.06 GB 0.023370048 0.023370048 0.023370048 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3158f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.86 GB 0.015338421 0.015338421 0.015338421 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3158f Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.58 GB 0.015338421 0.015338421 0.015338421 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3158f Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.12 GB 0.024874931 0.024874931 0.024874931 190 129 24.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3158f Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.71 GB 0.044695847 0.044695847 0.044695847 188 153 28.76 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3185m Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 955.8 MB 0.029039456 0.029039456 0.029039456 120 214 25.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3185m Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.08 GB 0.017496705 0.017496705 0.017496705 175 92 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3185m Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.11 GB 0.033769425 0.033769425 0.033769425 155 168 26.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3185m Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 714.67 MB 0.056553539 0.056553539 0.056553539 155 168 26.04 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3187m Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.64 GB 0.023058226 0.023058226 0.023058226 135 137 18.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3187m Galago moholi Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.5 GB 0.01759561 0.01759561 0.01759561 135 137 18.23 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3187m Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.33 GB 0.024175918 0.024175918 0.024175918 135 137 18.23 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3187m Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 834.23 MB 0.049657423 0.049657423 0.049657423 155 161 24.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3190m Galago moholi Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.94 GB 0.024251793 0.024251793 0.024251793 135 166 22.41 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3190m Galago moholi Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 5.43 GB 0.027059946 0.027059946 0.027059946 135 166 22.41 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3190m Galago moholi Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 886.92 MB 0.053914855 0.053914855 0.053914855 135 191 25.79 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3022m Galagoides demidovii Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.42 GB 0.025294302 0.025294302 0.025294302 165 146 24.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3022m Galagoides demidovii Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.11 GB 0.016862897 0.016862897 0.016862897 165 106 17.49 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3022m Galagoides demidovii Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.6 GB 0.02517142 0.02517142 0.02517142 165 148 24.42 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 3022m Galagoides demidovii Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.11 GB 0.045630399 0.045630399 0.045630399 155 198 30.69 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 6.67 GB 0.088388361 0.088388361 0.088388361 125 277 34.63 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 7.15 GB 0.043946002 0.043946002 0.043946002 115 263 30.25 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 678.08 MB 0.043945989 0.043945989 0.043945989 115 263 30.25 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Hands/Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 3.79 GB 0.054910075 0.054910075 0.054910075 115 263 30.25 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 1.77 GB 0.088388361 0.088388361 0.088388361 125 277 34.63 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.71 GB 0.088388361 0.088388361 0.088388361 125 277 34.63 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1302f Hapalemur griseus Leg/Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.65 GB 0.047857039 0.047857039 0.047857039 115 263 30.25 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1311m Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.07 GB 0.102538146 0.102538146 0.102538146 155 236 36.58 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1311m Hapalemur griseus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 5.86 GB 0.032784853 0.032784853 0.032784853 130 241 31.33 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1311m Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 4.37 GB 0.049337689 0.049337689 0.049337689 130 241 31.33 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1313f Hapalemur griseus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 6.49 GB 0.037909437 0.037909437 0.037909437 150 234 35.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1313f Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.61 GB 0.092076518 0.092076518 0.092076518 150 220 33 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1313f Hapalemur griseus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.92 GB 0.030636585 0.030636585 0.030636585 150 200 30 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1317f Hapalemur griseus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.044520918 0.044520918 0.044520918 120 276 33.12 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1317f Hapalemur griseus Hand/Forearm Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.054378938 0.054378938 0.054378938 115 278 31.97 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1317f Hapalemur griseus Mid Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.103797734 0.103797734 0.103797734 130 290 37.7 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1317f Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.86 GB 0.04653291 0.04653291 0.04653291 120 294 35.28 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1317f Hapalemur griseus Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 1.67 GB 0.103797734 0.103797734 0.103797734 140 287 40.18 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1317f Hapalemur griseus Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 5.54 GB 0.103797734 0.103797734 0.103797734 130 290 37.7 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1323f Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.49 GB 0.047259789 0.047259789 0.047259789 120 238 28.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1323f Hapalemur griseus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 193.39 MB 0.0457347 0.0457347 0.0457347 120 238 28.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1323f Hapalemur griseus Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 3.26 GB 0.083882093 0.083882093 0.083882093 130 165 21.45 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1323f Hapalemur griseus Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 1.74 GB 0.083882093 0.083882093 0.083882093 130 265 34.45 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1323f Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.8 GB 0.083882093 0.083882093 0.083882093 130 265 34.45 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1331f Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.42 GB 0.047602925 0.047602925 0.047602925 140 229 32.06 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1331f Hapalemur griseus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.94 GB 0.036672633 0.036672633 0.036672633 145 245 35.53 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1331f Hapalemur griseus Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 3.29 GB 0.093477212 0.093477212 0.093477212 140 264 36.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1331f Hapalemur griseus Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 5.47 GB 0.093477212 0.093477212 0.093477212 140 264 39.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1333m Hapalemur griseus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 941.63 MB 0.050929051 0.050929051 0.050929051 120 255 30.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1333m Hapalemur griseus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 528.76 MB 0.04425583 0.04425583 0.04425583 120 255 30.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1333m Hapalemur griseus Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 2.29 GB 0.108927906 0.108927906 0.108927906 125 328 41 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1333m Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.56 GB 0.04425583 0.04425583 0.04425583 120 255 30.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1333m Hapalemur griseus Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 2.95 GB 0.108927906 0.108927906 0.108927906 125 328 41 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1333m Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.72 GB 0.108927906 0.108927906 0.108927906 125 328 41 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1337f Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.36 GB 0.055972494 0.055972494 0.055972494 115 279 32.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1337f Hapalemur griseus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.42 GB 0.038098533 0.038098533 0.038098533 145 238 34.51 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1337f Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3 GB 0.051481672 0.051481672 0.051481672 130 238 30.94 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1337f Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.47 GB 0.093004674 0.093004674 0.093004674 155 232 35.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1353f Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.42 GB 0.047832448 0.047832448 0.047832448 120 280 33.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1353f Hapalemur griseus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.04 GB 0.047655281 0.047655281 0.047655281 120 280 33.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1353f Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.44 GB 0.099821776 0.099821776 0.099821776 145 245 35.53 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1354m Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.47 GB 0.051356088 0.051356088 0.051356088 110 255 28.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1354m Hapalemur griseus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.11 GB 0.051598269 0.051598269 0.051598269 110 255 28.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1354m Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4 GB 0.093332745 0.093332745 0.093332745 145 269 39.01 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1359m Hapalemur griseus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.33 GB 0.048827916 0.048827916 0.048827916 115 243 27.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1359m Hapalemur griseus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.33 GB 0.04253133 0.04253133 0.04253133 115 243 27.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1359m Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.89 GB 0.04468653 0.04468653 0.04468653 115 243 27.95 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1359m Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 7.08 GB 0.092646509 0.092646509 0.092646509 130 292 37.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1360f Hapalemur griseus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.25 GB 0.045164652 0.045164652 0.045164652 120 255 30.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1360f Hapalemur griseus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 3.79 GB 0.040284164 0.040284164 0.040284164 120 255 30.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1360f Hapalemur griseus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.86 GB 0.108927906 0.108927906 0.108927906 125 328 41 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1360f Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.75 GB 0.041552003 0.041552003 0.041552003 120 255 28.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1367f Hapalemur griseus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.06 GB 0.051249679 0.051249679 0.051249679 125 277 34.63 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1367f Hapalemur griseus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.55 GB 0.049727984 0.049727984 0.049727984 125 277 34.63 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1367f Hapalemur griseus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.92 GB 0.044953998 0.044953998 0.044953998 130 266 34.58 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1367f Hapalemur griseus Upper Zipped TIFF Stack 3.5 GB 0.101909123 0.101909123 0.101909123 140 282 39.48 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1367f Hapalemur griseus Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 3.84 GB 0.108830117 0.108830117 0.108830117 125 277 34.63 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5977m Lemur catta Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 822.81 MB 0.065080784 0.065080784 0.065080784 100 443 44.3 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5977m Lemur catta Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 367.49 MB 0.059766557 0.059766557 0.059766557 100 443 44.4 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5977m Lemur catta Trunk Zipped TIFF Stack 3.2 GB 0.110083237 0.110083237 0.110083237 110 420 46.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 5977m Lemur catta Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 921.89 MB 0.110083237 0.110083237 0.110083237 110 420 46.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6143m Lemur catta Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.073608287 0.073608287 0.073608287 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6143m Lemur catta Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.22 GB 0.069920294 0.069920294 0.069920294 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6143m Lemur catta Hand/Forearm Zipped TIFF Stack 1.4 GB 0.064154781 0.064154781 0.064154781 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6143m Lemur catta Trunk Zipped TIFF Stack 6.79 GB 0.095492706 0.095492706 0.095492706 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6143m Lemur catta Lower Zipped TIFF Stack 3.76 GB 0.095492594 0.095492594 0.095492594 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6276f Lemur catta Upper Trunk Zipped TIFF Stack 4.27 GB 0.095073804 0.095073804 0.095073804 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6276f Lemur catta Lower Trunk Zipped TIFF Stack 3.02 GB 0.095073804 0.095073804 0.095073804 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6276f Lemur catta Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 639.89 MB 0.074961379 0.074961379 0.074961379 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6276f Lemur catta Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 419.54 MB 0.084363788 0.084363788 0.084363788 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6276f Lemur catta Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 508.19 MB 0.076436751 0.076436751 0.076436751 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6276f Lemur catta Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.41 GB 0.095073804 0.095073804 0.095073804 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6808m Lemur catta Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.71 GB 0.05675124 0.05675124 0.05675124 100 400 40 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6808m Lemur catta Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 360.6 MB 0.052849662 0.052849662 0.052849662 100 400 40 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6808m Lemur catta Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 207.96 MB 0.052849662 0.052849662 0.052849662 100 400 40 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6808m Lemur catta Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 933.54 MB 0.058450068 0.058450068 0.058450068 100 317 31.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6808m Lemur catta Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.95 GB 0.110047594 0.110047594 0.110047594 120 389 46.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6848m Lemur catta Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.47 GB 0.110195689 0.110195689 0.110195689 110 420 46.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6848m Lemur catta Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.1 GB 0.074588589 0.074588589 0.074588589 100 400 40 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6848m Lemur catta Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 429.51 MB 0.055105228 0.055105228 0.055105228 100 400 40 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6848m Lemur catta Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 504.25 MB 0.07286676 0.07286676 0.07286676 100 400 40 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 679.48 MB 0.070695929 0.070695929 0.070695929 120 363 43.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 741.68 MB 0.069929034 0.069929034 0.069929034 120 363 43.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Arm/Forearm Zipped TIFF Stack 615.28 MB 0.074184626 0.074184626 0.074184626 120 163 19.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 149.02 MB 0.074184626 0.074184626 0.074184626 120 363 43.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Trunk Zipped TIFF Stack 4.4 GB 0.089312486 0.089312486 0.089312486 120 363 43.56 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Hind/Limb Zipped TIFF Stack 2.54 GB 0.089312486 0.089312486 0.089312486 120 363 43.56 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 6862m Lemur catta Leg Zipped TIFF Stack 1.17 GB 0.089312486 0.089312486 0.089312486 120 363 43.56 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7142f Lemur catta Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.22 GB 0.067883313 0.067883313 0.067883313 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7142f Lemur catta Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 538.44 MB 0.067883313 0.067883313 0.067883313 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7142f Lemur catta Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 498.62 MB 0.07595484 0.07595484 0.07595484 135 334 45.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7142f Lemur catta Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.22 GB 0.089312486 0.089312486 0.089312486 120 363 43.56 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1902f Loris tardigradus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 889.58 MB 0.069091707 0.069091707 0.069091707 150 183 27.45 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1902f Loris tardigradus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 345.09 MB 0.02812899 0.02812899 0.02812899 160 135 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1902f Loris tardigradus Forelimbs Zipped TIFF Stack 1.81 GB 0.039654193 0.039654193 0.039654193 150 149 22.35 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1902f Loris tardigradus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 616.28 MB 0.028128993 0.028128993 0.028128993 160 135 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1902f Loris tardigradus Hindlimbs Zipped TIFF Stack 1.03 GB 0.044697583 0.044697583 0.044697583 150 149 22.35 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1902f Loris tardigradus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.72 GB 0.030086279 0.030086279 0.030086279 155 134 20.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1918m Loris tardigradus Hand/Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 3.25 GB 0.02294362 0.02294362 0.02294362 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1918m Loris tardigradus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 5.91 GB 0.026180163 0.026180163 0.026180163 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1918m Loris tardigradus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.92 GB 0.048001297 0.048001297 0.048001297 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1992m Loris tardigradus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 3.25 GB 0.024378102 0.024378102 0.024378102 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1992m Loris tardigradus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 263.17 MB 0.035715047 0.035715047 0.035715047 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1992m Loris tardigradus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.11 GB 0.035715047 0.035715047 0.035715047 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1992m Loris tardigradus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 7.63 GB 0.049314659 0.049314659 0.049314659 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2930m Loris tardigradus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.46 GB 0.031504329 0.031504329 0.031504329 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2930m Loris tardigradus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.26 GB 0.027718766 0.027718766 0.027718766 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2930m Loris tardigradus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.29 GB 0.035230957 0.035230957 0.035230957 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2930m Loris tardigradus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.68 GB 0.07634972 0.07634972 0.07634972 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 977f Loris tardigradus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.24 GB 0.069091707 0.069091707 0.069091707 150 183 27.45 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 977f Loris tardigradus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.04 GB 0.026325268 0.026325268 0.026325268 145 111 16.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 977f Loris tardigradus Forelimb Zipped TIFF Stack 1.39 GB 0.040545581 0.040545581 0.040545581 160 125 20 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 977f Loris tardigradus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 492.38 MB 0.028736417 0.028736417 0.028736417 160 135 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 977f Loris tardigradus Hindlimb Zipped TIFF Stack 1.4 GB 0.040545581 0.040545581 0.040545581 160 125 20 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 977f Loris tardigradus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.52 GB 0.032464791 0.032464791 0.032464791 160 102 16.32 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1812f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 260.46 MB 0.018870898 0.018870898 0.018870898 85 214 18.19 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1812f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 94.64 MB 0.023938105 0.023938105 0.023938105 85 279 23.72 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1812f Microcebus murinus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.06 GB 0.023938105 0.023938105 0.023938105 85 279 23.72 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1812f Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.95 GB 0.040532459 0.040532459 0.040532459 85 419 35.62 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1830f Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.01 GB 0.019533198 0.019533198 0.019533198 105 177 18.59 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1830f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 580.82 MB 0.022591772 0.022591772 0.022591772 100 219 21.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1830f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 668.55 MB 0.022591772 0.022591772 0.022591772 100 219 21.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1830f Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.11 GB 0.033495944 0.033495944 0.033495944 100 305 30.5 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7003m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 881.09 MB 0.051894952 0.051894952 0.051894952 90 283 25.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7003m Microcebus murinus Hand/Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 564.83 MB 0.026893973 0.026893973 0.026893973 90 214 19.26 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7003m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 833.86 MB 0.024888759 0.024888759 0.024888759 90 214 19.26 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7006m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 915.65 MB 0.044273071 0.044273071 0.044273071 100 222 22.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7006m Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 658.76 MB 0.024626352 0.024626352 0.024626352 105 177 18.59 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7006m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 335.28 MB 0.020458931 0.020458931 0.020458931 105 177 18.59 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7006m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 214.88 MB 0.020458931 0.020458931 0.020458931 105 177 18.59 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7011f Microcebus murinus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.01 GB 0.023221359 0.023221359 0.023221359 85 241 24.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7011f Microcebus murinus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 711.03 MB 0.021238482 0.021238482 0.021238482 85 241 20.49 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7011f Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.04 GB 0.02131648 0.02131648 0.02131648 85 241 20.49 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7011f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 163.23 MB 0.021238482 0.021238482 0.021238482 85 241 20.49 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7011f Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.04 GB 0.040121231 0.040121231 0.040121231 85 419 35.62 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7016m Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 311.99 MB 0.026972702 0.026972702 0.026972702 90 272 24.48 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7016m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 817.55 MB 0.027235521 0.027235521 0.027235521 90 272 24.48 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7016m Microcebus murinus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.44 GB 0.027235521 0.027235521 0.027235521 90 272 24.48 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7016m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.75 GB 0.039243069 0.039243069 0.039243069 90 342 30.78 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7017m Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 439.62 MB 0.019744482 0.019744482 0.019744482 90 214 19.26 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7017m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 288.36 MB 0.019744484 0.019744484 0.019744484 90 214 19.26 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7017m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.03 GB 0.019744484 0.019744484 0.019744484 90 214 19.26 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7017m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.76 GB 0.038239431 0.038239431 0.038239431 90 342 30.78 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7019m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 670.23 MB 0.035296075 0.035296075 0.035296075 100 197 19.7 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7019m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.29 GB 0.021320194 0.021320194 0.021320194 95 199 18.91 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7019m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 228.17 MB 0.023636376 0.023636376 0.023636376 80 290 23.2 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7019m Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 314.44 MB 0.023878347 0.023878347 0.023878347 95 199 18.91 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7021m Microcebus murinus Foot A Zipped TIFF Stack 202.04 MB 0.022323428 0.022323428 0.022323428 95 216 20.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7021m Microcebus murinus Foot B Zipped TIFF Stack 314.48 MB 0.020491783 0.020491783 0.020491783 85 229 19.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7021m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 278.8 MB 0.019185083 0.019185083 0.019185083 100 180 18 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7021m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 229.43 MB 0.019185083 0.019185083 0.019185083 100 180 18 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7021m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.38 GB 0.021313295 0.021313295 0.021313295 95 216 20.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7021m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.19 GB 0.038027935 0.038027935 0.038027935 85 413 35.11 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7022f Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 17.13 MB 0.039805587 0.039805587 0.039805587 85 376 31.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7024m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.49 GB 0.044094801 0.044094801 0.044094801 100 272 27.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7024m Microcebus murinus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1013.63 MB 0.022291776 0.022291776 0.022291776 100 222 22.2 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7024m Microcebus murinus Hand/Arm Zipped TIFF Stack 1.48 GB 0.022863461 0.022863461 0.022863461 100 222 22.2 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7024m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.15 GB 0.022863463 0.022863463 0.022863463 100 222 22.2 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7025m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.27 GB 0.046328414 0.046328414 0.046328414 85 376 31.96 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7025m Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 602.37 MB 0.024948237 0.024948237 0.024948237 85 271 23.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7025m Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 465.01 MB 0.024948237 0.024948237 0.024948237 85 271 23.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7025m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 306.7 MB 0.024948237 0.024948237 0.024948237 85 271 23.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7025m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 298.4 MB 0.024948237 0.024948237 0.024948237 85 271 23.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7065m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 375.35 MB 0.042540975 0.042540975 0.042540975 80 371 29.68 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7065m Microcebus murinus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 846.4 MB 0.021827504 0.021827504 0.021827504 85 255 21.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7065m Microcebus murinus Maxilla Zipped TIFF Stack 172.05 MB 0.024335912 0.024335912 0.024335912 85 270 229.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7065m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 159.37 MB 0.021827505 0.021827505 0.021827505 85 255 21.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7065m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 206.75 MB 0.021827505 0.021827505 0.021827505 85 255 21.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 7065m Microcebus murinus Mandible Zipped TIFF Stack 569.42 MB 0.021827505 0.021827505 0.021827505 85 255 21.68 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 845f Microcebus murinus Foot B Zipped TIFF Stack 334.53 MB 0.021745628 0.021745628 0.021745628 90 215 19.35 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 845f Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.76 GB 0.020519108 0.020519108 0.020519108 90 215 19.35 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 845f Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.47 GB 0.038239427 0.038239427 0.038239427 90 383 34.47 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 845f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 159.83 MB 0.020519106 0.020519106 0.020519106 90 215 19.35 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 845f Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 182.08 MB 0.020519106 0.020519106 0.020519106 90 215 19.35 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 845f Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 159.51 MB 0.020519106 0.020519106 0.020519106 90 215 19.35 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 893m Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.19 GB 0.021885242 0.021885242 0.021885242 80 290 23.2 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 893m Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.19 GB 0.040855881 0.040855881 0.040855881 90 355 31.95 31.95 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 893m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 146.22 MB 0.024257032 0.024257032 0.024257032 85 263 22.36 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 893m Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 576.35 MB 0.024257032 0.024257032 0.024257032 85 263 22.36 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 893m Microcebus murinus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 496.63 MB 0.025659679 0.025659679 0.025659679 85 263 22.36 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm01 Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.78 GB 0.036884505 0.036884505 0.036884505 100 240 24 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm01 Microcebus murinus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 673.22 MB 0.024511045 0.024511045 0.024511045 100 210 21 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm01 Microcebus murinus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 459.36 MB 0.019862801 0.019862801 0.019862801 105 177 18.59 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm02 Microcebus murinus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.75 GB 0.033327077 0.033327077 0.033327077 95 232 22.04 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm02 Microcebus murinus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 875.79 MB 0.022636365 0.022636365 0.022636365 80 275 22 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm02 Microcebus murinus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 662.74 MB 0.022636365 0.022636365 0.022636365 80 275 22 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Mm02 Microcebus murinus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.01 GB 0.02571173 0.02571173 0.02571173 80 290 23.2 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2301f Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 594.37 MB 0.038561612 0.038561612 0.038561612 140 154 21.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2301f Mirza zaza Calvarium Zipped TIFF Stack 244.76 MB 0.038561612 0.038561612 0.038561612 140 154 21.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2301f Mirza zaza Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 129.57 MB 0.038561612 0.038561612 0.038561612 140 154 21.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2301f Mirza zaza Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.37 GB 0.038561612 0.038561612 0.038561612 140 154 21.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2301f Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.42 GB 0.067536809 0.067536809 0.067536809 140 154 21.56 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2304m Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.025382072 0.025382072 0.025382072 130 187 24.31 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2304m Mirza zaza Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 823.69 MB 0.025382072 0.025382072 0.025382072 130 187 24.31 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2304m Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.17 GB 0.025382072 0.025382072 0.025382072 130 187 24.31 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2304m Mirza zaza Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.31 GB 0.029101968 0.029101968 0.029101968 120 186 22.32 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2304m Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.33 GB 0.061254796 0.061254796 0.061254796 120 260 31.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2316m Mirza zaza Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 3.37 GB 0.026818974 0.026818974 0.026818974 130 128 16.64 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2316m Mirza zaza Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.97 GB 0.026793329 0.026793329 0.026793329 150 130 19.5 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2316m Mirza zaza Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.46 GB 0.023880169 0.023880169 0.023880169 130 128 16.64 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2316m Mirza zaza Lower Trunk Zipped TIFF Stack 2.44 GB 0.049792167 0.049792167 0.049792167 130 169 21.97 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2316m Mirza zaza Upper Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.23 GB 0.049792167 0.049792167 0.049792167 130 169 21.97 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2322f Mirza zaza Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.39 GB 0.027688136 0.027688136 0.027688136 130 204 26.52 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2322f Mirza zaza Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.58 GB 0.032836959 0.032836959 0.032836959 130 231 30.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2322f Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.89 GB 0.09669634 0.09669634 0.09669634 155 226 35.03 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2322f Mirza zaza Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.16 GB 0.033058789 0.033058789 0.033058789 130 231 30.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 315m Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.06 GB 0.027385578 0.027385578 0.027385578 170 157 26.69 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 315m Mirza zaza Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.02 GB 0.027385578 0.027385578 0.027385578 170 157 26.69 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 315m Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.63 GB 0.071125828 0.071125828 0.071125828 170 182 30.94 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 315m Mirza zaza Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.66 GB 0.031418357 0.031418357 0.031418357 150 199 29.85 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 339f Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.42 GB 0.030469423 0.030469423 0.030469423 135 160 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 339f Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.41 GB 0.070778213 0.070778213 0.070778213 135 241 32.54 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 339f Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.73 GB 0.030469423 0.030469423 0.030469423 135 160 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 339f Mirza zaza Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 345.05 MB 0.031063354 0.031063354 0.031063354 135 160 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 339f Mirza zaza Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 309.46 MB 0.031063354 0.031063354 0.031063354 135 160 21.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 340m Mirza zaza Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.25 GB 0.021991465 0.021991465 0.021991465 155 134 20.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 340m Mirza zaza Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.56 GB 0.027049243 0.027049243 0.027049243 155 134 20.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 340m Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.45 GB 0.060477514 0.060477514 0.060477514 150 208 31.2 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 360m Mirza zaza Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.45 GB 0.034495082 0.034495082 0.034495082 140 205 28.7 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 360m Mirza zaza Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.82 GB 0.073436119 0.073436119 0.073436119 130 231 30.03 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 360m Mirza zaza Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.61 GB 0.034953907 0.034953907 0.034953907 140 220 30.8 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 373f Mirza zaza Full Body microCT Volume File 1.56 GB 0.085649452 0.085649452 0.085649452 138 167 23.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 373f Mirza zaza Forelimb Zipped TIFF Stack 4.13 GB 0.039029521 0.039029521 0.039029521 116 178 20.65 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 373f Mirza zaza Hindlimb microCT Volume File 5.04 GB 0.049629849 0.049629849 0.049629849 131 166 21.75 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 373f Mirza zaza Skull microCT Volume File 5.05 GB 0.030318779 0.030318779 0.030318779 179 59 10.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1998f Nycticebus coucang Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 4.76 GB 0.035238422 0.035238422 0.035238422 155 110 17.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1998f Nycticebus coucang Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.74 GB 0.041094869 0.041094869 0.041094869 155 110 17.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1998f Nycticebus coucang Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.74 GB 0.106712222 0.106712222 0.106712222 155 110 17.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1998f Nycticebus coucang Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 3.97 GB 0.035397302 0.035397302 0.035397302 155 110 17.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 993m Nycticebus coucang Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.03 GB 0.033481211 0.033481211 0.033481211 150 146 21.9 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 993m Nycticebus coucang Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 2.31 GB 0.080906598 0.080906598 0.080906598 145 166 24.07 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 993m Nycticebus coucang Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 2.15 GB 0.039299007 0.039299007 0.039299007 145 173 25.09 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 993m Nycticebus coucang Hindlimbs Zipped TIFF Stack 1.77 GB 0.053029843 0.053029843 0.053029843 160 193 30.88 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 993m Nycticebus coucang Forelimbs Zipped TIFF Stack 1.86 GB 0.053029843 0.053029843 0.053029843 160 208 33.28 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 993m Nycticebus coucang Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 1.06 GB 0.037518788 0.037518788 0.037518788 150 160 24 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2901f Nycticebus pygmaeus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 3.27 GB 0.077386118 0.077386118 0.077386118 190 85 16.15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2901f Nycticebus pygmaeus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.38 GB 0.035473477 0.035473477 0.035473477 155 110 17.05 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2901f Nycticebus pygmaeus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.58 GB 0.037053335 0.037053335 0.037053335 190 85 16.15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2901f Nycticebus pygmaeus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 3.22 GB 0.034817457 0.034817457 0.034817457 185 81 14.99 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2921m Nycticebus pygmaeus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.05 GB 0.027394786 0.027394786 0.027394786 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2921m Nycticebus pygmaeus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.98 GB 0.027394786 0.027394786 0.027394786 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2921m Nycticebus pygmaeus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.32 GB 0.03434173 0.03434173 0.03434173 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2921m Nycticebus pygmaeus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 8.03 GB 0.052322794 0.052322794 0.052322794 150 100 15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2926m Nycticebus pygmaeus Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 2.29 GB 0.016929612 0.016929612 0.016929612 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2926m Nycticebus pygmaeus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.78 GB 0.021844195 0.021844195 0.021844195 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2926m Nycticebus pygmaeus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.34 GB 0.036006387 0.036006387 0.036006387 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2926m Nycticebus pygmaeus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 5.01 GB 0.05111758 0.05111758 0.05111758 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2928m Nycticebus pygmaeus Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.98 GB 0.030041894 0.030041894 0.030041894 155 120 12 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2928m Nycticebus pygmaeus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 3.49 GB 0.031106615 0.031106615 0.031106615 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 2928m Nycticebus pygmaeus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.45 GB 0.082177505 0.082177505 0.082177505 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1715f Otolemur crassicaudatus Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 1.02 GB 0.046544357 0.046544357 0.046544357 150 180 27 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1715f Otolemur crassicaudatus Forelimb Zipped TIFF Stack 1.55 GB 0.052211957 0.052211957 0.052211957 145 201 29.15 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1715f Otolemur crassicaudatus Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.84 GB 0.097160997 0.097160997 0.097160997 140 358 50.12 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1715f Otolemur crassicaudatus Hindlimb Zipped TIFF Stack 2.58 GB 0.062711104 0.062711104 0.062711104 140 213 29.82 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1715f Otolemur crassicaudatus Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 822.53 MB 0.048919875 0.048919875 0.048919875 150 180 27 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 1715f Otolemur crassicaudatus Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 1.9 GB 0.048919875 0.048919875 0.048919875 150 180 27 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og01 Otolemur garnetti Feet Zipped TIFF Stack 2.44 GB 0.042969402 0.042969402 0.042969402 145 180 26.1 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og01 Otolemur garnetti Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 1.98 GB 0.091776691 0.091776691 0.091776691 150 292 43.8 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og01 Otolemur garnetti Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 820.3 MB 0.037036035 0.037036035 0.037036035 110 307 33.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og01 Otolemur garnetti Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.58 GB 0.037036035 0.037036035 0.037036035 110 307 33.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og01 Otolemur garnetti Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 6.16 GB 0.034613498 0.034613498 0.034613498 110 307 33.77 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og02 Otolemur garnetti Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.9 GB 0.027914777 0.027914777 0.027914777 185 184 34.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og02 Otolemur garnetti Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 5.7 GB 0.027914777 0.027914777 0.027914777 185 184 34.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og02 Otolemur garnetti Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 4.94 GB 0.108948588 0.108948588 0.108948588 185 184 34.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og02 Otolemur garnetti Foot A Zipped TIFF Stack 2.32 GB 0.040458083 0.040458083 0.040458083 185 184 34.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Og02 Otolemur garnetti Foot B Zipped TIFF Stack 1.75 GB 0.040458083 0.040458083 0.040458083 185 184 34.04 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 917f Perodicticus potto Full Body microCT Volume File 3.19 GB 0.094036871 0.094036871 0.094036871 196 116 22.74 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 917f Perodicticus potto Hindlimb microCT Volume File 1.93 GB 0.068452098 0.068452098 0.068452098 193 122 23.55 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 917f Perodicticus potto Skull microCT Volume File 3.35 GB 0.039785247 0.039785247 0.039785247 169 98 16.56 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 919m Perodicticus potto Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.82 GB 0.035009049 0.035009049 0.035009049 155 120 18 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 919m Perodicticus potto Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 914.08 MB 0.038304985 0.038304985 0.038304985 155 120 18 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 919m Perodicticus potto Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 2.37 GB 0.035009049 0.035009049 0.035009049 155 120 18 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 919m Perodicticus potto Hand Zipped TIFF Stack 1.41 GB 0.038304985 0.038304985 0.038304985 155 120 18 1800 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 919m Perodicticus potto Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 6.86 GB 0.088456817 0.088456817 0.088456817 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC 919m Perodicticus potto Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 3.4 GB 0.043280069 0.043280069 0.043280069 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Pp01 Perodicticus potto Foot Zipped TIFF Stack 1.98 GB 0.03499129 0.03499129 0.03499129 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Pp01 Perodicticus potto Hands Zipped TIFF Stack 2.8 GB 0.036622722 0.036622722 0.036622722 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Pp01 Perodicticus potto Skull Zipped TIFF Stack 4.24 GB 0.036622722 0.036622722 0.036622722 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC
DLC NN_Pp01 Perodicticus potto Full Body Zipped TIFF Stack 7.64 GB 0.07721854 0.07721854 0.07721854 155 120 18.6 2000 Duke Lemur Center CC BY-NC

MicroCT scanning

A Nikon XT H 225 ST μCT machine at Duke University’s Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF) was used for all scans. This machine has a Perkins Elmer AN1620 X-ray detector panel, which provides a 2000 x 2000 pixel field and a 7.5 frames per second readout. All scans were performed using a Nikon 225kV reflection target with a tungsten anode, which has a focal spot size ranging from 3 to 225 μm depending on the power. No filters were used. The voltage for these scans ranged between 75–203 kV and current settings ranged between 59–593 μA. These settings were largely dependent on the density of the specimen (higher density requires higher X-ray power to penetrate the specimen) and proximity of the detector panel to the reflection target (a smaller distance necessitates lower X-ray power to avoid oversaturation).

In order to ensure that each specimen could be used in subsequent research projects, we did not want scanning events to further degrade the specimen through thawing and refreezing. Therefore, we placed non-iodine stained specimens on dry ice in a Styrofoam cooler, stabilized the specimens with radiotransparent foam to prevent specimen movement during the scan, and conducted the scan with the specimens in the cooler. Iodine stained specimens were scanned in various containers and stabilized with radiotransparent foam but were not placed on dry ice. Variation in the resolution of the scans (voxel size) in Table 2 reflects the maximum level of magnification that could be achieved for an anatomical region given the dimensions of each specimen and the scanning container.

The protocol for this project prioritized comprehensiveness and detail. To that end, most specimens were scanned four to eight times and are represented by four to five volumes: an overview of the full body and separate higher resolution volumes of the skull, hands, and feet (Fig 2). Full body overviews are usually composites created by stitching together TIFF stacks from multiple scanning events (detailed further below).

Fig 2. Volume rendering of Nycticebus coucang (DLC 2901f) showing scanning protocol for strepsirrhine cadavers.

Fig 2

Boxes outline regions of increased anatomical complexity that were scanned at higher resolutions separately. To reduce noise, the threshold for grey values is lower than optimal threshold, rendering less dense bone transparent.

Iodine staining

The soft tissue anatomy of two lemur and five loris specimens (Table 1) was visualized in the CT-scans using iodine as a contrasting agent [31]. Fig 3 provides an example image from an individual scanned after the staining process. These specimens were thawed and fixed in 10% formalin (Carolina Biological) to prevent deterioration during staining. Specimens were stained in a 7% solution of Lugol’s Iodine (Carolina Biological) for six weeks prior to scanning to allow iodine to penetrate the tissues. Given the large volume of solution required to stain seven cadavers, Lugol’s solution was selected as the contrast-enhancing agent (rather than iosmium-tetroxide [3234] or phospho-molybdic acid [35]) due to its low toxicity, ease of access, ability to differentially stain types of soft tissue, and cost effectiveness. Following scanning, iodine was removed from the specimens by soaking them in a series of water baths over several weeks to leach the iodine [31] from the specimen’s tissues.

Fig 3. Volume rendering of iodine-stained Cheirogaleus medius (DLC 1657m) using Avizo software.

Fig 3

A clipping plane in the software digitally slices through the fur and skin to show stained tissues underneath.

Post-processing and stitching

X-ray projections were reconstructed as 3D volumes using Nikon XTEK CT Pro 3D version XT 5.3.2, proprietary software purchased with the μCT machine and available to all μCT users at SMIF. Volumes were saved as 16-bit Tagged Image File Format (.TIFF) stacks. High resolutions scans were compressed with 7-Zip software and uploaded to MorphoSource.

If the size of the specimen prevented the full body overview from being done in a single scan, the overview was created by conducting a series of overlapping scans with a shared centre of rotation. This process was easy to accomplish when the specimen was in an extended posture and each scan was oriented along the vertical y-axis (Fig 4A), provided the specimen was not larger than the vertical travel distance permitted by the scanner’s dimensions. However, larger specimens were often flexed into C-shapes that exceeded the dimensions of the detector, even at the lowest magnification. In these cases, scans were conducted as a series of overlapping “panels” with two separate vertical axes (Fig 4B).

Fig 4. Examples of stitched composite scans.

Fig 4

A) composite scan of Microcebus murinus (DLC 893m) stitched along a single vertical axis; B) composite scan of Daubentonia madagascariensis (DLC 6604m) stitched along two vertical axes. Boxes indicate separate microCT scans, grey areas boxes indicate areas of scan overlap.

To generate full body composites, overlapping scans were stitched together in ImageJ [36] using the 3D Stitching plug-in [37]. As composites of two or more scanning events, the full body overviews are very large volumes. When composite overviews were extremely large (rendering subsequent processing too computationally demanding), we chose to upload the overlapping scans separately. If there are elements partially represented across two scans, these scans can be stitched together by researchers after download.

MicroCT error study

As discussed by Copes et al. [28], μCT scanners in academic instrumentation facilities accommodate a wide range of users with varying demands for scanning parameters (i.e., detector and stage settings, target type, beam settings). The flexibility required of μCT scanners in academic contexts stands in contrast to industrial or metrology-specific machines, which can be calibrated to maintain a degree of minimum error within a particular set of scan parameters. For scanners in academic instrumentation facilities, accuracy is determined by the initial installation settings and subsequent maintenance, with the assumption that measurement error is around 1%.

Here we expand the calibration study of Copes et al. [28] for SMIF’s Nikon XT H 225 ST μCT machine. To determine the accuracy of the scanner, three different standard spheres of known diameters (3.175mm, 6.35mm, and 12.7mm; machined with a +/- 1.0 μm tolerance) were scanned at a range of voxel resolutions. The 3.175mm and 6.35mm spheres was scanned at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 20 μm per voxel with the detector fixed at its farthest position in the chamber. The 12.7mm sphere was scanned at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 μm per voxel with the detector in the same position. Each scan was collected at 175kV, 86μA (15W), 354ms, 2000 projections, 1 frame per projection, and without a filter. Nikon’s proprietary CT Pro 3D and CT Agent software reconstructed the projection data into a volume data file, which was then opened in VG Studio Max 2.2.

In VG Studio, an automatic surface determination was applied to the spheres, >20 fit points were placed on the surface, and an idealized sphere was fit to these points. Diameters produced from this measurement were recorded and compared to the reported diameter of the spheres. The relative percentage error (RE%) was calculated as the difference between the measured (MD) and reported diameters (RD), divided by the measured diameter (RE% = (MD-RD)/MD*100). Given that we are evaluating the same μCT machine, we expect relative % error to be similar to the <0.2% reported by Copes et al. [28].


MicroCT error study

Table 3 reports error values for all three standard spheres, and error is plotted against voxel resolution in Fig 5. For each calibration sphere, we found less than 0.3% error at all resolution levels, with most scans demonstrating error levels below 0.1%.

Table 3. Relative error at different voxel resolutions for three calibration spheres in the Nikon X-Tek XHT 225 ST scanner at Duke University’s Shared Materials and Instrumentation Facility.

Sphere diameter (mm) Voxel resolution (μm) Measured diameter (mm) Relative error (%)
3.175 5 3.1662 -0.278
6 3.1702 -0.151
7 3.1724 -0.082
8 3.1748 -0.006
9 3.1764 0.044
10 3.1772 0.069
15 3.1760 0.031
20 3.1786 0.113
6.35 5 6.3380 -0.189
6 6.3384 -0.183
7 6.3428 -0.114
8 6.3470 -0.047
9 6.3490 -0.016
10 6.3452 -0.076
15 6.3498 -0.003
20 6.3552 0.082
12.7 10 12.6800 -0.158
20 12.7002 0.002
30 12.6992 -0.006
40 12.7012 0.009
50 12.6976 -0.019
60 12.6982 -0.014
70 12.6974 -0.020
80 12.6950 -0.039
90 12.6970 -0.024
100 12.6920 -0.063

Fig 5. Relative error at different voxel resolutions for three calibration spheres.

Fig 5

Spheres of known diameters of 3.175 mm, 6.35 mm, and 12.7 mm and were tested in the Nikon XT H 225 ST μCT scanner at Duke University’s Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility.

Data records and availability

The μCT scans and associated metadata (Table 2) presented in this project are available through MorphoSource (, a free-to-use online repository designed to accommodate 3D data and its derivatives, including 3D surface renderings and other digital imagery. MorphoSource was created to address increasing demand for deposition and archiving of 3D digital data representing physical objects, and provides the necessary infrastructure to host, share, and manage 3D data for several different user types—from individual researchers to museum curators—allowing data authors and institutions to benefit from subsequent data use by third parties. Network storage is currently provided by Duke University’s data infrastructure with servers housed in multiple locations. Morphosource is currently supported by Duke University and the National Science Foundation.

The data files of the current project are available open access. Data files are copyrighted by the DLC and can be downloaded and re-used for non-commercial purposes (Creative Commons copyright license CC-BY NC). At the time of manuscript revision, the project had been viewed more than 58,000 times and more than 1900 data files have been downloaded. The most popular downloads have been TIFF volume stacks of Daubentonia madagascarensis, a unique and charismatic species not often found in museum collections. Because scanning efforts of the DLC cadaver collection are ongoing, this project will continue to grow to include new specimens and new species.


Structure of the digital collection

We chose MorphoSource to host this collection because it offers several utilities for data authors and institutions. First, MorphoSource is structured to function as both an online platform for collaborative research and as a public-facing repository for 3D digital data, with high ease-of-use when transitioning between these two roles. For this project, we began to upload scans in 2016 and, for the next two years, data were shared privately with collaborators at multiple institutions. When the project matured, data were made searchable and downloadable to all MorphoSource users, signalling the project’s transition to a publicly facing data collection. In providing this dual functionality, MorphoSource has utility for data authors during all stages of 3D data collection.

Second, MorphoSource provides data authors and institutions multiple ways to track and summarize data usage, including summary reports of data usage as well as the ability to establish citable digital object identifiers (DOIs) for individual scans and derivative data. These tools provide metrics of the value of the collection and help provide professional benefits for researchers undertaking time-intensive data collection efforts. Table 2 was generated from the summary report of this project.

Third, while data collections can be made publicly available through MorphoSource, the platform allows data authors or institutions the option of managing user access through a data request system. This functionality, along with the ability to clearly delineate copyright restrictions and other terms of use, reduces concerns that data will be used in ways that are inconsistent with institutional goals.

Data files on MorphoSource are organized within a three-level hierarchy: specimens > media groups > media files. A fourth organizational unit, the MorphoSource project, exists at the same hierarchical level as the specimen (i.e., specimens are not contained within projects, although media records of a specimen might be). Projects are a collection of media records determined by the user and serve several purposes, including sharing multiple data files with collaborators easily, developing special collections of high public interest (e.g., K-12 Anthropology Teaching Collection, MorphoSource Project P158) or curating institutional holdings (such as this project).

On MorphoSource, specimens are digital representations of physical specimens stored in museums or other collections. As researchers upload new data, they increase the comprehensive sampling of MorphoSource specimens. When new specimen records are created, they can be linked with metadata provided by the home collection of the specimen through iDigBio ( In the case of this collection, metadata are maintained directly by project members, including DLC staff, as the DLC does not currently serve collection information to data aggregators or use interoperable metadata protocols.

Media groups are nested within specimens and generally represent discrete scanning or other imaging events. Metadata of the imaging event (including scan parameters, calibrations, and funding sources) are attached to media groups.

Media files are nested within media groups and represent raw data (such as TIFF stacks) and derivative data (such as surface renderings). When media files are made publicly available or “published”, they can be assigned DOIs, which function as permanent and direct links to the data as well as references for data citation in subsequent studies. Currently, the DLC cadaver project contains media files tagged by 1329 digital object identifiers. Further detail on the structural organization and associated metadata of MorphoSource can be found in Boyer et al. [24].

Computer requirements

By current computer standards, these μCT scans are large files. TIFF stacks can range from 1 to 13 GBs and the stitched full body composites are particularly large. System performance depends primarily on four hardware components: the graphics processing unit (GPU), the central processing unit (CPU), the amount of random-access memory (RAM), and the hard drive. For direct volume renderings or 3D surface visualization, the system should have a high-end graphics card (minimally a DDR5 memory interface with more than 2 GB RAM). Sufficient RAM is critical for 3D visualization and analyses; we follow Copes et al. (2016) in recommending computers have RAM that is at least twice as large as the largest TIFF stack. Image processing speed relies on the CPU, so processors with high clock speeds (greater than 3 gigahertz) are recommended. CPU clock speed is particularly important if volume rendering software is unable to access multiple cores. Finally, for uploading datasets quickly, solid state drives (SSD) provide much faster reading and writing speeds than traditional hard disk drives (HDD).

Other recommendations to improve performance for analysing 3D data are a 64-bit operating system and multiple processing cores (provided software compatibility). Specific 3D visualization programs (listed below) may have their own set of system recommendations, so researchers are encouraged to evaluate the match between their preferred software and available workstation.

Data manipulation

When downloaded from MorphoSource, these μCT scans will first need to be decompressed using open-source programs such as 7-Zip. After decompression, we recommend that users then open TIFF stacks with 2D image processing software such as Fiji [38] or ImageJ [36], as these programs permit some volume editing but require less memory than industrial volume visualization and analysis software. In Fiji or ImageJ, the user can easily adjust grey values to enhance contrast and crop the original μCT volume to regions of interest. Edited TIFF stacks can be saved as new image sequences that require less memory to open and manipulate. For 3D visualization and analyses, there are several commercially available programs (e.g., Avizo, Amira, Dragonfly, Mimix, Osirix, Spiers, and VG Studio Max) as well as freeware (e.g., Slicer3D).

Citation of scans

Usage terms are outlined in the MorphoSource user agreement that accompanies each download from the website. Subsequent publications that make use of these scans should include 1) a citation of this study; 2) a list or table of DOIs for each scan used; and 3) a statement of access accompanying the DOI list or in the acknowledgments. This statement should read “The Duke Lemur Center provided access to these data under a reuse but non-commercial creative commons license (CC BY-NC), originally appearing in Yapuncich et al. (2019), the collection and archiving of which was funded by NSF BCS 1540421 and NSF BCS 1552848. The files were downloaded from, Duke University.” A similar statement is included in the accompanying scan metadata.

Although not required by the usage agreement, we would urge researchers who conduct additional processing of these scans (e.g., generate surface files of elements of interest) to upload derivative files to MorphoSource. While we recognize that uploading derivatives can be a time-intensive process, we feel it is a critical component of data sharing and subsequent research. To facilitate this process, bulk upload options have been developed and are available through MorphoSource. Finally, we encourage researchers to contact the DLC research manager to obtain a DLC publication number when manuscripts using these data have been accepted for publication.


The authors thank Kay Welser, David Brewer, Anne Yoder, and Greg Dye at the Duke Lemur Center for facilitating specimen loans, Mackenzie Shepherd for helping upload scans to MorphoSource, and Liza Shapiro for access to the specimens for iodine-staining. Gregg Gunnell’s support was vital for this project. This work was performed in part at the Duke University Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF), a member of the North Carolina Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN), part of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). This is Duke Lemur Center publication #1446.

Data Availability

All microCT volumes files are available from the database (Morphosource Project P170,

Funding Statement

This work was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, including NSF BCS 1540421 to GSY and DMB; NSF BCS 1552848 to DMB; NSF DBI 1759839 to DMB; NSF DBI 1701714 to David Blackburn, Gavin Naylor, and Jonathan Bloch and DMB; NSF DBI 1661386 to DMB, Gregg Gunnell, Sayan Mukherjee, and Timothy McGeary; to NSF BCS 1650734 to ADK and Chris Kirk; NSF DBI 1661132 to Timothy Ryan, Kathleen Hill, and Annmarie Ward; and NSF SBR 9617286 to Liza Shapiro. This work was also funded by internal grants from Duke University to DMB and a grant from the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association to ADK. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Justin W Adams

28 Aug 2019


A digital collection of rare and endangered lemurs and other primates from the Duke Lemur Center


Dear Mr. Yapuncich,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

We would appreciate receiving your revised manuscript by Oct 12 2019 11:59PM. When you are ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). This letter should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. This file should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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Please note while forming your response, if your article is accepted, you may have the opportunity to make the peer review history publicly available. The record will include editor decision letters (with reviews) and your responses to reviewer comments. If eligible, we will contact you to opt in or out.

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Justin W. Adams, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


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2. Thank you for stating the following in the Acknowledgments Section of your manuscript:

This work was performed in part at the Duke University Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF), a member of the North Carolina Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN), which is supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant ECCS-1542015) as part of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI).

We note that you have provided funding information that is not currently declared in your Funding Statement. However, funding information should not appear in the Acknowledgments section or other areas of your manuscript. We will only publish funding information present in the Funding Statement section of the online submission form.

Please remove any funding-related text from the manuscript and let us know how you would like to update your Funding Statement. Currently, your Funding Statement reads as follows:

This work was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, including NSF BCS 1540421 to GSY and DMB; NSF BCS 1552848 to DMB; NSF DBI 170714 to David Blackburn, Gavin Naylor, and Jonathan Bloch and DMB; NSF DBI 1661386 to DMB, Gregg Gunnell, Sayan Mukherjee, and Timothy McGeary; NSF BCS 1650734 to ADK and Chris Kirk; NSF SBR 9617286 to Liza Shapiro. This work was also funded by internal grants from Duke University to DMB and a grant from the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association to ADK. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Additional Editor Comments:

Thank you for your submission and for your patience in the review process. Having received and gone through the reviews of the submission I feel the manuscript is suitable for publication pending minor revisions; paying particular attention to the line edits offered by Reviewer 2. While Reviewer 3 has noted potential rejection of the piece on a potential interpretation of the publication guidelines, this is not my (or shared) interpretation. In sum, the manuscript is not focused on Morphosouce as a database (rather as the platform) while the database being described here is novel and warrants clear, separate description.

From my own review of the manuscript, I would note that I found the detail of the contrast-enhanced imaging of the subset of lemur cadavers to be somewhat lacking in detail regarding the specifics of the methodology employed (e.g., Why that concentration? Why that duration? Was any experimentation done to establish this particular protocol? Which individuals within the offered table are the contrast-enhanced datasets?). Although this is not a diceCT-focused publication, I feel the authors could elaborate more (especially as such datasets are not commonly published at present) as this is an increasingly utilised tool for soft-tissue image enhancement (but very much in its infancy with medium to larger-bodied mammalian species).

I look forward to receiving you response to the reviewer comments.

[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Although the Duke Primate Center has been well known for its facilities for living primates, and for its specimen collections - which I have accessed with gratitude - this Herculean task of scanning 1000s of specimens for comparative and systematic purposes makes a significant and currently unmatched (and probably never matched) contribution to primate studies. Well done, and thank you.

Reviewer #2: Overall summary:

This is a relatively straight-forward presentation of data that will greatly aid in the study and research of lemurs worldwide. I have relatively few comments, because the authors have rightfully concentrated on simple presentation of the data and approach. The comments I do have are almost all about presentation of the data and some suggestions on best-use case discussions.

Line by line comments:

Introduction, lines 57-59: I’m sure the folks at the DLC - and PLOS ONE readers - would like some historical context (old and recent) in the form of some recent, exciting research to come out of the center that can only have been done there.

Lines 61-64: similarly, folks (like me) will want to hear more about what research necessitated destructive sampling - just some citation overview would be enough.

Lines 70-71: can you state whether or not the scans are just publicly available, or are you opening up the possibility that others could contribute to the repository as well (e.g. with fossil and/or zoological data that could be available elsewhere, theoretically)

Materials & methods, 86-87: a little confused about this - wouldn’t these just need to be regularly CT-scanned (instead of microCT)?

87-89: I see from the Table that voxel size varies among specimens - is there a quick and easy explanation for how you picked these?

111-112: In addition, it might be worth mentioning more about the power, current, and voltage (I wouldn’t necessarily call these all just “energy”, as you do) settings and why they vary as well (can just be very brief, for those curious)

114-116: what about the stained specimens? what was your protocol for removing the stains to preserve specimens?

131-133: there are enough different fixation procedures and iodine staining solutions that I would like to see some explanation for how/why you picked the ones you did.

140: please state and describe the exact software and version information - folks always would like, in my experience, more examples of specific software and whether or not it’s available for a cost, open-source, etc.

174: minor, but I presume “um” should have the proper micro- prefix instead of the “u”

Results, 214-215: this is not a complete sentence.

218-219: Since you have these data, it might be prudent to talk a little bit about what people often download - do some people prefer just skulls, for instance? or particular taxa? In addition, to this point I had assumed that what is available on MorphoSource is just TIFF stacks, but I’d like a little clarification on whether or not you have separate volume and surface reconstructions available for users to download - and if you do, if users prefer those over the TIFFs (which seems to often be the case).

Discussion, 264-266: I see this answers part above my above question - I think these data should be shared earlier, and dated (e.g. “at the time of manuscript preparation…”)

279-280: Given your follow-up discussion on multiple cores, raw CPU clock speed is actually a very misleading suggestion here.

289-290: From a philosophical perspective, I find it troubling to equate trialware - potentially even something you could call shareware - like WinZip to open-source, freely available 7-Zip.

291: Here and in a few other locations, TIFF should remain all-capitalized, as is typically the norm.

304-308: You don’t think people should state the CC license?

Reviewer #3: This paper is a presentation of a new database of microCT scanned cadaveric specimens of strepsirrhines. I think that this paper is well written and in terms of the content of the paper, I have only one real suggestion and that is that the information about the error study should be contained in the abstract.

That said, I'm not convinced that this fits the PLoS One publishing guidelines. PLoS One will consider methods, software, databases and tools if they fit three criterion - (1) that they are open access (this is), (2) that they are an improvement over current methods/databases (this surely is), and (3) "The tool must be of use to the community and must present a proven advantage over existing alternatives, where applicable. Recapitulation of existing methods, software, or databases is not useful and will not be considered for publication. Combining data and/or functionalities from other sources may be acceptable, but simpler instances (i.e. presenting a subset of an already existing database) may not be considered. For software, databases, and online tools, the long-term utility should also be discussed, as relevant. This discussion may include maintenance, the potential for future growth, and the stability of the hosting, as applicable. " Morphosource has already been published and these scans are essentially a subset of an already existing database. I guess I'm not really sure if 18 cadaveric lemurs really fits the utility question in terms of the PLoS guidelines. It is on this basis that I am recommending the rejection of this manuscript.

Reviewer #4: This is a well written account of an excellent contribution to research. The scanning methods are well described, the data are freely available, and the rationale for and impacts of the project are clearly outlined. The authors include helpful hints for researchers interested in using their data who may not be used to working with large files. The validation is simple, but effective. I have a single suggestion about word choice: on line 84, I would replace "species" with "individuals," as species don't have a size, but individuals do, and I imagine if you had juvenile/infant members of the larger species, they would be easily accommodated by the scanner. Overall, I have no concerns about the paper and recommend its publication.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: Yes: Jeffrey H Schwartz

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: Yes: Lynn Copes

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files to be viewed.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email us at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2019 Nov 26;14(11):e0219411. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219411.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

3 Oct 2019

Additional Editor Comments:

Thank you for your submission and for your patience in the review process. Having received and gone through the reviews of the submission I feel the manuscript is suitable for publication pending minor revisions; paying particular attention to the line edits offered by Reviewer 2. While Reviewer 3 has noted potential rejection of the piece on a potential interpretation of the publication guidelines, this is not my (or shared) interpretation. In sum, the manuscript is not focused on Morphosource as a database (rather as the platform) while the database being described here is novel and warrants clear, separate description.

From my own review of the manuscript, I would note that I found the detail of the contrast-enhanced imaging of the subset of lemur cadavers to be somewhat lacking in detail regarding the specifics of the methodology employed (e.g., Why that concentration? Why that duration? Was any experimentation done to establish this particular protocol? Which individuals within the offered table are the contrast-enhanced datasets?). Although this is not a diceCT-focused publication, I feel the authors could elaborate more (especially as such datasets are not commonly published at present) as this is an increasingly utilised tool for soft-tissue image enhancement (but very much in its infancy with medium to larger-bodied mammalian species).

Response: Following this and similar comments from Reviewer 2, we have incorporated additional detail on the iodine staining procedure and included information on which specimens are iodine stained in Table 1.

Reviewer #1: Although the Duke Primate Center has been well known for its facilities for living primates, and for its specimen collections - which I have accessed with gratitude - this Herculean task of scanning 1000s of specimens for comparative and systematic purposes makes a significant and currently unmatched (and probably never matched) contribution to primate studies. Well done, and thank you.

Response: Thank you, we greatly appreciate the kind words.

Reviewer #2: Overall summary:

This is a relatively straight-forward presentation of data that will greatly aid in the study and research of lemurs worldwide. I have relatively few comments, because the authors have rightfully concentrated on simple presentation of the data and approach. The comments I do have are almost all about presentation of the data and some suggestions on best-use case discussions.

Line by line comments:

Introduction, lines 57-59: I’m sure the folks at the DLC - and PLOS ONE readers - would like some historical context (old and recent) in the form of some recent, exciting research to come out of the center that can only have been done there.

Lines 61-64: similarly, folks (like me) will want to hear more about what research necessitated destructive sampling - just some citation overview would be enough.

Response: Our thanks for these two suggestions. We have provided citations for research that bracket the DLC’s existence (both early and recent studies). We have also added some recent citations that have used DLC specimens for destructive sampling.

Lines 70-71: can you state whether or not the scans are just publicly available, or are you opening up the possibility that others could contribute to the repository as well (e.g. with fossil and/or zoological data that could be available elsewhere, theoretically)

Response: We have added some clarification on this point in the main text. We imagine that the current collection will grow from two sources. First, additional volume and surface files will be contributed by the study’s authors as we continue to scan additional specimens and process the currently existing data. Second, when other researchers use the existing collection and generate surface files for their own analyses, they may choose to upload those files to the existing project (which we encourage in the discussion of the current manuscript). However, these contributions should only be derived from Duke Lemur Center specimens of this collection. The goal is to keep scan data as closely tethered to derivative data as possible, so that is always possible to identify the source the derivative files (and therefore have some confidence in their reliability). Ideally, if other researchers do make new scans of specimens currently included in the project or if they need to scan additional specimens from the DLC, those would also be added to this repository

Materials & methods, 86-87: a little confused about this - wouldn’t these just need to be regularly CT-scanned (instead of microCT)?

Response: These specimens could be scanned with a medical CT machine, but the resolution on those machines (~1 mm) would not be ideal for small and complex anatomical regions like the hands and feet. We have done some testing with the larger species in the microCT machine and we are confident that we will be able to conduct scans at much higher resolutions than afforded by medical CT.

87-89: I see from the Table that voxel size varies among specimens - is there a quick and easy explanation for how you picked these?

Response: We have added additional explanation for why voxel size varies in the “MicroCT scanning” section of the Methods.

111-112: In addition, it might be worth mentioning more about the power, current, and voltage (I wouldn’t necessarily call these all just “energy”, as you do) settings and why they vary as well (can just be very brief, for those curious)

Response: Our thanks for this suggestion. We have changed the wording in this sentence to more precisely discuss voltage and current. We have chosen not to mention variation in the scan power since power (watts) = energy (kV) * current (amps) and would be redundant with the information we have presented. We have also included more detail about the variation of these settings across the dataset.

114-116: what about the stained specimens? what was your protocol for removing the stains to preserve specimens?

Response: We have added detail about how the stained specimens were scanned and described the process for removing the iodine in the “Iodine staining” section of the Methods.

131-133: there are enough different fixation procedures and iodine staining solutions that I would like to see some explanation for how/why you picked the ones you did.

Response: We have incorporated a more detailed rationale for the iodine staining procedure we used.

140: please state and describe the exact software and version information - folks always would like, in my experience, more examples of specific software and whether or not it’s available for a cost, open-source, etc.

Response: We have added more detail about the software used to reconstruct 3D volumes.

174: minor, but I presume “um” should have the proper micro- prefix instead of the “u”

Response: Corrected. Our thanks for noticing this error.

Results, 214-215: this is not a complete sentence.

Response: Corrected. Our thanks for noticing this error.

218-219: Since you have these data, it might be prudent to talk a little bit about what people often download - do some people prefer just skulls, for instance? or particular taxa? In addition, to this point I had assumed that what is available on MorphoSource is just TIFF stacks, but I’d like a little clarification on whether or not you have separate volume and surface reconstructions available for users to download - and if you do, if users prefer those over the TIFFs (which seems to often be the case).

Response: Our thanks for this suggested improvement. As noted above, we have included information on the types of data available (TIFF volumes and surface files) in the introduction. At this point in the manuscript, we have added more detail about download patterns of the collection. The most obvious pattern was that Daubentonia volumes were downloaded somewhat more frequently than other volumes.

Discussion, 264-266: I see this answers part above my above question - I think these data should be shared earlier, and dated (e.g. “at the time of manuscript preparation…”)

Response: We understand Reviewer 2’s concerns here and we evaluated placing this information earlier in the text during the revision process. Ultimately, we decided against moving sentence to an earlier point in the manuscript, since this would require moving the definitions of “digital object identifier” and “media file” to an earlier point as well. However, we explained in the response to the comment above, we have incorporated more information about the data files at an earlier point in the manuscript.

279-280: Given your follow-up discussion on multiple cores, raw CPU clock speed is actually a very misleading suggestion here.

Response: We understand Reviewer 2’s concerns here, but there are two different processing issues interacting here. Our recommendation for higher CPU clock speeds is specific to image processing and volume rendering, as certain volume software (such as Avizo) are not able to spread processing power across multiple cores. In these cases, raw clock speed is important. However, not all software used to visualize or analyze 3D data are bound by this constraint and having multiple processing cores can improve performance in these cases. We have added language to clarify this distinction.

289-290: From a philosophical perspective, I find it troubling to equate trialware - potentially even something you could call shareware - like WinZip to open-source, freely available 7-Zip.

Response: Thank you. We have removed our reference to WinZip.

291: Here and in a few other locations, TIFF should remain all-capitalized, as is typically the norm.

Response: Thank you. We have made the recommended changes.

304-308: You don’t think people should state the CC license?

Response: Thank you. We have updated the statement of access to include specifics of the creative commons license.

Reviewer #3: This paper is a presentation of a new database of microCT scanned cadaveric specimens of strepsirrhines. I think that this paper is well written and in terms of the content of the paper, I have only one real suggestion and that is that the information about the error study should be contained in the abstract.

Response: Our thanks for this suggestion. We have added a sentence summarizing the error study to the abstract.

That said, I'm not convinced that this fits the PLoS One publishing guidelines. PLoS One will consider methods, software, databases and tools if they fit three criterion - (1) that they are open access (this is), (2) that they are an improvement over current methods/databases (this surely is), and (3) "The tool must be of use to the community and must present a proven advantage over existing alternatives, where applicable. Recapitulation of existing methods, software, or databases is not useful and will not be considered for publication. Combining data and/or functionalities from other sources may be acceptable, but simpler instances (i.e. presenting a subset of an already existing database) may not be considered. For software, databases, and online tools, the long-term utility should also be discussed, as relevant. This discussion may include maintenance, the potential for future growth, and the stability of the hosting, as applicable. " Morphosource has already been published and these scans are essentially a subset of an already existing database. I guess I'm not really sure if 18 cadaveric lemurs really fits the utility question in terms of the PLoS guidelines. It is on this basis that I am recommending the rejection of this manuscript.

Response: We respectfully disagree with Reviewer 3 about the scope of this study. Our goal is to disseminate a new and unique dataset, similar to others referenced in our study (Adams et al. 2015; Copes et al. 2016; Shi et al. 2018). We are not using this study to announce the existence of Morphosource as a new data repository, as Boyer et al. (2016) have already made that declaration. We believe that new datasets may be noteworthy enough to deserve published announcements of their availability to the broader scientific community, and we believe that this dataset is sufficiently important enough to merit such an announcement.

Reviewer #4: This is a well written account of an excellent contribution to research. The scanning methods are well described, the data are freely available, and the rationale for and impacts of the project are clearly outlined. The authors include helpful hints for researchers interested in using their data who may not be used to working with large files. The validation is simple, but effective. I have a single suggestion about word choice: on line 84, I would replace "species" with "individuals," as species don't have a size, but individuals do, and I imagine if you had juvenile/infant members of the larger species, they would be easily accommodated by the scanner. Overall, I have no concerns about the paper and recommend its publication.

Response: Our thanks for the encouraging words. We agree with your comments and have made the recommended changes.


Submitted filename: Yapuncich et al 2019 - Response to reviewers 100319.docx

Decision Letter 1

Justin W Adams

14 Oct 2019

A digital collection of rare and endangered lemurs and other primates from the Duke Lemur Center


Dear Dr. Yapuncich,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it complies with all outstanding technical requirements.

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With kind regards,

Justin W. Adams, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Thank you for addressing the original reviewer comments as well as those I provided on the first version of the manuscript. I appreciate the detailed response to the reviewers comments and I feel you have addressed the minor issues that were raised by all of the reviewers in turn. I am happy to consider this current version of the manuscript acceptable for publication.

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Justin W Adams

18 Nov 2019


A digital collection of rare and endangered lemurs and other primates from the Duke Lemur Center

Dear Dr. Yapuncich:

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Dr. Justin W. Adams

Academic Editor


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    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials


    Submitted filename: Yapuncich et al 2019 - Response to reviewers 100319.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All microCT volumes files are available from the database (Morphosource Project P170,

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