Fig. 6.
Yap crosstalks with Notch during the differentiation of EPCs in the developing mouse esophagus. (A) Yap deletion and overexpression reduces and increases expression of cleaved NICD1, a Notch signaling effector, respectively. Note NICD1 expression is enriched in the nuclei of suprabasal cells at E18.5 (n=3 for each). (B) Yap deletion reduces expression of Notch3 in the developing mouse esophagus at E18.5 (n=3). Note that Notch3 is relatively enriched in the nuclei of parabasal cells (arrows), in contrast to relative enrichment in the plasma membrane of basal cells (arrowheads). Epi, epithelium. White dotted line indicates the basement membrane. Scale bars: 40 µm.