Figure 1: Lower concentration of PEGVS at the time of crosslinking results in higher vessel density at 7 d and induces gel stiffening without altering cell density.
A) Hydrogel constructs were formed with a range of concentrations of PEGVS and cultured for 7 d. Vessel density in the bulk of the constructs was estimated as described in the methods. B) The shear storage modulus (G’) of constructs was determined after overnight culture (Day 1) and at 7 d. C) Cell density in the constructs after 1 d and 7 d was quantified from DAPI stained images. Two-way ANOVA: time p < 0.001, PEG p > 0.99, interaction p = 0.60. D) Representative images of maximum intensity projections of confocal sections (z height = 300 μm) for ECs stained with UEA at 7 d from constructs with a range of PEGVS compositions. #: p < 0.05, relative to 40 mg/mL PEGVS (same day); *: p < 0.05, relative to 32 mg/mL PEGVS (same day); &: p < 0.05 relative to day 1 (same PEGVS composition), N=4-7.