VOLUME 287 (2012) PAGES 3495–3509
This article has been withdrawn by the authors. In Fig. 4A, a portion of the indomethacin images overlaps with the indomethacin + SEGA (3a) images. The images corresponding to the indomethacin panel in Fig. 4B are an inappropriate representation of the original experimental data. In Fig. 6C, the Control and indomethacin + SEGA (3a) images overlap. In Fig. 7, the 20-h indomethacin image was reused in the 4-h indomethacin + SEGA (3a) image. Additionally, the 0- and 8-h indomethacin images were reused from Table 1 of Maity, P., et al. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 14391–14401. The authors regretfully state that the mistakes occurred while preparing the figures; the authors stand by the overall conclusions of the study.