A) Spontaneous PSCs (sPSCs) recorded in a control CR from ΔNp73
mt/+ at P10. (
B) Plots of the frequency and amplitude of sPSCs (n = 8) (p=0.0025 and p=0.0022 for the frequency of sPSCs of controls compared to rescued CRs of both ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ and ΔNp73
mT/+ mice (
Figure 2A); one-way ANOVA followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test). (
C) Mean evoked PSCs (ePSCs) for a control CR at P9-11 upon stimulation of LI neuronal fibers in control conditions (top), with SR95531 (middle) and SR95531 in Mg
2+-free solution (bottom). Note that ePSCs completely disappeared after bath application of SR95531. Stimulation artefacts were blanked for visibility. The stimulation time is indicated (arrowheads). (
D) Amplitudes of ePSCs in control conditions (p=0.0027 and p=0.0067 for the amplitude of ePSCs in controls compared to rescued CRs of ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ and ΔNp73
mT/+mice, (
Figure 2D); one-way ANOVA followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test), in the presence of SR95531 and with SR95531 in Mg
2+-free solution (n
control = 8, n
SR95531 = 7 and n
Mg2+free=7; Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a Bonferroni multiple comparison). (
E) Confocal images of a control CR at P10 in ΔNp73
GFP/+ mice expressing GFP (green), Gephyrin (red) and contacted by GABAergic GAD65/67-positive presynaptic terminals (blue; objective 93×; stack of 109 Z sections, each 0.07 µm, n = 11). Arrowheads show GABAergic synapses onto the CR. Note the partial co-localization of GAD65/67 and Gephyrin on the GFP
+ membrane of the CR (Inset). Scale bars: 5 µm and 1 µm (inset). (
F) Confocal images of a Layer I CR in the cortex and non-CR in the hypothalamus at P10 stained for DAPI (blue), KCC2 (red) and GFP (green) in ΔNp73
cre/+; Tau
GFP/+ mice (objective 93×; single plane of 0.07 µm, n = 6). Note the low level of KCC2 expression in control CR (upper panels) compared to non-CR of ΔNp73
GFP/+ mice (bottom panels). Scale bar represents 5 µm. Data used for quantitative analyses as well as the numerical data that are represented in graphs are available in
Figure 2—figure supplement 1—source data 1.