Correction to: Current Allergy and Asthma Reports (2018) 18: 77
Under the heading BAT in the Follow-up of Patients Submitted to Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy and Other Immunomodulatory Treatments, the second sentence in the paragraph should read as follows:
Basophil sensitivity (as measured by CD-sens) has shown to be reduced following AIT to aeroallergens such as birch pollen [97, 98] and timothy grass pollen [99], and following AIT to insect venom [100, 101].
The fourth through sixth sentences should read as follows:
Interestingly, individuals with a lower antibody-specific activity (i.e. lower percentage of allergen-specific IgE), displayed a greater efficacy to anti-IgE treatment, as determined by BAT [103]. However, the intrinsic sensitivity of the basophil itself also appears to be modified during anti-IgE therapy, and contributes, together with antibody specific activity, to alter the basophils response to challenge.
The online version of the original article can be found at 10.1007/s11882-018-0831-5