(A) Representative images of human pancreatic tissue stained for DAPI (blue) and extracellular HMGB1 (green), as well as representative FACS-like scattergrams and quantitation values of normalized extracellular HMGB1 expression per tissue area are blotted as mean with 95% CI as shown in Table 2. (B) Representative images of human pancreatic tissue stained for DAPI (blue), macrophages (green) and CK7+ tumor cells (red), as well as representative FACS-like scattergrams and quantitation values of macrophages are blotted as mean with 95% CI as shown in Table 2. (C) Representative images of human pancreatic tissue stained for DAPI (blue), CD8+ TILs (green) and CK7+ tumor cells (red) as well as representative FACS-like scattergrams and quantitation of CD8+ TILs are blotted as mean with 95% CI as shown in Table 2. (D) Representative images of human pancreatic tissue stained for MPO (green), (green), DAPI (blue) and CK7+ tumor cells (red), as well as representative FACS-like scattergrams and quantitation values of MPO are blotted as mean with 95% CI and shown in Table 2. (E) Representative images of human pancreatic tissue stained for nuclear p65 (part of NFкB) (green), DAPI (blue) and CK7+ tumor cells (red) as well as representative FACS-like scattergrams and quantitation values of nuclear p65 are blotted as mean with 95% CI and shown in Table 2. (Scale bar = 20 μm, 20× objective). *
P< 0.05, **
P < 0.01, ***
P < 0.001, ****
P < 0.0001.