Phenotype of total CD8+T cells in cirrhotic patients assessed by flow cytometry. (a) Lower proportion and altered phenotype of total circulating CD8+T cells in cirrhotic patients (n = 60) compared to total circulating CD8+T cells in healthy volunteers (HV) (n = 27): proportion from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (left panel), baseline intracellular functional markers (middle left panel), expression of maturation surface markers (middle right panel), activation and inhibition surface markers (right panel) were assessed by extra- or intra-cellular staining following live / dead exclusion. (b) Phenotype of total circulating CD8+T cells in cirrhotic patients according to disease severity: comparison of circulating CD8+T cells phenotype in HV (n = 27), stable chronic cirrhotic patients (chronic liver diseases (CLD)) (n = 25) and acute decompensated (AD) patients (n = 35). (c) Intra-peritoneal total CD8+T cells (isolated from ascites of cirrhotic patients, n = 7): proportion of CD8+T cells from ascites mononuclear cells (AMNCs) comparde to paired peripheral blood (left panel), percentage of expression of activation and inhibition surface markers (right panel). * p<0.05; ** p<0.0001 (Mann-Whitney U test (A; B) and Wilcoxon signed-rank test (C)).