Limited number of intra-patient alterations in HEV genomes isolated from serum and feces. Intra-patient comparison of HEV genomes isolated from serum and feces of two chronic HEV patients (HEV0069 (A) and HEV0122 (B)) was performed. The feces isolate is used as reference sequence; the serum isolate is aligned to the feces isolate sequences and differences are highlighted. nt, nucleotide; aa, amino acid; na, not applicable; ORF, open reading frame; Green, no change in amino acid sequence; Red, change in amino acid sequence; Yellow, nucleotide differences with respect to feces nucleotide sequence. Red arrows point the domains with amino acid change. Nucleotide abbreviations; M = A,C; S = G,C; W = A,T; Y = T,C. The HEV wbGER27 (* GenBank accession number: FJ705359) and the HEV RKI (#Genbank accession no. FJ956757.1) are used for sequence alignments of HEV0069 and HEV0122 respectively.