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. 2020 Jan 16;15(1):e0227730. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227730

Extracting lung function measurements to enhance phenotyping of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in an electronic health record using automated tools

Kathleen M Akgün 1,2,*, Keith Sigel 3, Kei-Hoi Cheung 1,4, Farah Kidwai-Khan 1,2, Alex K Bryant 5, Cynthia Brandt 1,4, Amy Justice 1,2, Kristina Crothers 6,7
Editor: Manlio Milanese8
PMCID: PMC6964890  PMID: 31945115



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with poor quality of life, hospitalization and mortality. COPD phenotype includes using pulmonary function tests to determine airflow obstruction from the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1):forced vital capacity. FEV1 is a commonly used value for severity but is difficult to identify in structured electronic health record (EHR) data.

Data source and methods

Using the Microsoft SQL Server’s full-text search feature and string functions supporting regular-expression-like operations, we developed an automated tool to extract FEV1 values from progress notes to improve ascertainment of FEV1 in EHR in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS).


The automated tool increased quantifiable FEV1 values from 12,425 to 16,274 (24% increase in numeric FEV1). Using chart review as the reference, positive predictive value of the tool was 99% (95% Confidence interval: 98.2–100.0%) for identifying quantifiable FEV1 values and a recall value of 100%, yielding an F-measure of 0.99. The tool correctly identified FEV1 measurements in 95% of cases.


A SQL-based full text search of clinical notes for quantifiable FEV1 is efficient and improves the number of values available in VA data. Future work will examine how these methods can improve phenotyping of patients with COPD in the VA.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease commonly associated with smoking and is the third leading cause of death in the United States. A diagnosis of COPD requires documentation of airflow obstruction from the ratio of the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to the forced vital capacity from spirometry testing. The FEV1 is a measure of airflow limitation that reflects COPD severity and is routinely included in pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Low FEV1 is associated with decreased quality of life and increased risk for hospitalizations and mortality.[1, 2]

Unfortunately, PFTs are frequently performed on vendor equipment that may not be linked to the primary electronic health record (EHR) for patients who undergo these studies.[3] Unreliable linkage to the EHR makes recovery of PFT values such as FEV1 challenging for research. Advanced natural language processing (NLP) tools have been developed to ascertain asthma in clinical cohorts and to extract pre- and post-bronchodilator FEV1 for patients with asthma, but require evaluation of performance in patients with fixed airflow obstruction and on a national level.[3, 4] These barriers to accessing PFT results hinder our ability to assess pulmonary function on the scale necessary to develop standard phenotypes of COPD outside of dedicated observational studies and clinical trials. Phenotyping physiologic COPD based upon direct measurement of FEV1 is important for patients, clinicians and researchers to advance our understanding of the clinical burden of COPD. Physiologic phenotyping by extracting FEV1 data from the EHR could also enhance our understanding of other lung diseases.

The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) [5] is VA’s EHR system and provides backend (command line) database support for clinical transactions. The VA Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) [], which provides a structured query language (SQL) interface, contains national patient data from VistA structured to allow diverse analysis and reporting. PFTs can be identified using Common Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes, entries into VistA, scanned documents into the EHR, transcriptions into progress notes or through combinations of these approaches. CPT codes only inform researchers that a PFT study was ordered and completed but do not include quantifiable measurements such as FEV1. While some VA PFT equipment directly uploads structured FEV1 measurements into VistA, software update requirements prevent most sites from contributing FEV1 measurements to VistA for subsequent data analysis. To fill this gap, automatic tools can be used to identify FEV1 in the EHR, making them useful for clinical research.[6] These tools can identify FEV1 values within structured or unstructured data but must be tailored to individual EHR systems.

Development of clinically meaningful phenotypes for patients with COPD depends on developing an accurate approach to extracting FEV1 measurements from varied sources and types of EHR data. There are a range of approaches to clinical text mining including the use of NLP and regular expressions.[79] In addition, relational databases like Microsoft (MS) SQLServer integrate full-text indexing and regular expression features into the SQL query engine. The advantage of this hybrid approach is that it queries and integrates both structured data and unstructured text in the database without requiring it to be extracted to external software and tools. To this end, we developed a SQL-based method for extracting FEV1 values from a large collection of clinical documents to characterize COPD severity in a cohort of patients with COPD who had PFTs performed. We have adopted this approach because our document corpus is stored in a relational data warehouse (CDW that is implemented using the MS SQLServer) and the documents are well-defined enough so that we do not require a heavy-weight NLP approach that would require significant informatics overhead and has a steep learning curve.

Materials and methods


We used data from a nationally representative cohort of HIV-infected and uninfected Veterans enrolled in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS). We used VACS for this project because of several ongoing projects involving obstructive lung disease (that would benefit from PFT data) and also because all relevant EHR data was stored on local servers, facilitating the data extraction work. We included VACS participants from fiscal years 1996–2015. We then identified participants who had PFTs within the VA system using relevant CPT codes (94010, 94150, 94060, 94726–9; 93720–93722, 94240, 94260, 94350, 94360, 94370, 94720, 94725). VACS has been approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the VA Connecticut Healthcare System and Yale University School of Medicine, granted a waiver of informed consent, and deemed HIPAA compliant.

Sources of FEV1

CDW: CDW stores raw clinical data for patients receiving care at any VA site. CDW stores clinical and administrative data in separate tables (for example, tables for demographics, pharmacy and medication fill data, laboratory data, inpatient utilization data). PFT tables are also available but require the PFT equipment and software maintain compatibility to be uploaded into the EHR. PFT values are typically obtained from private vendors that are not always compatible with the VA EHR following software upgrades and new PFT equipment. Approximately 80 VA clinical sites had contributed to PFT raw data until the mid-2000s; with software updates and changes to PFT equipment, the links between PFT equipment have been reduced since that time and remains variable. However, 68% of VACS participants were enrolled by 2005, allowing ample number of observations for this study.

FEV1 Extraction using SQLServer: To extract FEV1 measurements, we collected progress notes for the participants, which are stored as Text Integration Utilities (TIU) documents, in the CDW. We developed a two-step text processing approach based on MS SQLServer’s full-text search capability and its string processing functions that offer regular-expression-like search features. We implemented this approach using MS SQLServer 2014. TIU documents for the VACS participants were first processed using the full-text (keyword) search supported by MS SQLServer. This provides a speedy first pass to query a large set of TIU documents to retrieve those documents containing the “FEV” keyword. Although we can do the same search using the SQL “LIKE” query operator, it would be very slow because it does not use indexes. Using full-text index (supported by MS SQLServer) can make queries of large amounts of textual data efficient. Other useful features supported by the full-text index include i) the ability to look for terms that are “NEAR” one another, ii) customization of stop words (noise words) that can be removed from the full-text index and iii) the use of thesaurus that allows the user to define synonyms as part of a full-text query. In the second step of our approach, the documents returned from the full-text search were further processed by using a number of string processing functions that support regular-expression-like features. We used these functions to process the documents to identify certain FEV1 string patterns (e.g., FEV-1, FEV1, FEV_1; negation for “fever”) and extract the first FEV1 numeric value within 20 characters of the FEV1 string pattern from the TIU documents. We used string functions like PATINDEX, CHARINDEX and ISNURMERIC as part of the queries to facilitate extraction of numeric values within a plausible range and in a format consistent with the reporting of FEV1 values (Fig 1) (S1 Data code).

Fig 1. Algorithm implemented using SQL with fulltext search feature.

Fig 1

Algorithm supported by MS SQLServer 2014.

Assessing SQL tool performance

To evaluate this process, we generated a reference standard from a random subset of TIU documents. This subset was identified as part of the extraction tool development to address FEV1 values from TIU documents with more than one FEV1 entity in the text. A pulmonologist (KMA) reviewed 128/250 (51%) of records with multiple FEV1 entities and another 200 records in another random set of TIU documents. The pulmonologist determined the presence of an FEV1 measurement closest to the date of the progress note reviewed and recorded that value. We compared the FEV1 value identified by chart review to the value extracted by the SQL tool. We measured precision and recall of the tool relative to chart review.[10] We also compared results from the SQL tool for FEV1 value extracted with CDW data for FEV1 values to determine whether the SQL tool added substantially to the number of unique FEV1 measurements extracted.


PFTs were identified among 41,689 unique patients using CPT codes (n = 204,300 CPT codes). CDW data had a quantifiable FEV1 from 12,425 of these patients. The SQL tool identified an additional 3,849 patients with numeric values for FEV1 that could be used for phenotyping this population (Fig 2). Of note, these FEV1 values were otherwise unavailable for analyses. The SQL code is available through GitHub: The overall distribution of the FEV1 values extracted by the SQL tool was similar to the distribution of values from the reference standard (Fig 3A), suggesting acceptable performance for use of the tool in this population. Distribution of a sample of FEV1 values obtained from structured data in CDW compared with the values extracted using the tool are illustrated in Fig 3B.

Fig 2. Numeric FEV1 extraction yield including SQL tool.

Fig 2

The SQL tool increased FEV1 yield by 3849 (24%) compared with CDW alone.

Fig 3.

Fig 3

a. Histogram of distribution of reference FEV1 values (clear shading) compared with the SQL extraction tool values (gold shading; n = 198 reference FEV1 values; n = 199 extraction tool values). Fig 3b. Histogram of the distribution of a sample of FEV1 values from structured Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) tables and from extraction tool. First FEV1 measurement for unique individual patients are shown (extraction tool, n = 1,510; CDW, n = 10,061).

In our reference standard subset (n = 199 documents, 180 unique patients), the SQL tool had a positive predictive value of 99% (95% Confidence interval: 98.2–100.0%) for identifying records containing quantifiable FEV1 values and a recall value of 100%, yielding an F-measure of 0.99. Extraction of these values yielded a correctly identified FEV1 measurement in 95% of cases. Disagreements between the tool and chart review resulted from the tool incorrectly identifying an “FEV” term where it expected a numeric value to be present but it was not; text including fever was the most common explanation for these disagreements. Cases where both reviewer and the tool identified quantifiable FEV1 values had excellent agreement (Spearman’s coefficient = 0.99).


This demonstrates that FEV1 values can be extracted using SQL queries with excellent ascertainment and good accuracy from unstructured text-based documents generated by the VA EHR. The SQL tool increased the yield for the number of complete FEV1 values by 24% when added to structured data sources from CDW. Overall, an FEV1 value was found in 9% of PFTs by CPT codes, and 5,958/41,689 (14%) unique patients with at least one PFT.

Prevalence of COPD has largely depended on administrative data such as ICD-9 codes, self-report on national surveys or combinations of approaches using observational data, with limited ability to measure severity.[11] Leveraging informatics tools for extracting FEV1 from the EHR can lead to a better-informed phenotyping of COPD and COPD severity in large patient populations, and to evaluate the effect of interventions. This could be used for large epidemiologic studies to characterize FEV1 or FEV1 trajectory over time and its association with clinical outcomes. This can also be used to identify potential COPD patients for non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic intervention aims at improving physical function and decreasing symptom burden for patients living with COPD.

Our SQL-based tool represents a light-weight but efficient approach to performing information retrieval/extraction on a large collection of clinical notes. This tool achieved desirable accuracy rates while maintaining the speed of data processing necessary for handling large data sets. Our tool’s performance was not as sophisticated as previously developed NLP tools for extracting PFT results in the VA.[3] The approach developed by Sauer et al. to extract pre- and post-bronchodilator PFT results using semi-structured, unstructured and narrative text data in a sample of Veterans with asthma increased complete data by 25%. Another study using multiple clinical characteristics, including FEV1, had excellent agreement between a tool for asthma ascertainment and chart review.[4] Together, these tools demonstrate the range of informatics options available to improve characterization of lung disease from the EHR.

Despite its efficiency and accuracy, the SQL tool has some limitations. While the increase in FEV1 yield is similar between our study and NLP tools developed, it is important to highlight that we did not have a systematic approach for dealing with multiple FEV1 strings in one TIU document. The tool may have extracted an FEV1 value referring to a previous study rather than the current PFT study. However, we specifically evaluated the tool in documents with multiple FEV1 strings in them and found the performance to be good. In addition, the majority of PFT studies are completed using software external to the VA EHR operating system. PFT results are often scanned into the EHR. The SQL tool we developed and tested would not be able to extract FEV1 values from these external data sources. Our tool is also limited to the MS SQLServer implementation, as this implementation fits our purpose (i.e., the notes are stored in the CDW which is implemented using MS SQLServer). The string functions supported by MS SQLServer 2014 do not offer the full-fledged regular expression capability. There remain patterns that our tool misinterpreted either as false positives or false negatives. Typically these patterns occurred rarely and it was therefore not practical to design specific rules to capture them on a case-by-case basis. In the future, we will explore a newer version MS SQLServer for new features that would help improve/enhance full-text searching and processing.

Our study has other limitations. First, this was only tested in one EHR from an already existing cohort of HIV-infected and uninfected patients. Second, we did not use extracted FEV1 values to estimate prevalence of COPD, and lack of identification of FEV1 does not necessarily imply absence of true COPD. Despite guidelines requiring FEV1 measurement for airway obstruction, spirometry may be performed in the minority of patients diagnosed with COPD, and airway obstruction is identified in only 56% of patients diagnosed COPD [1216]. It is likely that there are systematic differences between patients who do and do not have FEV1 measurements completed, likely with the former also having more severe pulmonary disease. In addition, we did not include lung imaging, such as CT scan findings, another modality for measuring COPD severity.[17] Finally, while this does not include exhaled breathomics,[18] this extraction tool could be used to assist recruitment for COPD patients into subsequent studies, with potential candidates identified according to severity of FEV1.

Next steps will include characterization of data sources for patients who have CPT codes for PFTs but whose EHR does not include FEV1 measurements, namely, relying only on free text for FEV1 values, as well as developing and testing methods to extract data from scanned portable document format (PDF) or similar document types in the EHR. We will also explore how incorporating radiographic findings consistent with COPD affects performance of the FEV1 extraction tool alone. Future work is needed to develop the COPD phenotypes, apply these rules to other VA populations, and refine/test the SQL tool for FEV1 extraction and ascertainment outside of the VA EHR.


SQL-based full text search of clinical notes can enhance the collection of quantifiable measurements of airflow limitations in VA data. Future studies are necessary to explore the use of similar techniques to extract data from non-VA EHR systems.

Supporting information

S1 Data code. SQL script used for extracting FEV1 values from text notes in VA clinical notes.



The views expressed in this manuscript represent those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

COI and Funding support: Dr. Akgün was supported by the Yale Cancer Center pilot grant (P30CA016359-37S4). This work was also supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [U24-AA020794, U01-AA020790, U01-AA020795, U01-AA020799, U10 AA013566-completed to ACJ]; National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [K07CA180782 and R01CA210806 to KS; R01 R01CA173754 to KC] and in kind by the US Department of Veterans Affairs.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

Dr. Akgün was supported by the Yale Cancer Center pilot grant (P30CA016359-37S4). This work was also supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [U24-AA020794, U01-AA020790, U01-AA020795, U01-AA020799, U10 AA013566-completed to ACJ]; National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [K07CA180782 and R01CA210806 to KS; R01 R01CA173754 to KC] and in kind by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Disclosure: The views expressed in this manuscript represent those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Department of Veterans Affairs.


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Decision Letter 0

Manlio Milanese

30 Sep 2019


Extracting Lung Function Measurements to Enhance Phenotyping of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in an Electronic Health Record using Automated Tools


Dear Dr. Kathleen Akgun,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Please resolve statistical analysis queries and make all data available. 

References about approaches for extracting FEV1 values from electronic health records, different or similar to that reported in the present study, should be reported and discussed.

Limitations of the study need to be implemented and conclusions more clearly described in the abstract for clincians.

We would appreciate receiving your revised manuscript by Nov 14 2019 11:59PM. When you are ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter.

To enhance the reproducibility of your results, we recommend that if applicable you deposit your laboratory protocols in, where a protocol can be assigned its own identifier (DOI) such that it can be cited independently in the future. For instructions see:

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). This letter should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. This file should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. This file should be uploaded as separate file and labeled 'Manuscript'.

Please note while forming your response, if your article is accepted, you may have the opportunity to make the peer review history publicly available. The record will include editor decision letters (with reviews) and your responses to reviewer comments. If eligible, we will contact you to opt in or out.

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Manlio Milanese

Academic Editor


Journal Requirements:

When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements.

1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming. The PLOS ONE style templates can be found at and

2. Please provide the full name of the IRB that approved the VACS study.

Additional Editor Comments (if provided):

Please resolve statistical analysis queries and make all data available.

References about approaches for extracting FEV1 values from electronic health records, different or similar to that reported in the present study, should be reported and discussed.

Limitations of the study need to be implemented and conclusions more clearly described in the abstract for clincians.

[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: I will focus on methods and reporting. This is an excellent paper, with clear aims and implementation. The code has been made freely available through github, bravo!

I only have some minor comments which shouldn't take too long to deliver, to make the evaluation clearer.

1) Why don't you display the distributions of the available values and the extracted values in overlapping histograms.

2) a second histogram of the values extracted by the clinician against the ones extracted by the tool in the validation subsample (or of their differences).

3) you can report the mean bias (is there overall bias in the tool, say reporting values higher) and the mean square error as well, they can be more informative than the kappa.

Reviewer #2: The authors present an efficient method for extracting FEV1 from medical notes to improve phenotyping of Veteran patients with COPD. This work commendable because it leverages existing database tools to retrieve and extract concept-values pairs for FEV1 from clinical notes. The intent of the author is unclear in some sections but can be resolved with editing. I made several comments in the attached document but my primary concerns, which center around how the authors chose to analyze the data and communicate their finding are listed below.

1. Lack of justification for using agreement statistics vs. accuracy statistics with chart-review clearly defined as the reference standard. There is a lack of consistency and precision with the primary performance measure (agreement vs. accuracy). The reviewer believes that agreement statistics, such as Kappa, are justifiable if the goal is to determine whether or not the NLP tool is as reliable as two or more human reviewers. Performance measures, such as SE, SP, PPV, accuracy or F-measure, precision, and recall, should be considered since the tool is compared against one human reviewer described as the reference standard.

2. This approach will make it easier to discover additional problems with the analysis and compare to existing literature. For example, conditioning on the presence of FEV quantifiable values and reporting agreement when the values are known from chart-review is problematic, since it will bias the overall performance measures (e.g., SE and SP). Furthermore, it does not support a comprehensive evaluation that would include false positives, accuracy, etc. The distribution of extracted values should also be compared to chart-review findings

3. It is not clear how the tool addressed situations where references to historical FEV results are handled when presented with current tests. Is the goal to identify current FEV test results on specific visit dates? The overall goal is not clearly detailed.

4. The results that reference the CPT population vs. NLP extracted population are not clear.

5. There appears to be a misunderstanding about the CDW and VistA systems that needs to be corrected.

6. The discussion needs more detail regarding the possibility that many FEV1 (PFT) reports are scanned in as image files and not accessible in the TIU notes.

7. Finally, the findings from this study should be compared to other NLP studies of PFTs from within the VA if possible. It is not clear if performance is a trade-off for efficiency or if both the performance and efficiency of this method are superior to other NLP efforts to extract FEV from the medical notes.

Reviewer #3: General comments

This is an original study which reports on the implementation of an automated tool, based on the Microsoft SQL, for extracting FEV1 values from the data repository of the Veterans Aging Cohort Study implemented using the MS SQLServer.

This reviewer has some formal and methodological concerns.

Specific comments


- References about approaches for extracting FEV1 values from electronic health records, different or similar to that reported in the present study, should be reported and discussed.

- More detailed methods to replicate the automated tool presented in the present study should be provided as online information.

- The spirometric reports usually include the parameter (i.e. the "string term") "FEV1" expressed as: 1. measured value, in liters; 2. calculated percent predicted value; 3. predicted value for the examined subject, based on sex, age and height. It should be clarified what "string term" for "FEV1" was selected/extracted by using the described automated tool. Indeed, the spirometric report of a single subject usually includes all these three "string term" of "FEV1" and the automated tool might have found three different quantifiable "FEV1" values for the same subject.

- FEV6 is a spirometric index used instead of "FEV1", in particular when performing office spirometry, and possibly stored as parameter of pulmonary function test. Were "FEV6" "FEV-6", "FEV_6" excluded as string patterns from the string processing procedure?

- The results of the validity of the automated tool performance should be better presented. Agreement/disagreement between the automated tool and chart review (performed by a single Pulmonologist) are based on only n=128 documents (51% of those available) (see the section "Assessing SQL tool performance").

- Results from the present study might support the usefulness of the presented automated tool for increasing the detection of quantifiable FEV1 values in those electronic health records which are implemented using MS SQLServer. This does not mean that the automated tool enhance the detection of COPD patients in electronic health records. The discussion section, in particular the paragraph dedicated to the limitations of the study and the conclusions, should be reviewed accordingly.

- The abstract lacks of conclusions.


- Figure 1. Provide a legend for the abbreviations and unit of measurement for the y axis.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Brian C. Sauer

Reviewer #3: No

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PLoS One. 2020 Jan 16;15(1):e0227730. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227730.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

4 Dec 2019

Reviewer #1

Comments to the Author

I will focus on methods and reporting. This is an excellent paper, with clear aims and implementation. The code has been made freely available through github, bravo!

I only have some minor comments which shouldn't take too long to deliver, to make the evaluation clearer.

1) Why don't you display the distributions of the available values and the extracted values in overlapping histograms.

Response: We have included Fig 3a according to this suggestion, and hope it will address the request of the reviewer that is perhaps hoping to make the comparison of the two methods more telegraphic.

2) a second histogram of the values extracted by the clinician against the ones extracted by the tool in the validation subsample (or of their differences).

Response: To complement the figure suggested in the previous comment, we have included a figure to address this suggestion, as well (Fig 3b).

3) you can report the mean bias (is there overall bias in the tool, say reporting values higher) and the mean square error as well, they can be more informative than the kappa.

Response: We are glad to hear the reviewer’s overall feedback on the manuscript. We have included new performance statistics for the tool based on comments from other reviewers. We do not report the mean square error, but do report the positive predictive value and its confidence interval (99% [98.2-100.0]). Importantly, we erroneously reported the performance of an earlier version of the SQL tool, and were able to include a larger reference standard (n=198 documents) than reported in the original submission. We hope these issues are clear throughout the manuscript and that the response is sufficient to address the reviewer’s comment.

Reviewer #2

Comments to the Author

The authors present an efficient method for extracting FEV1 from medical notes to improve phenotyping of Veteran patients with COPD. This work commendable because it leverages existing database tools to retrieve and extract concept-values pairs for FEV1 from clinical notes. The intent of the author is unclear in some sections but can be resolved with editing. I made several comments in the attached document but my primary concerns, which center around how the authors chose to analyze the data and communicate their finding are listed below.

Response: We have edited the manuscript to clarify the intent for this work throughout the revision. We intended to first develop and test the SQL tool to extract FEV1 values, with future work aimed at using this tool to then better characterize COPD severity in a large, national sample of patients.

1. Lack of justification for using agreement statistics vs. accuracy statistics with chart-review clearly defined as the reference standard. There is a lack of consistency and precision with the primary performance measure (agreement vs. accuracy). The reviewer believes that agreement statistics, such as Kappa, are justifiable if the goal is to determine whether or not the NLP tool is as reliable as two or more human reviewers. Performance measures, such as SE, SP, PPV, accuracy or F-measure, precision, and recall, should be considered since the tool is compared against one human reviewer described as the reference standard.

Response: We included precision and recall performance of the tool, first referencing this plan in the methods, and then reporting in the results. Of note, the development and testing of this tool was iterative, and we had completed more chart reviews that originally reported for the initial submission, with tool performance significantly higher than reported with the initial submission. Thus, we report the PPV, recall and F-measure for the updated tool.

“In our reference standard subset (n=199 documents, 180 unique patients), the SQL tool had a positive predictive value of 99% (95% Confidence interval: 98.2-100.0%) for identifying records containing quantifiable FEV1 values and a recall value of 100%, yielding an F-measure of 0.99. Extraction of these values yielded a correctly identified FEV1 measurement in 95% of cases.”

2. This approach will make it easier to discover additional problems with the analysis and compare to existing literature. For example, conditioning on the presence of FEV quantifiable values and reporting agreement when the values are known from chart-review is problematic, since it will bias the overall performance measures (e.g., SE and SP). Furthermore, it does not support a comprehensive evaluation that would include false positives, accuracy, etc. The distribution of extracted values should also be compared to chart-review findings

Response: We hope this comment is at least partly answered with the inclusion of Fig 3a and 3b, with Fig 3b showing the distribution of the extracted values compared with the reference standard.

3. It is not clear how the tool addressed situations where references to historical FEV results are handled when presented with current tests. Is the goal to identify current FEV test results on specific visit dates? The overall goal is not clearly detailed.

Response: The reviewer raises important limitations of this approach to extracting spirometric values. These were concerns shared by the co-authors for this work. To begin to assess the risk multiple string values in one report might pose to the performance of the tool, we performed chart review for clinical notes with more than one FEV1 string value listed. We programmed the tool to extract the first FEV1 string in the progress note of interest. Thus, we are encouraged by the performance of the tool used based on the progress notes enriched with multiple FEV1 string terms. We have included text in the methods to clarify which string term was selected (highlighted section are the words added).

(Methods section, Sources of FEV1, FEV1 Extraction using SQLServer, second to last sentence)

“We used these functions to process the documents to identify certain FEV1 string patterns (e.g., FEV-1, FEV1, FEV_1; negation for “fever”) and extract the first FEV1 numeric value within 20 characters of the FEV1 string pattern from the TIU documents.”

(Discussion section, 4th paragraph)

“While the increase in FEV1 yield is similar between our study and tools, it is important to highlight that we did not have a systematic approach for dealing with multiple FEV1 strings in one TIU document. The tool may have extracted an FEV1 value referring to a previous study rather than the current PFT study. However, we specifically evaluated the tool in documents with multiple FEV1 strings in them and found the performance to be good.”

4. The results that reference the CPT population vs. NLP extracted population are not clear.

Response: We simplified the results section to make comparisons between the source population (i.e., those with CPT codes for PFTs) and the number of patients with FEV1 values from the source population in structured, CDW data compared with the yield using the SQL tool. We deleted sentences that included the number of documents that the SQL tool identified FEV1 entities, as well.

(Results section, 1st paragraph)

“PFTs were identified among 41,689 unique patients using CPT codes (n=204,300 CPT codes). CDW data had a quantifiable FEV1 from 12,425 patients of these patients. Using the SQL tool among patients identified as having PFTs using CPT codes (n=204,300 CPT codes, n=41,689 unique patients), an FEV1 entity was identified in 18,183 TIU documents among 5,958 unique patients. CDW data, in contrast, had a quantifiable FEV1 from 12,425 patients.”

5. There appears to be a misunderstanding about the CDW and VistA systems that needs to be corrected.

Response: We clarified the relationship between VistA and CDW throughout the manuscript, and included specific language regarding the two systems in the introduction.

(Introduction, 3rd paragraph)

“The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) [5] is VA’s EHR system and provides backend (command line) database support for clinical transactions. The VA Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) [], which provides an SQL interface, contains national patient data from VistA structured to allow diverse analysis and reporting.”

6. The discussion needs more detail regarding the possibility that many FEV1 (PFT) reports are scanned in as image files and not accessible in the TIU notes.

Response: We included additional statements in the discussion about this important limitation of this SQL tool. We also mention this as an area for future work.

(Discussion section, 4th paragraph)

“The majority of PFT studies are completed using software external to the VA EHR operating system. Results are often scanned into the EHR. These SQL tool we developed and tested would not be able to extract FEV1 values from these data sources.”

“as well as developing and testing methods to extract data from scanned portable document format (PDF) or similar document types s in the EHR.”

7. Finally, the findings from this study should be compared to other NLP studies of PFTs from within the VA if possible. It is not clear if performance is a trade-off for efficiency or if both the performance and efficiency of this method are superior to other NLP efforts to extract FEV from the medical notes.

Response: We include points of discussion of NLP tools that were developed for FEV1 extraction for patients with asthma and ascertainment (references discussed: Sauer BC et al, EGEMS 2016 and Wi CI et al, J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2018). We put our study into these contexts, but also to see these resources as opportunities to improve the quality of pulmonary-related clinical assessments from EHR data. Some of the added text is included.

(Discussion, 3rd paragraph)

“Our tool’s performance was not as sophisticated as previously developed natural language processing (NLP) tools for extracting PFT results in the VA.1 The approach developed by Sauer et al. to extract pre- and post-bronchodilator PFT results using semi-structured, unstructured and narrative text data in a sample of Veterans with asthma increased complete data by 25%. Another study using multiple clinical characteristics, including FEV1, had excellent agreement between a tool for asthma ascertainment and chart review.2 Together, these tools demonstrate the range of tools that can be used to improve characterization of lung disease from the EHR.”

Reviewer #3

Comments to the Author

This is an original study which reports on the implementation of an automated tool, based on the Microsoft SQL, for extracting FEV1 values from the data repository of the Veterans Aging Cohort Study implemented using the MS SQLServer.

This reviewer has some formal and methodological concerns.

Specific comments


- References about approaches for extracting FEV1 values from electronic health records, different or similar to that reported in the present study, should be reported and discussed.

Response: We responded to a similar comment from another reviewer. Please see our response to Reviewer 2, Comment #7.

- More detailed methods to replicate the automated tool presented in the present study should be provided as online information.

Response: We certainly welcome the chance to have our approach replicated in other studies. We are under the impression making this available in github would be sufficient. If the reviewer and editor would prefer to have this as online supplemental material for the publication, we can prepare these resources.

- The spirometric reports usually include the parameter (i.e. the "string term") "FEV1" expressed as: 1. measured value, in liters; 2. calculated percent predicted value; 3. predicted value for the examined subject, based on sex, age and height. It should be clarified what "string term" for "FEV1" was selected/extracted by using the described automated tool. Indeed, the spirometric report of a single subject usually includes all these three "string term" of "FEV1" and the automated tool might have found three different quantifiable "FEV1" values for the same subject.

Response: We responded to a similar comment from another reviewer. Please see our response to Reviewer 2, Comment #3 to address this important potential limitations of the SQL tool used.

- FEV6 is a spirometric index used instead of "FEV1", in particular when performing office spirometry, and possibly stored as parameter of pulmonary function test. Were "FEV6" "FEV-6", "FEV_6" excluded as string patterns from the string processing procedure?

Response: We appreciate the comment. For this test case of extracting pulmonary function values from the electronic health record, we only searched for the FEV1. We have not found the FEV6 to consistently be used for clinical purposes. We suspected this string would be included in fewer notes and would limit our ability to extract this value from the clinical notes. However, based on what we have learned from FEV1 extraction, future work could focus on other PFT string values such as FEV6.

- The results of the validity of the automated tool performance should be better presented. Agreement/disagreement between the automated tool and chart review (performed by a single Pulmonologist) are based on only n=128 documents (51% of those available) (see the section "Assessing SQL tool performance").

Response: We respond to similar comments to this from other reviewers (please see Reviewer 2, Comment 1).

- Results from the present study might support the usefulness of the presented automated tool for increasing the detection of quantifiable FEV1 values in those electronic health records which are implemented using MS SQLServer. This does not mean that the automated tool enhance the detection of COPD patients in electronic health records. The discussion section, in particular the paragraph dedicated to the limitations of the study and the conclusions, should be reviewed accordingly.

Response: We attempt to respond to the concerns raised by this reviewer regarding the tool’s use, including that we have not used it to estimate prevalence of COPD. We made a number of changes to the discussion to clarify our work with the tool to date, and to specifically identify limitations on its use regarding estimates of COPD prevalence. We do not see areas in need of attention in the conclusions paragraph.

(Discussion 5th paragraph, with re-wording and deletions made to the paragraph).

“Second, we did not use extracted FEV1 values to estimate prevalence of COPD, and lack of identification of FEV1 does not necessarily imply absence of true COPD. Despite guidelines requiring FEV1 measurement for airway obstruction, spirometry may be performed in the minority of patients diagnosed with COPD, and airway obstruction is identified in only 56% of patients diagnosed COPD 3-7. This study does not address the potential for referral bias for patients who are having FEV1 measurements completed.”

- The abstract lacks of conclusions.

Response: We appreciate the reviewer pointing this out. We added two sentences to the abstract to conclude the results of this work at this stage.

“A SQL-based full text search of clinical notes for quantifiable FEV1 is efficient and improves the number of values available in VA data. Future work will examine how these methods can improve phenotyping of patients with COPD in the VA.”


Submitted filename: FEV1_SQL_RESPONSE_TO_REVIEWERS_PONE_Nov2019_FINAL.doc

Decision Letter 1

Manlio Milanese

30 Dec 2019

Extracting Lung Function Measurements to Enhance Phenotyping of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in an Electronic Health Record using Automated Tools


Dear Dr. Kathleen Akgun,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it complies with all outstanding technical requirements.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


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The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #2: I believe the reviewers addressed the comments adequately. The one issue that continues to bother me is around the goal and framing of evaluation. It appears the goal of the SQL FEV extraction tool is to identify the "current" test result as of the date the note was written- meaning the most recent PFT on the date of the note vs. a co-referenced historical PFT result that may be typed or pasted into the document for historical reference with the "current" PFT. The authors target appears to be the current result up to the note date, but the tool appears to extract the FEV that appears first in the document. That is fine as a simplifying extraction assumption. The chart-reviewer/annotator was asked to abstract the current PFT results. In this case, accuracy statistics would say FEV was correctly identified but the mean values would not be the same. This is why including mean values or distribution of FEV values is important because you may correctly classify the document as having extractable FEV but extract the historical vs. the current. This can be revealed by the comparison of accuracy statistics with the distribution of FEV results. I would have expected the authors to explain why there was some inconsistencies in the extracted values to the chart-review values given the extremely high accuracy statistics. It is plausible that the differences in the distribution of values extracted from the tool and chart-review may be a result of grabbing the co-referenced "historical" FEV rather than the "current" FEV that the reviewer was asked to abstract.

It was also nice to see the distribution of FEV extracted from the tool overlay with PFT file data but I was initially thinking you would use the subset where both the FEV extraction tool and PFT file overlapped as additional validation or to identify records that may not have been reviewed but the tool picked them up - to determine if they were missed by chart-review due to the eligibility requirement of CPT coding that is problematic in this population. I the tool was run on the same eligibility criteria as chart-review then this is not an issue, but it was not previously clear what the note selection criteria was. The thought of a sub-analysis may be flawed anyways as there may not be a clear system ID linking a note to a PFT result and rules connecting the two would introduce additional error.

Overall this is excellent work and a more elegant solution than previous work in the VA. It is reassuring to learn that you are finding similar proportion of additional information from the notes that other studies found. It is fair to argue that other NLP approached in the VA m attempted different things and there may not be a direct comparison between your work and theirs. I do not believe the other approaches are more or less sophisticated, but what is in common is an attempt to extract information from notes that was not available in the PFT file since the PFT file is not complete. This approach appears more elegant and transportable than other approaches in the VA and is likely more valuable to the research community as a result.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


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Reviewer #2: Yes: Brian C. Sauer

Reviewer #3: Yes: Francesco Pistelli

Acceptance letter

Manlio Milanese

8 Jan 2020


Extracting Lung Function Measurements to Enhance Phenotyping of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in an Electronic Health Record using Automated Tools

Dear Dr. Akgün:

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Dr. Manlio Milanese

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Data code. SQL script used for extracting FEV1 values from text notes in VA clinical notes.



    Submitted filename: FEV1_SQL_RESPONSE_TO_REVIEWERS_PONE_Nov2019_FINAL.doc

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