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Journal of Radiation Research logoLink to Journal of Radiation Research
. 2019 Dec 11;61(1):146–160. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrz077

Japanese structure survey of radiation oncology in 2012

Hodaka Numasaki 1,, Teruki Teshima 2, Yutaka Ando 3, Keizo Akuta 4, Hiroshi Ikeda 5, Kaoru Okajima 6, Tomoyasu Kumano 7, Tomonari Sasaki 8, Kenji Sekiguchi 9, Masao Tago 10, Atsuro Terahara 11, Katsumasa Nakamura 12, Tetsuo Nishimura 13, Kazuhiko Ogawa 14; for Society Japanese Radiation Oncology Database Committee
PMCID: PMC6976736  PMID: 31825076


This paper describes the ongoing structure of radiation oncology in Japan in terms of equipment, personnel, patient load and geographic distribution to identify and overcome any existing limitations. From March 2013 to August 2016, the Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology conducted a questionnaire based on the Japanese national structure survey of radiation oncology in 2012. Data were analyzed based on the institutional stratification by the annual number of new patients treated with radiotherapy per institution. The estimated annual numbers of new and total (new plus repeat) patients treated with radiation were 213 000 and 251 000, respectively. Additionally, the estimated cancer incidence was 865 238 cases with ~24.6% of all newly diagnosed patients being treated with radiation. The types and numbers of treatment devices actually used included linear accelerator (LINAC; n = 864), telecobalt (n = 0), Gamma Knife (n = 44), 60Co remote afterloading system (RALS; n = 23) and 192Ir RALS (n = 130). The LINAC system used dual-energy functions in 651 units, 3D conformal radiotherapy functions in 759 and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) functions in 466. There were 792 Japan Radiological Society/Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology-certified radiation oncologists, 1061.6 full-time equivalent (FTE) radiation oncologists, 2124.2 FTE radiotherapy technologists, 181.3 FTE medical physicists, 170.9 FTE radiotherapy quality managers and 841.5 FTE nurses. The frequency of IMRT use significantly increased during this time. In conclusion, the Japanese structure of radiation oncology has clearly improved in terms of equipment and utility although there was a shortage of personnel in 2012.

Keywords: structure survey, radiotherapy institution, radiotherapy personnel, radiotherapy equipment


In 1991, the Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology (JASTRO) conducted the first national survey of the structure of radiotherapy institutions in Japan based on their status in 1990, and the results were reported by Tsunemoto et al. [1]. The Japanese structure has gradually changed since a greater number of cancer patients are treated with radiation and public awareness of the importance of radiotherapy has grown. JASTRO has conducted national structure surveys every 2 years since 1991 [2–22]. The consecutive structural data gathered and published by JASTRO have been useful to gain an understanding of our current position and future direction in Japan. Despite some delays, the updated Japanese national structure survey data of radiation oncology in 2012 is now available.


From March 2013 to August 2016, a questionnaire regarding the 2012 national structure survey of radiation oncology was conducted that included the number of treatment systems by type, number of personnel by category, and number of patients by type, site and treatment modality. To measure variables over a longer time period, data for the year 2012 were also considered. In total, 709 of 788 active institutions attempted the survey; the response rate was 90.0%.

The current report analyzes these institutional structure data (equipment, personnel, patient load and geographic distribution) based on institutional stratification by the annual number of new patients treated with radiotherapy at each institution. Clinical working hours of each staff member performing radiotherapy were derived from full-time equivalent (FTE; 40 h per week for radiation oncology work only) data. The Japanese Blue Book Guidelines (JBBG) [23, 24] were used for comparison with the results of this study. These guidelines pertain to the structure of radiation oncology in Japan based on Patterns of Care Study (PCS) [25, 26] data. The standard guidelines were set at 250–300 (warning level, 400) for annual patient load per external beam machine, at 200 (warning level, 300) for annual patient load per FTE radiation oncologist (RO), and at 120 (warning level, 200) for annual patient load per FTE radiotherapy technologist.

Furthermore, we analyzed data from the designated cancer care hospital accredited by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. As on 1 October 2016, Japan had 427 designated cancer care hospitals [27]. A total of 44 institutions did not return the survey; therefore, the structure data for these 383 designated cancer care hospitals were analyzed and compared with the data for all radiotherapy hospitals. The analysis was conducted in two groups: institutions with <1.0 FTE RO and those with ≥1.0 FTE RO.


In this report, preliminary results have been presented as tables and figures (Tables 118 and Figs 16). We have briefly summarized the Japanese national structure survey of radiation oncology for 2012. The values obtained by dividing the real numbers of new patients (190 910) and total (new plus repeat) patients (225 818) by the response rate were 212 182.1 and 250 979.7, respectively. In addition, there may be radiotherapy institutions unknown by JASTRO. Therefore, the estimated number of new patients was ~213 000, obtained by rounding up 212 182.1 to the nearest 1000. In the same way, the estimated number of total patients was ~251 000 (Fig. 1).

Table 1. Category of radiotherapy institution.

Institution category
U:  University hospital
G:  Cancer center (including national centers)
N:  National hospital organization (excluding cancer centers)
P:  Public hospital (excluding cancer centers)
O:  Red cross hospital, saiseikai hospital, company hospital, public corporation hospital, national health insurance hospital, social insurance hospital, mutual insurance hospital, industrial accident hospital, association hospital and Japan agricultural co-operatives hospital
H:  Medical corporation hospital, medical association hospital, private hospital and other hospital

Table 18. Number of radiotherapy institutions, treatment devices, patient load and personnel: trend 1990–2012.

1990 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 Survey year 2003 2005 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012
Institutions 378 629 504 568 636 603 726 712 721 700 705 694 709
Response rate, % 48.5 88.3 73.9 78.6 86.3 85.3 100 96.9 94.2 90.9 90.4 88.2 90.0
New patients 62 829 71 696 84 379 107 150 118 016 149 793 156 318 170 229 182 390 190 322 185 455 190 910
Total patients 191 173 205 087 217 829 226 851 220 092 225 818
Average no. of new patients 166 142 149 168 196 206 220 236 261 270 267 269
Treatment devices (actual use) LINAC 311 508 407 475 626 626 744 765 807 816 829 836 864
Telecobalt 170 213 127 98 83 45 42 11 15 11 9 3 0
192Ir RALS 29 50 73 93 117 119 123 130 131 125 130
Full- time ROs 547 748 821 889 925 878 921 1003 1007 1085 1123 1102 1122
FTE RO 774 826 939 959 1019 1062
Full-time JRS/JASTRO-certified ROs 308 369 426 477 529 564 756 792
FTE RT technologist 592 877 665 733 771 918 1555 1635 1,634 1836 1841 2027 2124
Treatment planning equipment X-ray simulators 295 430 394 452 512 464 532 502 445 361 348 320 305
CT simulators 30 75 55 96 164 247 329 407 497 575 633 654 677
RTP computers 238 468 374 453 682 680 874 940 1070 1271 1381 1484 1611

Fig. 1. Estimate of increase in demand for radiotherapy in Japan and estimated annual number of new and total patients, based on statistical correction of annual change in the number of new patients per year at Patterns of Care Study survey facilities [23]. x and o denote the estimated number of total (new plus repeat) and new patients from the results in structure surveys by the JASTRO.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 6. Distribution of annual total (new plus repeat) patient load per FTE radiotherapy technologist (RTT) in designated cancer care hospitals. Horizontal axis represents institutions arranged in order of increasing value of annual number of total patients per FTE RTT within the institution. Q1: 0–25%, Q2: 26–50%, Q3: 51–75%, Q4: 76–100%.

Fig. 6.

Table 2. Number of radiotherapy institutions by scale classification and institution category.

Scale category (annual number of new patients) Institution category Total Institution ratio [%]
A (≤99) 6 1 15 46 39 25 132 18.6
B (100–199) 12 3 28 71 62 43 219 30.9
C (200–299) 11 4 9 43 44 25 136 19.2
D (300–399) 18 2 4 19 27 12 82 11.6
E (400–499) 17 1 3 12 4 11 48 6.8
F (≥500) 49 18 1 8 5 11 92 13.0
Total 113 29 60 199 181 127 709
Institution ratio [%] 15.9 4.1 8.5 28.1 25.5 17.9 100.0

Table 3. Annual number of new patients by scale classification and institution category.

Scale category (number of institutions) Institution category (number of institutions) Total (709) Average
U (113) G (29) N (60) P (199) O (181) H (127)
A (132) 247 74 950 2795 2690 1584 8340 63.2
B (219) 1752 369 4220 10 160 9015 5909 31 425 143.5
C (136) 2824 1132 2227 10 434 10 568 6154 33 339 245.1
D (82) 6450 771 1450 6398 9175 4199 28,443 346.9
E (48) 7643 416 1274 5313 1896 4948 21 490 447.7
F (92) 36 020 16 337 698 4574 3334 6910 67 873 737.8
Total (709) 54 936 19 099 10 819 39 674 36 678 29 704 190 910 269.3
Average 486.2 658.6 180.3 199.4 202.6 233.9 269.3
Median 449 641 156 168 173 186 201

Table 4. Annual number of total (new plus repeat) patients by scale classification and institution category.

Scale category (number of institutions) Institution category (number of institutions) Total (709) Average
U (113) G (29) N (60) P (199) O (181) H (127)
A (132) 265 126 1037 3238 3070 2137 9873 74.8
B (219) 2077 409 4995 11 681 10 442 7329 36 933 168.6
C (136) 3125 1474 2524 12 481 12 141 7313 39 058 287.2
D (82) 7704 1007 1639 7645 11 145 5224 34 364 419.1
E (48) 9214 495 1461 6438 2280 6639 26 527 552.6
F (92) 40 577 19 933 860 5364 3812 8517 79 063 859.4
Total (709) 62 962 23 444 12 516 46 847 42 890 37 159 225 818 318.5
Average 557.2 808.4 208.6 235.4 237.0 292.6 318.5
Median 525 697 184 185 202 225 236

Table 5. Number of treatment devices and their functions by scale classification.

Treatment devices and their functions Scale category (number of institutions) Total (709)
A (132) B (219) C (136) D (82) E (48) F (92)
LINAC 127 215 139 109 76 198 864
With dual energy function 75 157 111 89 61 158 651
With 3DCRT function (MLC width ≤ 1.0 cm) 93 177 125 102 70 192 759
With IMRT function 28 79 72 78 51 158 466
With cone beam CT or CT on rail 24 65 65 59 37 99 349
With treatment position verification system 29 54 60 54 38 88 323
(X-ray perspective image)
With treatment position verification system (other than those above) 26 61 38 42 18 72 257
Annual no. patients/LINAC 77.7 171.8 281.0 315.3 349.0 399.3 261.4
CyberKnife® 2 6 0 2 3 6 19
Novalis® 2 1 5 10 8 9 35
Tomotherapy® 2 6 1 5 5 3 22
Particle 0 0 1 1 1 6 9
Microtoron 1 2 0 2 1 2 8
Telecobalt (actual use) 0 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (0)
Gamma Knife® 4 11 7 8 6 8 44
Other accelerator 0 1 1 2 0 3 7
Other external irradiation device 0 0 2 0 0 4 6
New type 60Co RALS (actual use) 0 (0) 4 (3) 6 (6) 3 (2) 5 (5) 4 (4) 22 (20)
Old type 60Co RALS (actual use) 0 (0) 4 (1) 3 (1) 0 (0) 2 (1) 0 (0) 9 (3)
192Ir RALS (actual use) 1 (0) 7 (7) 13 (13) 25 (23) 19 (19) 69 (68) 134 (130)
137Cs RALS (actual use) 0 (0) 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1)

LINAC = linear accelerator, 3DCRT = 3D conformal radiotherapy, MLC = multileaf collimator, IMRT = intensity-modulated radiotherapy, CT = computed tomography, Co = cobalt, RALS = remote-controlled after-loading system, Ir = iridium, Cs = Caesium.

Table 6. Number of treatment planning equipment and accessories by scale classification.

Treatment planning equipment and accessories Scale category (number of institutions) Total (709)
A (132) B (219) C (136) D (82) E (48) F (92)
X-ray simulator (≥1*) 59 (59) 77 (77) 43 (43) 35 (33) 26 (26) 65 (60) 305 (298)
CT simulator (≥1*) 110 (108) 195 (186) 135 (124) 86 (77) 44 (42) 107 (91) 677 (628)
RTP computer (≥2 *) 163 (22) 300 (57) 233 (51) 219 (52) 165 (35) 531 (87) 1,611 (304)
X-ray CT (≥2 *) 232 (86) 520 (178) 386 (121) 276 (76) 196 (45) 470 (89) 2,080 (595)
for RT only 52 119 98 69 38 102 478
MRI (≥2*) 160 (33) 328 (106) 234 (90) 180 (69) 124 (44) 276 (80) 1,302 (422)
for RT only 2 5 4 4 3 4 22
Computer use for RT recording* 64 102 89 53 23 57 388
Water phantom (≥2*) 144 (27) 246 (52) 185 (48) 108 (27) 76 (20) 193 (55) 952 (229)
Film densitometer (≥2*) 43 (2) 92 (2) 72 (3) 67 (3) 44 (5) 100 (13) 418 (28)
Dosemeter (≥3*) 335 (57) 694 (128) 552 (88) 331 (56) 258 (36) 658 (78) 2828 (443)

*The number of institutions. CT = computed tomography, RTP = radiotherapy planning, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, RT = radiotherapy.

Table 7. Number of personnel and annual number of patients by scale classification.

Scale category (number of institutions) Total (709)
A (132) B (219) C (136) D (82) E (48) F (92)
Scale (annual no. of new patients) ≤99 100–199 200–299 300–399 400–499 ≥500
Institution ratio [%] 18.6 30.9 19.2 11.6 6.8 13.0 100
New patients 8340 31 425 33 339 28 443 21 490 67 873 190 910
New patients/institution 63.2 143.5 245.1 346.9 447.7 737.8 269.3
Total patients 9873 36 933 39 058 34 364 26 527 79 063 225 818
Total patients/institution 74.8 168.6 287.2 419.1 552.6 859.4 318.5
Beds 45 130 93 715 65 714 45 765 31 042 69 701 351 067
Institutions with RT beds (%) 25 (18.9) 51 (23.3) 31 (22.8) 32 (39) 25 (52.1) 58 (63) 222 (31.3)
RT beds 107.5 244.0 149.0 175.5 281.0 897.7 1 854.7
RT beds/total beds [%] 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.9 1.3 0.5
RT beds/institution 0.8 1.1 1.1 2.1 5.9 9.8 2.6
RT beds/institution with RT beds 4.3 4.8 4.8 5.5 11.2 15.5 8.4
JRS-certified institutions (%) 5 (3.8) 26 (11.9) 37 (27.2) 43 (52.4) 32 (66.7) 81 (88) 224 (31.6)
JRS-cooperation institutions (%) 45 (34.1) 104 (47.5) 66 (48.5) 25 (30.5) 9 (18.8) 20 (21.7) 269 (37.9)
JASTRO-certified institutions (%) 2 (1.5) 41 (18.7) 57 (41.9) 57 (69.5) 35 (72.9) 84 (91.3) 276 (38.9)
JRS membership (full-time) 59 161 136 134 119 450 1059
JASTRO membership (full-time) 50 142 133 130 111 449 1015
JRS/JASTRO-certified ROs (full-time) 31 115 120 114 85 327 792
Institutions with full-time RO (%) 54 (40.9) 137 (62.6) 111 (81.6) 77 (93.9) 46 (95.8) 85 (92.4) 510 (71.9)
ROs (full-time) 71 178 143 142 125 463 1,122
ROs (full-time)/institution 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.7 2.6 5.0 1.6
FTE RO (full-time) 24.4 145.0 125.3 121.9 103.1 359.4 878.9
FTE RO (full-time)/institution 0.29 0.62 0.92 1.51 2.10 4.16 1.28
ROs (part-time) 119 217 120 74 47 117 694
ROs (part-time)/institution 0.90 0.99 0.88 0.90 0.98 1.27 0.98
FTE RO (part-time) 23.4 38.1 20.8 16.3 16.2 39.2 153.9
FTE RO (part-time)/institution 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2
FTE RO (full- plus part-time) 61.3 174.6 146.5 139.9 117.1 422.3 1,061.6
FTE RO (full- plus part-time)/institution 0.46 0.80 1.08 1.71 2.44 4.59 1.50
Radiologists (full-time) 150.0 405.0 358.8 355.0 286.0 962.0 2516.8
Radiologists (part-time) 170.5 345.2 247.1 194.5 70.4 219.0 1246.7
Radiologists (full-time)/institution 1.1 1.8 2.6 4.3 6.0 10.5 3.5
RTTs (full-time)* 396 783 570 443 292 791 3275
FTE RTT 198.6 442.1 354.0 292.3 215.6 621.6 2124.2
Medical physicists (full-time)* 21 64 69 64 42 128 388
FTE Medical physicist 8.3 20.9 32.5 27.6 19.1 73.0 181.3
RT quality manager (full-time)* 48 120 103 85 51 128 535
FTE RT quality manager 15.9 36.4 33.6 27.9 16.1 41.2 170.9
Dosimetrists (full-time)* 17 29 18 29 10 66 169
FTE Dosimetrist 4.6 7.1 4.5 9.4 3.3 12.8 41.5
Craftworkers (full-time)* 48 93 55 33 38 72 339
FTE Craftworker 11.4 17.3 11.7 6.6 4.0 9.9 60.7
Nurses (full-time) 137 318 234 192 107 302 1,290
FTE Nurse 66.55 177.94 159.89 121.81 80.25 235.1 841.5
Nursing assistants 5.2 4.8 12.4 10.2 10.8 26.44 69.8
Clerks 26.6 56.9 66.7 59.55 53.4 128.4 391.6

*Overlap is included in the total number of each staff type (radiotherapy technologist, medical physicist, radiotherapy quality manager, dosimetrist and craftworker). RT = radiotherapy, JRS = Japan Radiological Society, RO = radiation oncologist, JASTRO = Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology, FTE = full-time equivalent, RTT = radiotherapy technologist.

Table 8. Population, number of patients, institutions and patient load according to prefecture.

Prefecture Population (×103) [29] Institutions New patients New patients/institution Total patients Total patients/institution
Hokkaido 5460 30 9431 314.4 11 642 388.1
Aomori 1350 10 2265 226.5 2470 247.0
Iwate 1303 8 1839 229.9 2412 301.5
Miyagi 2325 12 4447 370.6 5355 446.3
Akita 1063 10 1757 175.7 2095 209.5
Yamagata 1152 6 1381 230.2 1543 257.2
Fukushima 1962 10 2832 283.2 3136 313.6
Ibaraki 2943 14 3530 252.1 4275 305.4
Tochigi 1992 9 2767 307.4 3221 357.9
Gunma 1992 14 3944 281.7 4312 308.0
Saitama 7212 20 7180 359.0 8356 417.8
Chiba 6195 24 8038 334.9 9559 398.3
Tokyo 13,230 66 23 900 362.1 29 110 441.1
Kanagawa 9067 40 12 390 309.8 13 801 345.0
Niigata 2347 14 3671 262.2 4269 304.9
Toyama 1082 8 1578 197.3 1814 226.8
Ishikawa 1163 7 1963 280.4 2222 317.4
Fukui 799 6 1105 184.2 1291 215.2
Yamanashi 852 4 1361 340.3 1636 409.0
Nagano 2132 15 3248 216.5 3678 245.2
Gifu 2061 13 2908 223.7 3648 280.6
Shizuoka 3735 23 6129 266.5 7986 347.2
Aichi 7427 39 10 024 257.0 12 325 316.0
Mie 1840 12 2020 168.3 2227 185.6
Shiga 1415 10 1753 175.3 2199 219.9
Kyoto 2625 12 3744 312.0 4625 385.4
Osaka 8856 52 13 736 264.2 16 083 309.3
Hyogo 5571 32 8510 265.9 9742 304.4
Nara 1390 9 2251 250.1 2634 292.7
Wakayama 988 9 1397 155.2 1636 181.8
Tottori 582 7 1064 152.0 1265 180.7
Shimane 707 5 1016 203.2 1154 230.8
Okayama 1936 11 2859 259.9 3403 309.4
Hiroshima 2848 19 4762 250.6 5770 303.7
Yamaguchi 1431 14 1981 141.5 2291 163.6
Tokushima 776 5 1366 273.2 1459 291.8
Kagawa 989 6 1334 222.3 1531 255.2
Ehime 1415 10 2154 215.4 2550 255.0
Kochi 752 5 1224 244.8 1345 269.0
Fukuoka 5085 26 8416 323.7 9834 378.2
Saga 843 4 867 216.8 979 244.8
Nagasaki 1408 9 2324 258.2 2762 306.9
Kumamoto 1807 13 2971 228.5 3472 267.1
Oita 1185 11 1598 145.3 1970 179.1
Miyazaki 1126 8 1942 242.8 2312 289.0
Kagoshima 1690 11 2315 210.5 2567 233.4
Okinawa 1409 7 1618 231.1 1852 264.6
Total 127 518 709 190 910 269.3 225 818 318.5

Table 9. Number of total patients, radiation oncologists and patient load according to prefecture.

Prefecture Total patients JRS/JASTRO-certified RO FTE RO Total patients/FTE RO
Hokkaido 11 642 42 53.3 218.4
Aomori 2 ,470 10 11.8 209.3
Iwate 2 ,412 7 10.5 229.7
Miyagi 5 ,355 14 19.6 273.9
Akita 2 ,095 3 6.0 349.2
Yamagata 1543 5 8.3 185.9
Fukushima 3136 14 16.7 187.8
Ibaraki 4275 11 18.4 232.3
Tochigi 3221 14 13.8 233.4
Gunma 4312 28 31.8 135.6
Saitama 8356 21 29.4 283.9
Chiba 9559 37 49.3 193.9
Tokyo 29 110 96 135.5 214.8
Kanagawa 13 801 48 63.5 217.3
Niigata 4269 14 19.9 214.5
Toyama 1814 4 6.8 266.8
Ishikawa 2222 8 8.7 255.4
Fukui 1291 12 11.6 111.3
Yamanashi 1636 6 7.0 233.7
Nagano 3678 8 12.5 295.4
Gifu 3648 9 12.1 301.5
Shizuoka 7986 26 31.7 251.9
Aichi 12 325 39 57.9 212.9
Mie 2227 6 10.1 220.5
Shiga 2199 7 14.3 153.8
Kyoto 4625 20 28.8 160.6
Osaka 16 083 63 84.3 190.8
Hyogo 9742 34 46.6 209.1
Nara 2634 11 16.8 156.8
Wakayama 1636 7 7.9 207.1
Tottori 1265 6 5.6 225.9
Shimane 1154 6 8.0 144.3
Okayama 3403 12 18.9 180.5
Hiroshima 5770 20 24.7 233.6
Yamaguchi 2291 7 12.0 190.9
Tokushima 1459 7 6.4 228.0
Kagawa 1531 6 6.3 243.0
Ehime 2550 9 13.3 191.7
Kochi 1345 5 4.4 305.7
Fukuoka 9834 36 46.7 210.6
Saga 979 5 5.6 174.8
Nagasaki 2762 9 9.8 281.8
Kumamoto 3472 13 19.2 180.8
Oita 1970 2 6.8 289.7
Miyazaki 2312 12 11.5 201.0
Kagoshima 2567 7 10.1 254.2
Okinawa 1852 6 7.5 246.9
Total 225 818 792 1061.6 212.7

JRS = Japan Radiological Society, JASTRO = Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology, RO = radiation oncologist, FTE = full-time equivalent.

Table 10. Number of total patients, staff and patient load according to prefecture.

Prefecture Total patients FTE RTT Total patients/FTE RTT FTE MP FTE RTQM
Hokkaido 11 642 76.1 153.0 17.3 6.3
Aomori 2470 25.7 96.1 3.4 3.4
Iwate 2412 25.0 96.5 2.2 1.2
Miyagi 5355 40.3 132.9 2.9 3.5
Akita 2095 18.9 110.9 1.2 2.3
Yamagata 1543 17.1 90.2 0.6 1.2
Fukushima 3136 37.0 84.9 3.3 0.4
Ibaraki 4275 47.2 90.6 2.1 2.7
Tochigi 3221 30.7 104.9 1.2 2.6
Gunma 4312 47.3 91.2 4.0 2.7
Saitama 8356 62.4 133.9 3.9 6.4
Chiba 9559 92.6 103.3 8.2 2.9
Tokyo 29 110 253.6 114.8 25.5 12.5
Kanagawa 13 801 142.2 97.1 8.0 11.1
Niigata 4269 41.1 103.9 1.9 1.3
Toyama 1814 19.1 95.2 0.7 2.5
Ishikawa 2222 25.2 88.2 1.0 1.5
Fukui 1291 22.8 56.6 2.7 1.0
Yamanashi 1636 6.7 246.0 0.6 1.7
Nagano 3678 33.6 109.5 2.5 1.0
Gifu 3648 31.5 115.8 1.6 3.2
Shizuoka 7986 84.5 94.6 7.8 7.9
Aichi 12 325 117.5 104.9 8.5 9.6
Mie 2227 25.7 86.7 1.6 2.8
Shiga 2199 30.4 72.3 1.0 4.1
Kyoto 4625 37.7 122.7 5.1 5.7
Osaka 16 083 161.0 99.9 23.0 14.3
Hyogo 9742 100.9 96.5 6.9 7.1
Nara 2634 25.9 101.7 1.9 3.9
Wakayama 1636 25.2 64.9 1.1 1.2
Tottori 1265 14.0 90.4 0.3 1.6
Shimane 1154 12.7 90.9 0.2 2.0
Okayama 3403 33.6 101.2 2.4 3.4
Hiroshima 5770 45.6 126.6 3.9 4.2
Yamaguchi 2291 27.1 84.5 0.6 2.9
Tokushima 1459 15.9 91.8 0.3 1.0
Kagawa 1531 11.7 130.9 0.9 1.2
Ehime 2550 22.8 111.8 3.4 4.4
Kochi 1345 9.8 137.2 1.1 0.8
Fukuoka 9834 80.1 122.8 6.1 9.7
Saga 979 10.0 97.9 0.2 0.3
Nagasaki 2762 18.8 146.9 2.7 2.7
Kumamoto 3472 34.9 99.5 2.6 3.3
Oita 1970 19.8 99.5 1.5 1.6
Miyazaki 2312 19.9 116.2 1.0 2.2
Kagoshima 2567 26.4 97.2 2.2 1.3
Okinawa 1852 16.5 112.2 0.5 0.6
Total 225 818 2124.2 106.3 181.3 170.9

FTE = full-time equivalent, RTT = radiotherapy technologist, MP = medical physicist, RTQM = radiotherapy quality manager, NS = nurse.

Table 11. Number of institutions and patients with special radiotherapy by scale classification.

2012 2011
Specific therapy A (132) B (219) C (136) D (82) E (48) F (92) Total (709) Total (694)
Intracavitary radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 0 7 19 26 24 70 146 142
Patients 0 72 263 365 395 1941 3036 3008
Interstitial radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 3 9 9 21 20 55 117 105
Patients 49 206 241 538 653 2447 4134 4071
125I seed implantation therapy for prostate
Treatment institutions 3 6 8 17 16 53 103 93
Patients 49 169 240 443 438 1985 3324 3273
Radioactive iodine therapy for thyroid cancer
Treatment institutions 1 9 5 10 11 29 65 54
Patients 4 157 47 539 301 1240 2288 1879
Total body radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 8 15 30 29 23 70 175 162
Patients 71 136 337 285 293 1126 2248 1957
Intraoperative radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 1 2 3 1 3 13 23 20
Patients 2 2 5 1 10 78 98 102
Stereotactic brain radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 12 44 42 52 31 52 233 214
Patients 663 2332 1673 3192 2162 4428 14 450 13 768
Stereotactic body radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 5 38 51 57 31 73 255 222
Patients 14 588 536 777 767 2331 5013 3552
Treatment institutions 8 21 31 40 27 71 198 164
Patients 451 1097 1519 2000 2079 4801 11 947 8887
Treatment institutions 2 7 2 4 3 3 21 19
Patients 33 54 6 19 209 45 366 327
90Sr radiotherapy for pterygia
Treatment institutions 0 2 3 0 0 2 7 8
Patients 0 21 11 0 0 30 62 45
Internal 89Sr radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 10 35 39 35 23 53 195 169
Patients 62 138 239 157 124 425 1145 969
Internal 90Y radiotherapy
Treatment institutions 0 3 4 6 1 15 29 31
Patients 0 14 14 12 1 30 71 106

IMRT = intensity-modulated radiotherapy, Sr = strontium, Y = yttrium.

Table 12. Annual number of new patients by disease site*.

Primary site n %
Cerebrospinal 8484 4.7
Head and neck (including thyroid) 16 641 9.2
Esophagus 9386 5.2
Lung, trachea, and mediastinum 34 364 18.9
Lung 30 926 17.0
Breast 42 589 23.5
Liver, biliary tract, pancreas 7024 3.9
Gastric, small intestine, colorectal 8816 4.9
Gynecologic 9011 5.0
Urogenital 28 250 15.6
Prostate 22 320 12.3
Hematopoietic and lymphatic 8175 4.5
Skin, bone and soft tissue 3882 2.1
Other (malignant) 2253 1.2
Benign disease 2665 1.5
Pediatric ≤15 years (included in totals above) 912 0.5
Pediatric 16–19 years (included in totals above) 218 0.1
Total 181 540 100.0

*Total number of new patients in Table 3 differ from these data because no data on primary sites were reported by some institutions.

Table 13. Annual number of total patients (new plus repeat) treated for any brain metastasis and bone metastasis by scale classification.

Scale category (number of institutions) Total (709)
Metastasis A (132) B (219) C (136) D (82) E (48) F (92)
n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
Brain 985 10.0 4254 11.5 3088 7.9 3507 10.2 2634 9.9 6975 8.8 21 443 9.5
Bone 1614 16.3 5651 15.3 5376 13.8 4421 12.9 2869 10.8 8735 11.0 28 666 12.7

Table 14. Classification of institutions by number of FTE radiation oncologists in all radiotherapy institutions and designated cancer care hospitals.

Institution category Description Number of institutions
RH-A All radiotherapy hospitals (FTE RO ≥1.0) 415
RH-B All radiotherapy hospitals (FTE RO <1.0) 294
Total 709
DCCH-A Designated cancer care hospitals (FTE RO ≥1.0) 287
DCCH-B Designated cancer care hospitals (FTE RO <1.0) 96
Total 383

Table 15. Annual numbers of patients receiving radiotherapy, numbers of LINACs, numbers of staff, patient load per LINAC and patient load per personnel according to institution categories shown in Table 14; all radiotherapy hospitals.

RH-A (415) RH-B (294) Total (709)
Average per hospital Total number Average per hospital Total number Average per hospital Total number
Total patients 432.1 179 339 158.1 46 479 318.5 225 818
New patients 363.8 150 989 135.8 39 921 269.3 190 910
LINAC 1.4 585 0.9 279 1.2 864
Annual no. of total patients/LINAC 306.6 166.6 261.4
Annual no. of new patients/LINAC 258.1 143.1 221.0
FTE RO 2.3 948.2 0.4 113.4 1.5 1061.6
JRS/JASTRO-certified RO (full-time) 1.7 722 0.2 70 1.1 792
Annual no. of total patients/FTE RO 189.1 410.0 212.7
Annual no. of new patients/FTE RO 159.2 352.2 179.8
FTE RT technologist 3.9 1604.7 1.8 519.5 3.0 2124.2
Annual no. of total patients/FTE RTT 111.8 89.5 106.3
Annual no. of new patients/FTE RTT 94.1 76.8 89.9
FTE RT technologist/LINAC 2.7 1.9 2.5
FTE medical physicist 0.37 155.2 0.09 26.1 0.26 181.3
Annual no. of total patients/FTE MP 1155.3 1784.2 1245.7
Annual no. of new patients/FTE MP 972.6 1,532.5 1053.1
FTE RT quality manager 0.33 136.2 0.12 34.7 0.24 170.9
Annual no. of total patients/FTE RTQM 1317.2 1339.5 1321.7
Annual no. of new patients/FTE RTQM 1109.0 1150.5 1117.4
FTE RT quality manager/LINAC 0.23 0.12 0.20

LINAC = linear accelerator, FTE = full-time equivalent, RO = radiation oncologist, JRS = Japan Radiological Society, JASTRO = Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology, RTT = radiotherapy technologist, MP = medical physicist, RTQM = radiotherapy quality manager.

Table 16. Annual numbers of patients receiving radiotherapy, numbers of LINACs, numbers of staffs, patient load per LINAC and patient load per personnel according to institution categories shown Table 14; designated cancer care hospitals.

DCCH-A (287) DCCH-B (96) Total (383)
Average per hospital Total number Average per hospital Total number Average per hospital Total number
Total patients 495.3 142 145 196.1 18 828 420.3 160 973
New patients 418.9 120 223 171.9 16 498 357.0 136 721
LINAC 1.6 449 1.0 98 1.4 547
Annual no. of total patients/LINAC 316.6 192.1 294.3
Annual no. of new patients/LINAC 267.8 168.3 249.9
FTE RO 2.5 708.2 0.5 47.4 2.0 755.6
JRS/JASTRO-certified RO (full-time) 1.9 557 0.3 33 1.5 590
Annual No. of total patients/FTE RO 200.7 397.6 213.1
Annual no. of new patients/FTE RO 169.8 348.4 181.0
FTE RT technologist 4.2 1198.7 2.0 196.0 3.6 1394.6
Annual no. of total patients/FTE RTT 118.6 96.1 115.4
Annual no. of new patients/FTE RTT 100.3 84.2 98.0
FTE RT technologist/LINAC 2.7 2.0 2.5
FTE medical physicist 0.41 118.0 0.11 10.5 0.34 128.4
Annual no. of total patients/FTE MP 1205.0 1,801.7 1,253.6
Annual No. of new patients/FTE MP 1019.2 1,578.8 1,064.7
FTE RT quality manager 0.36 102.9 0.15 14.3 0.31 117.2
Annual no. of total patients/FTE RTQM 1382.1 1316.6 1374.1
Annual no. of new patients/FTE RTQM 1168.9 1153.7 1167.1
FTE RT quality manager/LINAC 0.23 0.15 0.21

Table 17. Number of items of equipment and their functions according to institution categories shown Table 14.

RH-A (n = 415) RH-B (n = 294) Total (n = 709)
n % n % n %
LINAC 585 97.1 279 94.2 864 95.9
With dual energy function 460 85.3 191 64.6 651 76.7
With 3DCRT function (MLC width ≤ 1.0 cm) 544 91.3 215 72.8 759 83.6
With IMRT function 392 66.7 74 24.8 466 49.4
With cone beam CT or CT on rail 290 56.9 59 19.7 349 41.5
with treatment position verification system (X-ray perspective image) 260 49.2 63 21.1 323 37.5
With treatment position verification system (other than those above) 199 39.5 58 19.7 257 31.3
CT simulator 424 92.5 253 83.0 677 88.6
DCCH-A (n = 287) DCCH-B (n = 96) Total (n = 383)
n % n % n n
LINAC 449 100.0 98 100.0 547 100.0
With dual energy function 363 92.7 75 77.1 438 88.8
With 3DCRT function (MLC width ≤ 1.0 cm) 428 96.5 83 85.4 511 93.7
With IMRT function 310 73.5 38 38.5 348 64.8
With cone beam CT or CT on rail 227 62.4 28 28.1 255 53.8
With treatment position verification system (X-ray perspective image) 206 55.1 29 29.2 235 48.6
With treatment position verification system (other than those above) 147 40.1 26 27.1 173 36.8
CT simulator 303 96.5 90 87.5 393 94.3

LINAC = linear accelerator, 3DCRT = 3D conformal radiotherapy, MLC = multileaf collimator, IMRT = intensity-modulated radiotherapy, CT = computed tomography.


In this report, the estimated numbers of new patients and total patients were ~213 000 and 251 000 by a simple calculation using the response rate. However, it is necessary to carefully consider that the estimated numbers of new patients and total patients reported also vary widely according to the difference in the calculation method used as follows. If all non-responding institutions were in category A (≤99), the estimated numbers of new patients and total patients were 195 901 and 231 727 by calculation using the average number of new patients in category A. On the other hand, the estimated numbers of new patients and total patients were 249 192 and 293 709 if all non-responding institutions were in category F (≥500).

In 2012, based on Japanese cancer registries, the cancer incidence was estimated at 865 238 cases [28] with approximately 24.6% (213 000 of 865 238) of all newly diagnosed patients being treated with radiation.

Fig. 2. Distribution of annual total (new plus repeat) patient load per LINAC in radiotherapy institutions. Horizontal axis represents institutions arranged in order of increasing value of annual number of total patients per LINAC within the institution. Q1: 0–25%, Q2: 26–50%, Q3: 51–75%, Q4: 76–100%.

Fig. 2.

Regarding the case scale of institution, ~50.5% of all radiotherapy institutions had >200 new radiotherapy patients per year, whereas 31.3% of the institutions had >300. Additionally, 41.5% of all radiotherapy institutions had <1.0 FTE ROs. Compared with the findings of a similar survey conducted 5 years ago, the percentage of institutions that have >= 1.0 FTE ROs had improved a little, but was not yet sufficient.

When viewed from the perspective of geographic distribution, radiotherapy institutions cover each region in Japan, although there are considerable differences in the number of radiotherapy institutions in prefectures. Concerning equipment, much of theequipment had been rapidly replaced with ones with excellent functions, although there are differences depending on the scale of the institution. The numbers of staff (ROs, radiotherapy technologists, medical physicists, radiotherapy quality managers and nurses) steadily increased. Annual total patient load per FTE RO was 212.7, which was lower than the 248.2 of the 2007 survey [16]. However, this patient load exceeds the 200.0 given as the standard value by the JBBG [23, 24]. With regard to other staff, the numbers of medical physicists and radiotherapy quality managers are absolutely insufficient. In most cases, radiotherapy technologists partially act as medical physicists and radiotherapy quality managers. Compared with the other types of staff mentioned above, a sufficient number of radiotherapy technologists is ensured in Japan. The average of structure data of designated cancer care hospitals was better than the national average. Annual patient load per designated cancer care hospital was about 100 patients more than the national average, but annual patient load per FTE RO and annual patient load per FTE radiotherapy technologist were almost the same as the national average. On the other hand, 25.1% of designated cancer care hospitals had <1.0 FTE radiation oncologist. Compared with the findings of a similar survey conducted 5 years ago [17], the above percentage had improved to 12.3%, but it was not yet sufficient.

Fig. 3. Distribution of annual total (new plus repeat) patient load per FTE RO in all radiotherapy institutions. Horizontal axis represents institutions arranged in order of increasing value of annual number of total patients per FTE RO within the institution. Q1: 0–25%, Q2: 26–50%, Q3: 51–75%, Q4: 76–100%.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 4. Distribution of annual total (new plus repeat) patient load per FTE radiotherapy technologist (RTT) in all radiotherapy institutions. Horizontal axis represents institutions arranged in order of increasing value of annual number of total patients per FTE RTT within the institution. Q1: 0–25%, Q2: 26–50%, Q3: 51–75%, Q4: 76–100%.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5. Distribution of annual total (new plus repeat) patient load per FTE RO in designated cancer care hospitals. Horizontal axis represents institutions arranged in order of increasing value of annual number of total patients per FTE radiation oncologist within the institution. Q1: 0–25%, Q2: 26–50%, Q3: 51–75%, Q4: 76–100%.

Fig. 5.

In conclusion, the Japanese structure of radiation oncology has clearly and steadily improved over the past 20 years in terms of installation and use of equipment and its functions, but there are still problems of the shortages of manpower and the structure gap by institution type. We expect that this updated national structure survey of radiation oncology for 2012 will aid the continuous improvement of all aspects of radiation oncology in Japan.


This study was supported by the JASTRO and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. JP17K10475].


None declared.


We wish to thank all radiation oncologists, radiation technologists and other staff throughout Japan who participated in this survey for their efforts in providing us with valuable information to make this study possible.


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