Figure 4. Sea-level data and sea-level reconstructions (SLRs) for south Florida.
Coral age-elevation data from the Southeast Florida continental reef tract (SFCRT, light blue symbols), the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT, purple symbols), and the Dry Tortugas coral-reef ecosystem (DTCRE, red symbols). Only coral data that passed our screening criteria employed in this study (i.e., rank = 0) are included. Negative vertical error bars are the root sum square of the elevation uncertainties (2σ) and positive vertical error bars are the root sum square of the elevation uncertainties and the coral taxa depth distributions at 95% confidence intervals (2σ). Horizontal error bars (2σ uncertainty) are only depicted for samples that have age-error ranges ≥250 years. Non-coral data (brown, dark blue, and green symbols) and their associated error bars are from Khan et al. (2017). See the Methods section for explanations of error bars and screening procedures. Relative sea level is referenced to present mean sea level. (A) Data for the entire Holocene record. (B) As in A, but only for the last 7 ka to depict the relationship between the non-coral database and the SLRs more clearly. The Blanchon (2005) SLR is a reinterpretation of the Toscano & Macintyre (2003) SLR.