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. 2020 Jan 24;15(1):e0227577. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227577

Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics

Chaoyang Hu 1,2, Jun Rao 3, Yue Song 4, Shen-An Chan 4, Takayuki Tohge 5, Bo Cui 2, Hong Lin 2, Alisdair R Fernie 5, Dabing Zhang 2, Jianxin Shi 2,*
Editor: Haitao Shi6
PMCID: PMC6980602  PMID: 31978163


Rice flag leaves are major source organs providing more than half of the nutrition needed for rice seed development. The dynamic metabolic changes in rice flag leaves and the detailed metabolic relationship between source and sink organs in rice, however, remain largely unknown. In this study, the metabolic changes of flag leaves in two japonica and two indica rice cultivars were investigated using non-targeted metabolomics approach. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that flag leaf metabolomes varied significantly depending on both species and developmental stage. Only a few of the metabolites in flag leaves displayed the same change pattern across the four tested cultivars along the process of seed development. Further association analysis found that levels of 45 metabolites in seeds that are associated with human nutrition and health correlated significantly with their levels in flag leaves. Comparison of metabolomics of flag leaves and seeds revealed that some flavonoids were specific or much higher in flag leaves while some lipid metabolites such as phospholipids were much higher in seeds. This reflected not only the function of the tissue specific metabolism but also the different physiological properties and metabolic adaptive features of these two tissues.


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple crop in the world feeding more than half of the world’s population. With the current massive population growth coupled to near-global improvements of living standards, the pursuit for higher rice yield and equally high nutritive quality is ever increasing. Both the yield and quality of rice can be limited by the supply of nutrition from leaves (source) and the ability to accumulate the available nutrition in seeds (sink) [1, 2]. The sink size (seed numbers and mean seed size) is established by seed organ morphogenesis and development during flowering and by source availability during grain filling, which is accompanied with the leaf senescence process [2]. During leaf senescence, catabolic processes such as the degradation of chlorophylls, proteins and lipids increase while anabolic processes decrease [3]. The shift from anabolic to catabolic metabolism in senescent leaves is vital for nutrition mobilization and recycling from leaf to developing seeds, which is important for seed yield and quality and has been studied mainly in Arabidopsis [3, 4]. The onset and progression of leaf senescence are often accompanied with the changes in gene expression [5, 6]. By using transcriptome analysis alongside molecular genetic techniques, many senescence-associated genes have been identified in rice [79]. Hundreds of differentially expressed proteins, involved in different cellular responses and metabolic processes, during senescence of flag leaves have additionally been investigated by proteomic analysis [10].

The flag leaf is the last growing leaf of rice. Its maximal growth rate in coincident to the time when the rice plant is at the heading and flowering stage and it becomes a mature leaf at around 7 days after flowering (DAF) [10, 11]. After fertilization, the leaves begin to continuously supply nutrients to the seeds for their growth and development, meanwhile, flag leaf senescence process gradually starts from about 14 DAF [10]. Rice seeds reach maturity at about 21 DAF [12], but the rice flag leaves do not wither even at 28 DAF for some cultivars. Given that it is present longer than the other leaves during the process of seed development and that it is physically closest to the developing seeds, the flag leaf can provide more than half of the nutrients needed for rice seed development [13]. Previous studies indicated that many of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling flag leaf characteristics and yield-related traits are co-localized in rice [14, 15]. Therefore, the flag leaf is commonly regarded as the primary source of assimilates for yield and quality in rice.

It is well known that some of the small molecular compounds in the leaves are used only by the blades themselves, while others can be used both for the leaf itself and for the transport to the sink tissues/organs, for example, the developing seeds. The reported metabolic analysis of rice phloem sap revealed that many metabolites that synthesized in the leaves, including sugars (e.g. sucrose), amino acids (e.g. asparagine, glutamine and glutamate) and even flavonoids (e.g. tricin and schaftoside), can be transported through the phloem tubes to the sink tissues [1618]. These results indicated an active metabolic flux from source to sink tissues. However, studies focusing on the metabolic changes of the flag leaves and their correlation with those of developing seeds across the seed development process in rice have not yet been elucidated.

The rice seed, as a sink, can not only store the nutritional metabolites transported from the leaves, but also can synthesize macromolecules such as starches, proteins and DNAs using small molecules transported from the leaves [19]. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear to what extent a specific metabolite in rice seeds is derived from the leaves or within the seeds themselves. Therefore, there is an urgent need to investigate the detailed metabolic shift from source to sink in rice, particularly across the seed development process. In a previous study, we revealed developmental stage and cultivar dependent metabolic changes in developing seeds of four rice cultivars [20]. It provided a comprehensive metabolic map in developing rice seeds [20].

In this study, we reported the metabolic shift in rice flag leaves from flowering to seed desiccation. We also investigated into the metabolic associations and differences in the levels of detected metabolites between flag leaves and developing seeds. The aim was to explore the possible metabolite association between source and sink organ in rice.

Materials and methods


Rice plants were planted in a paddy field in Minghang (31.03°N, 121.45°E), Shanghai, during the summer season in 2013. The tillers were marked at the heading dates. Flag leaves or rice seeds from two individual plants were pooled as one sample set (biological replication). Four sample sets (biological replications) of flag leaves at 0, 7, 14 and 28 days after flowering (DAF) and of rice seeds at 7, 14 and 28 DAF per rice variety were independently collected [20], immediately frozen with liquid nitrogen and lyophilized for 48 hours. Samples were ground into fine powder and stored at -80°C until metabolomics analysis.

Metabolite extraction, derivatisation and GC-MS analysis

Metabolite extraction: an aliquot of 10 mg fine powder was mixed with 700 μl 100% methanol containing an internal standard (0.01 mg/mL sorbitol), homogenize with tissue grinder (Jingxin, Shanghai, China) for 5 min at 30 Hz, followed by centrifugation at 14000 g for 10 min. An aliquot of 500 μl supernatant were taken into 2 ml fresh Eppendorf tubes, in which 300 μl chloroform was added. After gently mix, 750 μl pure water was added and the mixture was vortexed for 15 seconds. After phase separation, 150 μl upper phase was taken into 1.5 ml fresh Eppendorf tubes, dried exhaustedly in the speed vac for at least 3 hours without heating.

Metabolite derivatisation: An aliquot of 40 μl methoxyamine hydrochloride (20 mg/ml in pyridin) was added to the dried Eppendorf tubes containing the extracted metabolites, followed by shaking at 37°C for 2 hours. Then 70 μl mixture of N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) and fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) was added, and followed by shaking at 37°C for 30 min. 100 μl of resulting solution was taken into sample vials for GC-MS analysis.

Data acquisition, metabolite identification and peak area extraction: The detailed GC-MS analysis was done as previously described [21]. The mass spectrometry data was sequentially collected in one batch, in which all samples were randomly ordered. The quality control (QC) samples equally pooled from all experimental samples were run after every 10 experimental samples. Metabolite identification and peak extraction were performed with TagFinder software [22].

Metabolite extraction and LC-MS analysis

Metabolite extraction: an aliquot of 10 mg fine powder was mixed with 1 ml 100% methanol, and homogenized with tissue grinder (Jingxin, Shanghai, China) at 30 Hz for 5 min, and followed by centrifugation at 14000 g for 5 min. The supernatant was filtered through a syringe filter (0.22 μm) and placed in a sample vial for LC-MS analysis.

LC-MS data acquisition: The methanol extracts were analyzed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS in positive and negative mode, respectively. LC analysis was performed using an Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC system. MS detection was performed on an Agilent 6550 iFunnel/Q-TOF mass spectrometer with Agilent Jet-Stream source. The detailed UHPLC-QTOF-MS data acquisition was performed as described previously [20]. The samples were randomly ordered, and the QC samples equally pooled from all experimental samples were run after every 10 experimental samples.

Metabolite identification and peak area extraction: Metabolites were annotated by searching Personal Compound Database and Library (PCD/PCDL), literatures [21, 23, 24], and the Massbank [25] and Metlin [26] databases, based on two criteria: (1) the difference between the observed mass and the theoretical mass was less than 5 ppm; (2) the main feature of the observed MS/MS spectrums was the same to that in literatures or database. Peak area extraction was performed with Mass Profinder 6.0 software. Each metabolite in every sample was carefully checked during peak area extraction to make sure that right peaks were extracted. The missing values were checked carefully with Mass Profinder software to make sure that missing values were caused by the content being too low to be detected not by random.

Data analysis

IF a metabolite was detected simultaneously in GC-MS, UHPLC-MS negative mode and/or UHPLC-MS positive mode, the one with the smallest relative standard deviation (RSD) in the QC samples was retained. For data normalization of GC-MS data, peak area of a given metabolite was divided by the peak area of the internal standard (sorbitol), sample weight and the median value in all samples of the same metabolite. For data normalization of UHPLC-MS data, each set of 10 samples and each metabolite were normalized to the average level of QC samples that were injected before and after these 10 samples, then were divided by the sample weight and the median value in all samples of the same metabolite. The missing values of a given metabolite were imputed with the detected minimum value of the same metabolite in other samples for statistical analysis, assuming that they were below the limits of instrument detection sensitivity. The final statistics matrix with normalized data for the following statistical analysis are available in S1 Table.

Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed with SIMCA-P version 11.0 and the scaling type was “UV”. Two-way ANOVA and ASCA were performed using the tool embedded in the MetaboAnalyst website ( [27], by using “Log Normalization” for data transformation and “Autoscaling” for data normalization. Two-way ANOVA type used was “within subjects ANOVA”, significance threshold was defined as the corrected p-value < 0.05 and False Discovery Rate (based on the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure) was chosen for multiple testing correction. ASCA was performed with default parameters. The metabolite-metabolite correlations between grain and flag leaf were analyzed by using Pearson’s product-moment correlation method with mean values in R software package. The Student’s t-test was employed to identify metabolites that differed significantly (p < 0.05) between two different groups using the log2 transformed data. The heatmaps of metabolite ratios were visualized with MultiExperiment Viewer (MeV) version 4.8 [28]. The figures were edited using Adobe Illustrator CS6 software for better resolution.


Metabolite profiling of flag leaf samples

In order to investigate the metabolic changes of flag leaves along rice seed development, two indica subspecies (Qingfengai and 9311) and two japonica subspecies (Nipponbare and Nongken 58) were selected and planted in the same paddy field. Qingfengai and Nipponbare, having the same growth period (around 135 days after sowing), are medium maturing cultivars. Nongken 58 and 9311 with a growth period of about 160 days, are medium-to-late maturing cultivars. The flag leaf samples were collected at 0, 7, 14 and 28 DAF and extracted with methanol. The resulting methanol extracts were subjected to non-targeted metabolomics analysis by employing gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time of flight-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS). A total of 207 metabolites were identified (S2 Table), including 38 amino acids and dipeptides, 37 carbohydrates and organic acids, 25 lipids, eight nucleotides, 10 cofactors, five benzene derivatives, 63 flavonoids, 12 hydroxycinnamate derivatives, three terpenoids and six miscellaneous metabolites.

Kinetic patterns of flag leaf metabolomes

To gain a global view of metabolic difference across all analyzed samples, principal component analysis (PCA) on the identified metabolites was subsequently performed. PC 1, accounting for 24.0% of the total variance, separated samples of japonica from those of indica (Fig 1), indicating different metabolic profiles in flag leaves of these two subspecies. This result was consistent with a previous report that the leaf metabolome at the five-leaf stage of japonica was significantly different from that of indica [29]. In either indica or japonica group, a cultivar dependent separation of samples of different sampling time points was also observed, with better separation in indica cultivars (Fig 1). This result indicated a developmental specific flag leaf metabolome, which was the same pattern as that of developing seeds [20].

Fig 1. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the metabolomes of flag leaves.

Fig 1

Green, blue, yellow and red colors represent samples at 0, 7, 14 and 28 DAF, respectively. Ellipse, star, triangle and square denote leaf metabolomes of 9311, Qingfengai, Nipponbare and Nongken 58, respectively. PC 1 explains 24.0% of variance distinguishing flag leaves of two japonica from those of two indica. PC 2 accounts for 14.3% of total variance separating leaf samples from different time points.

Two-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was conducted to decompose the raw data to further dissect which factor caused the variation of the metabolite levels. The abundances of 149, 183 and 142 metabolites were significantly affected by time, cultivar and their interaction, respectively. Among them, the abundances of 109 metabolites were simultaneously affected by time, cultivar and their interaction (Fig 2A). In addition, ANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA), a multivariate extension of univariate ANOVA approach [30], was performed to identify the major patterns associated with each factor. The major pattern associated with time based on PC 1 of the corresponding sub-model was that the scores gradually increased from 0 DAF to 28 DAF and 73.86% of variation was explained by this sub-model (Fig 2B). Culture score plots showed that different cultivars differ in their PC1 scores; the scores of two indica cultivars were positive while those of two japonica cultivars were negative and 56.85% of variation was explained by this sub-model (Fig 2C). This result was consistent with PCA result shown in Fig 1, in which the samples of two indica cultivars located on the right side (the values of PC1 were positive) while those of two japonica cultivars on the left (the values of PC1 were negative). The first component of the interaction effect clearly showed the opposite trends occurring over the four sampling time points between Qingfengai and the other three cultivars and 25.32% of variation was explained by this sub-model (Fig 2D), which was different to that observed in developing rice seeds [20]. The observed difference between Qingfengai and other three cultivars reflected their physiological difference regarding senescence. At 35 DAF, the flag leaves of Qingfengai withered but those of other three cultivars did not, indicating an earlier or faster senescence of Qingfengai than others. The differences of the interaction scores among different cultivars at 7 and 14 DAF were smaller than those at 0 DAF and 28 DAF. This observed small and close interaction scores at 7 and 14 DAF across all four cultivars also resembled the conserved biochemical function of flag leaves at this specific grain-filling stage among tested cultivars. These three sub-models were validated using permutation test with the observed statistic p values all being less than 0.05 (S1 Fig).

Fig 2. Result of two-way ANOVA and ASCA.

Fig 2

(A) Venn diagram summary of results from two-way ANOVA. (B) Major pattern associated with cultivar. (C) Major pattern associated with time. (D) Major pattern associated with the interaction between cultivar and time. These analyses were performed in MetaboAnalyst website (

Leverage/squared prediction error (SPE) plots were next made in order to identify metabolites that followed the major pattern of each factor [31]. Metabolites with high leverage and low SPE were picked out as well-modeled metabolites that contributed significantly to the model described above. Fourteen well-modeled metabolites, including 12 flavonoids, stood out based on the major pattern of cultivar (S2 Fig), which were important in distinguishing the leaves of two japonica from those of two indica. The levels of these 12 flavonoids were all significantly higher in indica, which was consistent with the observation that flavone mono-C-glycosides and malonylated flavonoid O-hexosides accumulated at higher levels in leaves of indica than in japonica [32]. Twenty well-modeled metabolites, including eight amino acids (asparagine, aspartate, glutamine, glutamate, gamma-guanidinobutyric acid, 5-oxoproline I, N-acetylglutamate and threonine), two carbohydrates (glycerate and glycolate), five cofactors (vitamin C, nicotinamide, nicotinate, phosphoric acid and trigonelline), two lipids (linolenate and glycero-3-phosphocholine), two nucleotides (inosine and 5-methylthioadenosine) and one terpenoids (phytocassane C), stood out based on the pattern of time (Fig 3). The levels of vitamin C, inosine, linolenate and phytocassane C gradually increased while those of the other 17 metabolites gradually decreased across time in all four cultivars. By contrast, 24 well-modeled metabolites followed the major pattern of interactive effect, which showed different change patterns along time between different cultivars (S3 Fig). Most of them were primary metabolites, including six amino acids (glycine, histidine, isoleucine, putrescine, tryptophan and valine), five carbohydrates (galactinol, raffinose, ribulose-5-phosphate, ribitol and threitol), seven lipids (1-LysoPE(18:3), 2-LysoPC(18:2), 9,13-DHOME, 9-HOTrE isomer, glycerol, linoleate and palmitate) and three nucleotides (adenosine, 5-methylthioadenosine and uridine) (S3 Fig).

Fig 3. Changes of the well-modeled metabolites following the major pattern of time.

Fig 3

For full metabolite names, refer to S2 Table.

Metabolic changes during flag leaf maturation

To investigate the metabolic changes of flag leaves during maturation, the metabolite levels of leaves in a given cultivar at 7 DAF were compared with those at 0 DAF in leaves of the same cultivar. The levels of 66, 67, 78 and 98 metabolites were significantly changed in Qingfengai, 9311, Nipponbare and Nongken 58, respectively (S3 Table). The levels of methionine, gamma-guanidinobutyric acid, phosphoric acid and trigonelline were simultaneously decreased while those of phenylalanine, isoorientin-C-hexoside derivant, 2-LysoPC(18:3), linolenic acid, inosine and phytocassane C increased in all four cultivars (Table 1, pattern A). The levels of seven flavonoids, including six tricin derivants and those of the other seven metabolites, such as VB2, were significantly decreased and increased, respectively, in two japonica cultivars but not significantly changed in two indica cultivars (Table 1, pattern B). The levels of six metabolites, such as glucose and fructose, were significantly increased in two medium-late maturing cultivars (Table 1, pattern C) while those of four metabolites, such as glycerate and maltose, were significantly decreased in two medium maturing cultivars (Table 1, pattern D). More metabolic change patterns during flag leaf maturation were shown in S3 Table.

Table 1. Partial list of significantly changed metabolites during flag leaf maturation.

Metabolite Namea Class Ratiob Patternc
Qingfengai 9311 Nipponbare Nongken 58
Met Amino acids 0.45 0.43 0.56 0.68 A
GBH Amino acids 0.23 0.41 0.72 0.78 A
Pi Cofactors 0.23 0.33 0.47 0.26 A
Meth-Nic Cofactors 0.24 0.63 0.63 0.49 A
Phe Amino acids 1.82 1.62 1.42 1.64 A
Isoo C-hex der Flavonoids 1.72 1.28 1.49 1.36 A
2-LysoPC(18:3) Lipids 1.45 6.39 2.10 1.37 A
Linolenate Lipids 1.40 2.05 1.35 3.71 A
Inosine Nucleotides 1.45 1.18 1.56 1.56 A
Phytocassane C Terpenoids 4.29 4.99 13.99 14.74 A
Tri der V Flavonoids 1.19 0.95 0.81 0.75 B
Tri-4'O-ery-gua 7''O-glu Flavonoids 1.00 0.95 0.84 0.76 B
Api-6C-glu-8C-ara II Flavonoids 2.47 1.24 0.72 0.77 B
Tri-C-glu II Flavonoids 0.91 0.95 0.74 0.77 B
Tri-4'O-ery-gua 7O-glu Flavonoids 0.97 1.01 0.86 0.78 B
Tri-4'O-thr-gua Flavonoids 0.77 0.91 0.79 0.82 B
Tri-4'O-thr-4-hyd Flavonoids 0.77 0.88 0.79 0.83 B
Tricin isomer Flavonoids 0.95 1.00 1.36 1.15 B
Isoscoparin Flavonoids 1.00 0.75 1.46 1.27 B
Pro-O-hex II Benzene derivatives 0.32 1.56 1.75 1.45 B
Lys Amino acids 1.03 1.07 1.55 1.87 B
Glu-leu Dipeptides 0.73 1.25 2.33 2.18 B
Uridine Nucleotides 0.53 1.69 1.77 2.82 B
VB2 Cofactors 1.37 1.20 7.19 4.83 B
DHA Cofactors 0.98 1.55 1.38 1.37 C
His Amino acids 0.56 1.91 1.26 1.68 C
Glucose Carbohydrates 0.84 4.19 0.96 2.29 C
Fru Carbohydrates 0.87 3.30 0.97 2.35 C
Val Amino acids 0.83 1.27 1.41 2.41 C
9-HOTrE Lipids 1.16 1.87 1.28 3.90 C
Tri-4'O-ery-gua Flavonoids 0.77 0.91 0.80 0.84 D
Glycerate Carbohydrates 0.43 1.09 0.47 0.88 D
myo-Inositol Carbohydrates 0.40 1.03 0.71 1.02 D
Maltose Carbohydrates 0.52 0.62 0.55 0.79 D

a Full names of the metabolites refer to S2 Table.

b Ratios of relative metabolite levels between 7 DAF and 0 DAF of the same cultivar. The bold values represent significantly different metabolic levels between 7 DAF and 0 DAF samples (p-values < 0.05). The p-values are available in S3 Table.

c The column of Pattern shows the metabolite change pattern during flag leaf maturation. A, the levels of metabolites were simultaneously increased or decreased in four cultivars; B, the levels of metabolites were simultaneously increased or decreased in two japonica cultivar; C and D, the levels of metabolites were simultaneously changed in two medium maturing cultivars and two medium-late maturing cultivars, respectively.

Metabolic changes during flag leaf senescence

To uncover the metabolic alterations in flag leave senescence, the levels of the identified metabolites at 14 DAF and 28 DAF were compared with those at 7 DAF of the same cultivar to eliminate the cultivar-dependent variation and submitted to clustering analysis (S4 Table). The extent of metabolite changes during flag leaf senescence was much smaller than those in developing rice seed of the same time point as revealed in previous study [20]. Most of the metabolite change patterns varied among the four cultivars (Fig 4A). The levels of 24 metabolites were simultaneously decreased in all four cultivars during flag leaf senescence (Fig 4B). Thirteen of them were amino acids, including aspartate, asparagine, glutamate and glutamine. These amino acids are mainly synthesized in roots and shoots and serve as the major nitrogen storage and transport compounds of most non-leguminous plants [33]. This result implied a likely increased transportation of free amino acids in flag leaves to developing seeds during flag leaf senescence. The other ten of them were four carbohydrates (glycolate, glycerate, threonate and glucose-6-phosphate), three cofactors (nicotinamide, phosphoric acid and trigonelline), two lipids (2-LysoPE(16:0) and 2-palmitoylglycerol), and one single nucleotide (adenine). The remarkable consistency of these metabolic changes observed in all four cultivars (Fig 4B) suggested similar metabolism pattern of these metabolites in the senescence process.

Fig 4. Heat map of metabolite changes in flag leaves from 7 DAF to 28 DAF.

Fig 4

Q, Nip and N represent Qingfengai, Nipponbare and Nongken 58, respectively. Ratios of fold changes are given by shades of red or blue colors according to the scale bar. Data represent mean values of four biological replicates for each cultivar and time point. For full metabolite names, refer to S2 Table.

Metabolic difference between flag leaf and seed

In one of our previous studies, the metabolic profiles of developing seeds (at 7, 14 and 28 DAF) of the same four rice cultivars used in this study were characterized [20]. The sampling, metabolite extraction, and data acquisition of flag leaves in this study were all performed once together with these seed samples previous published [20], which facilitated our comparative study on metabolic difference between these two organs.

The most contrasting metabolic difference between the flag leaves and developing seeds as observed from the LC-MS chromatograph was the accumulation of flavonoids in flag leaves but lipids in seeds (S4A Fig). The closely gathered QC samples in the PCA score plot of flag leaves (S4B Fig) indicated a highly consistent and reliable analytical capacity of the system. The PCA score plot clearly demonstrated that flag leaf metabolome differed significantly from that of seed (S4B Fig). These results were further confirmed by the identification and quantification of those metabolites. Twenty three metabolites including 21 flavonoids were only detectable in flag leaves but not in seeds (Table 2). Half of the 23 metabolites were tricin or tricin glycosides, which were active agents involved in plant defense system against bacteria, fungi and insects [3436]. In contrast, eight metabolites including six lipids were detectable only in seeds but not in flag leaves (Table 2).

Table 2. Metabolites detected only in rice flag leaf or seed.

Metabolite Name Formula Class Tissue
Apigenin-6-C-β-glucoside-8-C-α-arabinoside II C26H28O14 Flavonoid Leaf
Chrysoeriol C-hexoside derivant C25H28O12 Flavonoid Leaf
Chrysoeriol O-glucoside C22H22O11 Flavonoid Leaf
Isoorientin-7,2''-di-O-glucoside C33H40O21 Flavonoid Leaf
Isoorientin C-hexoside-C-hexoside II C36H36O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Isoorientin C21H20O11 Flavonoid Leaf
Isovitexin 2''-O-(6‴-(E)- feruloyl)-glucopyranoside C37H38O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Syringetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside C23H24O13 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin derivant I C36H36O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin derivant III C36H36O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin derivant IV C36H36O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin derivant V C36H36O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin 4'-O-(erythro-β-guaiacylglyceryl) ether 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside C33H36O16 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin 4'-O-(syringyl alcohol)ether O-hexoside C32H34O15 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin 4'-O-(threo-β-4-hydroxyphenylglyceryl) ether C26H24O10 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin 4'-O-(threo-β-syringylglyceryl) ether 7''-O-β-D-glucopyranoside C34H38O17 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin 7-O-(2''-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-β-D- glucuronopyranoside C29H34O17 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin isomer C17H14O7 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin O-glucoside O-guaiacylglyceryl ether C33H36O16 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin O-guaiacylglyceryl ether'-O-glucopyranoside derivant C36H36O18 Flavonoid Leaf
Tricin-O-hexoside derivative C33H34O15 Flavonoid Leaf
1-O-Palmitoylhexitol C27H44O7 Lipid Leaf
Pregna-5,20-dien-3-ol C21H32O Others Leaf
1-linoleoylglycerol C21H38O4 Lipid Seed
2-linoleoylglycerol C21H38O4 Lipid Seed
1-myristoylglycerophosphocholine C22H46NO7P Lipid Seed
2-myristoylglycerophosphocholine C22H46NO7P Lipid Seed
1-stearoylglycerophosphoethanolamine C23H48NO7P Lipid Seed
2-stearoylglycerophosphoethanolamine C23H48NO7P Lipid Seed
Cystine C6H12N2O4S3 Amino acid Seed
Homovanillic acid C9H10O4 Monoaromatics Seed

To explore the difference in metabolite abundance between flag leaves and seeds, the levels of metabolites in seeds were compared with those in flag leaves of the same cultivar at the same sampling time point (the ratios and p-values were presented in S5 Table), then the average of the ratios (AOR) of each metabolite was calculated. An AOR over 1 indicated a higher level of the metabolite in seeds, while an AOR less than 1 indicated a higher level of the metabolite in flag leaves. By doing so, the differences in abundance of a given metabolite between these two tissues could be easily identified. For example, a total of 29 metabolites were readily picked out with the AOR less than 0.01 (i.e. the levels of these metabolites in flag leaves were 100 times more than those in seeds; Table 3). Twenty five of these 29 metabolites were also flavonoids.

Table 3. The list of metabolites with AOR more than 100 or less than 0.01.

Metabolite a Class b Ratio c AOR d
Qingfengai 9311 Nipponbare Nongken 58
7 DAF 14 DAF 28 DAF 7 DAF 14 DAF 28 DAF 7 DAF 14 DAF 28 DAF 7 DAF 14 DAF 28 DAF
Tri-O-glu-O-gua der Fla 0.00020 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0.00005 0.00001 0.0001 0.00004 0.0001 0.00004 0.00003 0.00003 0.00005
Tri-4'O-ery-gua 9''O-glu Fla 0.00026 0.00005 0.00021 0.00004 0.0002 0.00004 0.0001 0.00002 0.0001 0.00029 0.00005 0.00016 0.00012
Isos-2''O-6‴-fer-glu Fla 0.00014 0.00019 0.00029 0.0001 0.00011 0.0001 0.0002 0.00019 0.0003 0.00042 0.00019 0.001 0.0002
Tri-4'O-thr-gua 7O-glu Fla 0.00035 0.00016 0.00033 0.0001 0.00015 0.0001 0.0002 0.00027 0.0002 0.001 0.00016 0.00025 0.0002
Tri-5O-glu Fla 0.001 0.00016 0.00017 0.0001 0.00011 0.0001 0.0002 0.00020 0.0002 0.00044 0.00025 0.00026 0.0002
Isoo C-hex der Fla 0.00042 0.00016 0.00026 0.0002 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 0.00013 0.0001 0.00037 0.00013 0.00020 0.0002
Tri-4'O-ery-gua 7''O-glu Fla 0.00038 0.00026 0.0012 0.0002 0.001 0.0002 0.0001 0.00008 0.0001 0.00005 0.00005 0.00012 0.0003
Isoo-2''O-glu Fla 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0001 0.001 0.00029 0.0001 0.00047 0.00017 0.00016 0.0005
Tri-4'O-ery-gua Fla 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.0003 0.001 0.0003 0.0004 0.00028 0.0004 0.00028 0.00020 0.001 0.0006
Tri-4'O-thr-gua Fla 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.0003 0.001 0.0003 0.0003 0.00032 0.002 0.001 0.00021 0.001 0.0010
Isoo-C-hex-C-hex I Fla 0.00049 0.00015 0.00032 0.003 0.006 0.002 0.0002 0.00009 0.0001 0.00038 0.00010 0.00013 0.0011
Tri-7O-6''-mal-glu Fla 0.00007 0.00004 0.00006 0.00002 0.00006 0.00003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.001 0.002 0.0012
Isos-2''O-glu Fla 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.002 0.0015
Nar cha-C-pen-O-hex Fla 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002
Isocitrate II Car 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0003 0.001 0.001 0.00040 0.002
Tricin Fla 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.0002 0.001 0.0002 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.002
Pro-O-hex I Ben 0.002 0.00047 0.00034 0.003 0.001 0.0001 0.008 0.002 0.002 0.010 0.003 0.001 0.003
Isoo-7O-glu Fla 0.005 0.008 0.015 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
Lut-7O-glu Fla 0.001 0.007 0.015 0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.004
Lut-6C-2''O-glu-ara I Fla 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.002 0.003 0.0004 0.010 0.007 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.007 0.004
Tri-C-glu I Fla 0.00046 0.003 0.004 0.0001 0.001 0.0005 0.003 0.012 0.005 0.001 0.013 0.012 0.004
Tri-7O-6''-sin-glu Fla 0.004 0.009 0.011 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.005
Lut-6C-2''O-glu-ara II Fla 0.004 0.012 0.002 0.001 0.0003 0.0003 0.011 0.009 0.001 0.011 0.002 0.005 0.005
Isocitrate I Car 0.007 0.004 0.008 0.011 0.003 0.001 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.016 0.006 0.001 0.006
1O-Fer-glu II Hyd 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.008 0.001 0.0004 0.026 0.008 0.001 0.008 0.010 0.001 0.006
Chr-6C-glu-8C-ara Fla 0.004 0.014 0.020 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.007 0.011 0.007
Chr-C-hex-C-pen Fla 0.005 0.013 0.017 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.004 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.014 0.007
Tri-C-glu II Fla 0.001 0.007 0.009 0.0005 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.018 0.016 0.001 0.010 0.014 0.007
Tri-7O-glu Fla 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.033 0.011 0.004 0.036 0.015 0.009
Fer-Put II Hyd 382.3 110.9 15.1 60.9 185.5 40.1 70.2 108.9 6.5 177.4 161.7 7.6 110.59
1-LysoPE(18:0) Lip 223.2 93.9 108.7 94.0 116.3 133.6 78.1 108.8 91.6 75.5 146.3 117.7 115.64
1-LysoPC(18:2) Lip 266.3 48.7 36.8 35.4 49.0 107.1 247.3 148.3 94.6 198.8 103.6 96.3 119.34
2-LysoPC(18:1) Lip 215.7 21.6 16.5 21.3 36.1 42.4 346.5 159.7 90.8 325.1 192.4 107.3 131.29
1-LysoPC(16:0) Lip 173.7 150.8 107.0 145.3 177.6 155.1 117.4 146.6 103.5 125.8 191.9 166.1 146.73
Uracil Nuc 210.5 33.0 1.1 482.7 172.7 1.8 406.5 103.5 1.6 408.9 741.3 3.6 213.92
2-LysoPC(18:2) Lip 310.2 270.8 215.6 99.7 173.0 327.8 190.9 313.9 232.9 229.9 263.8 439.8 255.69
2-LysoPC(16:0) Lip 531.0 340.6 266.7 435.2 584.2 657.3 518.6 869.1 398.7 326.4 515.6 488.0 494.28
1-LysoPC(18:1) Lip 431.9 359.4 245.7 604.4 693.3 593.3 658.3 1123.7 415.5 385.2 1100.9 442.2 587.80
2-LysoPC(14:0) Lip 580.3 1256.8 1036.3 220.1 1100.4 1121.9 241.1 1280.9 1466.6 116.8 348.3 1059.8 819.10

a Full metabolite names refer to S2 Table.

b Ben, benzene derivatives; Car, carbohydrates; Fla, flavonoids; Hyd, hydroxycinnamate derivants; Lip, lipids; Nuc, nucleotides.

c Ratio means the average level of metabolite in seed divided by that in leaf of the same cultivar and the same time point.

d AOR, the average of the ratios.

In addition, a total of ten metabolites displayed AOR values of more than 100 (i.e. the relative abundance of these metabolites in seeds was 100 times more than those in flag leaves). Eight of these ten metabolites were phospholipids and the other two of them were N-feruloylputrescine II and uracil (Table 3). Other metabolites that were found to be highly accumulated in seeds included certain lipids (such as LysoPE(16:0), LysoPE(18:2), linoleate, punicate and 9,13-DHOME), hydroxycinnamate derivatives (such as N-feruloylputrescine) and nucleotides (uridine, adenine and succinyladenosine) (S5 Table).

Metabolic relationship between rice flag leaf and seed

It is interesting to investigate the metabolic association between flag leaves and seeds in order to better understand the metabolic relationship between source and sink organs. To this end, a pair-wise correlation analysis on metabolites identified in flag leaves of this study and metabolites identified in seeds of a previous study [20] was performed by employing the Pearson’s product-moment correlation.

A total of 43,255 pairs of correlations were generated. Among them, there were 1245 pairs of positive correlations and 325 pairs of negative correlations with a threshold of absolute correlation value greater than 0.70 (|r-value| ≥ 0.70) (S6 Table), accounting for only 3.63% of the total possible correlations. Most of the positive correlations were observed between primary metabolites (amino acids, carbohydrates, cofactors, lipids and nucleotides) and hydroxycinnamates in seeds and primary metabolites in flag leaves (Fig 5). Most of the correlation coefficients (r-values) between secondary metabolites in seeds and those in flag leaves were quite small. However, some metabolite pairs of secondary metabolites with high correlation coefficients between flag leaves and seeds were also observed. For example, the levels of luteolin 7-O-glucoside, isoorientin 7,3'-dimethyl ether, chrysoeriol C-glucoside, chrysoeriol 6-C-β-glucoside-8-C-α-arabinoside, and chrysoeriol -5-O-hexoside in seeds were highly correlated with that of isoorientin in flag leaves (r-value > 0.90, p-value < 1.5E-06) (S6 Table). This result suggested that isoorientin may be one of the secondary metabolites being transported via long-distance from flag leaves to developing seeds.

Fig 5. Heatmap of metabolite-metabolite correlation between developing rice seeds and flag leaves.

Fig 5

Rectangles represent Pearson correlation coefficient (r) values of metabolite pairs (see correlation color key).

We investigated closely into metabolites whose levels showing corresponding changes between flag leaves and seeds. It generated a list of total 45 metabolites, including 15 amino acids, ten carbon rice compounds, seven flavonoids and four cofactors, whose levels were significantly correlated between seeds and flag leaves (Table 4). The levels of some amino acids, such as GABA, threonine, aspartate, valine, glycine, proline, glutamine, norvaline, alanine and glutamate in seeds correlated positively with those in flag leaves (r-values were 0.62~0.84). While the levels of other amino acids, including asparagine, betaine, gamma-guanidinobutyic acid, metonine and tryptophan correlated negatively with those in flag leaves (r-values were -0.63~-0.78). The levels of some carbon rich compounds such as pipecolic acid, maltose, glycerate, succinate, malate, myo-inositol, indole-3-carbaldehyde and 4-hydroxybutyric acid in seeds were positively associated with those in flag leaves. Pipecolic acid, a common lysine catabolite in plants and a critical regulator of plant defense system against pathogen [37], displayed the highest correlations (r-value > 0.96) between seeds and flag leaves. The levels of some cofactors, such as riboflavin, trigonelline, nicotinate and phosphoric acid, levels of some flavonoids, including tricin 7-O-neohesperidoside, swertisin, isoorientin 7,3'-dimethyl ether and chrysoeriol C-glucoside, and the level of phytocassane C, in seeds however were also positively correlated with those in flag leaves, with r-values of 0.65 ~ 0.72, 0.77 ~ 0.86, and 0.71, respectively. While the levels of three flavonoids, namely naringenin chalcone-C-pentoside-O-hexoside, isoorientin 7-O-glucoside and chrysoeriol-C- hexoside-C-pentoside and that of succinyladenosine in seeds were negatively correlated with those in flag leaves, with r-values of -0.67 ~ -0.58.

Table 4. Significantly associated metabolites between flag leaf and seed.

Metabolite Name Class r-Value p-Value
GABA Amino acids 0.84 0.0006
Threonine Amino acids 0.81 0.0015
Aspartate Amino acids 0.80 0.0018
Valine Amino acids 0.77 0.0035
Glycine Amino acids 0.73 0.0065
Proline Amino acids 0.72 0.0083
Glutamine Amino acids 0.72 0.0085
Norvaline Amino acids 0.69 0.0136
Alanine Amino acids 0.66 0.0193
Glutamate Amino acids 0.62 0.0329
Tryptophan Amino acids -0.63 0.0284
Methionine Amino acids -0.66 0.0206
Gamma-Guanidinobutyric Acid Amino acids -0.66 0.0205
Betaine Amino acids -0.68 0.0143
Asparagine Amino acids -0.78 0.0026
Benzoate Benzenes 0.58 0.0476
Pipecolic Acid II Carbohydrates 0.98 3.74E-08
Pipecolic Acid I Carbohydrates 0.96 1.32E-06
Maltose Carbohydrates 0.72 0.0077
Glycerate Carbohydrates 0.69 0.0132
Succinate Carbohydrates 0.65 0.0223
Isocitrate II Carbohydrates -0.63 0.0281
Malate Carbohydrates 0.61 0.0339
Myo-Inositol Carbohydrates 0.58 0.0466
Indole-3-Carbaldehyde Carbohydrates 0.65 0.0232
4-Hydroxybutyric Acid Cofactors 0.62 0.0303
Riboflavin Cofactors 0.65 0.0223
Trigonelline Cofactors 0.72 0.0083
Nicotinate Cofactors 0.71 0.0099
Phosphoric acid Cofactors 0.65 0.0213
Tricin 7-O-neohesperidoside Flavonoids 0.86 0.0003
Swertisin Flavonoids 0.82 0.0010
Isoorientin 7,3'-dimethyl ether Flavonoids 0.78 0.0027
Chrysoeriol C-glucoside Flavonoids 0.77 0.0035
Naringenin chalcone-C-pentoside-O-hexoside Flavonoids -0.67 0.0181
Isoorientin 7-O-glucoside Flavonoids -0.62 0.0327
Chrysoeriol-C-hexoside-C-pentoside Flavonoids -0.58 0.0461
N-Feruloylputrescine I Hydroxycinnamates 0.87 0.0002
2-LysoPC(18:2) Lipids 0.65 0.0210
1-LysoPE(18:2) Lipids 0.59 0.0416
5-Methylthioadenosine Nucleotides 0.66 0.0193
Succinyladenosine Nucleotides -0.58 0.0464
Adenosine Nucleotides 0.58 0.0495
Phytocassane C Terpenoids 0.71 0.0097

r-value, the correlation coefficient between flag leaf and seed.


The flag leaf of rice is the most important source organ for rice seed development. Therefore, understanding of the dynamic pattern of change in metabolites of the rice flag leaf and its metabolic relationship with the seed are of fundamental importance not only for the basic understanding of rice biology but also for applied rice breeding. In a previous study, we investigated the kinetic changes of the metabolomes of rice seeds at different developmental stages [20]. In the current study, we investigated the kinetic changes of the corresponding flag leaves from flowering to leaf senescence stage and the metabolic relationship between source and sink by taking advantage of an established non-targeted metabolomics platform.

Conserved metabolic changes in flag leaf and seed

The patterns of dynamic changes in the metabolome of developing seeds are conserved among different rice cultivars [20], and the same is true for flag leaves as revealed by PCA in this study (Fig 1). Indeed both showed clear subspecies, cultivar, and stage dependent patterns, which indicated a conserved and well-coordinated metabolic regulation among source and sink tissues in rice. Nevertheless, the levels of the vast majority of metabolites in seeds gradually decreased across seed development especially at the seed desiccation stage in all four cultivars [20]. In contrast, most of the metabolites in flag leaves showed diverse patterns of change across the different cultivars. We postulate two possible explanations for this. First, rice seed is covered with a hard hull that provides a relative stable microenvironment for the growth and development of seed, perhaps rendering its metabolome less affected by the external environment [38]. While the flag leaf, being directly exposed to the changing natural environment, is more greatly influenced by environmental changes. Secondly, the development progression of different varieties of rice from fertilized eggs to mature seeds is very conservative [39]. Conservation of the pattern of dynamic change in the seed metabolome may reflect this robustness. However, the morphology and the structure of the flag leaf did not change significantly during rice seed development, yet the onset of leaf senescence varied among different rice cultivars. This may explain why the observed changes in the metabolic dynamics of the flag leaf were species specific.

Metabolic difference between flag leaf and seed

It is well known that the quantity and chemical structure of plant metabolites are spatiotemporally distributed [4042]. Although both metabolomes of flag leaves and developing seeds in rice showed similar kinetic patterns, clear metabolic differences were also observed. Twenty one flavonoids were identified only in flag leaves (Table 2), and the levels of 25 flavonoids and two phenolic acid-hexoside were much higher in the flag leaves than in the seeds (Table 3 and S5 Table). Flavonoids and phenolic acids (including protocatechuic acid and ferulic acid) are important in plants for scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated under excess light-stress [43, 44]. Flavonoids are also involved in plant defense against pathogens, pests, herbivores and UV irradiation [17, 43, 45, 46]. Rice seed is covered with a hard hull (palea and lemma), which also accumulates flavonoids and phenolic acids [44], and can protect seed from oxidative stress, predators and decay [47]. Therefore, the detected metabolic difference between flag leaves and developing seeds likely reflected different physiological properties and metabolic adaptive features of the two tissues. The secondary metabolites detected in flag leaves and developing seeds differed significantly (Tables 2 and 3). It is plausible to deduce that these secondary protective metabolites detected in flag leaves and developing seeds were mainly synthesized and consumed locally. It was in agreement with the transcriptomic data reveled in flag leaves under heat stress, in which genes encoding rate-limiting enzyme in secondary metabolism were up-regulated [48]. Nevertheless, there are potential transport of flag leaf produced flavonoids (such as swertisin), and terpenoids (such as phytocassane C), to developing seeds as revealed in this study (Table 4).

It is also worth noting that some metabolites were found to be highly accumulated in seeds, particularly phospholipids and fatty acids. Lipids in rice seeds serve as stored energy and structural reserves, which can be converted into other metabolites when needed for seed development and subsequent germination [49]. Phospholipids and fatty acids play a considerable role in the seed germination capacity and protect seed from ageing [50, 51]. Therefore, the high accumulation of lipids observed in developing seeds but not flag leaves guaranteed proper seed development. The observed higher levels of some hydroxycinnamate derivatives in seeds implied an important role for them in the seed’s defense response against biotic and abiotic stresses, owing to their antioxidant properties [52]. Whilst the high accumulation of feruloylputrescine, one of the large diversity of best characterized defense metabolites against insects and herbivores [53], which additionally serves as a storage form of polyamine, could be associated with germination potential in rice seeds [54]. The higher levels of uracil and uridine in seeds also suggested a unique biochemical basis for seed physiology, especially for seed starch biosynthesis. Arabidopsis PYD1 (dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase 1) knockout mutants accumulated high uracil levels in seeds and showed delayed germination [55]. While the accumulation of uridine in potato tubers was accompanied by increased amounts of starch in the tubers [56] and knockout of plastid uridine scavenging pathway resulted in reduced starch in Arabidopsis seed [57]. Further detailed investigations into those greatly different metabolites between seeds and flag leaves would likely expand our understanding of the biochemical mechanisms underpinning seed developmental process.

Metabolic association between flag leaves and seeds

Nutrient remobilization and translocation from leaf to seed during leaf senescence is vital for the yield and quality in crops and as such has been subject to considerable research attention [58, 59]. The flag leaves of rice are the major source organs supplying developing seeds. Exploring the metabolite-metabolite correlations between flag leaves and seeds will facilitate the better understanding of the source-sink relationship in rice. Only a small proportion of metabolites were significantly correlated between flag leaves and developing seeds during rice seed development. Positive and negative relationships were found mainly in primary and secondary metabolites, respectively. These results indicated that metabolites in source tissues function not only as direct structural and nutritional molecules for development, but also as precursors for the synthesis of the secondary metabolites needed for defense in sink tissues. It is reported that, during rice grain filling stage, those genes involved in starch biosynthesis, lipid biosynthesis, seed storage protein synthesis, or genes encoding various transporters, such as sugar transporters, ABC transporters, amino acid/peptide transporters, phosphate transporters and nitrate transporters, are significantly up-regulated [60]. Therefore, more attention should be paid to increase the sink ability at seed filing stage to improve the nutrition of rice seeds in future breeding.

Water-soluble carbohydrates, such as sucrose, are the major non-structural storage carbohydrate fraction in leaves and stems of cereals [61]. It is well known that flag leaves contribute a significant amount of carbohydrates to the developing seeds [62]. However, in this study, the correlations of the levels of carbohydrates between flag leaves and seeds were not significant. This was consistent with a previous proteomic study during senescence of flag leaves, proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism was largely unchanged [63]. Another reason behind this could be that the carbohydrates transported from the flag leaves were rapidly transformed into other storage molecules by the developing seeds. In support of this notion, it is reported that flux of glycolysis and oxidative pentose phosphate pathway are very active in developing Brassica napus embryos [64]. However, similar studies has not been conducted in rice, which merits to be done in the future to fully address this issue.

It is noteworthy that above 20% (45 out of 208) of the metabolites in flag leaves were significantly correlated with the same metabolite in developing seeds (Table 4). The correlation of pipecolic acid, a non-proteinaceous product of lysine catabolism, between flag leaves and developing seeds was the highest. Pipcolic acid is reported to be involved in plant systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and basal immunity to bacterial pathogen infection, which accumulates in inoculated and distal leaf tissue in Arabidopsis [6568]. We speculated that pipecolic acid in developing seeds may be mainly transported from rice flag leaves, because the seeds are covered by the hull while the leaves are exposed to an environment teaming with potentially harmful microbes. In support of this hypothesis is the observation that high amounts of pipecolic acid are transported from source to sink tissues through the sieve tube system in cucumber [69]. Ten amino acids, including two essential amino acids for human (valine and threonine) and three dominant nitrogen forms in the phloem (glutamine, glutamate and aspartate) [33, 70, 71], were positively associated between flag leaves and seeds (Table 4). This correlation indicated a likely direct source-sink transport of these metabolites. This suggest a potential application perspective for amino acid improvement in rice seeds could be achieved by elevating amino acid levels in rice leaves, increasing the export of them from leaves, or both, via manipulating related gene expression in leaves [72]. A transcriptomic study in rice flag leaves during rice grain filling indicated the up-regulation of many transporters for mineral and amino acid transportation from flag leaf to seed [73]. In addition, the proteomic data from aging rice flag leaves also reported the up-regulation of proteins in amino acid and glycolysis metabolism and in transportation [63]. However, the possibility that part of these metabolites come from roots can not be excluded currently.

Secondary metabolites are normally synthesized and accumulated in specific tissues or cell types for specific functions [74]. Most of the secondary metabolites are transported from source cells to neighboring cells, but some of them can also been transported to other tissues or remote organs [75, 76]. We found the levels of four flavonoids and two terpenoids in developing seeds were positively correlated with those in flag leaves (Table 4), indicating that these metabolites may indeed be synthesized in flag leaves and transported to developing seeds.

Prospect for future research

Here we presented the kinetic metabolomes of flag leaves and associated it with our previously published metabolome of seeds along seed development across four different cultivars. This was done by taking advantage of exactly the same handling methods from sampling down to data acquisition and analysis in these two tissues. Although interesting correlation-ships of many metabolites between the two tissues were revealed and could be supported by known publications, essential additional work to address the metabolic flux between flag leaf to seed in rice needs to be done in the future using different methods and materials. To our knowledge, the best method to elucidate the direct metabolic flux could be done using traceable radioactive labeled representative key metabolites of different classes. For this purpose, targeted methods rather than non-targeted methods should be used.


This study investigated the metabolite change patterns of rice flag leaves along seed development (from flowering to seed desiccation), and compared it with that in developing seeds reported previously [20], revealing both cultivar-, tissue- and development- dependent metabolic changes in rice. It furthermore revealed association of metabolic changes in flag leaves with those in seeds, providing important hints for us to better understand the metabolic relationship between source and sink tissues of rice. This observation, combined with future works additionally employing transcriptomics and proteomics techniques, will facilitate both the exploration of fundamental questions regarding the relationship between source and sink as well as their potential applications in rice seed nutrition improvement.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. The results of model validations through permutations.


S2 Fig. Heatmap of the metabolites which stood out based on the major pattern of cultivar.


S3 Fig. Heatmap of the 24 well-modeled metabolites followed the major pattern of interactive effect.


S4 Fig. Different metabolome of rice flag leaf and developing seed.

(A) The LC-MS total ion chromatograph (positive ion mode) of flag leaf and developing seed of Qingfengai at 7 DAF. (B) PCA score plot of the metabolomes of rice flag leaves and developing seeds.


S1 Table. The final statistics matrix with normalized data.


S2 Table. List of metabolites identified in flag leaves.


S3 Table. Metabolite changes during flag leaf maturation.


S4 Table. Metabolite changes during flag leaf senescence.


S5 Table. Metabolic difference between rice seed and flag leaf.


S6 Table. Data of metabolite-metabolite correlations analysis.



We acknowledge the technical assistance of Shanghai Yuan Pu Biotechnology Co, ltd. for metabolomics analysis. We are also grateful to the four anonymous reviewers and editor for their constructive comments and suggestions for improving the manuscript.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This work was partly supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation for the Youth of China (Grant No. 31701400), the China National Transgenic Plant Special Fund (Grant No. 2016ZX08012-002), and the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (111 Project, B14016). This research was also sponsored by the K.C. Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University. Yue Song and Shen-An Chan are employed by Agilent Technologies Incorporated Company. Agilent Technologies Incorporated Company provided support in the form of salaries for authors YS and SC, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section.


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Decision Letter 0

Haitao Shi

15 Nov 2019


Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics


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Reviewer #4: Yes


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Reviewer #4: No


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors apply untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to compare metabolic differences between flag leaves and rice seeds during development. A number of technical issues need to be addressed:

1. The number of biological replicates (n=4) seems unnecessarily low, especially given the ready accessibility of rice leaves/seeds. The low number of replicates raises concerns about the statistical significance of the findings.

a. Further troubling is the following statement in the methods:

“Two flag leaves from two individual plant were pooled as one biological replication. Flag leaves or rice seeds from two

individual plants were pooled as one biological replication.”

Under most circumstances, there is no reason to pool biological replicates. This only masks the “true” biological

variance between replicates. Now, if the reason that multiple leaves/seeds were pooled is because a single leave/seed

did not provide enough sample for detection purposes, then this should have been discussed in the main text.

Importantly, this would have further justified the need for the number of biological replicates to be greater than four.

2. GC-MS and UHPLC-MS in the positive and negative mode were used to characterize the leaves/seeds metabolome. This is fine and actually a strength of the proposal, but what is not addressed is how the data sets were normalized to each other? The authors state that the data was normalized to sample weight. This is insufficient. There is too much instrument and sample preparation variability to strictly rely on only a simple constant-number normalization scheme.

a. What about internal/external standards?

b. What about QC samples? How was batch variability handled?

c. How were the samples collected? Was the sample order randomized? Were the GC-MS and UHPLC-MS collected

simultaneously? Sequentially? On different days? Was the same sample sub-sampled for GC-MS and UHPLC-MS

or were different samples prepared?

d. Could all of the observed variance be attributed to how the samples were prepared and handled, and how the

spectra were collected, instrument variation and insufficient normalization? Because of the nature of MS data, it

is “easy” to obtain distinct groups, but it can be difficult to validate that the differences are real.

3. On pages 8-10, the authors over-interpret the significance and the meaning of the relative/comparative meaning of scores/loadings from the various PCA models. Relative trends within a given model are fine, but there is not a point of reference to compare between PCA models. The appearance of a PCA scores plot can change dramatically from any number of reasons, such as changing the order of the samples in the data matrix, changing normalization/scaling methods, removing/adding samples, etc. Given that this section does not provide any real insight or contribute significantly to the study, I would recommend removing it. The fact that the metabolomes vary as a function of time and cultivar is sufficient.

4. In the data analysis section, the authors state: “False Discovery Rate is chosen for multiple testing correction.” But, it is not clear if all reported p-values are FDR corrected p-values or what type of FDR correction method is used.

5. The heatmap, Figure 4, should be plotted with all biological replicates (not average values) and with hierarchal clustering in both dimensions. This may further emphasize additional consistencies (like Figure 4B) or other trends across the entire dataset.

6. I understand the choice behind grouping the metabolites by class in the correlation map (Figure 6). But, as is, it fails in being informative. Instead, the metabolites should be ordered from the highest positive to the lowest negative correlation. Then, clusters of metabolites that belong to the same metabolic pathway, cellular process or chemical class within the highly positive/negative correlation should be labeled.

Reviewer #2: Hu and colleagues address here the understudied subject of the metabolic contribution of the flag leaf (a term that refers to the last growing leaf of rice that is key to the carbon flux into the grain). Flag leaf development is coincident with flowering, thus the properties of this leaf are tightly connected to the final outcome in terms of growth, yield and content of the rice grain. For this reason, for understanding the metabolics events taking place during rice seed development as well as sink-source relationship, it is key to study both flag leaf and grain. The study here used an extensive metabolic platform to investigate the metabolic dynamic changes of flag leaves and grain in 4 rice cultivars (2 indica and 2 japonica subspecies) and to give a broad insight into the influx of metabolites from flag leaf to grain, as well as into the outcome of grain in the light of natural variation. As the study is descriptive in nature, it is raising an important contribution to our current knowledge on this important subject and can path the way for future work: it will be very interesting to follow the secondary metabolites identified here as candidates to be transported from flag leaf to seeds, and their role .

The presentation of the work is easy to follow; data and experiments are well documented and in the data analysis appropriate statistical analysis was applied. I have few minor comments / suggestion:

Figure 5: in my opinion, this figure could be shifted to a supplementary file.

Page 28 lines 452: pipecolic acid has indeed emerged in recent years as a key defense mediator. I can see the possible role of this signal metabolites in grain for deterring pathogens. Could you also add here a sentence about the possible negative correlation (impact) between Pip and final grain weight as a result of the defense cost.

Reviewer #3: The study of Hu et al titled "Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics" investigated the metabolic changes of flag leaves in two japonica and two indica rice cultivars using non-targeted metabolomics approach. This study revealed that flag leaf metabolomes varied significantly on both species and developmental stage, with only a few of the metabolites in flag leaves showing the same pattern of change in the four tested cultivars. The authors also found that levels of 45 metabolites in seeds that are associated with human nutrition and health correlated significantly with their levels in flag leaves.

This study is well organized and provides important insight into the nature of the metabolic flux from source to sink organs in rice.

Some minor comments are as follows:

Line 34, &135: Please use the uniform presentation of Principal component analysis (PCA) throughout the manuscript.

Line 47: “in the word” ?

Line 176-177: “relatively small, relative large”, I feel the usages are quite strange.

Line 292-293: Please rewrite this sentence.

Line 325: rice grain or rice seed? It would be better to keep it uniform throughout the manuscript.

Line 351: R-value or r value? It would be better to keep it uniform throughout the manuscript.

Line 354: the word “arguably” used here is quite confusing.

Line 446: “that fact that flux modelling in in”, a “in” should be deleted.

Line 504: “giving” should be “given”

Line 527: “these species” are ambiguous

Reviewer #4: Metabolic changes in flag leaves and developing seeds of four rice cultivars were analyzed. Limited overlap in metabolite features were observed among the four lines. Forty-five metabolites enriched in seeds showed a similar pattern of accumulation in leaves and seeds. The authors hypothesize that these data “revealed not only the function of the tissue-specific metabolites but also provide important insight into the nature of the metabolic flux from source to sink organs in rice”. Not certain if this was actuallydone, there were no flux measurements. Just levels at discrete timepoints, with the leaf samples analyzed much later than the seed samples. There are number of places in the manuscript with long run-on sentences with diverse ideas. These should be rewritten with simpler sentences.


Lines 40-44 needs to be rewritten, especially lines 42-44 which should be deleted. These statements have nothing to do with this study (they should be ok in the last section of the discussion).


Line 57 – brackets are missing for reference 3.

Lines 57-62 – Please rewrite, not sure what the authors are trying to convey here.

Line 102 – we report changes in metabolite levels in flag leaves and developing seed from flowering to seed dessication. The (our) aim was to reveal the source and sink metabolite relationships in rice.


Lines 145 to 147 – these varieties show similar senescence patterns (from Introduction), so it should not be surprising that their metabolomes were relatively similar. Also, for Lines 146 to 149.

Line 160 – Figure 2 C, the line joining the 2 sets of cultivars should be deleted. They need to describe a bit better why Qingfengai has a very different pattern than the other 3 cultivars. Not fully certain about the need for Figure 2. Figure 1 sums up their data and Figure 3 and later show differences if any among the 4 cultivars.

Line 237 – should be “extent”

Figure 3 – quite surprising that only linolenate increased with time in flag leaves (expected from lipid breakdown), and the overall patterns for the other metabolites very similar (all decrease over time).

Line 241-244 – Not sure what this sentence intends to convey? Would not changes in amino acids in flag leaves be largely driven by senescence between 14 and 28 days? Is it not more likely that proteins broken down to amino acids were being mobilized from the flag leaves to developing seeds? The remarkable consistency in data shown in Figure 4B would suggest similarities in the senescence process.


A considerable problem the authors face in interpretation is as follows:

By and large a bulk of the metabolites unloaded into developing seeds can be expected to be monomers, which are likely to be converted rapidly within developing seeds into polymers, such as proteins, starch, membranes, RNA, and DNA. That is flag leaf metabolism is dissimilatory during senescence, whereas seed metabolism is assimilatory prior to desiccation. The authors consider this point but should discuss the shortcomings of their current experimental protocol in somewhat greater detail.

A case in point is Table 4, where they detected significant associations in metabolites between seeds and leaves. However, it is difficult to discern if there was/is a direct biological correlation between these levels in the two tissues. Can they be sure these compounds came from the flag leaves to seeds, and say not from root transfer?

There are other aspects the authors should consider – both flag leaf senescence and seed development in rice have been intensely studied using physiological, biochemical and molecular tools. It may help if they could incorporate key findings from such studies within the scope of their metabolite analyses. They mention as much in their conclusions.

It might be best to revise the manuscript to stay within the key elements of their work (flag leaf metabolomes) and draw a simpler inference to their earlier work with seeds [ref 20]. It is also not clear if the instrument settings and detector sensitivity were the same for the two experiments. There was no mention of an internal standard used if it was they should add this to their M&M section.

Materials and Methods:

Lines 482-484 appear to be repeated?

I am not sure I fully understand their approach to metabolites missing in one or more samples. It might be best to exclude these metabolites from further analyses. It was either present or absent in a given extract. What exactly is the median value of a metabolite, area in all four samples, area in 2 out of 4 replicates? Please clarify. The authors could consider treating them as missing values and make comparisons based on samples or treatment groups with detectable levels. Another alternative would be to do a binomial test (e.g. Chi-square) based on presence or absence of a metabolite.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No

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PLoS One. 2020 Jan 24;15(1):e0227577. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227577.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

19 Dec 2019

Response to reviewers' comments:

Reviewer #1: The authors apply untargeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to compare metabolic differences between flag leaves and rice seeds during development. A number of technical issues need to be addressed:

1. The number of biological replicates (n=4) seems unnecessarily low, especially given the ready accessibility of rice leaves/seeds. The low number of replicates raises concerns about the statistical significance of the findings.

Answer: Thank you for raising this good question. The reason why four not more biological replicates is based on followings: 1) Generally, three to six biological replicates are recommended for untargeted metabolomics (Vinayavekhin N and Saghatelian A, 2010, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology). 2) Our lab established good protocol for sample collection and preparation, which followed exactly Metabolon company’s SOP, and significantly reduced the effect of this process on metabolic change. Actually, the consistency of the sampling can be seen clearly in the PCA score plot of Fig. 1, in which four biological replicates of the same group are closely gathered together while those of different groups are well separated. 3) From practical point of view, if one more replicate is added, 40 more injects for GC-MS, UHPLC-MS positive and negative modes are required, respectively. This addition not only increases the workload, but also causes the incomplete analysis of all samples in one batch, increasing difficulty of data analysis. Therefore, four biological replicates for each sample is the chosen in our lab for effective metabolomics analysis. In past years, our lab carried out many metabolomics studies in plants and other systems, all obtained satisfactory results.

Please refer to our publications

In Plant system: Plant Journal (Hu et al., 2016); Scientific Reports (Hu et al., 2014; 2016), Metabolomics (Rao et al., 2014), Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Lin et al., 2014; Qu et al., 2014), Plant Cell Reports (Kim et al., 2017), International Journal of Molecular Science (Hu et al., 2018; Duan et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2019), and Algal Research (Hu et al., 2019).

In other system: World Mycotoxin Journal (Liu et al., 2016); Chemico-Biological Interactions (Liu et al., 2017).

2. Further troubling is the following statement in the methods:

“Two flag leaves from two individual plant were pooled as one biological replication. Flag leaves or rice seeds from two individual plants were pooled as one biological replication.” Under most circumstances, there is no reason to pool biological replicates. This only masks the “true” biological variance between replicates. Now, if the reason that multiple leaves/seeds were pooled is because a single leave/seed did not provide enough sample for detection purposes, then this should have been discussed in the main text. Importantly, this would have further justified the need for the number of biological replicates to be greater than four.

Answer: This is again a good question, which we would like to clarify particularly for omic studies except genomics.

Because the nature of the metabolomics, which is a snapshot of a specific tissue /cell at specific stages under specific environment condition, therefore, many factors affect significantly the signature of the metabolomics status. As such, sample subpooling is a strategy used to reduce the variance but still allow studies to encompass biological variation. Underlying sample pooling strategies is the biological averaging assumption that the measurements taken on the pool are equal to the average of the measurements taken on the individuals (Natasha A. Karp and Kathryn S. Lilley, 2009, Proteomics).

It is widely accepted in metabolomics study. For example, in “Precautions for harvest, sampling, storage, and transport of crop plant metabolomics samples”, supersamples of each variety are independently prepared to ensure representativeness of the physiological variations of a given variety of fruit at a certain development stage by harvesting several fruits of each variety to constitute a sample set (Biais B, et al., 2011, Plant Metabolomics).

In our case, we pooled two flag leaves from two individual plants as a sample set and four samples sets were independently prepared and analyzed.

To make it clear, we have rephrased “biological replication” as “sample set (biological replication)” in the M&M section of the revised manuscript.

3. GC-MS and UHPLC-MS in the positive and negative mode were used to characterize the leaves/seeds metabolome. This is fine and actually a strength of the proposal, but what is not addressed is how the data sets were normalized to each other? The authors state that the data was normalized to sample weight. This is insufficient. There is too much instrument and sample preparation variability to strictly rely on only a simple constant-number normalization scheme.

Answer: Thank you for raising this important issue.

When raw data is not good enough (for example, caused by the instability of the machine), data normalization with internal/external standards or with QC samples is required.

In our analysis, all samples (including leaf, seed, and QC samples) were extracted at the same time, analyzed by the same machine in the same batch. Each sample was analyzed by GC-MS, UHPLC-MS positive mode and UHPLC-MS negative mode, respectively, to get the best coverage of the metabolites. IF a metabolite was detected simultaneously in GC-MS, UHPLC-MS negative mode and/or UHPLC-MS positive mode, the one with the smallest relative standard deviation (RSD) in the QC samples was retained (lines 156-158).

In GC-MS, the data was normalized with sample weight and the intensity of the internal standard (lines 158-160). In UHPLC-MS, the data was normalized to QC samples and sample weight (161-164).

a. What about internal/external standards?

Answer: For GC-MS analysis, sorbitol was used as internal standard and the GC-MS data was normalized with sample weight and the intensity of the internal standard, which has been added in the revised MS (lines 114, 158-160).

For UHPLC-MS analysis, a quality control (QC) sample instead of internal standard was used. 1) It is not practical feasible to use internal standards in non-targeted metabolomics, considering different properties of the large number of metabolite features analyzed (Weiwei Wen, et al., 2013, Nature Communications). 2) The addition of internal standards will cause ion suppression of the co-eluted metabolites because the ionization step of UHPLC-MS is a competitive process (Vinayavekhin N and Saghatelian A, 2010, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology).

b. What about QC samples? How was batch variability handled?

Answer: We are sorry for not mentioning the QC samples in previous version of our manuscript.

The QC samples were used for both GC-MS and UHPLC-MS analysis. The quality control (QC) sample is a pool of all experimental samples, which was run after every 10 experimental samples (lines 130-131, 142-144).

All the samples including leaves and seeds were analyzed in one batch in both GC-MS and UHPLC-MS analyses. Therefore, we avoided the batch variability, which was one of the reasons why we only used four replicates for each sample.

c. How were the samples collected? Was the sample order randomized? Were the GC-MS and UHPLC-MS collected simultaneously? Sequentially? On different days? Was the same sample sub-sampled for GC-MS and UHPLC-MS or were different samples prepared?

Answer: Thank you for clarifying all those important issues we did not mention in the previous version.

The samples of GC-MS and UHPLC-MS analysis were collected and prepared simultaneously. Therefore, the same sample was sub-sampled for GC-MS and UHPLC-MS analysis (lines 106-109). However, the metabolite extraction and mass data collection for GC-MS and UHPLC-MS were done separately (lines 112-126 and lines 133-137, respectively).

The samples were analyzed in random orders for both GC-MS and UHPLC-MS. The quality control (QC) samples were run after every 10 experimental samples in both GC-MS and UHPLC-MS (lines 130-131, 142-144).

IF a metabolite was detected in GC-MS, UHPLC-MS negative mode and/or UHPLC-MS positive mode, the one with the smallest relative standard deviation (RSD) in the QC samples was retained (lines 156-158).

To make it clear, we have revised M&M section (lines 110-190).

d. Could all of the observed variance be attributed to how the samples were prepared and handled, and how the spectra were collected, instrument variation and insufficient normalization? Because of the nature of MS data, it is “easy” to obtain distinct groups, but it can be difficult to validate that the differences are real.

Answer: Thanks for your concerns. As we mentioned before, our lab had long history of plant metabolomics study and a good practical SOP to reduce as much as possible of the variations occurred during sample collection, preparation, extraction, machine running, data normalization, and ect.

Because we have already published several articles in different prestigious Journals, in the previous version we neglected the detailed information of all the process, which could be one reason that you have so many technical questions, which we appreciated very much.

We have revised our M&M section (lines 102-182), to provide clear information for your re-judgement.

3. On pages 8-10, the authors over-interpret the significance and the meaning of the relative/comparative meaning of scores/loadings from the various PCA models. Relative trends within a given model are fine, but there is not a point of reference to compare between PCA models. The appearance of a PCA scores plot can change dramatically from any number of reasons, such as changing the order of the samples in the data matrix, changing normalization/scaling methods, removing/adding samples, etc. Given that this section does not provide any real insight or contribute significantly to the study, I would recommend removing it. The fact that the metabolomes vary as a function of time and cultivar is sufficient.

Answer: Thank you again for this question. To avoid over-interpret, we have removed this part in the revised manuscript as suggested.

4. In the data analysis section, the authors state: “False Discovery Rate is chosen for multiple testing correction.” But, it is not clear if all reported p-values are FDR corrected p-values or what type of FDR correction method is used.

Answer: Thanks for this clarification.

First, FDR corrected p-values are only for Two-way ANOVA.

FDR is based on the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure and significance threshold is defined as the corrected p-value (FDR) < 0.05.

To make it clear, we have revised it in M&M section (lines 173-175).

5. The heatmap, Figure 4, should be plotted with all biological replicates (not average values) and with hierarchal clustering in both dimensions. This may further emphasize additional consistencies (like Figure 4B) or other trends across the entire dataset.

Answer: Thanks for your suggestion.

Actually, it is a special issue in this case, because the aim of Fig 4 was to present the metabolic alterations in flag leave undergoing senescence. Because of the large variation in metabolite levels in different cultivars, we have to divided the metabolite levels at 7, 14 and 28 DAF with those at 7 DAF, respectively, to eliminate the cultivar-dependent variation. In current Figure 4, the samples were arrayed in such a cultivar and time order that it’s easy to see conserved and divergent change patterns of each metabolite across four cultivars. Such a patter, however, could not be seen if both dimensions were added. In addition, current Fig 4 had already 12 columns, and it would be 48 columns if all biological replicates were presented, in which it’s much harder to discover abovementioned metabolic change patterns.

However, we have reorganized Fig 4A in the revised manuscript.

6. I understand the choice behind grouping the metabolites by class in the correlation map (Figure 6). But, as is, it fails in being informative. Instead, the metabolites should be ordered from the highest positive to the lowest negative correlation. Then, clusters of metabolites that belong to the same metabolic pathway, cellular process or chemical class within the highly positive/negative correlation should be labeled.

Answer: Thank you for this comment.

Actually, it is the only choice that we can do currently to make such a correlation map in Fig 6. This map was visualized from a large matrix data (bigger than 200×200) not a simple list. Currently, we don’t know how to order metabolites from the highest positive to the lowest negative correlation and then cluster them.

In Table S6, all the detailed metabolic correlations between rice seeds and flag leaves, with metabolite names, the classes of the metabolite in seeds and in flag leaves, correlation coefficients and p-values, were listed. It is very easy for those who would like to check which metabolites are highly positively/negatively correlated.

Reviewer #2:

1. Hu and colleagues address here the understudied subject of the metabolic contribution of the flag leaf (a term that refers to the last growing leaf of rice that is key to the carbon flux into the grain). Flag leaf development is coincident with flowering, thus the properties of this leaf are tightly connected to the final outcome in terms of growth, yield and content of the rice grain. For this reason, for understanding the metabolics events taking place during rice seed development as well as sink-source relationship, it is key to study both flag leaf and grain. The study here used an extensive metabolic platform to investigate the metabolic dynamic changes of flag leaves and grain in 4 rice cultivars (2 indica and 2 japonica subspecies) and to give a broad insight into the influx of metabolites from flag leaf to grain, as well as into the outcome of grain in the light of natural variation. As the study is descriptive in nature, it is raising an important contribution to our current knowledge on this important subject and can path the way for future work: it will be very interesting to follow the secondary metabolites identified here as candidates to be transported from flag leaf to seeds, and their role .

The presentation of the work is easy to follow; data and experiments are well documented and in the data analysis appropriate statistical analysis was applied.

Answer: Many thanks for your support to our work.

I have few minor comments / suggestion:

2. Figure 5: in my opinion, this figure could be shifted to a supplementary file.

Answer: Thanks for your suggestion. However, we decided to keep it in the main text. Fig 5 gave us an overview of the metabolic association between flag leaves and developing seeds, which is an important result for this study.

3. Page 28 lines 452: pipecolic acid has indeed emerged in recent years as a key defense mediator. I can see the possible role of this signal metabolites in grain for deterring pathogens. Could you also add here a sentence about the possible negative correlation (impact) between Pip and final grain weight as a result of the defense cost.

Answer:Thanks for your suggestion. We did not have the data to show the possible negative correlation between pipecolic acid and grain weight, and we did not find such information in the literature either, therefore, we decided not to make the overstatement on this issue. In addition, we are not sure if the increase of production of pipecolic acid in seeds causes tradeoff of grain weight. Therefore, we did not include this sentence in the revised MS.

Reviewer #3:

1. The study of Hu et al titled "Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics" investigated the metabolic changes of flag leaves in two japonica and two indica rice cultivars using non-targeted metabolomics approach. This study revealed that flag leaf metabolomes varied significantly on both species and developmental stage, with only a few of the metabolites in flag leaves showing the same pattern of change in the four tested cultivars. The authors also found that levels of 45 metabolites in seeds that are associated with human nutrition and health correlated significantly with their levels in flag leaves.

This study is well organized and provides important insight into the nature of the metabolic flux from source to sink organs in rice.

Answer: Many thanks for your support to our work.

Some minor comments are as follows:

2. Line 34, &135: Please use the uniform presentation of Principal component analysis (PCA) throughout the manuscript.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have used uniform presentation of principal component analysis (PCA) through the manuscript as suggested.

3. Line 47: “in the word” ?

Answer: Thanks for the correction. We have changed “word” for “world”.

4. Line 176-177: “relatively small, relative large”, I feel the usages are quite strange.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have rephrased the sentence to “The differences of the interaction scores among different cultivars at 7 and 14 DAF were smaller than those at 0 DAF and 28 DAF.”

5. Line 292-293: Please rewrite this sentence.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have rewritten this sentence as follows: “Eight of these ten metabolites were phospholipids and the other two of them were N-feruloylputrescine II and uracil (Table 3).”

6. Line 325: rice grain or rice seed? It would be better to keep it uniform throughout the manuscript.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have used “rice seed” throughout the revised manuscript.

7. Line 351: R-value or r value? It would be better to keep it uniform throughout the manuscript.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have used “r-value” throughout the revised manuscript.

8. Line 354: the word “arguably” used here is quite confusing.

Answer: Thanks. We have deleted the word “arguably”.

9. Line 446: “that fact that flux modelling in in”, a “in” should be deleted.

Answer: Thanks for the correction. We have deleted a “in”.

10. Line 504: “giving” should be “given”

Answer: Thanks for the correction. We have corrected this error.

11. Line 527: “these species” are ambiguous

Answer: Thanks. We have changed “these species” to “rice”.

Reviewer #4:

1. Metabolic changes in flag leaves and developing seeds of four rice cultivars were analyzed. Limited overlap in metabolite features were observed among the four lines. Forty-five metabolites enriched in seeds showed a similar pattern of accumulation in leaves and seeds. The authors hypothesize that these data “revealed not only the function of the tissue-specific metabolites but also provide important insight into the nature of the metabolic flux from source to sink organs in rice”. Not certain if this was actually done, there were no flux measurements. Just levels at discrete timepoints, with the leaf samples analyzed much later than the seed samples. There are number of places in the manuscript with long run-on sentences with diverse ideas. These should be rewritten with simpler sentences.

Answer: Thanks for the comments and suggestions. We have changed “metabolic flux” to “metabolites transported” of the sentence.

The leaf samples and seed samples were collected, prepared and extracted at the same time, and their mass spectrometry data was collected at the same time as well (lines 104-111; lines 122-154). The written of the manuscript of the leaf metabolomics was done much later than that of seed samples.

In addition, we have rewritten the long sentences with simpler sentences as suggested (lines 27-30, 73-76, 79-84, 93-95, 97-100, 207-210, 315-318, 388-394, 402-406, 406-410, 443-447, 451-454, 454-458, 473-475, 496-500, 507-509, 511-515).

2. Abstract:

Lines 40-44 needs to be rewritten, especially lines 42-44 which should be deleted. These statements have nothing to do with this study (they should be ok in the last section of the discussion).

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have rewritten this sentence as suggested (lines 22-37).

3. Introduction: Line 57 – brackets are missing for reference 3.

Answer: Thanks for the correction. The brackets have been added in the revised manuscript.

4. Lines 57-62 – Please rewrite, not sure what the authors are trying to convey here.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have rewritten this sentence to make it clearly understood as suggested (line 55-59).

5. Line 102 – we report changes in metabolite levels in flag leaves and developing seed from flowering to seed desiccation. The (our) aim was to reveal the source and sink metabolite relationships in rice.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have rewritten them (lines 97-100).

6. Results: Lines 145 to 147 – these varieties show similar senescence patterns (from Introduction), so it should not be surprising that their metabolomes were relatively similar. Also, for Lines 146 to 149.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. According to the suggestion of Reviewer 1, we have deleted this paragraph.

7. Line 160 – Figure 2 C, the line joining the 2 sets of cultivars should be deleted. They need to describe a bit better why Qingfengai has a very different pattern than the other 3 cultivars. Not fully certain about the need for Figure 2. Figure 1 sums up their data and Figure 3 and later show differences if any among the 4 cultivars.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion.

The line joining the two sets of cultivars in the previous Figure 3C has been deleted.

We have added explanations in the revised manuscript to explain why Qingfengai has a very different pattern than the other 3 cultivars (lines 236-239).

Fig. 2 gave us an additional and deeper view of the result, helping us to decompose the raw data and to explore the causing factors for observed variation. For example, it revealed significant different pattern of Qingfengai than other 3 cultivars and also uncovered the smaller interaction scores among different cultivars at 7 and 14 DAP, which was explained as well (lines 240-243). Therefore, we insisted keep Fig. 2.

8. Line 237 – should be “extent”

Answer: Thanks for the correction. We have corrected this error.

9. Figure 3 – quite surprising that only linolenate increased with time in flag leaves (expected from lipid breakdown), and the overall patterns for the other metabolites very similar (all decrease over time).

Answer: Actually, there were many metabolites increased with time as linolenate, such as phytocassane C. Please refer to Figure 3 and Table S3. Linolenate is the only increased one in well-modeled metabolites.

10. Line 241-244 – Not sure what this sentence intends to convey? Would not changes in amino acids in flag leaves be largely driven by senescence between 14 and 28 days? Is it not more likely that proteins broken down to amino acids were being mobilized from the flag leaves to developing seeds? The remarkable consistency in data shown in Figure 4B would suggest similarities in the senescence process.

Answer: Thanks very much for these great suggestion. We have revised this paragraph as suggested (lines 316-320).


A considerable problem the authors face in interpretation is as follows:

11. By and large a bulk of the metabolites unloaded into developing seeds can be expected to be monomers, which are likely to be converted rapidly within developing seeds into polymers, such as proteins, starch, membranes, RNA, and DNA. That is flag leaf metabolism is dissimilatory during senescence, whereas seed metabolism is assimilatory prior to desiccation. The authors consider this point but should discuss the shortcomings of their current experimental protocol in somewhat greater detail.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have added a paragraph named “Prospect for future research” at the end of the discussion section as you suggested (lines 566-578).

12. A case in point is Table 4, where they detected significant associations in metabolites between seeds and leaves. However, it is difficult to discern if there was/is a direct biological correlation between these levels in the two tissues. Can they be sure these compounds came from the flag leaves to seeds, and say not from root transfer?

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion.

We have rephrased this sentence to clarify this issue (lines 552-557). We cannot exclude the possibility that part of them come from roots.

13. There are other aspects the authors should consider – both flag leaf senescence and seed development in rice have been intensely studied using physiological, biochemical and molecular tools. It may help if they could incorporate key findings from such studies within the scope of their metabolite analyses. They mention as much in their conclusions.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion.

We have revised the manuscript and incorporated some metabolomics findings with previous findings from other omics (lines 478-479, 515-5519, 530-532, 552-557).

14. It might be best to revise the manuscript to stay within the key elements of their work (flag leaf metabolomes) and draw a simpler inference to their earlier work with seeds [ref 20]. It is also not clear if the instrument settings and detector sensitivity were the same for the two experiments. There was no mention of an internal standard used if it was they should add this to their M&M section.

Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. Actually, it would be simpler if we just revised the manuscript to stay within the flag leaf metabolome. However, it would be too simple, because we did not collect other leaves. Because all leave samples and seed samples were collected, prepared, extracted and analyzed exactly at the same time, it would be a pity that we would not correlated them together, although it proved to be a hard task due mainly to the lack of metabolic flux analysis.

For your questions regarding the instrument settings and detector sensitivity, please refer the answers to the #3 question of the Reviewer #1, or to the lines 336-339.

An internal standard was used for GC-MS analysis, which have been added in M&M section (lines 114 and 160)

Materials and Methods:

15. Lines 482-484 appear to be repeated?

Answer: Thanks for the correction. We have revised as suggested.

16. I am not sure I fully understand their approach to metabolites missing in one or more samples. It might be best to exclude these metabolites from further analyses. It was either present or absent in a given extract. What exactly is the median value of a metabolite, area in all four samples, area in 2 out of 4 replicates? Please clarify. The authors could consider treating them as missing values and make comparisons based on samples or treatment groups with detectable levels. Another alternative would be to do a binomial test (e.g. Chi-square) based on presence or absence of a metabolite.

Answer: Thanks.

For non-targeted metabolomics, it is very common to see missing value in one or more samples, especially when natural variation is large. In this study, we carefully checked each metabolite in each sample with Mass Profinder software to make sure that missing values are caused by the content being too low to be detected but not by random (lines 152-154). Thus, the metabolites with missing values were also retained for further statistical analysis.

There were many missing value imputation approaches for mass spectrometry-base metabolomics data analysis (Wei et al., 2018, Scientific Reports). We accepted general rule to impute missing values with the detected minimum value of the same metabolites in other samples for statistical analysis.

We have rephrased the method for missing value imputation and data normalization in the revised manuscript (lines 164-166).


Submitted filename: response to reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Haitao Shi

23 Dec 2019

Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics


Dear Dr. Shi,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it complies with all outstanding technical requirements.

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With kind regards,

Haitao Shi

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Haitao Shi

30 Dec 2019


Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics

Dear Dr. Shi:

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. The results of model validations through permutations.


    S2 Fig. Heatmap of the metabolites which stood out based on the major pattern of cultivar.


    S3 Fig. Heatmap of the 24 well-modeled metabolites followed the major pattern of interactive effect.


    S4 Fig. Different metabolome of rice flag leaf and developing seed.

    (A) The LC-MS total ion chromatograph (positive ion mode) of flag leaf and developing seed of Qingfengai at 7 DAF. (B) PCA score plot of the metabolomes of rice flag leaves and developing seeds.


    S1 Table. The final statistics matrix with normalized data.


    S2 Table. List of metabolites identified in flag leaves.


    S3 Table. Metabolite changes during flag leaf maturation.


    S4 Table. Metabolite changes during flag leaf senescence.


    S5 Table. Metabolic difference between rice seed and flag leaf.


    S6 Table. Data of metabolite-metabolite correlations analysis.



    Submitted filename: response to reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

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