Fig. 3.
Detailed post-implantation view of active contacts: detailed views of the contacts that were active on the right orbitofrontal electrode at the onset of the seizure. Implemented electrode trajectories segmented from the post-operative CT are shown (yellow) and fused with the preoperative MRI. The electrode contacts active at the onset of the seizure are shown in red. These have been accentuated for clarity. In-line trajectory views (top left and bottom left) as well as probes eye view (top right) and 3D model (bottom right) are shown. Note: the orbitofrontal trajectory passes through the gray matter at the depths of the sulci along the orbitofrontal cortex before terminating in the mesial prefrontal cortex. Electrode conflicts with vessels in the sulcus are averted by preventing the trajectory from crossing sulcal pial boundaries