Fig. 1.
Overview of the experiment. (A) The grip-force bar (Current Designs, Philadelphia, USA) attached to a fingerless glove to allow relaxation of the hand. (B) Example single trial. The target force profile is shown (red) with real-time force output from a single trial overlaid (black). The visual stimulus appeared 2 s before the force output period, which was sustained for 2, 5 or 10 s [shown here for 2 s]. The profile remained on the screen for a further 0.5 s after the end of the force output period and was followed by a fixation cross for 27.5 s. (C) Schematic diagram of one run. Single trials were repeated 15 times for each duration in a pseudo-random order, totalling 45 trials within one run. This was followed by a second run after an approximately 15-min break. Two 3-s target profiles of 100%MVF were presented before and after each run to monitor fatigue.