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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Assessment. 2018 Dec 22;27(3):560–571. doi: 10.1177/1073191118820133

Table 3.

Hierarchical regression analysis predicting externalizing symptoms from self-report and parent-report BRIEF

SDQ SR Inattention-Hyperactivity SDQ SR Conduct Problems SDQ PR Inattention-Hyperactivity SDQ PR Conduct Problems
B (SE) β t p ΔR2 B (SE) β t p ΔR2 B (SE) β t p ΔR2 B (SE) β t p ΔR2
Step 1 .015 .038 .029 .010
 Gender .066 (.310) .013 .214 .831 .051 (.169) .018 .302 .763 −.435 (.291) −.102 −1.498 .136 −.148 (.185) −.055 −.802 .424
 Age −.113 (.065) −.107 −1.749 .082 −.068 (.035) −.116 −1.926 .055 .004 (.084) .003 .050 .960 .027 (.054) .035 .505 .614
 IQ −.011 (.011) −.058 −.947 .345 −.015 (.006) −.152 −2.514 .013 −.019 (.010) −.130 −1.897 .059 −.007 (.007) −.073 −1.054 .293
Step 2 .302 .180 .171 .030
 Gender −.219 (.260) −.043 −.842 .400 −.070 (.153) −.025 −.459 .646 −.676 (.267) −.159 −2.534 .012 −.211 (.184) −.079 −1.147 .253
 Age −.060 (.054) −.057 −1.111 .267 −.045 (.032) −.078 −1.419 .157 −.041 (.077) −.033 −.529 .597 .015 (.053) .020 .288 .774
 IQ .003 (.009) .017 .325 .745 −.009 (.006) −.094 −1.712 .088 −.011 (.009) −.074 −1.175 .241 −.005 (.006) −.049 −.720 .472
 BRIEF-SR GEC .055 (.005) .560 10.791 .000 .023 (.003) .432 7.781 .000 .035 (.005) .422 6.669 .000 .009 (.004) .176 2.530 .012
Step 1 .007 .027 .025 .009
 Gender .323 (.355) .064 .909 .365 .144 (.179) .056 .804 .422 −.293 (.292) −.070 −1.004 .316 −.102 (.188) −.038 −.544 .587
 Age −.050 (.103) −.034 −.485 .628 .056 (.052) .075 1.087 .278 .044 (.084) .036 .522 .602 .028 (.054) .036 .513 .608
 IQ −.009 (.013) −.049 −.698 .486 −.013 (.006) −.142 −2.044 .042 −.019 (.010) −.133 −1.915 .057 −.007 (.007) −.074 −1.057 .292
Step 2 .090 .141 .456 .206
 Gender .372 (.339) .074 1.096 .274 .175 (.166) .068 1.058 .291 −.224 (.213) −.054 −1.050 .295 −.072 (.168) −.027 −.433 .666
 Age −.057 (.098) −.039 −.579 .563 .052 (.048) .069 1.078 .282 .034 (.062) .028 .547 .585 .023 (.049) .030 .484 .629
 IQ −.003 (.012) −.015 −.228 .820 −.009 (.006) −.100 −1.542 .125 −.009 (.007) −.062 −1.213 .227 −.002 (.006) −.026 −.419 .676
 BRIEF-PR GEC .030 (.007) .302 4.484 .000 .019 (.003) .378 5.849 .000 .056 (.004) .679 13.286 .000 .024 (.003) .456 7.250 .000

Note: SDQ-SR= Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Self Report; SDQ-PR= Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Parent Report; BRIEF-PR GEC = Parent report Brief Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Global Executive Composite; BRIEF-SR GEC = Self report Brief Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Global Executive Composite. Sample sizes differed by analysis. For the BRIEF-SR-GEC regressions, they were as follows: SDQ-SR Inattention-Hyperactivity (n = 268); SDQ-SR Conduct Problems (n = 268); SDQ-PR Inattention-Hyperactivity (n = 213); SDQ-PR Conduct Problems (n = 213). For the BRIEF-PR-GEC regressions, they were as follows: SDQ-SR Inattention-Hyperactivity (n = 207); SDQ-SR Conduct Problems (n = 207); SDQ-PR Inattention-Hyperactivity (n = 206); SDQ-PR Conduct Problems (n = 206).