Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-20008-w, published online 26 January 2018
The Supplementary Material file that accompanies this Article contains an error in equations 3 and 5 and the paragraphs that follow them. Equation 3 and the paragraph below it:
Where c is the category (eg. HCW, patients, etc.), Nc is the number of individuals i belonging to category c, Di the number of days of presence of individual i in the hospital, H(t) is the ensemble of all individuals present in the hospital on day t, and DCD(i,j,t) the cumulative duration of CPIs on day t between individuals i and j.
should read:
Where c is the category (eg. HCW, patients, etc.), Nc is the number of individuals i belonging to category c, Di,j the number of days of contact between i and j in the hospital, H is the ensemble of all individuals present in the hospital, and DCD(i,j,t) the cumulative duration of CPIs on day t between individuals i and j.
Equation 5 and the paragraph below it:
Where c1 and c2 are two categories, w is the ward number, Nw,c1 is the number of individuals s belonging to category c1 (staff categories or patients), an Di is the number of days of presence of individual i in the hospital, Nc2 is the number of individuals from category c2 in the hospital, and DCD(i,j,t) is the daily cumulative duration of CPIs of two individuals i and j on day t.
should read:
Where c1 and c2 are two categories, w is the ward number, Nw,c1 is the number of individuals s belonging to category c1 (staff categories or patients), and Di,j is the number of days of contact between i and j in the hospital, Nc2 is the number of individuals from category c2 in the hospital, and DCD(i,j,t) is the daily cumulative duration of CPIs of two individuals i and j on day t.
Contributor Information
Lulla Opatowski, Email:
I-Bird study group:
Anne Sophie Alvarez, Audrey Baraffe, Mariano Beiró, Inga Bertucci, Camille Cyncynatus, Florence Dannet, Marie Laure Delaby, Pierre Denys, Matthieu Domenech de Cellès, Antoine Fraboulet, Jean-Louis Gaillard, Jean-Louis Herrmann, Boris Labrador, Jennifer Lasley, Christine Lawrence, Judith Legrand, Odile Le Minor, Caroline Ligier, Karine Mignon, Catherine Sacleux, Jérôme Salomon, Marie Perard, Laure Petit, Laeticia Remy, Anne Thiebaut, Damien Thomas, Philippe Tronchet, and Isabelle Villain