AZ-mediated ODC in vitro degradation with AZ mutant peptides in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. ODC can be effectively degraded by AZ binding, and protein degradation was detected by anti-ODC antibody (n = 3). (A) ODC degradation with AZ95–228, AZ95–228_N110A, and AZ95–228_N117A, (B) ODC degradation with AZ95–228, AZ95–228_S120A and AZ95–228_N129A, (C) ODC degradation with AZ95–228, AZ95–228_G136A, and AZ95–228_G137A, (D) ODC degradation with AZ95–228, AZ95–228_R131A, and AZ95–228_G145A. A residual amount of ODC protein at a different time was indicated under the ODC blotting gel in each figure.