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. 2019 Dec 20;17(1):70–86. doi: 10.1007/s13311-019-00817-1

Table 1.

Alcohol cue reactivity intervention studies

First author Year N1 Age ± SD % male Cue type2 Intervention Design WB threshold3
Hermann 2006 10 AA, 10 HC 39b 100 Visual 400 mg amisulpride Amisulpride < no medication puncorr < 0.001
Vollstädt-Klein 2011 30 AA 46.5b 63 Visual CET Pre > post-treatment puncorr < 0.001
Lukas 2013 28 AA 48.36b 75 Visual and olfactory 380 mg XR-NTX Pre−post, XR-NTX > placebo pFWE < 0.05
Herremans 2015 23 AAa 45.2 ± 9.3c 65 Visual Active HF-rTMS Pre > post-treatmenta pcorr < 0.005
Kiefer 2015 32 DT 44.94 ± 9.54 65.5 Visual CETd Pre > post-treatment puncorr < 0.001
Wiers 2015 32 AA 43.93b 100 Visual Bias Modification Pre−post, bias modification > sham puncorr < 0.005
Kirsch 2016 38 HD 24.11 76 Visual rtfMRI NF rFB > control pcorr < 0.005
Beck 2018 23 AA 46.17 ± 6.15 70 Visual 138 mg/day baclofene Baclofen pre > post versus placebo pre > post puncorr < 0.001
Holla 2018 33 TS 36.23b,c 100 Visual 57.6 mg/day baclofene Interaction treatment × time (baclofen − control) puncorr < 0.001, k = 53d
Bach 2019 35 AA 45.85b 100 Visual IWT + NTXf Interaction treatment x time (IWT + NTX > IWT) puncorr < 0.001, k = 33g

AA = abstinent alcohol-dependent; HC = healthy; DT = detoxified; HD = heavy drinking; TS = treatment seeking alcohol-dependent; XR-NTX = once-monthly extended-release Naltrexone; CET = cue-exposure based extinction training; DCS = D-cycloserine; rtfMRI NF = real-time fMRI neurofeedback; rFB = real feedback; HF-rTMS = high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; IWT = intensive withdrawal treatment; NTX = naltrexone

1Including only subjects with useable fMRI data; 2used in-scanner; 3WB = whole brain (Subscripts indicate correction: corr = corrected, FWE = family-wise error corrected, uncorr = uncorrected, CC = cluster corrected)

a13 of these 23 underwent a separate intervention with a single active session and were therefore analyzed as an additional study

bCalculated as weighted means, SD not reported; cprovided only for initial group before drop out/exclusion; dN = 16 received 50 mg D-cycloserine and N = 16 received placebo prior to CET treatments; emean dose; fdose not given; gMonte Carlo simulations to satisfy pFWE < 0.05