Volume 4, no. 5, e00289-19, 2019, The following text corrections are necessary.
Page 2, third line from the bottom, the paragraph should read: “At the phylum level, the abundances of Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia in adenoma patients were significantly different from those seen in the healthy group. In particular, Verrucomicrobia showed the lowest abundance, whereas Proteobacteria showed intermediate abundance in the adenoma group (see Table S1A). Proteobacteria was the most significantly abundant phylum in the carcinoma group compared with both the healthy and adenoma groups, while Firmicutes abundance significantly decreased from the healthy group to the carcinoma group (Fig. 1A; see also Table S1A).”
Page 5, Fig. 2 legend should read: “(A) Flow chart summarizing the analyses performed to identify and analyze the sRNA-Seq reads assigned to microbial genomes and bsRNAs. WMS, whole-metagenome sequencing. (B) Stacked bar plots reporting the relative abundances of bacterial phyla detected using whole-metagenome sequencing (top) and small RNA sequencing (sRNA-Seq; bottom) data, respectively. (C) Bar plot reporting the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) computed from comparisons between metagenomic and sRNA-Seq data for each phylum. (D) Heat map representing the log10 numbers of reads assigned to bsRNAs from the Bacteria Small RNA Database (BSRD). Only annotations that were significantly different (adjusted P value of <0.05) between healthy, adenoma, and CRC groups are shown. P.aeu, P. aeruginosa. (E) Heat map reporting the log2 ratios of relative abundances between bsRNAs and bacterial DNA profiles. Only ratios of bacterial species with median values greater than 1 are reported.”
Page 5, fourth line from the bottom, the text should read: “The most correlated bacterial phyla were Spirochaetes (r = 0.902), Proteobacteria (r = 0.786), and Fusobacteria (r = 0.646) (Fig. 2C). At the species level, Porphyromonas asaccharolytica was characterized by the highest correlation (r = 0.999; adjusted P value of <0.0001), while F. nucleatum (r = 0.990; adjusted P value of <0.0001) and E. coli (r = 0.632; adjusted P value of <0.0001) were among the 15 most highly correlated species (see Table S4C).”
Page 9, sixth line from the top, the text should read: “In our analyses, the Firmicutes abundances characterizing cancer samples were significantly different from those characterizing the healthy group. Interestingly, the Verrucomicrobia phylum, characterized by a significant decrease in abundance in the adenoma samples, may represent a potential candidate biomarker for precancer lesions.”