Figure 1. Visual representation of the dual-solution water maze.
a) The setup of the maze during 6 days of acquisition (left). The extramaze cues are the large simple figures in the background, while the intramaze cue is the striped tube hanging over the hidden platform. The setup of the maze during the probe trial on Day 7 (right). The intramaze cue has been moved to the opposite side of the pool, but the extramaze cues do not change location. The hidden platform has been removed. b) Quadrants and zones of the maze. The pool is divided into four quadrants based on the cardinal directions, colored in light and dark blue. The platform (P) and cue (C) zones occupy a smaller space within the NW and SE quadrants, and are colored in black. The platform zone is where the platform and the intramaze cue are located for all 6 days of acquisition. The cue zone is where the intramaze cue is moved for the probe trial. To assess use of a spatial strategy versus a stimulus-response strategy, time spent in the NW and SE quadrants during the probe trial were compared.