Effect of activating zona incerta GABAergic output fibers in PPT on active avoidance responses. A, Effect of low-power and medium-power blue light applied in the PPT on ACS+LCS trials for animals that express ChR2 in GABAergic fibers originating in the zona incerta (Vgat-ZI-ChR2→PPT). The right panels show trial speed, trial velocity, and intertrial speed for the data in the left panels. The x-axis denotes blue light frequency trains of 1-ms pulses (Hz) or continuous pulses (Cont). B, Effect of medium-power and high-power blue light applied in the PPT on ACS+LCS trials for animals that express ChR2 in CaMKII-expressing cells originating in the zona incerta (CaMKII-ZI-ChR2→PPT). The right panels show trial speed, trial velocity, and intertrial speed for the data in the left panels. The x-axis denotes blue light frequency trains of 1-ms pulses (Hz) or continuous pulses (Cont).