Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-019-47226-0, published online 31 July 2019
In the original version of this Article, Jennifer Lüneburg and Lisa Gottschlich were incorrectly affiliated with ‘Universität Hamburg, Institut für marine Ökosystem- und Fischereiwissenschaften, Große Elbstraße 133, 22767 Hamburg, Germany’. In addition, Verena Tams was incorrectly affiliated with ‘Universität Hamburg, Institute of Zoology, Martin-Luther-King Platz 3, 20146, Hamburg, Germany’.
The correct affiliations are listed below:
Affiliation 1:
Department of Marine Sciences, Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, University of Gothenburg, 452 96 Strömstad, Sweden
Suda Parimala Ravindran
Affiliation 2:
Universität Hamburg, Institute of Zoology, Martin-Luther-King Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Jennifer Lüneburg, Lisa Gottschlich, Mathilde Cordellier
Affiliation 3:
Universität Hamburg, Institut für marine Ökosystem- und Fischereiwissenschaften, Große Elbstraße 133, 22767 Hamburg, Germany
Verena Tams
This error has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions and Supplementary Information file which accompanies the Article.