TiO2 induce little to no impact on the cellular proteome of the triculture system. Volcano plots were used to show the proteome difference involving four TiO2 effect comparisons (A-D). Abbreviation scheme of comparing groups: food matrix (F for fasting and S for standard), followed by treatment (TiO2_L and TiO2_H for low and high dose of TiO2 treatment, respectively, and Ctrl for the controls). x axis: the extent of fold change in protein intensity (in log2 scale); y axis: the level of statistical significance of the comparisons (-log adjusted p value). Red and blue dots represent significantly down- and up-regulated proteins, respectively. Grey dots represent non-significant regulated proteins. Black dotted horizontal line at y = 1.3, the cutoff to define significant proteins. The number of significantly down- and up-regulated proteins were shown in blue and red, respectively.