A) The heatmap compares the log
2 transformed ppm protein abundance values from the DRE-UDMS
E runs to assess peripheral myelin purified from wild type and
Prx-/- mice. The inset shows the color key and the histogram for the values of the correlation coefficients. Note that the runs cluster with a high overall correlation (>0.85) into two conditions defined by the genotype, in agreement with the experimental design. (
B) Volcano plot representing genotype-dependent quantitative myelin proteome analysis. Data points represent quantified proteins in
Prx-/- compared to wild-type myelin plotted as the log2-transformed fold-change (FC) on the x-axis against the -log10-transformed q-value on the y-axis. Note the different axis scale compared to
Figure 5D. Stippled line marks a -log10-transformed q-value of 1.301, reflecting a q-value of 0.05 as significance threshold. Highlighted is the datapoint for PRX to illustrate that only trace amounts of PRX were detected when assessing
Prx-/- myelin. ATP2A1, ATP1A4 and PLCD1 were not detected in
Prx-/- myelin.