VOLUME 288 (2013) PAGES 20817–20829
This article has been withdrawn by the authors upon the request of the Journal. In December 2019, the Journal raised questions about Figs. 2 (B–D), 6A, and 7D. In particular, in Figs. 2B (Ptch1 panel) and 6A, some background features were removed. Figs. 2 (C and D) and 7D were composite images. In Fig. 2D, one of the Ptch1 bands is duplicated. The authors were able to locate most, but not all, of the original data. Inspection of the original data determined that the wrong data were selected in assembling the total STAT3 panel of Fig. 7D. The authors were willing, though, to provide alternative figures from replicated experiments and offered to repeat the experiments. However, the Journal declined both of these offers. The authors stand by the experimental data and conclusions and state that the main results of this paper have been confirmed in the following publications: Coronel et al. (2019) Mol. Neurobiol. 56, 1248–1261; Ovchinnikov et al. (2018) Stem Cell Reports 11, 32–42; and Bailey et al. (2013) Glia 61, 1556–1569.