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. 2020 Feb 27;29:105328. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105328

Conspectus of flora, fauna and micro-climate data in Tasik Kenyir from Mac 2015–February 2016

Mohd Noor Afiq Ramlee a,, Mohd Fadli Hussin a, Azuan Roslan a,b, Fathihi Hakimi Rosmidi a, Elizabeth Pesiu a, Noor Aisyah A Rahim a, Nur Izzah Izzati Ahmad a, Gertrude David a, Amirah Azizah Zakaria a, Nur Amalina Adanan a, Hasrulzaman Hassan Basri a, Muhammad Syamsul Aznan Ariffin a, Candyrilla Vera Bartholomew a, Muhamad Aidil Zahidin a,d, Muhamad Safiih Lola c, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah a,e,∗∗
PMCID: PMC7066060  PMID: 32181296


This data article presents the diversity of flora and selected fauna in Tasik Kenyir, Malaysia. This man-made lake once suffered huge loss of biodiversity for allowing an earth-dam construction during 1980s. Series of publications on different types of target taxa have been published separately after the post-dam construction. A biodiversity assessment was conducted in Tasik Kenyir from March 2015 until February 2016. The one year assessment were compiled with the previous published data to document and updated the biodiversity checklist in the lake. The data show that Tasik Kenyir is occupied by 113 tree species, 217 butterfly species, 35 bee species, 26 reptile species, 267 aves species and 153 mammal species. The micro-climate data was downloaded from the Malaysian Meteorological Department and analysed in R Studio to highlight the relationship between climate data and biodiversity data.

Keywords: Biodiversity, Climate change, Tropical rain forest, Insects, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals, Terengganu

Specifications table

Subject Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour and Systematics
Specific subject area Biodiversity and Micro-climate relation to ecology behaviour
Type of data Table
How data were acquired Flora and fauna data were obtained throughout 12 months field sampling and analysed using the R software. Micro-climate profile was downloaded from the Malaysian Meteorological Department (
The instrument used for data sampling varied from trapping, transect monitoring and bioacoustics.
Data format Raw
Parameters for data collection Random forest plot with 25 m x 25 m subplots were established. Bait trapping and modified Pennsylvanian light trapping were set up randomly in the forested area. Aerial netting and visual encounter survey (VES) were conducted along 1 km sampling transect. Pitfall trap with 5 m aluminium fencing were installed near to the water bodies. Mist netting (2.6 m x 10 m) and four-bank harp trapping were placed at presumable bat flyway, less cluttered area and water bodies. Cage trapping was deployed at the ground level.
Description of data collection Descriptive abundance by pool per taxa and ecosystem services. The diversity estimations using Shannon and Simpson Indices for collected taxa in Tasik Kenyir area based on the mentioned parameters in 12 month period. The species recorded list then was compared to International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List (IUCN Red List) database to determine the exact status of species in Tasik Kenyir and the exact species in the world.
Data source location Institution:
Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Tasik Kenyir, Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu
Latitude and Longitude for collected sample
1. Belukar Bukit (04° 53′ 25.362″ N, 102° 59′ 33.506″ E)
2. Sekayu Waterfall (04° 57′ 59.01″ N, 102° 57′ 16.435″ E)
3. Kampung Kemat (05° 00′ 52.158″ N, 102° 57′ 10.409″ E)
4. Tanjung Mentong (05° 00′ 39.508″ N, 102° 42′ 13.52″ E)
5. Saok Waterfall (05° 04.985′ N, 102° 46.734′ E)
6. Sungai Buweh Waterfall (05° 08′ 52.58″ N, 102° 46′ 00.20″ E)
7. Hulu Telemong (05°13′48″ N, 102° 50′ 8.88″ E)
8. Sungai Deka (05° 02′ 8″ N, 102° 33′ 54"E)
Data accessibility Data are available with the article
Value of the Data
  • The data is constructed from flora and selected faunal diversity and abundance. Thus, the data highlight local species record and contributing in updating the current taxa checklist in Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu.

  • Current checklist could be use by scientific community to evaluate and comparing previous and current taxa, evaluating Tasik Kenyir biodiversity health and identify the important species to protected and conserved.

  • Current checklist mostly covered at eco-tourism areas representing approximately less than 50% of Tasik Kenyir area. Besides, new locality records offer research opportunities and collaboration in future to explore and address the subject matter.

  • The data was pool per taxon to relate with one year forest phenology and climate data in describing the relationship of forest as the main habitat for diversity and abundance of selected wildlife.

  • The availability of data allow further insight into which environmental factors influence the onset duration and visibility of selected taxa in untouched environments, contrasting rural environments, as well as at areas with substantial human encroachment.

1. Data description

The data presented in this article were primary and secondary data on selected wildlife taxa, namely, insecta (bees and butterflies), herpetofauna (reptiles), aves and small mammals in Tasik Kenyir dipterocarp forest. Data collected was paired with basic climatology data to evaluate and correlate between sensitive biological responses with climate factors. Detailed taxa checklist consists of number of species found in each and every taxa could be found in the supplementary material table deposited in excel format with this article.

The biodiversity assessment on flora and selected fauna taxa which are insect (butterflies and bees), reptiles, aves and small mammals has been carried out from March 2015 until February 2016 in Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu (Table 1). Tasik Kenyir is the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia which covers an area 260 km2. The lake was established as a result of the implementation of earth-dam construction in 1980s.

Table 1.

List of sampling sites in Tasik Kenyir with coordinates and sampling period.

Sampling site Coordinate Sampling period
1 Belukar Bukit 04° 53′ 25.362″ N 15 to 21 May, 2015
102° 59′ 33.506″ E 25 September to 2 October, 2015
2 Sekayu Waterfall 04° 57′ 59.01″ N 21 to 27 June, 2015
102° 57′ 16.435″ E 17 to 24 October, 2015
3 Kampung Kemat 05° 00′ 52.158″ N 3 to 10 November, 2015
102° 57′ 10.409″ E 25 to 1 February, 2015
4 Tanjung Mentong 05° 00′ 39.508″ N 7 to 13 March, 2015
102° 42′ 13.52″ E
5 Saok Waterfall 05° 04.985′ N 23 to 29 February, 2016
102° 46.734′ E
6 Sungai Buweh Waterfall 05° 08′ 52.58″ N 19 to 23 January, 2015
102° 46′ 00.20″ E 20 to 26 April, 2015
24 to 30 August, 2015
7 Hulu Telemong 05°13′48″ N 26 July 01 August, 2015
102° 50′ 8.88″ E
8 Sungai Deka 05° 02′ 8″ N 9 to 12 February, 2015
102° 33′ 54"E

Part of the data specifically plant [1], butterflies [1,2], bees [1,2], reptiles, aves [[3], [4], [5]] and small mammals [1,[6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]] have been published separately. Thus, these published data were combined with unpublished data to document and update the biodiversity checklist in Tasik Kenyir. This data recorded 113 tree species, 217 butterfly species, 35 bee species, 26 reptile species, 267 aves species and 153 mammal species (Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8). Out of these species checklist, 20 species were listed as threatened (endangered [EN], critically endangered [CR]) based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species (Table 2; Fig. 1). This data highlight the presence of Sumatran rhino, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis in Kenyir area during 1990s. However, this species was believed to locally extinct since 2000s. Presently, D. sumatrensis has been declared extinct in Malaysia after the death of a last standing male and female rhino in May and November 2019, respectively.

Table 2.

Summary of updated flora and fauna checklist in Tasik Kenyir. The species checklists were tabulated in Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8.

Taxon Family Species Threatened (EN & CR)
Flora Plant 38 113 2
Fauna Butterfly 6 217
Bee 3 35
Reptile 7 26 1
Bird 46 265 6
Mammal 34 153 11

EN- Endangered, CR- Critically Endangered.

Table 3.

Updated taxonomic checklist of plants in Tasik Kenyir [1].

Species Common name IUCN List
1 Bhesa sp.
2 Alangium griffithii NE
3 Anisophyllea curtisii VU
4 Anisophyllea disticha LC
5 Anisophyllea grandis VU
6 Dillenia grandifolia DD
7 Diospyros sp.
8 Barringtonia sp.
9 Ardisia breviramea DD
10 Ganua motleyana DD
11 Madhuca sp.
12 Pouteria malaccensis NT
13 Cynometra malaccensis NT
14 Ormosia sp.
15 Parkia speciosa DD
16 Saraca declinata DD
17 Saraca thaipingensis DD
18 Dialium sp.
19 Xanthophyllum affine
20 Xanthophyllum griffithii LC
21 Xanthophyllum sp. 1
22 Xanthophyllum sp. 2
23 Castanopsis sp.
24 Lithocarpus lucidus DD
25 Lithocarpus sp.
26 Kopsia sp.
27 Diplospora malaccensis Gading-gading NE
28 Ixora sp.
29 Urophyllum trifurcum NE
30 Vitex pinnata Leban Tanduk LC
31 Vitex vestita Leban Hutan LC
32 Actinodaphne glomerata Medang Serai NE
Dehassia sp.
34 Litsea sp. 1
35 Litsea sp. 2
36 Alphonsea sp.
37 Goniothalamus sp.
38 Monocarpia marginalis Mempisang NE
39 Polyalthia sp.
40 Xylopia sp.
41 Horsefieldia sp.
42 Knema hookeriana VU
43 Knema sp. 1
44 Knema sp. 2
45 Myristica sp.
46 Pimelodendron griffithianum Perah Ikan NE
47 Pimelodendron sp.
48 Mesua lepidota DD
49 Garcinia sp. 1
50 Garcinia sp. 2
51 Antidesma sp. 1
52 Aporosa globifera NE
53 Croton argyratus Hamba Raja NE
54 Croton laevifolius Hujan Panas NE
55 Drypetes pendula Lidah Lidah NE
56 Drypetes sp.
57 Elateriospermum tapos Perah NE
58 Endospermum diadenum NE
59 Galeria sp.
60 Macaranga gigantea Mahang Gajah LC
61 Macaranga sp. 1 Mahang
62 Macaranga sp. 2 Mahang
63 Macaranga triloba Mahang Merah NE
64 Antidesma sp. 1
65 Baccaurea parviflora Asam Tambun NE
66 Baccaurea racemosa Setambun NE
67 Baccaurea sp. 1
68 Glochidion sp. 2
69 Glochidion superbum Ubah Ubah NE
70 Richeriella malayana NE
71 Rinorea anguifera Pacat Kenyang
72 Rinorea horneri LC
73 Rinorea javanica NE
74 Rinorea longiracemosa NE
75 Rinorea sp.
76 Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Keruing Belimbing EN
77 Dipterocarpus kunstleri Keruing Gombang Merah CR
78 Hopea dyeri Merawan Palit NE
79 Shorea leprosula Meranti Tembaga NT
80 Shorea sp. 1 Meranti
81 Shorea sp. 2 Meranti
82 Shorea sp. 3 Meranti
83 Pterospermum sp. Bayur VU
84 Scaphium linearicarpum Kembang Semangkuk Bulat NE
85 Aquilaria sp. Agarwood
86 Pentace curtisii Melunak Bukit NT
87 Pentace grandiflora DD
88 Syzygium griffithii Kelat NE
89 Syzygium politum NE
90 Syzygium polyalthium NE
91 Syzygium sp. 1
92 Syzygium sp. 2
93 Syzygium sp. 3
94 Gironniera sp.
95 Gironniera subequalis LC
96 Artocarpus sp. Wild Jack Fruit
97 Parinari sp.
98 Ochanostachys amentacea DD
99 Scorodocarpus borneensis Kulim DD
100 Bouea oppositifolia Kundang Rumania NE
101 Swintonia schwenkii Merpauh Riang NE
102 Swintonia sp. Merpauh
103 Canarium littorale Kedondong Bulan LC
104 Aglaia sp. 1
105 Aglaia sp. 2
106 Aglaia sp. 3
107 Aglaia sp. 4
108 Pometia pinnata Kasai NE
109 Xerospermum sp. Rambutan NE
110 Pyrenaria acuminata LC
111 Hydnocarpus sp. DD
112 Hydnocarpus woodii NE
113 Scaphocalyx spathacea NE
No. of family 38
No. of species 113

Table 4.

Updated taxonomic checklist of butterflies in Tasik Kenyir [1,2].

Species Common name IUCN List
1 Ancistroides gemmifer gemmifer DD
2 Hyarotis iadera NE
3 Notocrypta curvifascia corinda DD
4 Pelopidas agna agna NE
5 Pelopidas mathias mathias NE
6 Allotinus borneensis NE
7 Allotinus horsfieldi NE
8 Allotinus substrigosus NE
9 Allotinus unicolor NE
10 Anthene emolus NE
11 Arhopala aedias agnis Large Metallic Oakblue NE
12 Arhopala antimuna antimuna Small Tailless Oakblue NE
13 Arhopala azinis NE
14 Arhopala democritus NE
15 Arhopala epimuta NE
16 Arhopala moorei busa NE
17 Arhopala tropaea NE
18 Caleta roxus pothus NE
19 Cheritra freja frigga Common Imperial LC
20 Curetis tagalia jopa NE
21 Drupadia ravindra NE
22 Eooxyides tharis NE
23 Jamides celeno aelianus Common Caerulean NE
24 Jamides elpis NE
25 Jamides ferrari evansi NE
26 Jamides malaccanus NE
27 Logania malayica DD
28 Spindasis ionita senama Long-Banded Silverline NE
29 Zemoras emesoides emesoides NE
30 Zizula hylax pygmaea Pygmy Grass Blue NE
Nymphalidae NE
31 Agatasa calydonia calydonia Glorious Begum NE
32 Amathusia masina malaya NE
33 Amathusia ochraceofusca ochraceofusca NE
34 Amathusia perakana perakana NE
35 Amathusia phidippus phidippus Palm King NE
36 Amathuxidia amythaon dilucida Koh-I-Noor NE
37 Athyma nefte subrata Colour Sergeant NE
38 Athyma perius perius Common Sergeant LC
39 Athyma pravara helma Lance Sergeant NE
40 Athyma reta moorei Malay Staff Sergeant NE
41 Bassarona dunya dunya Great Marquis NE
42 Bassarona recta monilis Redtail Marquis NE
43 Bassarona teuta goodrichi Banded Marquis NE
44 Cethosia hypsea hypsina Malay Lacewing NE
45 Charaxes bernardus crepax Tawny Rajah NE
46 Charaxes durnfordi Chestnut Rajah NE
47 Cirrichroa emalea Malay Yeoman NE
48 Cirrochroa orissa orissa Banded Yeoman NE
49 Cirrochroa satellita satellita Yellow Banded Yeoman NE
50 Cirrochroa surya siamensis Litte Yeoman NE
51 Cirrochroa tyche rotundata Common Yeoman NE
52 Coelites epiminthia epiminthia Blue Catseye NE
53 Cupha erymanthis lotis Rustic NE
54 Cyrestis cocles earli Marbled Map NE
55 Cyrestis themire themire Little Map NE
56 Danaus genutia genutia DD
57 Danaus melanippus hegesippus Black Veined Tiger DD
58 Dichorragia nesimachus Constable NE
59 Dichorragia sondaica NE
60 Discophora timora perakensis NE
61 Dophla evelina compta NE
62 Elymnias casiphone saueri NE
63 Elymnias hypermnesta agina NE
64 Elymnias nesaea lioneli NE
65 Elymnias panthera panthera Tawny Palfly NE
66 Elymnias penanga penanga Pointed Palmfly NE
67 Erites angularis angularis Angled Cyclops DD
68 Erites argentina delia DD
69 Eulacera asteria kumana Elegant Emperor NE
70 Euploea eunice leucogonis NE
71 Euploea eyndhovii NE
72 Euploea mulciber mulciber Striped Blu Crow NE
73 Euploea radamanthus radamanthus Magpie Crow NE
74 Euploea tulliolus Dwarf Crow NE
75 Euripus nyctelius euploides Coutesan NE
76 Euthalia adonia pinwilli Green Baron NE
77 Euthalia agnis paupera NE
78 Euthalia alpheda langkawica NE
79 Euthalia eriphylae NE
80 Euthalia ipona NE
81 Euthalia kanda marana NE
82 Euthalia mahadeva zichrina NE
83 Euthalia merta merta NE
84 Euthalia monina monina Malayan Baron NE
85 Faunis canens arcesilas Common Faun NE
86 Herona sumatrana NE
87 Hypolimnas anomala NE
88 Hypolimnas bolina bolina Great Egg-Fly NE
89 Idea hypermnestra NE
90 Idea stolli NE
91 Ideopsis gaura perakana NE
92 Ideopsis juventa sitah NE
93 Ideopsis similis persimilis NE
94 Ideopsis vulgaris macrina Blue Glassy NE
95 Junonia atlites atlites Grey Pansy NE
96 Junonia hedonia ida NE
97 Junonia orithya wallacei Blue Pansy DD
98 Kallima limborgi amplirufa Malayan Oakleaf NE
99 Lebadea martha malayana Knight NE
100 Lethe chandica namura NE
101 Lexias canescens pardalina NE
102 Lexias cyanipardus NE
103 Lexias dirtea merguia NE
104 Lexias pardalis dirteana Archduke NE
105 Melanitis leda leda Common Evening Brown NE
106 Melanitis phedima abdullae NE
107 Melanoczyma faunula NE
108 Moduxa rocris milonia Commander NE
109 Mycalesis anapita anapita Tawny Bush Brown NE
110 Mycalesis dohertyi dohertyi NE
111 Mycalesis fusca fusca Malayan Bush Brown NE
112 Mycalesis horsfieldi hermana NE
113 Mycalesis intermedia distanti Internediate Bush Brown NE
114 Mycalesis janardana sagittigera Mottled Bush Brown DD
115 Mycalesis maianeas maianeas Bandless Bushbrown NE
116 Mycalesis mineus macromalayana Dark-Branded Bush Brown NE
117 Mycalesis mnasicles perna Cyclops Bush Brown NE
118 Mycalesis oroatis ustulata Red Bush Brown NE
119 Mycalesis orseis nautilus Purple Bush Brown NE
120 Mycalesis patiana patiana Eliot's Bush Brown NE
121 Mycalesis perseoides perseoides Parchmarchi Bush Brown NE
122 Mycalesis perseus cepheus Dingy Bush Brown NE
123 Mycalesis visala phamis Long-Branded Bush Brown NE
124 Neorina lowii neophyta Malayan Oel NE
125 Neptis agatha charon NE
126 Neptis clinia Sullied Sailer NE
127 Neptis clinioides gunongensis NE
128 Neptis duryodona nesia NE
129 Neptis hylas papaja Common Sailer NE
130 Neptis leucoporos cresina Grey Sailer NE
131 Neptis miah Small Yellow Sailer NE
132 Neptis omeroda omeroda NE
133 Neptis sedata NE
134 Orsotriaena medus cinerea Dark Grass Brown NE
135 Pantaporia aurelia Baby Lascar NE
136 Pantoporia hordonia hordonia Common Laskar NE
137 Pantoporia sandaka sandaka Extra Laska NE
138 Parantica sylvia aspasia Yellow Glassy Tiger NE
139 Parthenos sylvia lilacinus Clipper NE
140 Pelopidas agna agna Dark-Branded Swift NE
141 Phaedyma columella singa Short-Banded Swift NE
142 Polyura athamas athamas Common Nawab NE
143 Polyura moori moori Malayan Nawab NE
144 Prothoe franck uniformis Blue Begum NE
145 Ragadia makuta siponta Brown-Banded Ringlet NE
146 Rhinopalpa polynice eudoxia Wizard NE
147 Tanaecia aruna aruna NE
148 Tanaecia flora flora Blue Count NE
149 Tanaecia godartii asoka Malay Count NE
150 Tanaecia iapis puseda Horsfield's Baron NE
151 Tanaecia julli bougainvillei Common Earl NE
152 Tanaecia palguna consanguinea NE
153 Tanaecia pelea irenae Malayan Viscount DD
154 Tanaecia pelea pelea Malayan Viscount DD
155 Terinos clarissa malayanus Malayan Assyrian NE
156 Terinos terpander robertsia Royal Assyrian NE
157 Thaumantis odona pishuna Godart's Jungle Glory NE
158 Thauria aliris Tufted Jungleking NE
159 Tirumala septentrionis septenrionis Dark Blue Tiger NE
160 Vindula dejone erotella Lesser Cruiser NE
161 Xanthotaenia busiris busiris Yellow-Barred Pan NE
162 Ypthima baldus newboldi Common Five Ring NE
163 Ypthima fasciata torone Malayan Six Ring NE
164 Ypthima horsfieldii humei Horsfield's Six-Ring NE
165 Ypthima huebneri Common Four Ring NE
166 Ypthima pandocus corticaria Common Three Ring NE
167 Zeuxidia amethystus amethystus Saturn NE
168 Zeuxidia aurelius Great Saturn NE
169 Zeuxidia doubledayi doubledayi Scarce Saturn NE
170 Chilasa clytia clytia dissimilis Common Mime NE
171 Graphium agamemnon agamemnon Tailed Jay NE
172 Graphium antiphates Five-Bar Swordtail NE
173 Graphium eurypylus mecisteus Great Jay NE
174 Graphium evemon eventus Blue Jay NE
175 Graphium sarpedon luctatius Common Bluebottle NE
176 Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris Common Rose NE
177 Pachliopta coon doubledayi Common Clubtail NE
178 Pachliopta neptunus neptunus Yellow Bodied Clubtail NE
179 Papilio demolion demolion Banded Swallowtail DD
180 Papilio memnon agenor Great Mormon NE
181 Papilio nephelus Black And White Helen NE
182 Papilio polytes romulus Common Mormon NE
183 Parides varuna varuna Common Batwing NE
184 Pathysa delesserti delesserti Malayan Zebra NE
185 Pathysa macareus perakensis Lesser Zebra NE
186 Pathysa ramaceus pendleburyi Pendlebury's Zebra NE
187 Troides aeacus thomsoni Golden Birdwing DD
188 Abisara geza niya Spotted Judy NE
189 Abisara savitri NE
190 Appias indra plana Plain Muffin NE
191 Appias libythea olferna Striped Albatross NE
192 Appias lyncida vasava Chocolate Albatross NE
193 Appias nero figulina Orange Albatross NE
194 Appias paulina distanti Common Albatross NE
195 Catopsilia pomona pomona Lemon Emigrant NE
196 Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe Mottled Emigrant NE
197 Catopsilia scylla cornelia Orange Emigrant NE
198 Cepora iudith malaya Orange Gull NE
199 Dercas verhuelli herodorus Tailed Sulphur NE
200 Eurema ada iona Talbot's Grass Yellow NE
201 Eurema andersonii andersonii Anderson Grass Yellow DD
202 Eurema hecabe contubernalis Common Grass Yellow NE
203 Eurema lacteola lacteola Scarce Grass Yellow NE
204 Eurema sari sodalis Choocolate Grass Yellow NE
205 Eurema simulatrix tecmessa Grass Yellow NE
206 Eurema tilaha nicevillei Malayan Grass Yellow NE
207 Gandaca harina distanti Tree Yellow NE
208 Hebomoia glaucippe aturia Great Orange Tip NE
209 Leptosia nina nina Psyche NE
210 Moduza procris milonia Commander NE
211 Parantica aspasia aspasia Yellow Glassy Tiger NE
212 Pareronia valeria lutescens Malayan Wanderer NE
213 Prioneris philonome themana Redspot Sawtooth NE
214 Prioners philonome themana Redspot Sawtooth NE
215 Saletara liberia distanti Malaysian Albatross NE
216 Paralaxita damajanti damajanti Malay Red Harlequin DD
217 Taxila haquinus haquinus Harleuin NE
No. of family 6
No. of species 217

Table 5.

Updated taxonomic checklist of bees in Tasik Kenyir [1,2].

Species Common name IUCN List
1 Andrena sp. Mining Bee DD
2 Nomia strigata Sweat Bee NE
3 Maculonomia terminata Sweat Bee NE
4 Lasioglossum sp. Sweat Bee DD
5 Xylocopa aestuans Carpenter Bee NE
6 Xylocopa caerulea Carpenter Bee NE
7 Xylocopa dejeanii Carpenter Bee NE
8 Xylocopa flavonigrescens Carpenter Bee NE
9 Xylocopa latipes Carpenter Bee NE
10 Xylocopa sp. Carpenter Bee
11 Xylocopa varipuncta Carpenter Bee NE
12 Ceratina smaragdula Small Carpenter Bee NE
13 Ceratina sp. Small Carpenter Bee
14 Ceratina unimaculata Small Carpenter Bee NE
15 Amegilla insularis Blue Banded Bee NE
16 Amegilla zonata Blue Banded Bee NE
17 Thyreus himalayensis Cuckoo Bee NE
18 Heterotrigona erythrogastra Carpenter Bee NE
19 Heterotrigona itama Carpenter Bee NE
20 Homotrigona aliceae Carpenter Bee NE
21 Homotrigona fimbriata Carpenter Bee NE
22 Geniotrigona thoracica Carpenter Bee NE
23 Lepidotrigona terminata Carpenter Bee NE
24 Lepidotrigona ventralis Carpenter Bee NE
25 Lophotrigona canifrons Carpenter Bee NE
26 Tetragonilla atripes Carpenter Bee NE
27 Tetragonilla collina Carpenter Bee NE
28 Tetragonula fuscobalteata Carpenter Bee NE
29 Tetragonula geissleri Carpenter Bee NE
30 Tetragonula laeviceps Carpenter Bee NE
31 Tetragonula melina Carpenter Bee NE
32 Tetragonula sp. Carpenter Bee DD
33 Tetrigona apicalis Carpenter Bee NE
34 Apis cerana Honey Bee NE
35 Apis dorsata Honey Bee NE
No. of family 3
No. of species 35

Table 6.

Updated taxonomic checklist of reptiles in Tasik Kenyir [1,2].

Species Common name IUCN List
1 Heosemys spinosa Spiny Hill Turtle EN
2 Notochelys platynota Malayan Flat-Shelled Turtle VU
3 Dogania subplana Malayan Softshell Turtle LC
4 Amyda cartilagenea Asian Softshell Turtle
5 Draco fimbriatus Fringed Flying Lizard VU
6 Draco formosus Beautiful Flying Lizard LC
7 Draco melanopogon Black-Bearded Flying Lizard NE
8 Gonocephalus bellii Blue-Necked Angle-Headed Lizard LC
9 Gonocephalus grandis Giant Angle-Headed Lizard LC
10 Cnemaspis peninsularis Peninsular Rock Gecko LC
11 Cyrtodactylus consobrinus Peter's Bent-Toed Gecko NE
12 Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus Four-Stripped Bent-Toed Gecko LC
13 Gehyra mutilata Common Four-Clawed Gecko NE
14 Gekko monarchus Warty House Gecko NE
15 Gekko smithii Smith's Giant Gecko LC
16 Hemidactylus craspedotus Frilly Forest Gecko NE
17 Hemidactylus frenatus Asian House Gecko LC
18 Hemiphyllodactylus typus Common Worm Gecko LC
19 Luperosaurus browni Brown's Camouflage Gecko NE
20 Ptychozoon kuhli Kuhl's Parachute Gecko NE
21 Eutropis longicaudata Long-Tailed Ground Skink LC
22 Eutropis multifasciata Common Sun Skink LC
23 Lipinia vittigera Common Stripped Skink LC
24 Varanus salvator Water Monitor Lizard LC
25 Calamaria pavimentata Brown Reed Snake LC
26 Orthiriophis taeniurus ridleyi Cave Racer NE
No. of family 7
No. of species 26

Table 7.

Updated taxonomic checklist of aves in Tasik Kenyir [1,[3], [4], [5]].

Species Common name IUCN List
1 Haliaeetus leucogaster White-Bellied Sea Eagle LC
2 Haliastur indus Brahminy Kite LC
3 Icthyophaga humilis Lesser Fish Eagle NT
4 Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Grey-Headed Fish-Eagle NE
5 Nisaetus alboniger Blyth’s Hawk Eagle LC
6 Spilornis cheela Crested Serpent Eagle LC
7 Spizaetus cirrhatus Changeable Hawk-Eagle NE
8 Aviceda leuphotes Black Baza LC
9 Pernis ptilorhynchus Oriental Honey-Buzzard LC
10 Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk LC
11 Milvus migrans Black Kite LC
12 Accipiter soloensis Chinese Goshawk LC
13 Accipiter gularis Japanese Sparrowhawk LC
14 Hieraaetus kienerii Rufous-Bellied Eagle NE
15 Spizaetus nanus Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle NE
16 Anorrhinus galeritus Bushy-Crested Hornbill NT
17 Anthracoceros albirostris Oriental Pied Hornbill LC
18 Anthracoceros malayanus Black Hornbill VU
19 Buceros bicornis Great Hornbill VU
20 Buceros rhinoceros Rhinoceros Hornbill VU
21 Rhinoplax vigil Helmeted Hornbill CR
22 Aceros corrugatus Wrinkled Hornbill EN
23 Aceros undulatus Wreathed Hornbill VU
24 Aceros comatus White-Crowned Hornbill EN
25 Apus pacificus Fork-Tailed Swift LC
26 Apus nipalensis House Swift LC
27 Aerodramus germani Germain’s Swiftlet NE
28 Collocalia fuciphagus Edible-Nest Swiftlet LC
29 Cypsiurus balasiensis Asian Palm-Swift LC
30 Rhaphidura leucopygialis Silver-Rumped Needletail LC
31 Caprimulgus macrurus Large-Tailed Nightjar LC
32 Caprimulgus affinis Savanna Nightjar LC
33 Hemiprocne comata Whiskered Treeswift LC
34 Batrachostomus auritus Large Frogmouth NT
35 Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper LC
36 Chalcophaps indica Emerald Dove LC
37 Spilopelia chinensis Spotted Dove LC
38 Geopelia striata Zebra Dove LC
39 Treron olax Little Green-Pigeon LC
40 Treron curvirostra Thick-Billed Green-Pigeon LC
41 Ptilinopus jambu Jambu Fruit Dove NT
42 Ducula aenea Green Imperial-Pigeon LC
43 Ducula badia Mountain Imperial-Pigeon LC
44 Macropygia ruficeps Little Cuckoo-Dove LC
45 Treron capellei Large- Green Pigeon VU
46 Treron vernans Pink-Necked Green-Pigeon LC
47 Alcedo atthis Common Kingfisher LC
48 Alcedo meninting Blue-Eared Kingfisher LC
49 Ceyx erithacus Black-Backed Kingfisher NE
50 Ceyx rufidorsa Rufuous-Backed Kingfisher LC
51 Lacedo pulchella Banded Kingfisher LC
52 Pelargopsis capensis Stork-Billed Kingfisher LC
53 Todiramphus chloris Collared Kingfisher LC
54 Halcyon pileata Black-Capped Kingfisher LC
55 Halcyon smyrnensis White-Throated Kingfisher LC
56 Alcedo euryzona Javan Blue-Banded Kingfisher CR
57 Eurystomus orientalis Dollarbird LC
58 Merops viridis Blue-Throated Bee-Eater LC
59 Merops leschenaulti Chestnut-Headed Bee Eater LC
60 Nyctyornis amictus Red-Bearded Bee-Eater LC
61 Cacomantis merulinus Plaintive Cuckoo LC
62 Cacomantis sonneratii Banded Bay Cuckoo LC
63 Centropus rectunguis Short-Toed Coucal VU
64 Centropus sinensis Greater Coucal LC
65 Clamator coromandus Chestnut-Winged Cuckoo LC
66 Cuculus micropterus Indian Cuckoo LC
67 Eudynamys scolopaceus Asian Koel LC
68 Cuculus fugax Malaysian Hawk-Cuckoo NE
69 Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus Raffles’s Malkoha LC
70 Phaenicophaeus curvirostris Chestnut-Breasted Malkoha LC
71 Phaenicophaeus sumatranus Chestnut-Bellied Malkoha NT
72 Phaenicophaeus diardi Black-Bellied Malkoha NT
73 Phaenicophaeus tristis Green-Billed Malkoha LC
74 Phaenicophaeus javanicus Red-Billed Malkoha LC
75 Rhinortha chlorophaea Raffles's Malkoha LC
76 Surniculus lugubris Square-Tailed Drongo-Cuckoo LC
77 Zanclostomus javanicus Red-Billed Malkoha LC
78 Microhierax fringillarius Black-Thighed Falconet LC
79 Falco tinnunculus Common Kestrel LC
80 Pandion haliaetus Osprey LC
81 Arborophila campbelli Campbell’s Partridge LC
82 Argusianus argus Great Argus NT
83 Gallus gallus Red Junglefowl LC
84 Lophura ignita Crested Fireback NT
85 Polyplectron malacense Malayan Peacock-Pheasant VU
86 Rheinardia ocellata Crested Argus EN
87 Arborophila chartonii Chestnut-Necklaced Partridge NE
88 Amaurornis phoenicurus White-Breasted Waterhen LC
89 Aegithina lafresnayei Great Iora LC
90 Aegithina tiphia Common Iora LC
91 Aegithina viridissima Green Iora NT
92 Coracina fimbriata Lesser Cuckooshrike LC
93 Tephrodornis gularis Large Woodshrike NE
94 Pericrocotus divaricatus Ashy Minivet LC
95 Pericrocotus igneus Fiery Minivet NT
96 Coracina striata Bar-Bellied Cuckooshrike LC
97 Hemipus hirundinaceus Black-Winged Flycatcher-Shrike LC
98 Hemipus picatus Bar-Winged Flycatcher-Shrike LC
99 Lalage nigra Pied Triller LC
100 Pericrocotus flammeus Scarlet Minivet LC
101 Chloropsis cochinchinensis Blue-Winged Leafbird NT
102 Chloropsis cyanopogon Lesser Green Leafbird NT
103 Chloropsis sonnerati Greater Green Leafbird VU
104 Prinia flaviventris Yellow-Bellied Prinia LC
105 Prinia rufescens Rufescent Prinia LC
106 Orthotomus ruficeps Ashy Tailorbird LC
107 Orthotomus sericeus Rufous-Tailed Tailorbird LC
108 Corvus enca Slender-Billed Crow LC
109 Corvus macrorhynchos Large-Billed Crow LC
110 Platylophus galericulatus Crested Jay NT
111 Platysmurus leucopterus Black Magpie LC
112 Platylophus galericulatus Crested Jay NT
113 Crypsirina temia Racket-Tailed Treepie LC
114 Dicaeum cruentatum Scarlet-Backed Flowerpecker LC
115 Dicaeum trigonostigma Orange-Bellied Flowerpecker LC
116 Prionochilus maculatus Yellow-Breasted Flowerpecker LC
117 Prionochilus percussus Crimson-Breasted Flowerpecker LC
118 Prionochilus thoracicus Scarlet-Breasted Flowerpecker NT
119 Dicaeum agile Thick-Billed Flowerpecker LC
120 Dicaeum chrysorrheum Yellow-Vented Flowerpecker LC
121 Dicrurus aeneus Bronzed Drongo LC
122 Dicrurus annectans Crow-Billed Drongo LC
123 Dicrurus paradiseus Greater Racket-Tailed Drongo LC
124 Dicrurus remifer Lesser Racket-Tailed Drongo LC
125 Dicrurus macrocercus Black Drongo LC
126 Dicrurus leucophaeus Ashy Drongo LC
127 Lonchura leucogastra White-Bellied Munia LC
128 Lonchura striata White-Rumped Munia LC
129 Lonchura punctulata Scaly-Breasted Munia LC
130 Erythrura prasina Pin-Tailed Parrotfinch LC
131 Eupetes macrocerus Rail-Babbler NT
132 Calyptomena viridis Asian Green Broadbill NT
133 Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus Black-And-Red Broadbill NE
134 Eurylaimus javanicus Banded Broadbill NT
135 Eurylaimus ochromalus Black-And-Yellow Broadbill NT
136 Corydon sumatranus Dusky Broadbill LC
137 Hirundo daurica Barn Swallow NE
138 Hirundo tahitica Pacific Swallow LC
139 Cecropis striolata Striated Swallow NE
140 Irena puella Asian Fairy-Bluebird LC
141 Hypothymis azurea Black-Naped Monarch LC
142 Terpsiphone paradisi Asian Paradise-Flycatcher LC
143 Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail LC
144 Dendronanthus indicus Forest Wagtail LC
145 Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail LC
146 Anthus rufulus Paddyfield Pipit LC
147 Copsychus malabaricus White-Rumped Shama NE
148 Copsychus saularis Oriental Magpie Robin LC
149 Culicicapa ceylonensis Grey-Headed Canary-Flycatcher LC
150 Cyornis banyumas Hill Blue-Flycatcher LC
151 Cyornis concretus White-Tailed Flycatcher LC
152 Cyornis tickelliae Tickell’s Blue-Flycatcher LC
153 Enicurus leschenaulti White-Crowned Forktail LC
154 Enicurus ruficapillus Chestnut-Naped Forktail NT
155 Ficedula mugimaki Mugimaki Flycatcher LC
156 Ficedula solitaris Rufous-Browed Flycatcher LC
157 Ficedula zanthopygia Yellow-Rumped Flycatcher LC
158 Luscinia cyane Siberian Blue-Robin LC
159 Philentoma pyrhoptera Rufous-Winged Philentoma LC
160 Philentoma velata Maroon-Breasted Philentoma NT
161 Rhinomyias umbratilis Grey-Chested Jungle-Flycatcher NT
162 Trichixos pyrropygus Rufous-Tailed Shama NT
163 Aethopyga saturata Black-Throated Sunbird LC
164 Anthreptes malacensis Brown-Throated Sunbird LC
165 Anthreptes simplex Plain Sunbird LC
166 Anthreptes singalensis Ruby-Cheeked Sunbird LC
167 Arachnothera crassirostris Thick-Billed Spiderhunter LC
168 Arachnothera longirostra Little Spiderhunter LC
169 Arachnothera magna Streaked Spiderhunter LC
170 Arachnothera modesta Grey-Breasted Spiderhunter LC
171 Arachnothera robusta Long-Billed Spiderhunter LC
172 Hypogramma hypogrammicum Purple-Naped Sunbird LC
173 Oriolus xanthornus Dark-Throated Oriole LC
174 Oriolus chinensis Black-Naped Oriole LC
175 Pitta granatina Garnet Pitta NT
176 Pitta caerulea Giant Pitta NT
177 Pitta sordida Hooded Pitta LC
178 Alophoixus bres Grey-Cheeked Bulbul LC
179 Alophoixus finschii Finsch’s Bulbul NT
180 Alophoixus ochraceus Ochraceous Bulbul LC
181 Alophoixus phaeocephalus Yellow-Belllied Bulbul LC
182 Hemixos flavala Ashy Bulbul LC
183 Iole olivacea Buff-Vented Bulbul NT
184 Pycnonotus atriceps Black-Headed Bulbul NE
185 Pycnonotus brunneus Red-Eyed Bulbul LC
186 Pycnonotus cyaniventris Grey-Bellied Bulbul NT
187 Pycnonotus erythropthalmos Spectacled Bulbul LC
188 Pycnonotus eutilotus Puff-Backed Bulbul LC
189 Pycnonotus goiavier Yellow-Vented Bulbul LC
190 Pycnonotus plumosus Olive-Winged Bulbul LC
191 Pycnonotus simplex Cream-Vented Bulbul LC
192 Pycnonotus squamatus Scaly-Breasted Bulbul NT
193 Pycnonotus zeylanicus Straw-Headed Bulbul CR
194 Tricholestes criniger Hairy-Backed Bulbul LC
195 Rhipidura javanica Pied Fantail LC
196 Rhipidura perlata Spotted Fantail LC
197 Acridotheres fuscus Jungle Myna LC
198 Gracula religiosa Hill Myna LC
199 Aplonis panayensis Asian Glossy Starling LC
200 Acridotheres tristis Common Myna LC
201 Sturnus sturninus Purple-Backed Starling LC
202 Abroscopus superciliaris Yellow-Bellied Babbler LC
203 Orthotomus atrogularis Dark-Necked Tailorbird LC
204 Orthotomus ruficeps Ashy Tailorbird LC
205 Orthotomus sericeus Rufous-Tailed Tailorbird LC
206 Orthotomus sutorius Common Tailorbird LC
207 Seicercus castaniceps Chestnut-Crowned Warbler LC
208 Alcippe brunneicauda Brown Fulvetta NT
209 Alcippe peracensis Mountain Fulvetta LC
210 Erpornis zantholeuca White-Bellied Yuhina LC
211 Kenopia striata Striped Wren-Babbler NT
212 Leiothrix argentauris Silver-Eared Masia LC
213 Macronous gularis Pin-Striped Tit-Babbler LC
214 Macronous ptilosus Fluffy-Backed Tit-Babbler NT
215 Malacocincla abbotti Abbott’s Babbler LC
216 Malacocincla malaccensis Short-Tailed Babbler NT
217 Malacopteron affine Sooty-Capped Babbler NT
218 Malacopteron cinereum Scaly-Crowned Babbler LC
219 Malacopteron magnirostre Moustached Babbler LC
220 Malacopteron magnum Rufous-Crowned Babbler NT
221 Pellorneum capistratum Black-Capped Babbler LC
222 Pomatorhinus montanus Chestnut-Backed Scimitar-Babbler LC
223 Pteruthius melanotis Black-Eared Shrike-Babbler LC
224 Stachyris erythroptera Chestnut-Winged Babbler NE
225 Stachyris maculata Chestnut-Rumped Babbler NT
226 Stachyris nigriceps Grey-Throated Babbler LC
227 Stachyris nigricollis Black-Throated Babbler NT
228 Stachyris poliocephala Grey-Headed Babbler LC
229 Trichastoma bicolor Ferruginous Babbler LC
230 Trichastoma rostratum White-Chested Babbler NT
231 Trichastoma tickelli Buff-Breasted Babbler LC
232 Myophonus robinsoni Malayan Whistling Thrush NT
233 Calorhamphus fuliginosus Brown Barbet NT
234 Megalaima australis Blue-Eared Barbet NE
235 Megalaima mystacophanos Red-Throated Barbet NT
236 Psilopogon chrysopogon Gold-Whiskered Barbet LC
237 Psilopogon franklinii Gold-Whiskered Barbet LC
238 Psilopogon henricii Yellow-Crowned Barbet NT
239 Psilopogon rafflesii Red-Crowned Barbet NT
240 Blythipicus rubiginosus Maroon Woodpecker LC
241 Dryocopus javensis White-Bellied Woodpecker LC
242 Meiglyptes tukki Buff-Necked Woodpecker NT
243 Meglyptes tristis Buff-Rumped Woodpecker DD
244 Celeus brachyurus Rufous Woodpecker LC
245 Mulleripicus pulverulentus Great Slaty Woodpecker VU
246 Picus chlorolophus Lesser Yellownape LC
247 Picus mentalis Checker-Throated Woodpecker NE
248 Picus miniaceus Banded Woodpecker LC
249 Picus puniceus Crimson-Winged Woodpecker LC
250 Sasia abnormis Rufous Piculet LC
251 Zosterops everetti Everett’s White-Eye LC
252 Loriculus galgulus Blue-Crowned Hanging-Parrot LC
253 Psittacula longicauda Long-Tailed Parakeet VU
254 Psittinus cyanurus Blue-Rumped Parrot NT
255 Ninox scutulata Brown Hawk-Owl LC
256 Otus bakkamoena Collared Scops Owl LC
257 Otus rufescens Reddish Scops-Owl NT
258 Ketupa ketupu Buffy Fish-Owl LC
259 Strix seloputo Spotted Wood Owl LC
260 Strix leptogrammica Brown Wood Owl LC
261 Harpactes diardii Diard’s Trogon NT
262 Harpactes duvaucelii Scarlet-Rumped Trogon NT
263 Harpactes orrhophaeus Cinamon-Rumped Trogon NT
264 Harpactes kasumba Red-Naped Trogon NT
265 Harpactes oreskios Orange-Breasted Trogon LC
No. of family 46
No. of species 265

Table 8.

Updated taxonomic checklist of mammals in Tasik Kenyir [1,[6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]].

Species Common Name IUCN List
1 Manis javanica Sunda Panggolin CR
2 Echinosorex gymnura Moonrat LC
3 Hylomys suillus Short-Tailed Gymnure LC
4 Crocidura malayana Malayan Shrew LC
5 Suncus etruscus Pygmy Whited-Tooth Shrew LC
6 Tupaia glis Malayan Treeshrew DD
7 Galeopterus variegatus Sunda Flying Lemur LC
8 Balionycteris maculata Spotted-Winged Fruit Bat LC
9 Chironax melanocephalus Black-Capped Fruit Bat LC
10 Cynopterus brachyotis "Sunda" Lesser Dog-Faced Fruit Bat LC
11 Cynopterus brachyotis "Forest" Lesser Dog-Faced Fruit Bat LC
12 Cynopterus horsfieldii Horsfield’s Fruit Bat LC
13 Cynopterus sphinx Greater Short-Nosed Fruit Bat LC
14 Eonycteris spelaea Dawn Bat LC
15 Macroglossus minimus Dagger-Tooth Long-Nosed Fruit Bat LC
16 Macroglossus sobrinus Hill Long-Tounged Fruit Bat LC
17 Megaerops ecaudatus Temminck’s Tailless Fruit Bat LC
18 Penthetor lucasi Lucas’s Short-Nosed Fruit Bat LC
19 Pteropus vampyrus Large Flying Fox NT
20 Rousettus amplexicaudatus Geoffroy’s Rouset LC
21 Emballonura monticola Lesser Sheath-Tailled Bat LC
22 Nycteris tragata Malayan Slit-Faced Bat NT
23 Megaderma iyra Greater Falsed Vampire Bat LC
24 Megaderma spasma Lesser Falsed Vampire Bat LC
25 Rhinolophus affinis Intermediate Horseshoe Bat LC
26 Rhinolophus chiewkweeae Chiewkwee's Horseshoe Bat NE
27 Rhinolophus lepidus Blyth’s Horseshoe Bat LC
28 Rhinolophus luctus Beddome’s Horseshoe Bat LC
29 Rhinolophus pearsoni Pearson’s Horseshoes Bat LC
30 Rhinolophus robinsoni Penninsular Horseshoes Bat NT
31 Rhinolophus sedulus Lesser Wooly Horseshoes Bat NT
32 Rhinolophus stheno Lesser Brown Horseshoes Bat LC
33 Rhinolophus pusilus Least Horseshoes Bat LC
34 Hipposideros armiger Great Himalayan Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
35 Hipposideros ater Dusky Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
36 Hipposideros atrox Lesser Bicoloured Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
37 Hipposideros bicolor Bicolored Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
38 Hipposideros cervinus Fawn-Colored Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
39 Hipposideros cineraceus Durga Das’s Leaf-Nosed Bat VU
40 Hipposideros diadema Diadem Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
41 Hipposideros dyacorom Leaf-Nosed Bat NE
42 Hipposideros larvatus Horsfield's Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
43 Hipposideros ridleyi Ridley's Leaf-Nosed Bat VU
44 Hipposideros galeritus Cantor's Leaf-Nosed Bat LC
45 Ceoplos robinsonii NE
46 Kerivoula intermedia Small Woolly Bat NT
47 Kerivoula pellucida Clear-Winged Woolly Bat NT
48 Kerivoula minuta Least Woolly Bat NT
49 Kerivoula papillosa Papillose Woolly Bat LC
50 Kerivoula hardwickii Hardwicke's Woolly Bat LC
51 Kerivoula krauensis Krau Woolly Bat DD
52 Miniopterus schreibersii Schreiber's Bent-Winged Bat NT
53 Miniopterus medius Medium Bent-Winged Bat LC
54 Miniopterus ridleyi Bent-Winged Bats NE
55 Murina rozendaali Gilded Tube-Nosed Bat VU
56 Murina cyclotis Round-Eared Tube-Nosed Bat LC
57 Murina suilla Brown Tube-Nosed Bat LC
58 Myotis ater Peters's Myotis LC
59 Myotis horsfieldii Horsfield's Myotis LC
60 Myotis muricola Taiwan Broad-Muzzled Myotis LC
61 Myotis ridleyi Ridley's Myotis NT
62 Myotis siligorensis Himalayan Whiskered Bat LC
63 Myotis mystacinus Steppe Whiskered Bat LC
64 Philetor brachypterus LC
65 Phoniscus jagorii Peters's Trumpet-Eared Bat LC
66 Scotophilus kuhlii Lesser Asiatic Yellow House Bat LC
67 Tylonycteris pachypus Lesser Bamboo Bat LC
68 Tylonycteris robustula LC
69 Glischropus tylopus Common Thick-Thumbed Bat LC
70 Chaerephon johorensis Northern Free-Tailed Bat VU
71 Nycticebus coucang Greater Slow Loris VU
72 Macaca fascicularis Crab Eating Macaca NT
73 Macaca nemestrina Southern Pig-Tailed Macaque VU
74 Presbytis femoralis Banded Surili NT
75 Presbytis siamensis White-Thighed Surili NT
76 Trachypithecus obscurus Dusky Leaf Monkey NT
77 Hylobates lar Malaysian Lar EN
78 Symphalangus syndactylus Siamang EN
79 Cuon alpinus Dhole EN
80 Canis familiaris Wild Dog NE
81 Helarctos malayanus Sun Bear VU
82 Aonyx cinerea Asian Small-Clawed Otter VU
83 Lutra sumatrana Hairy-Nosed Otter EN
84 Lutrogale perspicillata Smooth-Coated Otter VU
85 Martes flavigula Yellow-Throated Marten LC
86 Mustela nudipes Malay Weasel LC
87 Arctictis binturong Binturong VU
88 Paguma larvata Masked Palm Civet LC
89 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Common Palm Civet LC
90 Viverra megaspila Large-Spotted Civet EN
91 Viverra tangalunga Malay Civet LC
92 Viverra zibetha Large Indian Civet LC
93 Arctogalidia trivirgata Small-Toothed Palm Civet LC
94 Hemigalus derbyanus Banded Civet NT
95 Herpestes urya Crab-Eating Mongoose LC
96 Catopuma temminckii Asiatic Golden Cat NT
97 Panthera pardus Leopard VU
98 Panthera tigris Tiger EN
99 Pardofelis marmorata Marbled Cat NT
100 Prionailurus bengalensis Leopard Cat LC
101 Prionailurus planiceps Flat-Headed Cat EN
102 Neofelis nebulosa Clouded Leopard VU
103 Prionodon linsang Banded Linsang LC
104 Elephas maximus Asian Elephant EN
105 Tapirus indicus Malay Tapir EN
106 Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Sumatran Rhinoceros CR
107 Sus scrofa Wild Boar LC
108 Tragulus javanicus Javan Chevrotain DD
109 Tragulus kanchil Lesser Oriental Chevrotain LC
110 Tragulus napu Greater Oriental Chevrotain LC
111 Rusa unicolor Sambar VU
112 Muntiacus muntjak Southern Red Muntjac LC
113 Capricornis sumatraensis Sumatran Serow VU
114 Bos gaurus Gaur VU
115 Aeromys tephromelas Black Flying Squirrel DD
116 Callosciurus nigrovittatus Black-Striped Squirrel LC
117 Callosciurus notatus Plantain Squirrel LC
118 Callosciurus caniceps Grey-Bellied Squirrel LC
119 Callosciurus prevostii Prevost's Squirrel LC
120 Hylopetes spadiceus Red-Cheeked Flying Squirrel LC
121 Lariscus insignis Three-Striped Ground Squirrel LC
122 Petaurista petaurista Red Giant Flying Squirrel LC
123 Petinomys setosus Temminck's Flying Squirrel VU
124 Petinomys vordermanni Vordermann's Flying Squirrel VU
125 Ratufa affinis Pale Giant Squirrel NT
126 Ratufa bicolor Black Giant Squirrel NT
127 Rhinosciurus laticaudatus Shrew-Faced Squirrel NT
128 Sundasciurus hippurus Horse-Tailed Squirrel NT
129 Sundasciurus lowii Low's Squirrel LC
130 Sundasciurus tenuis Slender Squirrel LC
131 Hylopetes platyurus Jentink's Flying Squirrel DD
132 Berylmys bowersi Bower's White-Toothed Rat LC
133 Leopoldamys sabanus LC
134 Maxomys inas Malayan Mountain Maxomys LC
135 Maxomys rajah Rajah Sundaic Maxomys VU
136 Maxomys surifer Indomalayan Maxomys LC
137 Maxomys whiteheadi Whitehead’s Sundaic Maxomys VU
138 Mus caroli Ryukyu Mouse LC
139 Mus musculus House Mouse LC
140 Niviventer cremoriventer Sundaic Arboreal Niviventer LC
141 Niviventer fulvescens Chestnut White-Bellied Rat LC
142 Pithecheir parvus Malay Peninsula Pithecheir DD
143 Rattus annandalei Annandale’s Sundaic Rat LC
144 Rattus argentiventer Ricefield Rat LC
145 Rattus exulans Polynesian Rat LC
146 Rattus rattus House Rat LC
147 Rattus surifer NE
148 Rattus tiomanicus Malaysian Field Rat LC
149 Sundamys muelleri Müller’s Sundamys LC
150 Rhizomys sumatrensis Indomalayan Bamboo Rat LC
151 Hystrix brachyura Malayan Porcupine LC
152 Atherurus macrourus Asiatic Brush-Tailed Porcupine LC
153 Trichys fasciculata Long-Tailed Porcupine LC
No. of family 34
No. of species 153

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Summary of threatened species (%) in Tasik Kenyir.

The one year biodiversity data was paired with climate data which are temperature (oC), humidity (%RH) and rainfall (mm) to evaluate and correlate between sensitive biological responses with climate factors (Table 9; Fig. 2, Fig. 3).

Table 9.

Micro-climate data of Tasik Kenyir from March 2015 until February 2016.

Month Climate
Temperature (0C) Humidity (%RH) Rainfall (mm)
Mar-15 25.72 76.80 24.80
Apr-15 26.16 79.60 214.80
May-15 27.02 78.10 26.40
Jun-15 26.82 81.60 38.20
Jul-15 26.94 82.20 143.60
Aug-15 25.79 83.40 178.40
Sep-15 26.49 83.30 99.40
Oct-15 25.86 84.80 201.60
Nov-15 25.22 89.80 592.80
Dec-15 25.13 87.81 259.00
Jan-16 25.69 85.61 136.60
Feb-16 26.64 85.10 104.60

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Temperature and rainfall data of Tasik Kenyir from March 2015 until February 2016.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Humidity (%RH) data of Tasik Kenyir from March 2015 until February 2016.

1.1. Experimental design, materials, and methods

The biodiversity assessment was carried out from March 2015 until February 2016 in Tasik Kenyir (Table 1). A random forest plot with 25 m x 25 m subplots were established to determine the tree species composition in an area. A total of 20 baited traps and a modified Pennsylvanian light-trapping were set up randomly in the forested area to catch butterflies and bees [1,2], respectively. Aerial netting and visual encounter survey (VES) were conducted along 1 km sampling transect during butterflies [1,2] and reptile assessment, respectively. Point count was conducted twice a day and eight mist nets were deployed at the presumable bird fly [5]. A total of eight mist nets and 100 cage traps were deployed to capture volant [12,13] and non-volant small mammals [[14], [15], [16], [17]], respectively. All flora and faunal species were measured and identified. The assessment data was compiled with published data [[1], [2], [3], [4],6,7,14] to have the comprehensive species checklist in Tasik Kenyir.

To highlight the relationship of forest as the main habitat for diversity and abundance of selected taxa, micro-climate data such as temperature (oC), humidity (%RH) and rainfall (mm) was downloaded from the nearest weather station near Tasik Kenyir at Kuala Berang owned by the Malaysian Meteorological Department ( The micro-climate data from March 2015 until March 2016 was tabulated in Table 9 and been summarised in Fig. 2, Fig. 3. The collective micro-climate data was analysed using R Studio software and the average mean value was taken to represent the monthly climate value for temperature, humidity and amount of rainfall [17]. The Table 9 data was paired with Shannon and Simpson indices driven form taxa checklists collected from primary data analysis using R Studio.

Author contribution

Mohd Noor Afiq Ramlee: Participated in all experiments, coordinated the data-analysis and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.

Mohd Fadli Hussin: Participated in data analysis and data collection.

Azuan Roslan: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Mammals).

Fathihi Hakimi Rosmid: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Insect).

Elizabeth Pesiu: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Plant).

Noor Aisyah A Rahim: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Mammals & Plant).

Nur Izzah Izzati Ahmad: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Mammals).

Gertrude David: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Birds).

Amirah Azizah Zakaria: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Reptile).

Nur Amalina Adanan: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Insect).

Hasrulzaman Hassan Basri: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Mammals, Reptile).

Muhammad Syamsul Aznan Ariffin: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Reptile).

Candyrilla Vera Bartholomew: Participated in site monitoring and data collection (Plants & Birds).

Muhamad Aidil Zahidin: Participate in manuscript design, data arrangement and writing.

Mohd Safiih Lola: Participate in manuscript design, data analysis and planning.

Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah: Lead research project, planning, design research materials, organized the study and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.


We thank the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for the administration and logistic support, and the Department of Forestry Peninsular Malaysia (JH/100 Jld. 11(22) and the Department of Wildlife and National Park (DWNP) Peninsular Malaysia (600-2/2/21-5 [17], 100-34/1.24-5 [15&16], T-00370-16-16, 60-4/1.13-21[55], T-00372-16-16, 100-34/1.24-6[21]) for the research permits. This study was supported by Trans-Disciplinary Research Grant Scheme (TRGS/2015/59373), Niche Research Grant Scheme (NRGS/2015/5313/2 & 6), Geopark Kenyir Development Fund (KGDR/2015/53167/3) and Geran Galakan Penyelidikan (GGP/2014/68007/127). All the grants were awarded to MT Abdullah and colleagues.


Appendix A

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Contributor Information

Mohd Noor Afiq Ramlee, Email:

Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah, Email:

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

The following are the Supplementary data to this article:

Multimedia component 1
mmc1.xls (204KB, xls)
Multimedia component 2
mmc2.xml (303B, xml)


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Supplementary Materials

Multimedia component 1
mmc1.xls (204KB, xls)
Multimedia component 2
mmc2.xml (303B, xml)

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