The distributions of the Afrotropical Anopheles mosquitoes were first summarized in 1938. In 2017, an extensive geocoded inventory was published for 48 sub-Saharan African countries, including information such as sampling methods, collection dates, geographic co-ordinates and the literature consulted to produce the database. Using the information from the 2017 inventory, earlier distribution lists, museum collections and publications since 2016, this paper presents an updated, simplified list of Anopheles species by mainland countries and associated Afrotropical islands, with comments where applicable. It is intended as a supplement to the 2017 geo-coded inventory.
Keywords: Africa, Anopheles, mosquitoes, inventory
At the end of the 19th century, the Anopheles mosquitoes of the world became the focus of intense research after they were implicated in the transmission of malaria parasites (Ross 1910). Since then, lists of species recorded for sub-Saharan African countries were published by Evans (1938), Edwards (1941) and de Meillon (1947), with the country lists in Gillies & de Meillon (1968) being the most comprehensive at that time. A supplement to Gillies & de Meillon was subsequently published by Gillies & Coetzee (1987), which provided updated country occurrence records for some species, including newly described species. An interactive list and identification key for Anopheles of the Afrotropical Region was produced in 1998 (Hervy et al. 1998).
Although maps of dominant vector species were produced more recently (Sinka et al. 2010, 2012), these were limited to species involved in malaria transmission. It has taken almost 50 years for complete country lists to be updated. In 2017, Kyalo and co-workers produced a geo-coded inventory of Anopheles species recorded for 48 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, covering almost 120 years of work on this important group of insects (Kyalo et al. 2017). They also produced a freely accessible database of species by country that includes collection information, collection dates, geographic co-ordinates and reference sources that provide historic information on mosquito surveys conducted in Afrotropical countries over the years.
This present paper provides an update of the lists given in Table 3 of Kyalo et al. (2017), with some deletions and some additions of species to countries and notes on the rationale behind the amendments.
The list of all the species present in each country, from Table 3 in Kyalo et al. (2017), was compared with the Kyalo et al. online database, the VectorMap lists provided by the Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (WRBU) based in the Smithsonian Institution (http://vectormap.si.edu), records from Gillies & de Meillon (1968) and Gillies & Coetzee (1987) and the database of the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) at Montpellier (https://arim.ird.fr/#recherches/index/specimens/routage:home). Species listed in the IRD database but not in the published literature, that are clearly way out of their normal distributions, have not been included in the country lists and require confirmation.
In addition to records from the collections of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa, noted by one of the authors (MC), a visit was made to the Natural History Museum in London, UK by another of the authors (SRI) in January 2019, and records noted during the visit are also included here.
One of the possible uses of these lists is the development of country-specific identification keys. For this reason, both malaria vectors and non-vectors have been included.
Each country list (Appendix) is followed by relevant comments regarding species additions, deletions or points of interest, and references to these are provided.
The Anopheles fauna of mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar are presented separately. In addition to the countries in Kyalo et al. (2017), Anopheles records for Mauritius, La Réunion and Lesotho are presented. No records were found for St. Helena, and despite an early report of Anopheles gambiae s.l. in the Seychelles, it appears that no Anopheles are present there (Robert et al. 2011; Le Goff et al. 2012).
Table 1 provides a list of all the currently recognised species by subgenus, series and authorship. An Excel file providing a single record for each species present in each country can be found at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ PHGADL.
Table 1. Anopheles species of the Afrotropical Region and associated islands.
Subgenus | Species and authorship | Series |
Anopheles | caliginosus de Meillon, 1943 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | concolor Edwards, 1938 | Anopheles |
Anopheles | coustani Laveran, 1900 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | crypticus Coetzee, 1995 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | fuscicolor van Someren, 1947 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | namibiensis Coetzee, 1984 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | obscurus (Grünberg, 1905) | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | paludis Theobald, 1900 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | symesi Edwards, 1928 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | tenebrosus Dönitz, 1902 | Myzorhynchus |
Anopheles | ziemanni Grünberg, 1902 | Myzorhynchus |
Cellia | amharicus Hunt, Wilkerson & Coetzee, 2013 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | arabiensis Patton, 1905 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | ardensis (Theobald, 1905) | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | argenteolobatus (Gough, 1910) | Cellia |
Cellia | aruni Sobti, 1968 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | austenii (Theobald, 1905) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | azaniae Bailly-Choumara, 1960 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | azevedoi Ribeiro, 1969 | Paramyzomyia |
Cellia | barberellus Evans, 1932 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | berghei Vincke & Leleup, 1949 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | bervoetsi D’Haenens, 1961 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | brohieri Edwards, 1929 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | brucei Service, 1960 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | brumpti Hamon & Rickenbach, 1955 | Cellia |
Cellia | brunnipes (Theobald, 1910) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | buxtoni Service, 1958 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | bwambae White, 1985 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | cameroni de Meillon & Evans, 1935 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | carnevalei Brunhes, Le Goff & Geoffroy, 1999 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | caroni Adam, 1961 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | carteri Evans & de Meillon, 1933 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | christyi (Newstead & Carter, 1911) | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | cinctus (Newstead & Carter, 1910) | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | cinereus Theobald, 1901 | Paramyzomyia |
Cellia | coluzzii Coetzee & Wilkerson, 2013 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | comorensis Brunhes, Le Goff & Geoffroy, 1997 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | confusus Evans & Leeson, 1935 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | cristipalpis Service, 1977 | Cellia |
Cellia | culicifacies Giles, 1901 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | cydippis de Meillon, 1931 | Cellia |
Cellia | dancalicus Corradetti, 1939 | Neocellia |
Cellia | daudi Coluzzi, 1958 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | deemingi Service, 1970 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | demeilloni Evans, 1933 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | distinctus (Newstead & Carter, 1911) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | domicolus Edwards, 1916 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | dthali Patton, 1905 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | dualaensis Brunhes, Le Goff & Geoffroy, 1999 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | dureni Edwards, 1938 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | eouzani Brunhes, Le Goff & Boussès, 2003 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | erepens Gillies, 1958 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | erythraeus Corradetti, 1939 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | ethiopicus Gillies & Coetzee, 1987 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | faini Leleup, 1952 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | flavicosta Edwards, 1911 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | fontenillei Barrón, Paupy, Rahola, Akone-Ella, Ngangue, Wilson-Bahun, Pombi, Kengne, Costantini, Simard, González & Ayala, 2019 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | fontinalis Gillies & de Meillon, 1968 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | freetownensis Evans, 1925 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | funestus Giles, 1900 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | funestus-like species (see Spillings et al., 2009) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | fuscivenosus Leeson, 1930 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | gabonensis Rahola, Makanga & Paupy, 2014 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | gambiae Giles, 1902 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | garnhami Edwards, 1930 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | gibbinsi Evans, 1935 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | grassei Grjebine, 1953 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | grenieri Grjebine, 1964 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | griveaudi Grjebine, 1960 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | hamoni Adam, 1962 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | hancocki Edwards, 1929 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | hargreavesi Evans, 1927 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | harperi Evans, 1936 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | hervyi Brunhes, Le Goff & Geoffroy, 1999 | Neocellia |
Cellia | hughi Lambert & Coetzee, 1982 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | jebudensis Froud, 1944 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | keniensis Evans, 1931 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | kingi Christophers, 1923 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | kosiensis Coetzee, Segerman & Hunt, 1987 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | lacani Grjebine, 1953 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | leesoni Evans, 1931 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | letabensis Lambert & Coetzee, 1982 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | listeri de Meillon, 1931 | Paramyzomyia |
Cellia | lloreti Gil Collado, 1935 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | longipalpis (Theobald, 1903) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | lounibosi Gillies & Coetzee, 1987 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | lovettae Evans, 1934 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | machardyi Edwards, 1930 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | maculipalpis Giles, 1902 | Neocellia |
Cellia | maliensis Bailly-Choumara & Adam, 1959 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | marshallii (Theobald, 1903) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | mascarensis de Meillon, 1947 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | melas (Theobald, 1903) | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | merus Dönitz, 1902 | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | millecampsi Lips, 1960 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | milloti Grjebine & Lacan, 1953 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | mortiauxi Edwards, 1938 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | moucheti Evans, 1925 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | mousinhoi de Meillon & de Carvalho Pereira, 1940 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | multicolor Cambouliu, 1902 | Paramyzomyia |
Cellia | multicinctus Edwards, 1930 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | murphyi Gillies & de Meillon, 1968 | Cellia |
Cellia | natalensis (Hill & Haydon, 1907) | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | nili (Theobald, 1904) | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | njombiensis Peters, 1955 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | notleyi van Someren, 1949 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | ovengensis Awono-Ambene, Kengne, Simard, Antonio-Nkondjio & Fontenille, 2004 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | parensis Gillies, 1962 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | pauliani Grjebine, 1953 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | pharoensis Theobald, 1901 | Cellia |
Cellia | pretoriensis (Theobald, 1903) | Neocellia |
Cellia | quadriannulatus (Theobald, 1911) | Pyretophorus |
Cellia | radama de Meillon, 1943 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | rageaui Mattingly & Adam, 1954 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | ranci Grjebine, 1953 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | rhodesiensis Theobald, 1901 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | rivulorum Leeson, 1935 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | rivulorum-like species (see Cohuet et al. 2003) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | rodhaini Leleup & Lips, 1950 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | roubaudi Grjebine, 1953 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | ruarinus Edwards, 1940 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | rufipes (Gough, 1910) | Neocellia |
Cellia | salbaii Maffi & Coluzzi, 1958 | Neocellia |
Cellia | schwetzi Evans, 1934 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | seretsei Abdulla-Khan, Coetzee & Hunt, 1998 | Paramyzomyia |
Cellia | sergentii (Theobald, 1907) | Myzomyia |
Cellia | seydeli Edwards, 1929 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | smithii Theobald, 1905 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | somalicus Rivola & Holstein, 1957 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | squamosus Theobald, 1901 | Cellia |
Cellia | stephensi Liston, 1901 | Neocellia |
Cellia | swahilicus Gillies, 1964 | Cellia |
Cellia | tchekedii de Meillon & Leeson, 1940 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | theileri Edwards, 1912 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | turkhudi Liston, 1901 | Paramyzomyia |
Cellia | vaneedeni Gillies & Coetzee, 1987 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | vanhoofi Wanson & Lebied, 1945 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | vernus Gillies & de Meillon, 1968 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | vinckei de Meillon, 1942 | Neomyzomyia |
Cellia | walravensi Edwards, 1930 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | wellcomei Theobald, 1904 | Myzomyia |
Cellia | wilsoni Evans, 1934 | Neomyzomyia |
Christya* | implexus (Theobald, 1903) | – |
Christya | okuensis Brunhes, Le Goff & Geoffroy, 1997 | – |
Elevated to subgeneric level by Harbach & Kitching (2016).
The species listed per country in Gillies & de Meillon (1968) are not always accompanied by references to published records. This is because M. T. Gillies personally studied the collections in the British, French, Belgian and South African museums to record species deposited in those collections that had never been documented in the published literature. Thus, for example, the inclusion of Anopheles cydippis de Meillon, An. walravensi Edwards and An. ziemanni Grünberg in the Botswana list would all have been based on observations from the collections in the South African Institute for Medical Research in Johannesburg (now the National Institute for Communicable Diseases), and reference to their presence would therefore be Gillies & de Meillon (1968). Further information on the museum specimens examined by Gillies (date of collection, location, collector, etc.) would necessitate a visit to the relevant museums as these details are not provided in Gillies & de Meillon (1968).
Species name changes, border changes and splitting one species into multiple species make maintaining these lists challenging. The use of chromosomal and molecular methods is increasingly being used to understand mosquito taxonomy. The adverb “sensu lato”, or the abbreviation “s.l.”, has been used for Anopheles gambiae Giles and An. funestus Giles where genetic/molecular species identification was not carried out. In particular, the listing of An. gambiae s.l. denotes that no differentiation was made in the past 30 years between An. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and An. coluzzii Coetzee & Wilkerson (previously S and M molecular forms and Savanna and Mopti chromosomal forms, respectively) (Coetzee et al. 2013). Subspecies names are not included in the current list, only the nominal species is given.
Supplementary Material
SRI is funded by the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative. MC is funded by a South African National Research Foundation grant #113300. RWS is funded by a Wellcome Trust Principal Fellowship (number 103602) that provides support to DK. RWS is grateful to the UK’s Department for International Development for their support to the project “Strengthening the Use of Data for Malaria Decision Making in Africa” (DFID Programme Code 203155) and acknowledges the support of the Wellcome Trust to the Kenya Major Overseas Programme (number 203077). Erica McAlister is thanked for facilitating the visit to the Natural History Museum in London. Philippe Boussès and an anonymous reviewer are thanked for their constructive review of the manuscript. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Contributor Information
David Kyalo, Email: dkyalo@kemri-wellcome.org.
Robert W. Snow, Email: rsnow@kemri-wellcome.org.
Maureen Coetzee, Email: maureen.coetzee@wits.ac.za.
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