By investigating the topology of neuronal coactivity, we found that mnemonic information spans multiple operational axes in the mouse hippocampus network. High activity principal cells form the core of each memory along a first axis, segregating spatial contexts and novelty. Low activity cells join coactivity motifs across behavioural events and enable their crosstalk along two other axes. This reveals an organizational principle for continuous integration and interaction of hippocampal memories.
Assimilating new knowledge without corrupting acquired memories is critical. However, learning and memory interact: prior knowledge can proactively influence ongoing learning, and new information can retroactively modify pre-existing memories. The hippocampus is a brain region supporting memory1, yet the network-level operations that continuously incorporate new experiences, segregating them as discrete traces while enabling their interaction, are unknown. The discovery that hippocampal principal cells are tuned to the animal’s position and surrounding cues provides an important mechanistic foundation for the role of the hippocampus in memory, with each environment recruiting a discrete combination of neurons expressing a map-like representation of that space1,2. While this suggests how the hippocampus disentangles the spatial contexts of different memories, these representations further involve the fine-grained temporal coordination of neuronal spiking3,4. Notably, sets of jointly-active neurons organize motifs of coactivity (co-firing patterns), some of which underpin spatially-selective assemblies5. Here, we hypothesize that an adaptive topological reorganization of coactivity motifs enables embedding of new memory items in the hippocampal network.
We monitored dorsal CA1 (dCA1) ensembles from mice exploring a familiar environment before and after associating a novel environment with reward (sucrose), using a 1-day conditioned place preference (CPP) task (Fig. 1a and Extended Data Fig. 1a). Each day, mice first explored the familiar enclosure (exposure). Next, we identified the preference of each mouse for one of the two novel compartments connected by a bridge to form the CPP enclosure that day (pre-test). We subsequently removed that bridge in conditioning sessions where each mouse explored its non-preferred compartment baited with drops of a sucrose solution (+Suc.); and then the preferred compartment with drops of water (+Wat.). One hour after the last conditioning session, we re-inserted the bridge and tested CPP memory (CPP test; Extended Data Fig. 1b). To assess the effect of new CPP memory on prior representations, we finished each recording day by re-exposing mice to the familiar enclosure (re-exposure).
On each day we recorded neuronal spiking throughout the six CPP task sessions (Fig. 1a; n=1,083 total principal cells; 63.7±33.2 principal cells per day; 17 days from 7 mice). Using the spike trains recorded during active exploration (i.e. excluding immobility epochs and sharp-wave/ripples), we computed weighted graphs6,7 to explore the firing relationships between sets of coactive neurons in each task session (Fig. 1b-e; n=102 graphs; 260,058 co-firing pairs). In these co-firing graphs, each node represents one cell; the edge linking any two nodes represents the coactivity of that cell pair, with a weight computed as the Pearson correlation coefficient between their spike trains. For each graph, this procedure yielded an adjacency matrix of pairwise co-firing coefficients, with dimensions equal to the number of nodes (Fig. 1c and Extended Data Fig. 1c).
We observed that co-firing graphs include more triads of coactive nodes during CPP learning (Fig. 1f; Clustering coefficient), showing that associating a novel place with reward changes the coactivation structure of the network. Concomitantly, the average geodesic path length, calculated as the mean shortest path between any two nodes, decreases (Fig. 1f; Geodesic path length), indicating greater functional connectivity between sets of coactive neurons. By calculating for each node, the summed weight of all its edges in the adjacency matrix, we also found that the average single-neuron cumulative co-firing increases (Fig. 1f; Co-firing strength), reporting heightened firing associations among neurons during CPP learning. Similar topological deviations from the co-firing network featuring the familiar context during exposure occurred during exploration of a novel context (without reward), spontaneous preference for a novel place and reward experience in an otherwise familiar context (without CPP) (Extended Data Fig. 2), suggesting a general mechanism for integrating new information. Importantly however, these topological deviations did not reset during re-exposure one hour after CPP (Fig. 1f) while they did in the other tasks (Extended Data Fig. 2). These sustained changes following CPP neither reflected differences in exploration nor simple fluctuations in co-firing (Extended Data Fig. 3). Thus, the mnemonic operation of updating a recently-encountered place with reward caused an enduring topological reorganisation (“hysteresis”) in the coactivity structure of the network.
We next asked whether the topological hysteresis caused by CPP on the co-firing motifs expressed in the familiar enclosure (Fig. 1f) affected its spatial representation. By computing the firing maps of individual neurons in each task session (Fig. 2a), we found that both single-neuron and population-level maps featuring exposure reorganized in the CPP enclosure to then largely re-emerge during re-exposure (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b). Yet, despite their reinstatement during re-exposure after CPP, familiar maps seemed edited beyond mere fluctuations in neuronal activity (Extended Data Fig. 4c-g).
These results indicate that new CPP memory re-structured the prior representation of the familiar environment. To discern the effect of this cross-talk, we analysed the transformation of co-firing graphs within the “network activity space”. We computed the topological distances separating graphs across the six CPP task-sessions (Fig. 1a), using the Riemannian Log-Euclidean metric. For the co-firing adjacency matrix of each session, this procedure yielded a vector of distances to the adjacency matrices of the other sessions recorded that day (n=6 task-session pairwise distance vectors, together forming one 6x6 matrix each day; Fig. 2b and Extended Data Fig. 5a). Principal components analysis of the distance matrices revealed three axes explaining ~80% of the variance between co-firing graphs across CPP task-sessions (Fig. 2c-e; see also Extended Data Fig. 5b-e). Along the first principal component, the co-firing patterns of a given session overlapped with those of the other sessions in the same environment but not across (Fig. 2c-e), thus discriminating the familiar enclosure from the novel CPP apparatus and reporting the hippocampal remapping between these contexts (Extended Data Fig. 4a-d). Coactivity along the next two components disentangled the distinct behavioural experiences within each enclosure. Namely, the four CPP sessions on the second axis and the sessions before from those after reward on the third axis, notably separating exposure and re-exposure to the familiar enclosure and thus reporting the topological hysteresis following CPP (Fig. 1f). These results held when considering separately the two CPP compartments during pre-test and test (Extended Data Fig. 5f,g). Across CPP task-sessions, co-firing motifs therefore spanned different directions of the network activity space, segregating spatial contexts while discretizing events within them. Likewise, multiple axes explained hippocampal co-firing in the other tasks (Extended Data Fig. 5h-j) as a general principle to organise information in the network.
Recent findings suggest that the heterogeneity of the principal cell population, marked by the skewed (log-normal) distribution of firing rates, is central to the network operations underlying hippocampal function8–16. We thus identified principal cells in the top and bottom quartiles of the firing rate distribution during the exposure session (Fig. 3a) to examine the contribution of these two subpopulations to co-firing graphs. High and low-rate principal cells were biased towards deep and superficial pyramidal sublayers, respectively (Extended Data Fig. 6)8,13,15. We noted that low – but not high – activity cells discharged more bursts of spikes (spike packets with inter-spike intervals within 6ms) during re-exposure compared to exposure (Fig. 3b and Extended Data Fig. 7a,b), sustaining increased firing rate one hour after CPP (Extended Data Fig. 7c). These enduring activity changes were not observed in the other tasks (Extended Data Figs. 7d-i). Moreover, low activity cells with higher bursting during re-exposure showed increased spatial coherence and information content (Extended Data Fig. 8). Remarkably, these cells initially had the lowest place-field coherence during exposure and became spatially informative following CPP learning (Extended Data Fig. 9). In addition, low activity cells with the most spatially tuned activity during exposure also showed increased spatial information during re-exposure, without altered burst spiking (Extended Data Fig. 9). These results suggested that the cross-talk between the new CPP memory and the prior familiar representation involved the heightened network contribution of low activity cells following their recruitment during CPP learning. Indeed, the low – but not high – activity subpopulation exhibited sustained topological changes throughout CPP sessions (Extended Data Fig. 10a), explaining whole-network hysteresis during re-exposure (Fig. 1f). Moreover, reward-related firing modulation of low activity cells from pre-test to sucrose conditioning in the CPP enclosure predicted changes in co-firing from exposure to re-exposure in the familiar enclosure (Extended Data Fig. 10b,c), constituting another instance of the impact of reward on hippocampal activity13,17.
We finally evaluated the contribution of high and low activity subpopulations to network co-firing motifs, leveraging the Riemannian Log-Euclidean framework (Fig. 2b-e). Co-firing solely involving high activity cells segregated the two task enclosures at the onset of pre-test (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 10d). Coactivity motifs including low activity cells did not distinguish familiar exposure and novel CPP pre-test (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 10d). Rather, this subpopulation integrated co-firing patterns as mice experienced each task event, staying engaged thereafter during re-exposure where their contribution to network motifs reached that of high activity cells. Accordingly, in the CPP task the high and low activity cells contributed more to the first and third co-firing network axis, respectively; while their combination explained more the second axis (Fig. 3d). Moreover, the topological changes affecting the co-firing structure of the network during active exploration were associated with changes in sharp-wave/ripple co-firing of low activity cells during awake rest (Extended Data Fig. 10e,f), in line with recent work showing that these two subpopulations exhibit distinct sharp-wave/ripple response12,18.
In conclusion, by exploring the hippocampal network activity space from a graph-theoretical perspective, we show that new associative memories (place-reward) restructure the neural patterns representing prior memory for an unrelated environment. During this transformation of the hippocampal co-firing structure, high activity cells organize motifs that rapidly discriminate spatial contexts, robust to perturbation by subsequent experience. This contribution might instantiate a spatio-contextual backbone for memory schemas19,20. Low activity cells integrate coactivity motifs on-demand, throughout behavioural events. Their heightened engagement continues after new place-reward learning and across contexts, affecting the network representation of an otherwise familiar environment. This effect could involve low-rate principal cell plasticity12 leveraged by high computational load or neuro-modulatory processes when novel contextual information and reward experience are related in memory. The newly-acquired topology of the hippocampal firing output, shaped by past inputs, may not be permanent, perhaps slowly returning to a baseline configuration as memories consolidate to other cortical circuits. The observed hysteresis could represent a network response protecting existing memories from catastrophic interference by adjusting the co-firing structure of learnt associations or forming redundant ones. This could also reflect retroactive encoding of recent experience, juxtaposing the current spatial reference frame with those encountered before. Together, these findings support the view of a division in computational labour within the log-normally distributed principal cell population for the hippocampal discretization of memories of space and events, allowing adaptive insertion and interaction of new information within a larger network of prior knowledge.
These experiments used adult male C57BL/6J mice (Charles River Laboratories, UK) or transgenic heterozygous CamKIIa-Cre mice (Jackson Laboratories; CamKIIa-Cre B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl/J, stock number 005359, RRID: IMSR_JAX:005359; maintained on a C57BL/6J background). Mice were housed with their littermates until the surgical procedure with free access to food and water in a room with a 12/12h light/dark cycle, 19–23°C ambient temperature and 40–70% humidity. All mice held in IVC's, with wooden chew stick and nestlets. Mice were 4-7 months old at the time of testing. Experimental procedures performed on mice in accordance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 (United Kingdom), with final ethical review by the Animals in Science Regulation Unit of the UK Home Office.
Surgical procedure
Mice were implanted with a microdrive during a surgical procedure performed under deep anaesthesia using isoflurane (0.5–2 %) and oxygen (2 l/min), with analgesia (0.1 mg/kg vetergesic) provided before and after surgery. Microdrives contained 10–12 tetrodes, targeting the stratum pyramidale of the dorsal CA1 hippocampus 21. Tetrodes were constructed by twisting together four insulated tungsten wires (12 µm diameter, California Fine Wire) and heating them to fuse them into a single bundle. Each tetrode was attached to a M1.0 screw to enable their independent movement. The drive was implanted under stereotaxic control in reference to bregma21. Tetrodes were initially implanted above the CA1 pyramidal layer and their exposed parts were covered with paraffin wax. The drive was then secured to the skull using dental cement and stainless-steel anchor screws inserted into the skull. Two of the anchor screws, both above the cerebellum, were attached to a 50 µm tungsten wire (California Fine Wire) and served as ground. Tetrode placement was confirmed by the electrophysiological profile of the local field potentials in the hippocampal ripple frequency band and anatomical electrode tracks 21,22. In one mouse, a single-shank silicon probe (Neuronexus, model A1x32-5mm-25-177-H32_21mm) was implanted following the same surgical procedure to span the somato-dendritic axis of dCA1 principal cells and establish the laminar profile of the sharp-wave/ripples (SWRs) detected in the local field potentials. These silicon probe recordings allowed estimating the position (depth) of individual tetrode-recorded principal cell soma (Extended Data Fig. 6).
Recording procedure
After at least one-week post-operative recovery, mice were handled for 3-4 days and then daily familiarized to the experimental paradigm, including connection to the electrophysiological recording system and exploration of a circular-walled open-field enclosure (42 cm diameter; the familiar enclosure). Mice were food restricted (to ~90% body weight) and the various experimental conditions were randomly allocated across mice and recording days.
The 1-day CPP task included four sessions: pre-test, place conditioning to sucrose (+Suc.), to water (+Wat.) and test23. The enclosure consisted of two square-walled (46 cm × 46 cm × 38 cm) compartments with distinct inside building block configurations on each day. A bridge (8 cm length, 7 cm width) connected the two compartments during pre-test and CPP test. A linear locomotion assistant (Imetronic, Pessac, France) held the recording cable while sensing its movement using infrared light beam detectors, allowing the connected animal to move freely within and across compartments. During pre-test, mice explored the entire CPP enclosure for 15min and their baseline (spontaneous) preference for one of the two compartments was determined. Next, the bridge was removed for the conditioning sessions, and mice explored their non-preferred compartment containing drops of 20% sucrose diluted in water (2x10min sessions, 10x10μl drops per session). Next, mice explored their preferred compartment containing drops of water (2x10min sessions, 10x10μl drops per session). One hour later, CPP memory was assessed by allowing the mice to explore the entire apparatus for 15min (CPP test). We calculated a place preference score for each mouse during both pre-test and test sessions as the difference between the time spent in the compartment paired with sucrose minus that paired with water during conditioning over their sum. On the morning of each recording day, the local field potential (LFP) signals obtained from each tetrode was used to guide its optimal positioning within the dCA1 pyramidal layer in search of multi-unit spiking activity 21. Tetrodes were left in position for ~1.5-2h before recordings started. On each day, ensemble recordings were performed continuously while mice explored the familiar circular-walled enclosure before and after (“exposure” and “re-exposure”; 15 minutes each) the CPP task. Mice were subjected to a novel CPP enclosure on each recording day (i.e., novel spatial configurations and wall cue cards).
Three other behavioural tasks had a 6-session layout similar to that of the CPP task, in order to evaluate whether the topological deviations observed during CPP reflected a general network response for integrating new information. In these three tasks, each day contained 6 sessions that matched the timeline of the CPP task. Mice explored the familiar enclosure before (exposure) and one hour after (re-exposure) either: (i) four sessions of spatial exploration in a novel enclosure without reward (the “Novel context only” task; Extended Data Fig. 2a), (ii) four sessions testing spontaneous preference for one of two novel enclosures, without reward (the “Spontaneous Place Preference” task; Extended Data Fig. 2c), or (iii) four sessions of spatial exploration in a second familiar enclosure with sucrose reward and water provided in the second and third session, respectively (the “Familiar context with reward” condition; Extended Data Fig. 2f), as in the CPP task (Fig. 1a). A fifth task further allowed testing whether network topological deviations occurred during repeated exploration of a familiar enclosure (the “Familiar context only” task; four exploration sessions in the same familiar enclosure on each day; Extended Data Fig. 2h).
On each recording day, mice were returned to their homecage between task sessions, having access to water and food while the experimenter prepared the open-field arena for the next session. Data collection could not be performed blind to the conditions of the experiments since the experimenter had to be aware as to which condition they had to expose each mouse on a given day (which behavioural task) and on a given session (which open-field arena). At the end of each day, tetrodes were raised to avoid possible mechanical damage overnight.
Multichannel data acquisition and position tracking
The extracellular signals from the electrodes were amplified, multiplexed, and digitized using a single integrated circuit located on the head of the animal (RHD2164, Intan Technologies; gain x1000). The amplified and filtered (0.09Hz to 7.60kHz) electrophysiological signals were digitized at 20kHz and saved to disk along with the synchronization signals from the position tracking. To track the location of the animal, three LED clusters were attached to the electrode casing and captured at 25 frames per second by an overhead colour camera.
Spike detection and unit isolation
For the offline detection of spikes, the recorded signals were first band-pass filtered (800 Hz to 5 kHz). Spikes were then detected based on the power (root-mean-square) of the filtered signal calculated in 0.2-ms sliding windows. Detected spikes of the individual electrodes were combined per tetrode. To isolate spikes belonging to the same neuron, spike waveforms were first up-sampled to 40 kHz and aligned to their maximal trough 24. Principal component analysis was applied to these waveforms ±0.5 ms from the trough to extract the first three or four principal components per channel, such that each individual spike was represented by 12 waveform parameters. An automatic clustering program (KlustaKwik, http://klusta-team.github.io) was run on this principal component space and the resulting clusters were manually recombined and further isolated based on cloud shape in the principal component space, cross-channels spike waveforms, auto-correlation histograms and cross-correlation histograms25,26. All sessions recorded on the same day were concatenated and clustered together. Each cluster used for further analysis showed throughout the entire recording day stable cross-channels spike waveforms, a clear refractory period in its auto-correlation histogram, well-defined cluster boundaries and an absence of refractory period in its cross-correlation histograms with the other clusters. Hippocampal principal cells were identified by the shape of their auto-correlation histogram, their firing rate and their spike waveform24. We further used an automated clustering pipeline using Kilosort (https://github.com/cortex-lab/KiloSort)27 via the SpikeForest sorting framework (https://github.com/flatironinstitute/spikeforest)28. To apply KiloSort to data acquired using tetrodes, the algorithm restricted templates to channels within a given tetrode bundle, while masking all other recording channels. The resulting clusters were manually curated to check all clusters and remove spurious units using metrics derived from the waveforms and spike times, and then verified by the operator. This procedure was cross-validated using several datasets and verified against manual curation, by computing confusion matrices to validate that clusters obtained automatically were also obtained with the previous method.
In total, this study includes n=3,483 principal cells from 63 recordings days: n=1,083 principal cells in the “Conditioned Place Preference” task (63.7±33.2 principal cells per day; 17 CPP 6-session days from 7 mice; 5 CamKIIa-Cre and 2 C57BL/6J; yielding 102 graphs; 260,058 co-firing pairs), n=585 principal cells in the “Novel context only” task (45.0±13.7 principal cells per day; 13 “Novel only” 6-session days from 5 mice; 3 CamKIIa-Cre and 2 C57BL/6J; yielding 78 graphs; 28,192 co-firing pairs), n=640 principal cells in the “Spontaneous Place Preference” task (49.2±17.5 principal cells per day; 13 SPP 6-session days from 6 mice; 3 CamKIIa-Cre and 3 C57BL/6J; yielding 78 graphs; 34,838 co-firing pairs), n=517 principal cells in the “Familiar context with reward” task (57.4±12.2 principal cells per day; 9 “Familiar with reward” 6-session days from 3 mice; 2 CamKIIa-Cre and 1 C57BL/6J; yielding 54 graphs; 30,512 co-firing pairs) and n=658 principal cells in the “Familiar context only” task (59.3±15.8 principal cells per day; 11 “Familial only” 4-session days from 3 mice; 2 CamKIIa-Cre and 1 C57BL/6J; yielding 44 graphs; 40,744 co-firing pairs).
Sharp-wave/ripples (SWRs)
Local field potentials (LFPs) of each pyramidal CA1 channel (for tetrode recordings) or recording site (for linear silicon probe recordings) were subtracted by the mean across all channels/sites (common average reference). These re-referenced signals were then filtered for the ripple band (110 to 250 Hz; 4th order Butterworth filter) and their envelopes (instantaneous amplitudes) were computed by means of the Hilbert transform. The peaks (local maxima) of the ripple band envelope signals above a threshold (5 times the median of the envelope values of that channel) were regarded as candidate events. Further, the onset and offset of each event were determined as the time points at which the ripple envelope decayed below half of the detection threshold. Candidate events passing the following criteria were determined as SWR events: (i) ripple band power in the event channel was at least 2 times the ripple band power in the common average reference (to eliminate common high frequency noise); (ii) an event had at least four ripple cycles (to eliminate events that were too brief); (iii) ripple band power was at least 2 times higher than the supra-ripple band defined as 200-500 Hz (to eliminate high frequency noise, not spectrally compact at the ripple band, such as spike leakage artefacts). We classified tetrodes as being in the deep or superficial sublayer of the CA1 pyramidal layer based on the mean peak amplitude of detected SWRs (Extended Data Fig. 6). Positive values indicated that the tetrode was in the deep sublayer (i.e. closest to stratum oriens) while negative values indicated tetrode was in the superficial sublayer (i.e. closest to stratum radiatum)8,15,29. SWRs were also used as time bins to calculate SWR firing response of low and high activity cells (Extended Data Fig. 10e,f).
Weighted graphs of neuronal co-firing
We constructed weighted graphs that represent the spike relationships between dCA1 principal cells recorded in a given task session, calculating for that session the set of pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients between all pairs of spike trains. These co-firing graphs were computed using time bins during active exploratory behavior (with speed>2 cm.s-1), discarding periods of immobility and further excluding sharp-wave/ripples (SWRs) in each task session. The recorded neurons (and their co-firing associations) are therefore the nodes (and their edges) in the co-firing graph of each task event. We described each graph by its adjacency matrix, A, as an N x N square matrix:
where N is the number of nodes in the graph; and each element, w ij, is a continuous weight value that defines the edge (i.e., the co-firing coefficient) between two nodes i and j. To compute each co-firing association value we used a bin-less approach by convolving the spike trains of i and j with a Gaussian kernel (SD=40ms) and then calculating their correlation coefficient r (thus, -1 ≤ r ≤ 1). As a result, A is symmetric, w ij = w ji, and the graph is undirected.
Clustering coefficient
We computed a clustering coefficient to characterize the local synchronization of network activity by quantifying the number of three-node motifs. In each graph, for any neuron i, we obtained its clustering coefficient C i using the formula proposed by Onnela et al. to quantify the strength of each triad30–32:
where j and q are neighbors of neuron i, all edge weights are normalized by the maximum edge weight in the network ŵ = w/max(w), and k i is the degree of neuron i, which in these weighted graphs with no self-connection is equal to the number of neurons minus one. Note that this formula accounts for negative edges, yielding a negative value when there is an odd number due to the negative edges in the triad; it is positive otherwise.
Geodesic path length
We measured the geodesic (i.e., shortest) path length to estimate the coordination efficacy between the activity of any two nodes in the graph. In a binary graph, this would represent the smallest number of edges connecting two nodes. Here, we embedded each weighted graph in a lattice and defined the length between two nodes i and j as: discarding all negative edges. We then identified the shortest path length between any two nodes in the graph using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm33–35.
Single-neuron cumulative co-firing strength
We defined the single-neuron cumulative co-firing strength as the total pairwise activity correlation strength of a given node in a weighted graph. As a reference, the strength in a weighted graph can be compared to the degree in a binary graph, which accounts for the number of the node’s neighbours. Here, the strength S i of a node i is the sum of all the weights w ij of the edges projected from that node:
where N is the number of neurons j that node i projects to.
Spatial rate map analyses
We divided the horizontal plane of the recording enclosures into spatial bins of approximately 2×2 cm to generate the spike count map (number of spikes fired in each bin) for each neuron and the occupancy map (time spent by the animal in each spatial bin) in each task session. All maps were then smoothed by convolution with a two-dimensional Gaussian kernel having a standard deviation equal to two bin widths. Finally, spatial rate maps were generated by normalizing the smoothed spike count maps by the smoothed occupancy map.
The single-neuron map similarity was calculated by the 2D Pearson correlation coefficient between the place maps of a given neuron across two task sessions. Here, this task session pairwise measure compares for each neuron the spatial relationship between its place map in the exposure session and that computed for another task session. For the pre-test and test sessions, two place maps were extracted (one per arena) and the single-neuron map similarity was obtained taking the maximum similarity value between either of the two CPP sessions’ maps and that of the exposure session.
The population map similarity5,36,37 compares the spatial relationships of the set of place maps computed for one task session with those from another task session. Here, this task session pairwise measure represents the extent to which sets of cells that fired in similar regions of space (that is, overlapping place fields) during the exposure session still fire together in similar regions of space later during another task session. For this measure, we used cells with a spatial coherence value (see below) above 0.2 during the exposure session. The population map similarity was calculated by first computing the place field similarity (PFS) value for each cell pair during the exposure session as the Pearson correlation coefficient from the direct binwise comparisons between the spatial rate maps of the two cells, limited to valid bins (occupancy greater than zero). This procedure yields a vector storing the PFS values for all cell pairs during the exposure session. We repeated this procedure to obtain the PFS vectors of the other task sessions. Finally, the population map similarity between two task sessions was calculated as the Pearson correlation coefficient between the PFS vector of the exposure session versus the PFS vector of the chosen comparison session.
Spatial coherence
To measure the spatial coherence (i.e. the similarity of a cell’s firing rate over spatial bins), we computed a boxcar-averaged version of its unsmoothed spatial rate map, with each bin replaced by the arithmetic mean of itself and its eight adjacent neighbours. The smoothed spatial rate map was then correlated to its unsmoothed version to yield a Pearson correlation value38.
Spatial mutual information
To estimate the amount of spatial information conveyed by the spike train of a given cell, we used the mutual information measure I(R;S ):
where S is the discrete random variable formed by the set of the animal’s spatial locations s, and R is the discrete random variable formed by the set of possible spike count responses r 39–41. This was corrected for estimation bias by subtracting an analytical estimate of the bias42.
Across-graph topological distance analyses
Co-firing graphs have symmetric and positive semi-definite adjacency matrices since their elements are computed using the Pearson correlation coefficient between pairs of spike-trains. Thus, their topologies lie on a Riemannian manifold43 and the distance between them is most accurately measured by the geodesic distance between them44. Accordingly, we employed the log-Euclidean metric45 to compute the topological distance between constellations of co-firing patterns for pairs of task session graphs. From a Euclidean norm on symmetric matrices ∥·∥, the distance D LE between two matrices is given by:
where A 1 and A 2 are the two adjacency matrices to be compared and log(·) is the matrix logarithm, the inverse of the matrix exponential defined as:
This procedure projects the adjacency matrices to a flat (zero curvature) Riemannian space, allowing applying Euclidean computations. This way, we obtained for each task session s (from exposure to re-exposure) a vector of six topological distances D s separating the co-firing graph of that session to the co-firing graph of each of the other five task sessions, as well as to itself (by adding one SD of white noise to avoid exact 0 results). We normalized each of these vectors by their maximum distance value, to compare them across days. We thus obtained a 6 x 6 matrix of the topological distances between the co-firing graphs of the six task sessions for each recording day.
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used as a dimensionality reduction method to visualize the topological distances separating all co-firing graphs in the activity space of the hippocampal network. To do so, we stacked all topological distances vectors in a 6 x N matrix, where N is the total number of co-firing graphs (N=n_d x n_s, one graph per task session, n_s, per recording day, n_d). We next used PCA on the recordings with more than 40 principal cells to obtain the set of principal components that indicate trajectories in the network activity space along which co-firing graphs evolved from exposure to re-exposure task sessions. We then projected the first principal components that explained 80% of the variance in co-firing patterns onto the topological distances separating the co-firing graphs of all recordings from a given task. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) were also used as additional methods for such a visualization.
Of note, there was a possibility that using the Pearson correlation to evaluate distances between each pair of co-firing matrices could alter the eigenvalues and the positive semi-definiteness of the co-firing matrices. Since the eigenvalues are the basis for computing geodesic distances, the Pearson correlation coefficient could distort the similarity evaluation between co-firing matrices44. Yet, we additionally applied the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the relationships between co-firing matrices across CPP task sessions: the first three PCs extracted this way corresponded to those revealed by the Riemannian log-Euclidean distance metric (Extended Data Fig. 5d,e), notably showing that the co-firing network axes reported in this study are not mere outputs of a specific analysis method.
Bursting index
For the spike train of each neuron, we defined spike bursts as transient packets of spikes with inter-spike intervals less than 6ms 46,47. We used the inter-spike interval t versus inter-spike interval t + 1 plot to identify the first, mid and last spikes of each burst candidate. The bursting index was then defined by the ratio of bursting spikes out of all the spikes fired by the neuron.
High and low activity cells contribution to network co-firing patterns
For each task session s, we quantified the contributions of the high and low activity sub networks G to network-level co-firing patterns by computing the Euclidean distance between the six-dimensional topological distance vector representing the entire network D s and those representing the two sub-networks (see section above):
Data and statistical analyses
Data were analysed in Python 3.6 and using the packages DABEST v0.3.048, scikit-learn v0.23.249, NetworkX v2.450, pyentropy v0.5.051, Numpy v1.18.1, Scipy v1.4.1, Matplotlib v3.1.2, Pandas v0.25.3 and Seaborn v0.11.0. All statistical tests related to a symmetric distribution were performed two-sided using Gardner-Altman plots (to compare 2 groups) and Cumming plots (for more groups) from the Data Analysis with Bootstrap-coupled ESTimation (DABEST) framework48. These DABEST plots allow visualizing the effect size by plotting the data as the mean or median difference between one of the groups (the left-most group of each plot, used as group-reference) and the other groups (to the right, along the x-axis of each plot). For each estimation plot: (i) the upper panel shows the distribution of raw data points for the entire dataset, superimposed on bar-plots reporting group mean±SEM, unless stated otherwise; and (ii) the lower panel displays the difference between a given group and the (left-most) group-reference, computed from 5,000 bootstrapped resamples and with difference-axis origin aligned to the mean or the median of the group-reference distribution. For each estimation plot: black-dot, mean (for normal distributions) or median (for skewed distributions) as indicated; black-ticks, 95% or 99% confidence interval as indicated; filled-curve: bootstrapped sampling-error distribution. Data distributions were assumed to be normal but this was not formally tested. We also used the t-test to compare two conditions; the Wald test for assessing the significance of regression lines; and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for comparing probability distributions. No statistical methods were used to pre-determine sample sizes but our sample sizes are similar to those reported in previous publications (e.g., 5,8,10,12,13,15–19). Neural and behavioural data analyses were conducted in an identical way regardless of the identity of the experimental condition from which the data were collected, with the investigator blind to group allocation during data collection and/or analysis. See also the corresponding Life Sciences Reporting Summary.
Extended Data
we would like to thank J. Csicsvari and R. Lambiotte for commenting on a previous version of the manuscript; J. Janson for technical assistance; H.C. Barron and all members of the Dupret and Schultz labs for discussions and feedback during the course of this project. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology (EP/L016737/1 to S.R.S.), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK (Award BB/N002547/1 to D.D.) and the Medical Research Council UK (Programmes MC_UU_12024/3 and MC_UU_00003/4 to D.D.).
Author contributions: all authors contributed to the preparation of the manuscript. G.P.G., S.R.S. and D.D. designed the study, developed the methodology, and analyzed the data. S.B.Mc., L.L., V.L-d-S, M.E. S.T. and D.D. acquired the data and helped with data analysis. S.R.S. and D.D. acquired funding.
Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.
Code availability
The software used for data acquisition and analysis are available using the web links mentioned in the methods.
Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Data Availability Statement
The software used for data acquisition and analysis are available using the web links mentioned in the methods.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.