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. 2020 Apr 2;15(4):e0226789. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226789

Quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning

Nina M van Mastrigt 1,*, Jeroen B J Smeets 1, Katinka van der Kooij 1
Editor: Darrell A Worthy2
PMCID: PMC7117770  PMID: 32240174


Exploration in reward-based motor learning is observable in experimental data as increased variability. In order to quantify exploration, we compare three methods for estimating other sources of variability: sensorimotor noise. We use a task in which participants could receive stochastic binary reward feedback following a target-directed weight shift. Participants first performed six baseline blocks without feedback, and next twenty blocks alternating with and without feedback. Variability was assessed based on trial-to-trial changes in movement endpoint. We estimated sensorimotor noise by the median squared trial-to-trial change in movement endpoint for trials in which no exploration is expected. We identified three types of such trials: trials in baseline blocks, trials in the blocks without feedback, and rewarded trials in the blocks with feedback. We estimated exploration by the median squared trial-to-trial change following non-rewarded trials minus sensorimotor noise. As expected, variability was larger following non-rewarded trials than following rewarded trials. This indicates that our reward-based weight-shifting task successfully induced exploration. Most importantly, our three estimates of sensorimotor noise differed: the estimate based on rewarded trials was significantly lower than the estimates based on the two types of trials without feedback. Consequently, the estimates of exploration also differed. We conclude that the quantification of exploration depends critically on the type of trials used to estimate sensorimotor noise. We recommend the use of variability following rewarded trials.


Imagine you are in a crowded train and all seats are occupied. On the brake at the first stop, you almost fall over. To prevent a reoccurrence on the following stops, you try to find a way to change your posture during the brake. This exploration results in a variety of posture shifts. Once you have found a way that prevents you from falling, you stop exploring and try to reproduce that shift of posture on the next stop to successfully keep your balance. However, an exact reproduction is impossible because both the planning and execution of your movements are inherently noisy [13]. Variability in your movements can thus be caused by a combination of exploration and sensorimotor noise. The question we address in this paper is: how can we experimentally separate exploration from sensorimotor noise?

Separating exploration from sensorimotor noise is especially relevant when studying learning from binary reward feedback, i.e. ‘reward-based’ motor learning [1,46]. Binary reward feedback does not provide information on error size or direction, as with binary hit-miss information in goal-directed movements. If you want to improve your performance but receive no feedback on error size and direction, you have to explore which actions lead to reward such that rewarded actions can be exploited [1,7]. Indeed, studies into reward-based motor learning have shown a higher variability in motor output following non-rewarded movements than following rewarded movements [4,5,814]. Moreover, there are indications that initial variability in motor output, regarded as exploration, is positively related with learning, both in songbirds [15] and in humans [16]. Yet, a limited amount of evidence exists for a relationship between exploration and motor learning [1,17,18]. This may relate to the fact that exploration is difficult to measure because variability consists of multiple sources [1,17]. Examples are planning noise, execution noise and perceptual noise [1,17], which we summarize as sensorimotor noise and exploration [11,14,19].

Although the concept ‘exploration’ is frequently used in the literature on reward-based motor learning, the concept is ill-defined. Consequently, various measures have been used to quantify exploration. Wu and colleagues [16] considered the variability in a baseline phase as exploration. Others considered variability in the presence of feedback [4,5,810,13] as exploration. We want to limit the concept of exploration to the variability that can be used in motor learning. This exploration is expected to be present when someone perceives opportunity for learning, i.e. in the presence of feedback. In that case, variability will include exploration, especially following non-rewarded trials [4,5,8,10,13,20]. However, this variability will additionally include sensorimotor noise. To exclusively quantify exploration, we thus need an estimate of sensorimotor noise.

In a reaching task, van der Kooij and Smeets [9] estimated sensorimotor noise as the median trial-to-trial change in baseline trials without feedback, assuming that participants have no reason to explore when no reward feedback is available. To quantify exploration, they subtracted this noise estimate from total variability in feedback trials. However, for some participants variability appeared smaller in the feedback trials than in the baseline. Theoretically, this is not expected, because exploration should increase variability. This shows that there was a problem in quantifying sensorimotor noise. The quantification may have been unreliable or may have been invalid. The latter might have been the case because the estimates of sensorimotor noise alone and in combination with exploration were obtained in different feedback contexts, i.e. in trials without feedback versus trials with feedback. Sensorimotor noise has been found to depend on the opportunity to obtain reward [2123]. In addition, feedback context may influence variability through a motivational effect [24]. This raises the question in which feedback context sensorimotor noise can best be quantified. An additional problem is the choice of summary statistics to describe variability [25,26], especially when extreme values are present that may either represent exploration or outliers.

In summary, estimating the level of sensorimotor noise is essential in unravelling the relationship between exploration and reward-based learning [11,17,19]. We used a reward-based weight-shifting task to compare different methods for quantifying exploration. To eliminate the influence of learning on variability, feedback was stochastic. To verify whether this task results in exploration, we first aimed to replicate the finding that variability following non-rewarded trials is higher than variability following rewarded trials [4,5,814]. Next, we aimed to compare the estimation of sensorimotor noise in three feedback contexts: (1) trials in a baseline phase without feedback, (2) trials in short blocks without feedback that were flanked by short blocks of feedback trials and (3) rewarded trials in blocks of feedback trials. We also aimed to explore the statistical assessment of sensorimotor noise and exploration: which summary statistic should be used, how does variability change over time and how uncertain are sensorimotor noise and exploration estimates? We found that the quantification of exploration depended critically on the feedback context used to estimate sensorimotor noise.



Forty-four healthy adults participated in the experiment (14 male, 30 female). They were recruited either from the personal network of the first author or at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Psychology students (N = 13) received course credits for their participation, while other participants received no compensation. Participants were unaware of the research aim and participated voluntarily. All participants provided written informed consent prior to participation. They reported that they were able to stand independently for at least 30 minutes and had no lower body injuries preventing them from shifting weight during stance. In addition, they reported no visual, auditive, balance and cognitive deficits.

Participants were aged between 18 and 59 years old. Of the initial 44 participants, 41 were included in the data analysis (27±7 years; 14 male, 11 non-Dutch speaking). One participant was excluded due to a missing data file, and two participants were excluded because they reported having noticed the stochasticity of the feedback in the exit interview. The study was approved by the Scientific and Ethical Review Board (VCWE) of the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (approval number 2019–104).


Participants stood barefoot on a custom-made 1x1 m eight-sensor strain gauge force plate (sampling frequency: 100 Hz) that was used to measure center-of-pressure position [27]. The dorsal heel borders were positioned 9 cm behind the center of the force plate and the medial borders 18 cm apart (Fig 1A). At eyelevel, 1.5 m in front of the participant, a 55-inch monitor displayed a schematic representation of the feet, center and target, a short instruction, trial number and progress bar (Fig 1A and 1B). To synchronize the visual stimulus timing with the force plate signal, we recorded the signal of a photodiode that was attached to the monitor with the force plate data.

Fig 1. Experimental set-up and design.

Fig 1

(A) Overview of the set-up. (B) Information as presented on the monitor. At the onset of and during a trial, the screens displayed a graphical instruction (upper panels). Vertical bars represented the foot position as instructed, the cross represented the center from which to start, and the orange circle represented the target. The horizontal bar in the top left corner represented the progress bar. Instruction strings during the movement depended on trial type. Stochastic binary score feedback was provided following feedback trials, and “Score hidden” was displayed following non-feedback trials (lower panels). (C) Design. A baseline phase was followed by an intermittent phase. Each block contained 10 trials, except for the last block which contained 11 trials. Green-and-red blocks indicate feedback trials; blue blocks indicate non-feedback trials. White bars indicate motivation assessments.


Participants performed a repetitive weight-shifting task. On each trial, their task was to hit with their center-of-pressure a fixed target within their base of support. On the screen, the target was visually represented as a circle with a diameter of 0.5 cm, positioned 1 cm in front of and 5 cm to the left of a center cross. Participants were instructed to keep their feet fixed to the ground, to lean towards the target, and once they hit it, immediately start moving back to neutral stance, within 1.5 s after the start beep (Fig 1B).

During this 1.5 s period, an instruction screen with a schematic representation of the feet, center and target was displayed, along with a short instruction, trial number and progress bar (Fig 1B). The screen did not display center-of-pressure position. After 1.5 s, participants received either no performance feedback (non-feedback trials), or non-veridical binary reward feedback (feedback trials) for 0.5 s. After non-feedback trials, a neutral beep marked the end of the trial and “Score hidden” was displayed in white on a black screen. After feedback trials, a black screen with the current total score was presented. Reward consisted of a bell sound to mark the end of the trial, five points added to the score, and the total score coloring green. Reward absence consisted of a negative buzzer and the current total score coloring red. Although the instruction stated that each target hit would be rewarded with five points, the reward feedback that participants received was independent of their performance: reward was provided in half of the feedback trials, distributed in random order. The feedback was followed by an empty screen depicted for 1 s, to allow participants to start the next trial from a neutral stance.


Participants were told that the experiment was about the control of their center-of-pressure and how they learned from reward feedback. They were informed that the procedure would last maximally 30 minutes. After signing the informed consent form, they received verbal and visual instructions on the task. Participants were told that each hit would be rewarded by five points, both in feedback and non-feedback trials, but that the interim score would only be visible in feedback trials. They were informed that after a familiarization phase, they would perform two phases: first a baseline phase containing non-feedback trials only, and second an intermittent phase containing blocks with or without feedback (Fig 1C). The experimenter told participants that the sum of the two end scores would be attached to a leader board on the wall.

Before the actual experiment, participants could familiarize themselves with the set-up. They received on-line visual center-of-pressure feedback to clarify the relation between their changes in posture and the center-of-pressure movement as indicated on the screen. This familiarization consisted of one 30 s period in which participants were encouraged to find the boundaries of their base of support, one sequence of four trials with different targets, and one sequence of five trials with the experimental target. After the familiarization, the on-line visual center-of-pressure feedback disappeared. Subsequently, participants received auditory and visual instructions on the experimental procedure, with separate instructions for the baseline and intermittent phase. After these instructions, participants practiced 23 trials of the intermittent phase, to practice timing of their movements and switching between feedback and non-feedback trials.

All participants performed the baseline phase first (Fig 1C). This phase consisted of 61 non-feedback trials and was designed to obtain a first estimate of sensorimotor noise. Secondly, participants performed an intermittent phase. This phase consisted of 201 trials, with blocks of 10 trials with stochastic reward feedback (feedback trials), and 10 trials without performance feedback (non-feedback trials). Non-feedback blocks were used to obtain a second estimate of sensorimotor noise, and feedback blocks were used to obtain a third estimate of sensorimotor noise based on rewarded trials, and to quantify exploration in non-rewarded trials. For the non-feedback trials, the instruction for participants was to repeat the movement to where they thought the target was at that moment. During these trials “Repeat” was displayed at the center of the screen (Fig 1B). For the feedback trials, the instruction for participants was to hit the target using the reward feedback they received, and during these trials, “Hit target” was displayed at the center of the screen (Fig 1B). Participants performed about 20 trials per minute, so the baseline phase lasted about 3 minutes and the intermittent phase 10 minutes.

Variability might increase due to loss of motivation. Therefore, we assessed the motivation of our participants at the start, halfway point and end of each phase. We used the Quick Motivation Index (QMI) [28] to assess (1) how much the participant had enjoyed the task until that moment and (2) how motivated the participant was to continue (Fig 1A–1C). Both questions were answered on a continuous scale with extremes “Not at all” and “Very much”, using a slider on a tablet (Apple iPad 2, screen diameter 10 inch). After the weight-shifting task, participants filled in a questionnaire with 15 statements about their movement strategies, cognitive involvement, feedback, motivation and fatigue. These data were collected to be able to check anomalous findings in the movement data. Finally, the experimenter debriefed the participant verbally and checked whether participants were aware of the feedback manipulation. The participants who were aware that the feedback was unrelated to their performance were excluded because they might not have related their exploration to the feedback.

Data analysis

Trial-to-trial analysis of variability

We assessed variability based on changes in movement endpoint from trial to trial. We filtered the force plate signal using a 5-point moving average [27]. We defined a movement endpoint as the most radial center-of-pressure position within a trial. As movement endpoints can drift, even when providing stochastic feedback [8,14], we did not analyze variability based on the distribution of endpoints around their mean, which is described by the standard deviation and variance of this distribution. Instead, we analyzed variability based on the distances between movement endpoints of two subsequent trials: the trial-to-trial changes in movement endpoints. If movement endpoints are normally distributed with a variance σ2, the relation between mean trial-to-trial change (Δ) and the variance is given by Δ2 = π σ2 [29].

We assumed that two sources of variability contributed independently to the total variability that we observed in movement endpoints: sensorimotor noise and exploration. If two sources of variability are independent, the variance of the combined measure equals the sum of the variances of the two constituents [30]. If we assume that each movement endpoint is drawn from a two-dimensional normal distribution, the mean trial-to-trial change Δ is proportional to the standard deviation σ of that distribution (Δ=σπ) [29]. We can thus formalize the addition of the two components of variability in terms of mean trial-to-trial changes as:

Δ2=Δm2+Δη2 (1)

In this equation, Δm2 represents the trial-to-trial changes caused by pure sensorimotor noise and Δη2 represents the trial-to-trial changes due to exploration only. We approximated Δ by the median of trial-to-trial changes, instead of the mean, since squared trial-to-trial change distributions are positively skewed [29].

We estimated sensorimotor noise by assuming that following non-feedback and rewarded trials, participants have no reason to explore [9]. In this way, we could obtain sensorimotor noise estimates in three feedback contexts: following non-feedback trials in the baseline phase, following non-feedback trials in the intermittent phase, and following rewarded trials in the feedback blocks of the intermittent phase. We used the last 51 trials of the baseline phase to calculate 50 trial-to-trial changes following non-feedback trials. The first 10 trials were discarded because participants may have needed some time before finding a consistent way of performing the task. We used all 201 trials of the intermittent phase to calculate 200 trial-to-trial changes, of which 100 were trial-to-trial changes following non-feedback trials and 50 were trial-to-trial changes following rewarded trials.

We assumed that participants start exploring after having failed to obtain reward feedback. We used all 50 trial-to-trial changes following non-rewarded trials to calculate variability that included exploration. We could quantify exploration (Δη2) by subtracting sensorimotor noise, as defined by Δ2 following non-feedback or rewarded trials, from Δ2 following non-rewarded trials, according to Eq 1.

Uncertainty in the estimate of variability

To assess the uncertainty in variability estimates for each participant, we calculated a 95% confidence interval of 10.000 bootstrap estimates of the median of randomly selected squared trial-to-trial changes (Δ2) with replacement. For each bootstrap estimate of Δ2 following non-feedback trials in the baseline or intermittent phase, 50 or 100 trial-to-trial changes were available for random selection, respectively (Fig 1C). For each bootstrap estimate of Δ2 following rewarded or non-rewarded trials, 50 trial-to-trial changes were available for random selection (Fig 1C). To assess the uncertainty in exploration estimates, we calculated the 95% confidence interval of 10.000 estimates of Δη2 obtained by subtracting 10.000 bootstrap estimates of sensorimotor noise from Δ2 following non-rewarded trials, according to Eq 1. To assess how the uncertainty in variability estimates depends on the number of trials, we performed the bootstrap analysis with 5 to 50 randomly selected trials.

To assess consistency of variability estimates over time, we analyzed variability in each block of ten trials, with Δ2 calculated as the median of squared trial-to-trial changes of the ten trials in a block (Fig 3B). We also assessed uncertainty in variability estimates based on this blocked analysis: the median variability estimate of the individual blocks. Now, for each bootstrap estimate of Δ2, 5 or 10 block estimates of Δ2 were available for random selection with replacement. Due to the random reward sequence, not every estimate of Δ2 following rewarded or non-rewarded trials was based on the same number of trials. Therefore, the probability of randomly selecting an estimate of Δ2 following rewarded or non-rewarded trials for the bootstrap analysis was set to correspond to the amount of rewarded or non-rewarded trials in that block.

Fig 3. Uncertainty in the estimates of variability.

Fig 3

(A) Uncertainty of variability (Δ2) as a function of number of trials based on which it was estimated (log-log plot). Circles indicate the median across participants. Filled circles correspond to the variability and exploration as presented in Fig 2B and 2C. The right panel provides an indication of variations across participants of this uncertainty: the error bars indicate the interquartile range across participants. (B) Variability estimates (Δ2) per non-feedback block of 10 trials in the baseline phase and in the intermittent phase, and Δ2 estimates following rewarded and non-rewarded trials per feedback block in the intermittent phase. Bars indicate the median across participants.

Motivation and enjoyment

For each participant the ratings on the two questions in the QMI were averaged [28]. This way we obtained five motivation scores: pre-baseline phase, baseline phase, pre-intermittent phase, intermittent phase and post-intermittent phase.


Within-participant distributions of trial-to-trial changes and between-participant distributions of variability were positively skewed (Fig 2A). Therefore, we tested our hypotheses with non-parametric tests and reported medians and interquartile ranges. To check whether our task induced exploration, we tested whether variability following non-rewarded trials would be higher than following rewarded trials using a two-sided Wilcoxon signed rank test. To test whether sensorimotor noise estimates depended on feedback context, we used a Friedman’s ANOVA with post-hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank tests corrected for multiple comparisons. We did not test explicitly whether exploration estimates depended on feedback context in which sensorimotor noise was estimated. The reason for this is that the dependence of exploration on feedback context is the same as that of sensorimotor noise: within a participant, the various estimates of exploration are based on the same value of the variability following non-rewarded trials.

Fig 2. Variability and exploration.

Fig 2

The color of the bar indicates which trials are used to estimate variability. (A) Distribution of squared trial-to-trial changes following rewarded (green) and non-rewarded (red) trials for an example participant. Vertical lines indicate the median (solid) and mean (dotted) of the distribution. (B) Variability (Δ2) on all trial types. Bars indicate the median across participants and error bars the interquartile range. Double stars indicate significant differences at p<0.01. (C) Exploration (Δη2) following non-rewarded trials, calculated based on Eq 1 plotted in the same format as panel A. Bars indicate the median across participants and error bars the interquartile range. Dots indicate the data of individual participants; the red dot indicates the example participant of panel A.

As motivation may influence variability, we tested whether motivation depended on feedback context by comparing the change in motivation during the baseline and intermittent phase using a two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and whether this resulted in a different motivation halfway through each phase with Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Furthermore, we calculated the Spearman’s correlation between changes in motivation and sensorimotor noise from baseline to intermittent test.


We visually examined the distributions of squared trial-to-trial changes underlying the variability as quantified by the summary statistic we use in our between-participant analyses (Δ2) (Fig 2A). Squared trial-to-trial changes displayed a positively skewed distribution with a long right tail, as shown in Fig 2A. This was the case for rewarded as well as for non-rewarded trials. For the majority of participants, the distribution of trial-to-trial changes following non-rewarded trials showed a longer tail than the distribution of trial-to-trial changes following rewarded trials (e.g. Fig 2A). Due to the rightward skew, mean squared trial-to-trial changes were considerably higher than median squared trial-to-trial changes (Δ2) (Fig 2A). Our data thus supported the use of the median of squared trial-to-trial changes as a summary statistic for within-participant variability.

In a first statistical test, we checked whether the task elicits exploration following non-rewarded trials. This was indeed the case: a Wilcoxon signed-rank test confirmed that Δ2 following non-rewarded trials (Mdn = 1.6 cm2) was significantly higher than Δ2 following rewarded trials (Mdn = 0.8 cm2), z = -5.15, p < 0.001, r = -0.57 (Fig 2A).

The main statistical test assessed whether sensorimotor noise estimates depended on feedback context. A Friedman’s ANOVA on the Δ2 following baseline non-feedback trials, following intermittent non-feedback trials, and following rewarded trials in the intermittent phase, revealed a significant influence of feedback context on variability, χ2 (2) = 10.68, p = 0.005 (Fig 2B). Post-hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank tests indicated that Δ2 following rewarded trials (Mdn = 0.8 cm2) was significantly lower than Δ2 following baseline non-feedback trials (Mdn = 1.1 cm2), z = -2.64, p = 0.008, r = -0.29, and Δ2 following intermittent non-feedback trials (Mdn = 1.0 cm2), z = -3.22, p = 0.001, r = -0.36 (Fig 2B). The Δ2 following baseline non-feedback trials (Mdn = 1.2 cm2) and Δ2 following intermittent non-feedback trials (Mdn = 1.0 cm2) did not differ significantly, z = -0.24, p = 0.81 (Fig 2B).

Using the three estimates of sensorimotor noise, we calculated exploration (Δη2) according to Eq 1. Fig 2C shows the median Δη2 across participants, along with interquartile range and individual data. Since sensorimotor noise estimates differed significantly, the corresponding estimates of Δη2 also differed significantly. Calculating Δη2 based on sensorimotor noise following rewarded trials resulted in the highest value for the median exploration over participants and the least participants with negative exploration values. No statistical tests were conducted.

In Fig 3, we provide some data to illustrate the reliability of our estimate of sensorimotor noise and exploration. The uncertainty in our estimates of sensorimotor noise and exploration based on 50 trials was comparable to the estimates themselves (compare Fig 2B and 2C with Fig 3A, uncertainty based on 50 trials). The uncertainty in the estimates of sensorimotor noise and exploration decreases with number of trials to estimate variability. The slope of the lines in Fig 3A is -0.5, which corresponds to an uncertainty that is proportional to 1/√Ntrials. Extrapolation shows how our experiment could have benefited from a higher number of trials. The uncertainty of our estimates of variability following non-feedback and rewarded trials was lowest. As the estimate of exploration (Δη2) is based on the difference between two measures of variability, its uncertainty was higher than the uncertainty in either of them.

We visually examined trends in variability over blocks. No marked trends in variability over blocks were observed (Fig 3B). We furthermore checked whether considering the order of blocks would influence the uncertainty. The uncertainty of variability estimated based on block estimates was in the same order of magnitude (not shown; median 95% confidence interval sizes of 1.1, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.4 cm2). Uncertainty in the quantification of exploration based on the three feedback contexts based on the individual blocks was also comparable to the uncertainty determined irrespective of the blocks (not shown; 2.4, 1.9 and 1.9 cm2).

As expected, feedback context influenced motivation (Fig 4): during the baseline phase motivation decreased (Mdn = -0.55), whereas during the intermittent phase it increased (Mdn = 0.49), z = -3.22, p = 0.001, r = -0.37. Nevertheless, motivation scores halfway the baseline phase (Mdn = 7.0) and halfway the intermittent phase (Mdn = 7.2) did not differ significantly, z = -1.23, p = 0.22. Furthermore, changes in motivation from baseline to intermittent phase were not significantly correlated with changes in sensorimotor noise between the baseline and intermittent phase, ⍴ = 0.03, p = 0.88.

Fig 4. Motivation.

Fig 4

Median of motivation scores across participants over time. Error bars indicate interquartile range. The blocks along the x-axis indicate the feedback context in the same format as Fig 1C. Motivation decreases during the baseline phase, increases during the first half of the intermittent phase and decreases again in the second half of the intermittent phase.


We used a weight-shifting task with stochastic binary reward feedback to compare methods for quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning. Participants performed a baseline phase with non-feedback trials, followed by an intermittent feedback phase consisting of alternating blocks with or without feedback. In the feedback blocks, participants exhibited higher variability following non-rewarded than following rewarded trials, which we regard a signature of exploration. We found higher sensorimotor noise in the blocks without feedback than based on the variability following rewarded trials. The sensorimotor noise estimates in the non-feedback blocks did not differ between the baseline and the intermittent phase, neither did motivation differ between the two phases. Our estimates of sensorimotor noise were stable, but the uncertainty in the estimates of sensorimotor noise and exploration was in the same order of magnitude as the estimates themselves. Therefore, sensorimotor noise can best be estimated using the median trial-to-trial change following rewarded trials, based on a large number of trials.

Variability following rewarded trials was lower than the variability in the blocks without feedback (compare red and green bars in Fig 2A and 2B). This can be interpreted in two ways. A first interpretation is that some exploration occurs in blocks without feedback, despite the instruction to repeat their movements as precisely as possible. A second interpretation for the higher variability in blocks without feedback is that sensorimotor noise is larger than with feedback. The lack of feedback may have resulted in boredom and participants ignoring the instructions to repeat their movements a precisely as possible. Additionally, sensorimotor noise may have been downregulated in anticipation of reward on feedback trials. This interpretation is in line with the results of Manohar and colleagues [21], who showed that motor noise could be decreased in anticipation of reward in an eye-movement task with auditory maximum reward cues. Both interpretations of the difference in sensorimotor noise estimates lead us to the conclusion that variability following rewarded trials yields the best sensorimotor noise estimate for quantifying exploration.

An unexpected finding was the high uncertainty of our estimates of variability (Fig 3A). Based on our 50–100 trials, our estimates of variability and exploration were very uncertain. This finding implies that studying sensorimotor noise and exploration requires a high number of trials. In the literature, human motor learning experiments usually seem to contain no more than 200 feedback trials [8,10,12,3136], although some studies report higher numbers, up to 900 trials [4,5,11,16,19,37,38]. An example of a study incorporating many trials is [14], in which rats performed 300k trials on average. Importantly, this study also found that variability following rewarded trials is lower than following non-rewarded trials. Based on their finding that variability decreases with higher reward rates, they consider the minimum variability obtained with maximum reward rates as “unregulated variability” to which “regulated variability” is added if no reward is received. We used a similar approach, with unregulated variability replaced by sensorimotor noise and regulated variability by exploration. To use such a large number of trials in humans is often not feasible. A positive implication of our results is that no baseline trials have to be included specifically for assessing sensorimotor noise, since exploration can best be estimated in blocks with feedback, based on trial-to-trial changes following reward.

We quantified exploration using the assumption that the observed variability following non-rewarded trials is the sum of the variabilities of sensorimotor noise and exploration (Eq 1). Exploration (Δη2) is by definition positive. However, even when using the lowest sensorimotor noise estimate, we obtained negative estimates of Δη2 for 3 of the 41 participants. A similar problem was present in [6,9]. The most obvious explanation for these negative estimates is the high uncertainty in our statistical assessment. If one finds negative estimates of Δη2 with a much higher number of trials, this might imply that sensorimotor noise and exploration are not independent, contrary to what is commonly assumed [6,11,14,19]. For instance, sensorimotor noise may increase when exploring, because reward is less certain when exploring [21]. Alternatively, sensorimotor noise may be downregulated to increase opportunity for learning [11].

In the introduction, we proposed that feedback context may influence variability through a motivational effect. We found no difference in motivation between the baseline and intermittent phase, and accordingly no difference in sensorimotor noise estimates in the corresponding non-feedback trials. This might be explained by the fixed order of the phases. A possible decrease in motivation over time as has been observed in [28] may have been counteracted by the motivational effect of feedback in the intermittent test. The different change in motivation during the first half of the baseline phase and the first half of the intermittent phase supports this conclusion: motivation decreased during the baseline phase, whereas it increased during the intermittent phase.

We observed no trends in variability over time, neither in the amount of exploration nor in our sensorimotor noise estimates. One might have expected an increase in variability due to loss of motivation, but the changes in motivation we observed (Fig 4) were small. Alternatively, one might have expected a decrease in variability over time due to learning [1,5], but in our experiment the use of stochastic binary reward feedback effectively prevented participants from learning.

We quantified exploration using the median as a summary statistic for variability. We recommend doing so when calculating exploration based on absolute changes, because this indeed yields a positively skewed distribution (Fig 2A). The median is less sensitive to extreme values than the mean. As such extreme values were indeed present (Fig 2A), the median better reflects the central tendency of the distribution of squared trial-to-trial changes. We therefore consider the median the most suitable summary statistic for our method.

Using a weight-shifting task, we replicated a finding from studies using arm movements: increased variability following non-rewarded trials as compared to rewarded trials [4,5,813]. In addition, we found a ratio between variability due to exploration and sensorimotor noise of 0.78. This ratio is similar to the ratio of about 0.6 for young healthy adults reported by Therrien and colleagues [19] and 1.2 for healthy adults reported by Cashaback and colleagues [6], which they obtained by fitting a model including exploration and sensorimotor noise as independent sources of variability. Our study may thus indicate that results of previous reward-based motor learning studies can be generalized to tasks involving other limbs. Our study however also yields some new questions. Firstly, the amount of trials necessary to reliably quantify exploration should be studied. Secondly, an important question is whether sensorimotor noise and exploration are independent sources of variability, especially since sensorimotor noise may be up- or downregulated following non-rewarded trials.

To conclude, we showed that the effect of reward feedback on variability can be induced in a target-directed weight-shifting task with stochastic reward feedback. The results of the current study have two important methodological implications for those who study exploration in reward-based motor learning. First, exploration can best be quantified using sensorimotor noise estimated from trial-to-trial changes following rewarded trials. Second, since sensorimotor noise and exploration represent sources of variability, a much larger number of trials should be used to quantify these sources than is commonly done.

Data Availability

All center-of-pressure signal files, questionnaire data and motivation questionnaire data are available in the Open Science Foundation repository (

Funding Statement

The research was funded by the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Toegepaste en Technische Wetenschappen (NWO-TTW), by the Open Technologie Programma (OTP) grant 15989 awarded to Jeroen Smeets.


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Decision Letter 0

Darrell A Worthy

3 Jan 2020


Quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning


Dear Mrs. van Mastrigt,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

I was able to obtain one review from an expert in the field.  Overall, this reviewer had a positive impression of the paper, but also noted some issues that should be addressed in a revision.  From my reading of the manuscript I agree with the reviewer, and I invite you to submit a revision.  If you choose to submit a revision I will likely ask the same reviewer to review the revised manuscript.

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Darrell A. Worthy, Ph.D

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

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Reviewer #1: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: In this study the authors systematically investigate ways of quantifying exploration in motor learning by separating it from variability due to sensorimotor noise. Using a target directed weight shift task, they designed an experiment wherein multiple different baselines for calculating variability due to exploration (which have all been variously used in the literature) can be used and compared. They conclude that using trial-to-trial change following rewarded trials provided a better baseline than trials in a baseline block or trials in no-feedback blocks. They also conclude (based on assessment of the uncertainty in the estimates) that the typical number of trials used may be insufficient for accurate estimations of variability due to exploration.

This is a nice study with a clever design that provides a valuable contribution that can help improve methods for future studies. The methods and analyses seem appropriate and sound. The conclusion seems justified and makes theoretical sense to me. Quantifying the uncertainty in the estimations was a nice touch. I think that it should be accepted for publication, but I think there are some issues the authors can address first.


How long did the whole experiment take participants approximately? This should be stated in the methods section somewhere. It is particularly important since you recommend an order of magnitude greater number of trials to be used in the future, and it would be good to have an idea of how long an experiment with that many trials would take. Would it be unreasonably long, or long enough that the participants’ motivation would become an issue?

Here is one suggestion: you could expand on the bootstrapping analysis uses to quantify uncertainty by doing some simulations with larger numbers of trials and seeing how large the uncertainty of the estimate is. For example, there could be a graph of uncertainty as a function of number of trials. This could be really useful in determining the minimum number of trials to get a decent estimate. It might be that fewer additional trials are needed than your claim. At the other extreme, it’s possible that it asymptotes and even an unreasonably large number of trials gives a poor estimate. It would be cool (and potentially useful) to see what the curve of uncertainty by number of trials looks like.

Pg. 14 “No marked trends in variability over blocks were observed (Fig 3C).” I think that this point could use a little more discussion. I guess that it is good for the goals of the study that variability was constant across blocks, but shouldn’t you expect some decrease over time? Learning should decrease variability, and in general exploration should be highest early in a task when there is more to learn and should taper off later. Is it that most of the learning happens in the familiarization phase and beginning of the baseline block? Or is it that the stochastic feedback effectively prevents any real learning from occurring? A little discussion of these issues could be helpful. I think it makes sense that variability was stable, but my initial expectation was that it would go down over time.

At the end of the introduction (pg. 4) you say “We also aimed to explore the statistical assessment of sensorimotor noise and exploration: which summary statistic should be used, how does variability change over time and how uncertain are sensorimotor noise and exploration estimates?” It would be nice to return to these questions a little bit more directly in the Discussion. The last question is discussed in detail, but the other two are only briefly touched on. Do you have anything more to say about which summary statistic to use, or the potential implications of that choice? You use median instead of mean because of positively skewed distributions, but is it your general recommendation to use the median? Also see my point above about the second question (variability over time); the Discussion might be the place to address that issue.

Minor points:

In the results section, when talking about the measurements of exploration you state that no statistical tests were performed. It makes sense that these tests were unnecessary since they should be identical to the tests performed above, but it might be worth pointing that out for clarity. I admit to being confused as to why no tests were done at first.

It would be helpful for each graph in the figures to have a title. The information is in the caption, but it would be quicker and easier to understand if each panel had an informative title at the top.

In Figure 2A, what are the vertical bars? I assume the solid line is the median and the dashed on is the mean, but it would be nice to have that information clarified in the figure or caption

On page 9 you state “We approximated Δ by the median of trial-to-trial changes, instead of the mean” without explanation of why. It is explained later in the text, but it would help to have a quick explanation here since it is the first time it comes up (e.g. “due to extreme outliers” or “because the distributions were positively skewed”)

Typos etc:

On Pg. 7 in this sentence: “They were informed that after a familiarization phase, they would perform two phase phases”, the word phase is repeated


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files to be viewed.]

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PLoS One. 2020 Apr 2;15(4):e0226789. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226789.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

14 Feb 2020

Response to the reviewers

Quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning


Dear dr. Worthy,

Thank you for the constructive review. We feel that the reviewers’ comments have led to an improvement of the manuscript. We respond to the reviewers’ comments in detail below. We have also addressed the additional requirements that you mentioned in your decision letter: we have renamed the files according to the guidelines on your website, and we specified that participants provided informed written consent in the Methods section on page 5 of our manuscript. Furthermore, we slightly changed the figure colors to make them understandable for people who are colorblind and when printed in grayscale.

Kind regards, also on behalf of my co-authors,

Nina van Mastrigt, MSc

Reviewer #1: In this study the authors systematically investigate ways of quantifying exploration in motor learning by separating it from variability due to sensorimotor noise. Using a target directed weight shift task, they designed an experiment wherein multiple different baselines for calculating variability due to exploration (which have all been variously used in the literature) can be used and compared. They conclude that using trial-to-trial change following rewarded trials provided a better baseline than trials in a baseline block or trials in no-feedback blocks. They also conclude (based on assessment of the uncertainty in the estimates) that the typical number of trials used may be insufficient for accurate estimations of variability due to exploration.

This is a nice study with a clever design that provides a valuable contribution that can help improve methods for future studies. The methods and analyses seem appropriate and sound. The conclusion seems justified and makes theoretical sense to me. Quantifying the uncertainty in the estimations was a nice touch. I think that it should be accepted for publication, but I think there are some issues the authors can address first.

--> Thanks for investing your time and energy in reading our manuscript. We are happy to hear that our conclusion makes theoretical sense to you, and that you consider the contribution of this study to the field valuable.

How long did the whole experiment take participants approximately? This should be stated in the methods section somewhere. It is particularly important since you recommend an order of magnitude greater number of trials to be used in the future, and it would be good to have an idea of how long an experiment with that many trials would take. Would it be unreasonably long, or long enough that the participants’ motivation would become an issue?

--> The experimental procedure lasted maximally 30 minutes. Performing all trials of the two experimental phases lasted only 13 minutes in total, but with intake, practice, and answering the Quick Motivation Index questions, the full experimental procedure took longer. We agree with you that the duration of the experiment should be stated in the methods section, and therefore added this information on page 7 and in more detail on page 8. In addition, based on one of your other comments on the number of trials in an experiment, we constructed a graph of confidence interval size for different trial numbers. We think that the reader could use this graph to determine the trade-off between motivation and number of trials needed for quantification of variability his- or herself, as motivation also depends on the experimental task. Thank you for this suggestion.

Here is one suggestion: you could expand on the bootstrapping analysis uses to quantify uncertainty by doing some simulations with larger numbers of trials and seeing how large the uncertainty of the estimate is. For example, there could be a graph of uncertainty as a function of number of trials. This could be really useful in determining the minimum number of trials to get a decent estimate. It might be that fewer additional trials are needed than your claim. At the other extreme, it’s possible that it asymptotes and even an unreasonably large number of trials gives a poor estimate. It would be cool (and potentially useful) to see what the curve of uncertainty by number of trials looks like.

--> We really like this suggestion. We have added a graph of uncertainty of the estimates as a function of trial number, but only until 50-100 trials. We could not extend the number of trials to an amount higher than the number that we measured: with a higher number of trials, distributions of variability might change as a result of motivation (as you mentioned in your previous comment), fatigue or learning (as you mentioned in one of your next comments). We therefore sticked to simulating the estimation uncertainty for trial numbers up to 50-100. This resulted in figure 3A, which we replaced the original figures 3A&B with. Indeed, the confidence interval size depends on the number of trials, and decreases with higher numbers of trials.

Pg. 14 “No marked trends in variability over blocks were observed (Fig 3C).” I think that this point could use a little more discussion. I guess that it is good for the goals of the study that variability was constant across blocks, but shouldn’t you expect some decrease over time? Learning should decrease variability, and in general exploration should be highest early in a task when there is more to learn and should taper off later. Is it that most of the learning happens in the familiarization phase and beginning of the baseline block? Or is it that the stochastic feedback effectively prevents any real learning from occurring? A little discussion of these issues could be helpful. I think it makes sense that variability was stable, but my initial expectation was that it would go down over time.

--> As we prevented participants from learning by providing them with stochastic feedback, indeed we did not expect a decrease in variability over time due to learning. As participants could not learn, we also did not expect higher exploration early in a task. This effect is probably driven by participants experiencing low success rates early in a task. In our task, the success rate was constant. Alternatively, you could have expected an increase in variability over time due to loss of motivation, but we found no significant difference in motivation between phases. We have added a paragraph in the discussion to clarify this for the readers.

At the end of the introduction (pg. 4) you say “We also aimed to explore the statistical assessment of sensorimotor noise and exploration: which summary statistic should be used, how does variability change over time and how uncertain are sensorimotor noise and exploration estimates?” It would be nice to return to these questions a little bit more directly in the Discussion. The last question is discussed in detail, but the other two are only briefly touched on. Do you have anything more to say about which summary statistic to use, or the potential implications of that choice? You use median instead of mean because of positively skewed distributions, but is it your general recommendation to use the median? Also see my point above about the second question (variability over time); the Discussion might be the place to address that issue.

--> We agree with your comment. In the introduction, we state that the choice of summary statistics to describe variability could be a problem, especially when extreme values are present. These extreme values may either represent exploration or outliers. For this reason, using the median as a summary statistic provides a “safe” way to quantify the central tendency of the data. In our method, we quantify variability based on squared trial-to-trial changes, resulting in positive values by definition. This resulted in skewed distributions, whereas signed trial-to-trial changes might not have resulted in those distributions. We therefore recommend the use of the median as a summary statistic in our method. We have added this in the discussion.

Minor points:

In the results section, when talking about the measurements of exploration you state that no statistical tests were performed. It makes sense that these tests were unnecessary since they should be identical to the tests performed above, but it might be worth pointing that out for clarity. I admit to being confused as to why no tests were done at first.

--> Thanks for pointing this out. We explicitly mentioned it now in the Statistics section on page 11, to make sure that readers will not get confused. We again clarified this in the Results section, on page 14.

It would be helpful for each graph in the figures to have a title. The information is in the caption, but it would be quicker and easier to understand if each panel had an informative title at the top.

--> At first, we understood that this is not allowed by Plos One, but upon checking this a second time, we found out that we can indeed add a title to each graph. We agree with you that this will inform readers more efficiently about the content and meaning of each graph. We added titles now in all figures.

In Figure 2A, what are the vertical bars? I assume the solid line is the median and the dashed on is the mean, but it would be nice to have that information clarified in the figure or caption.

--> Thank you for discovering this omission! Your assumption was correct. We now clarified the meaning of the lines in the caption of figure 2A on page 13.

On page 9 you state “We approximated Δ by the median of trial-to-trial changes, instead of the mean” without explanation of why. It is explained later in the text, but it would help to have a quick explanation here since it is the first time it comes up (e.g. “due to extreme outliers” or “because the distributions were positively skewed”)

--> We agree with your idea to clarify this earlier. We therefore extended the sentence on page 9 with your latter suggestion.

Typos etc:

On Pg. 7 in this sentence: “They were informed that after a familiarization phase, they would perform two phase phases”, the word phase is repeated.

--> We have removed the redundant word on page 7.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Darrell A Worthy

17 Mar 2020

Quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning


Dear Dr. van Mastrigt,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it complies with all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you will receive an e-mail containing information on the amendments required prior to publication. When all required modifications have been addressed, you will receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will proceed to our production department and be scheduled for publication.

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With kind regards,

Darrell A. Worthy, Ph.D

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors did a good job addressing all of my comments and suggestions, and I think that the paper is ready for publication. It is clearly written, the methods and analyses are sound, and the implications are well explained. The new versions of the figures look nice as well.

I noticed one small typo: at the top of pg. 4 the phrase "an estimate sensorimotor noise" seems to be missing an "of"


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Acceptance letter

Darrell A Worthy

20 Mar 2020


Quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning

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    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

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    All center-of-pressure signal files, questionnaire data and motivation questionnaire data are available in the Open Science Foundation repository (

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