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. 2011 Jul 28;24(2):81–91. doi: 10.1016/j.hcmf.2011.04.003

New CHEs – Nouveaux titulaires CHE

PMCID: PMC7125726

List of new 2010–2011 CHEs by Chapters. Congratulations to the 71 members who received the CHE designation.

Liste des nouveaux CHE 2010–2011 par chapitre. Félicitations aux 71 membres du Collège qui ont reçu la désignation CHE.

New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick

Nancy L Roberts, CHE*


Sharon Brissette, CHE

Hermina Harnagea, CHE

Eastern Ontario/Est de l'Ontario

Capt. Manon MMM Asselin, CHE**

LCdr Rodney W Brittain, CHE**

André JP Carrière, CHE

Isabelle Champagne-Shields, CHE

Capt. (N) Cyd E Courchesne, CHE**

Sandra M Cox, CHE*

W David Creery, CHE

Graham M Gaylord, CHE

Elaine P McNaughton, CHE

Lisa P Nesbitt, CHE

Gabriela Prada, CHE


Suha Masalmeh, CHE

Heather L Wolfe, CHE

Southwestern Ontario/Sud-ouest de l'Ontario

Christine S Vallis-Page, CHE

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First Row/Première rangée : Nancy Roberts, CHE; Yasmine Marion, CHE; Nazira Azam Jaffer, CHE; Gabriela Prada, CHE; Sandra Barr, CHE; Cybèle Wilson Coombs, CHE; John King, CHE; Second Row/Deuxième rangée : Ray Racette, CHE; Elaine McNaughton, CHE; Wendy McLean, CHE; Richard Bedard, CHE; Margot Wilson, CHE; Byron Shier, CHE; J. Gordon Barnes, CHE; Third Row/Troisième rangée : Robert Fox, CHE

Hamilton and Area/Hamilton et la région

Derek S Chan, CHE

Richard Bedard, CHE

Rinku Dhaliwal, CHE

Rosemary Frketich, CHE

John A Vail, CHE

Greater Toronto Area/Grande région de Toronto

John Patrick Angkaw, CHE

Gillian H Batt, CHE

Jennifer L Bechtel, CHE

Joyce E Bechtel, CHE

Radosna Bijukovic, CHE

Dorothy C Binkley, CHE

Laurie A Bourne, CHE

Patricia M Campbell, CHE*

Lorraine C Carrington, CHE

Smitha Casper-DeSouza, CHE

Sabrina Chagani, CHE

Cheryl G Chui, CHE

Paul Cornacchione, CHE

Sahba Eftekhary, CHE

Robert M Fox, CHE

Carie L Gall, CHE

Carrie-Lynn Haines, CHE

Anthony M Iantorno, CHE

Nazira Azam Jaffer, CHE

Jeanie Joaquin, CHE

David Keselman, CHE

Stephanie A Kovalchuk, CHE

Rosalee Lahaie, CHE

Kim M Lenahan, CHE*

Tamara A Mohammed, CHE

Jacqueline Phan, CHE

Barbara L Steed-Adams, CHE

Stephen K Street, CHE

Jill M Tettmann, CHE

Ada Siu Ting Tsang, CHE

Cheryl L Williams, CHE

Cybèle J Wilson Coombs, CHE**

Cheryl Anne Woodman, CHE

Anne C Zielinski, CHE


Patricia K Bergal, CHE*

Northern Alberta/Nord de l'Alberta

Lt(N) J Gordon Barnes, CHE**

Wendy D McLean, CHE

BC Lower Mainland/Basses-terres continentales de la Colombie-Britannique

Sandra L Barr, CHE*

Neil Chahal, CHE

Michele Diane Cook, CHE

Sean C Hardiman, CHE

Yasmine A Marion, CHE

Karin A Olson, CHE

Nicole T Quilty, CHE

Kavita Sarwal, CHE

Byron Shier, CHE

Annie M Smith, CHE

David N T Thompson, CHE*

Margot D Wilson, CHE*

* Graduates of the EXTRA Program, a partnership with the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF)/Diplômés du programme FORCES, un partenariat avec la Fondation canadienne de la recherche sur les services de santé (FCRSS)

** Canadian Armed Forces/Forces armées canadienne

3M Health Care Quality Team Awards

This award recognizes three important elements—innovation, quality, and teamwork. 3M Health Care encourages institutions and healthcare providers to embrace quality management by developing innovative approaches that bring about sustainable improvement.

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Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL; Tim Brown, General Manager, Health Care Business, 3M Health Care; Miin Alikhan, Director, Corporate Patient Flow Performance, St. Michael’s Hospital; Dr. Richard Bowry, Medical Director, Corporate Patient Flow Performance, St. Michael's Hospital; Alfred Ng, Manager, Corporate Patient Flow Performance, St. Michael’s Hospital; John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Andre Canezal, Corporate Case Manager, Patient Flow Performance, St. Michael’s Hospital; Julie Wei, Senior Performance Consultant, Patient Flow Performance, St. Michael’s Hospital; Ritwik Chattopadhyay, Patient Flow Re-design Specialist, Patient Flow Performance, St. Michael’s Hospital

Programs and Processes in an Acute Care Hospital Environment

Inspiring Improvement: Working Together for Timely, Quality Patient Care

St. Michael's Hospital

All hospitals struggle with how to move patients seamlessly from one point to another, ensuring that care is appropriate, timely, and safe. St. Michael's had tried many strategies, grounded in quick fixes, with marginal improvement. Only by ”going against the flow,” did it start seeing results.

In September 2008, the Corporate Patient Flow Performance Team was established and a system-wide transformative approach was born. The team worked with staff and physicians to dig deeper into root causes and potential solutions around access and flow. Results include a 75% decrease in emergent volumes waiting for greater than 24 hours, and a 48% improvement in emergency department length of stay for admitted patients as of December 2010. All of this was accomplished without compromising other aspects of patient care, such as patient satisfaction, surgical flow, and readmission rates.

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Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL; Tim Brown, General Manager, Health Care Business, 3M Health Care; Monita O’Connor, Director, Performance Improvement and Integration, Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network; Krista Hall, Executive Director, Nucleus Independent Living, Lisa Gammage, Director of Seniors Division, Nucleus Independent Living; Narendra Shah, Chief Operating Office, Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network; Angela Katunas, CEO, Oakville Senior Citizens Residence; Judy Bowyer, Senior Lead, Performance Improvement and Integration, Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network; Ray Applebaum, CEO, Peel Senior Link; John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL

Programs and Processes in a Non-acute Care Environment

Support for Daily Living Program: A Winning Community-based Solution for Addressing ED, ALC, and Long-term Care Pressures

Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network

Supports for Daily Living (SDL) is an innovative, regional service delivery model that targets frail and at-risk seniors who want to, and are able to, continue living within their own homes with access to supports over a 24-hour period. SDL bridges the gap between the Mississauga Halton Community Care Access Centre scheduled home care visitation service delivery model and long-term care homes. It evolved from a traditional Ontario-wide program providing supportive services to low-income seniors in publicly funded housing, into a new service framework featuring personal support, homemaking, and attendant services offered in designated buildings, in designated neighborhoods or via a mobile service. A 2010 evaluation by Shercon Associates, Inc., produced strong evidence that program outcomes are being met. This pioneering initiative has documented success in reducing acute care pressures and reducing unnecessary emergency department visits. It has also made a major contribution in reducing alternate level of care days and diverting premature long-term care placements.

College Award for Distinguished Service

This award recognizes an individual or corporate member for their significant contribution to the College or to the advancement of our mission, vision, values and strategic directions.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Bonnie Adamson, FCCHSE, FACHE, President and CEO, London Health Sciences Centre; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

Bonnie Adamson, FCCHSE, FACHE

President and CEO

London Health Sciences Centre

Bonnie Adamson is the President and CEO of London Health Sciences Centre, one of Canada's largest acute care teaching hospitals dedicated to excellence in patient care, teaching and research.

Previously, Ms. Adamson was President and CEO of North York General Hospital, a multi-site community teaching hospital in North Toronto, from August 2002 to October 2010. During her tenure, she achieved fiscal stability, led the organization through the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome epidemic, and transformed the culture of the hospital.

Ms. Adamson is a Fellow of CCHL and the American College of Healthcare Executives. She is the Past Chair of the National Board of the Canadian College of Health Leaders and the current Chair of the GTA Child Health Network Board.

Ms. Adamson was a Surveyor with Accreditation Canada for 11 years and has a strong passion for mentoring graduate students in healthcare administration.

College Honorary Life Member Award

This award recognizes long standing College members who have contributed significantly to Canada's health system through their role as health leaders.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Cliff Nordal, FCCHSE, FACHE; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

Cliff Nordal, FCCHSE, FACHE

Cliff joined the College in 1976, was elected as an Ontario Director to the National Board of Directors in 1988, and served as Board Chair for the 1992/93 term. Cliff's extensive service to the College includes membership on board committees, task forces and HPRS panels, proctoring numerous CHE examinations, and undertaking Fellowship project reviews. In 1994, his local support of College activities was recognized through the GTA Chapter Award for Distinguished Service.

In December 2010, he retired as President and CEO of London Health Sciences Centre and of St. Joseph's Health Care, London, having held both positions from January 2006. In 2005, the London Free Press named Mr. Nordal as one of 150 people who helped to define London.

Mr. Nordal's leadership within other organizations includes: Chair of the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario, Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan and the Lifecycle Research Network; and multiple other boards including the Ontario Hospital Association, the Catholic Health Association of Ontario, and Gensci Regeneration Sciences. In May 2010, the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada presented Cliff with its Performance Citation Award, Canada's highest distinction in Catholic healthcare.

Chapter Award for Distinguished Service

This award provides an opportunity for chapters to recognize, locally and nationally, the individuals or corporate members who have made a significant contribution to their chapter.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Susan Owen, CHE, Manager, Advisory Services, Performance & Technology, KPMG LLP; Terrence P. Meehan, CHE, Director of Logistics, MUHC McGill University Health Centre; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL


Diane Lemon, CHE


Heather L. Wolfe

Stroke Program Coordinator

Cumberland & Colchester East Hants Health Authority

Eastern Ontario

Allan A. Katz

Senior Project Director

South East Community Care Access Centre

Greater Toronto Area

Susan M. Owen, CHE

Manager, Advisory Services, Performance & Technology


Hamilton and Area

Bryan W. Herechuk, CHE

Performance Improvement Consultant

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton


Marilyn Robinson, CHE

Past Chair

Manitoba Chapter

Neon Lights

Sr. Sarah Quackenbush, CHE

Vice President

Catholic Health Corporation of Ontario

New Brunswick

Walton A. Waller, CHE


WW Health Enterprises Incorporated

Newfoundland and Labrador

Pat Coish-Snow, CHE

Vice President, Regional Acute Care

Eastern Health


Terrence P. Meehan, CHE

Director of Logistics

MUHC McGill University Health Centre

Southwestern Ontario

Barbara Major-McEwan, CHE

Executive Director

Huron Community Family Health Team

CHE Self-Directed Learning Paper Award

This award recognizes the high-quality papers submitted as a component of the CHE certification program. The papers demonstrate comprehension, critical thinking, and strategic problem-solving skills. They are widely applicable and often add new information to the literature in the field.

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Cheryl Williams, CHE

1st Place

Measuring and Monitoring System Quality: Using Incentives to Drive Quality Healthcare

Cheryl Williams, CHE

Vice President, Acute Care Services

Rouge Valley Health System

Scarborough, ON

Cheryl Williams is a Registered Nurse with a background in mental health, advanced practice nursing, organizational transformation, teaching, and management. She is currently working as Vice President of Acute Care Services at Rouge Valley Health System. Cheryl completed her undergraduate nursing degree at McMaster University and her graduate degrees through the University of Toronto. She holds a PhD in Nursing Science and is now a Certified Health Executive with the College.

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Wendy Hansson, CHE

Honorable Mention

Advancing Change in a Complex Environment: From Strategy to Action

Wendy Hansson, CHE

Chief Operating Officer—Coastal

Vancouver Coastal Health

North Vancouver, BC

As Chief Operating Officer—Coastal, Ms. Hansson oversees the delivery of healthcare on the North Shore, Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine Coast, Powell River, Bella Bella, and Bella Coola. Wendy came to Vancouver Coastal Health in April 2010 from Providence Health Care, where she was the Vice President of Clinical Programs and Site Leader St. Paul's Hospital. She brings to the role over 20 years of senior management experience in clinical operations, healthcare system transformation, capital and strategic planning, and policy development at the provincial, regional, and local levels.

As a strong advocate for leadership development and mentoring, Wendy is active provincially and nationally in health administration, being recognized in 2010 for her years of distinguished service by the BC Lower Mainland Chapter of the College. She has held positions of Chair of the BC Lower Mainland Chapter; Co-chair for the national Chapter Advisory Council; Co-chair of the 2007 and 2008 Health Care Leader's Association of BC (HCLABC) Leadership conference, and is currently a HCLABC Director.

Energy and Environmental Stewardship Award

This award recognizes progressive healthcare organizations that have implemented programs that demonstrate environmental responsibility through the reduction of energy usage, the preservation of natural resources and effective waste diversion solutions.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Luis Rodrigues, Vice President Energy Solutions, Honeywell; Ted Spearin, Energy Manager, Interior Health Authority; Aman Hundal, Manager Environmental Sustainability, Interior Health Authority; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

Interior Health Authority

Interior Health Authority is taking action to meet the aggressive energy targets and high environmental standards set for British Columbia. Its environmental focus results in policies and projects that decrease energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, and engage stakeholders to act on climate change in their work and personal lives.

Future persistence in sustainability endeavors is ensured through the creation of a department of environmental sustainability, responsible for decreasing energy consumption, reducing the environmental impact of operations, and planning for a future where renewable resources are a key component of sustainability.

Health Care Safety Award

This award recognizes individuals or teams who are committed to improving workplace or patient safety within healthcare, through leadership, culture, best practices, innovation, and change management expertise.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Cecil Persaud, Wexford Residence; Almerinda Takahashi, Wexford Residence; Grace Arnedo, Wexford Residence; Jeff Spence, Vice President, Sales & Strategic Account Management, BD Canada; Sandy Bassett, CHE, Wexford Residence; Roger Hickling, Wexford Residence; Omer Sarak, Wexford Residence; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

The Wexford Residence

Over the past 5 years, the Wexford Residence has demonstrated a commitment to staff safety that has resulted in a significant improvement in the WSIB/NEER Index from a maximum surcharge of 4.0 in 2006 to 0.06 in 2010. The Wexford Residence has now gone over 365 days without a lost time injury (as of January 20, 2011).

The Board of Directors demonstrated a forward-thinking approach and ongoing commitment to health and safety when it redistributed the WSIB/NEER rebate check of $10,250 to the staff, in acknowledgement that the program's success is a joint effort. In December 2009, each of the 208 staff received a $50 gift card for the Scarborough Town Centre.

Accreditation Canada recently awarded The Wexford a full 3-year accreditation. Only 10% of all organizations surveyed receive this award. The Wexford Residence shared its success stories at the 2009 Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors Annual Conference.

Mentorship Award

This award is presented to a leader in the healthcare system who demonstrates exemplary, sustained commitment to mentoring, and inspiring healthcare leadership.

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Paul Castonguay, CHE, Director, Oncology Franchise, Roche Canada; John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

John King, CHE

Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

St. Michael's Hospital

Through his work at St. Michael's Hospital, Mr. King's exceptional capacity for mentorship is noticeable in his support of MBA residents. Mr. King works tirelessly to encourage organizational learning for residents, meeting with them regularly and ensuring that their learning experience is positive.

In 2006, Mr. King's strong support and advocacy for building leadership capacity developed into a Leadership Academy between St. Michael's Hospital and the Rotman School of Management. The mentorship experience provides physician and administrative leaders with opportunities to advance important change initiatives across the organization and increase growth and knowledge of hospital operations. In 2008, Mr. King also developed a program called CCHL Emerging Leaders, providing a forum for internal and external networking, education and career growth for young leaders in the hospital.

John is currently the Chair of the Canadian College of Health Leaders (2010–2012). He has also played major strategic leadership roles in the province, having held the Assistant Deputy Minister of Health and Long-Term Care position in Ontario from 1999 to 2002.

Nursing Leadership Award

The Nursing Leadership Award builds on the themes of patient-centred care and nursing leadership, and whose recipient demonstrates an ongoing commitment to excellence in these areas.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Lucie Tremblay, CHE, Director of Nursing and Clinical Services, Maimonides Geriatric Centre and Jewish Eldercare; Michael Hamilton, Vice President, Health Systems & Channel Management, Baxter Corporation; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

Lucie Tremblay, CHE

Director of Nursing and Clinical Services

Maimonides Geriatric Centre and Jewish Eldercare

Lucie Tremblay has been the Director of Nursing and Clinical Services at Maimonides Geriatric Centre since 1998 and at Jewish Eldercare since 2005. Lucie has pioneered innovative and award-winning programs and helps hundreds of geriatric institutions replicate them. She has been instrumental in establishing guidelines for the future of Alzheimer's care in Quebec for the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Her teaching, research, and avid committee involvement have allowed her to play an important role in shaping the delivery of geriatric care in Quebec, Canada, and internationally.

Lucie holds a Masters of Science in Health Administration from Université de Montréal and a nursing degree from Montmorency College. She served as the Quebec CCHL chapter chair from 2008 to 2011. Lucie currently acts as a McGill faculty of medicine lecturer, a surveyor for Accreditation Canada, and a supervisor of Master's students from McGill and Université de Montréal.

President's Award for Outstanding Corporate Membership in the College

This award recognizes a corporate member who has consistently, over a period of several years, helped the College to achieve its mission, vision, and strategic directions.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Luis Rodrigues, Vice President Energy Solutions, Honeywell; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL


Honeywell joined the College as a corporate member in 2006. Since that time, it has shown great dedication in supporting professional development opportunities for College members through its sponsorship of the National Healthcare Leadership Conference and through support of HPRS sessions. Honeywell was also a contributor to the development of our joint Position Paper ”Toward an Environmentally Responsible Canadian Health Sector.” In addition, Honeywell continues to collaborate with the College to enhance corporate membership through its participation on the Corporate Advisory Committee. In 2008, Honeywell became the proud sponsor of the College's Energy and Environmental Stewardship Award.

Quality of Life Award

This award honours those who work to improve their patients' lives through their desire, creativity and dedication. It is a celebration of the human spirit.

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John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL; Dan McGann, Social Worker, Child & Family Clinic, Credit Valley Hospital; Don Desjardins, Strategic Partnership Manager, Smith & Nephew; Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL

Dan McGann

Social Worker, Child & Family Clinic

Credit Valley Hospital

In 2006, social worker Dan McGann made a decision that would improve the quality of life for his patients, their families, and members of the community.

Dan had trained hard and run his first marathon. The experience helped him to fight and win a personal battle against depression and anxiety. Dan extracted the relevant components of his training to create an unconventional group therapy program for teens and their parents—the Teen Run Program. The 12-week program uses motivational speaking, health information sharing, goal setting, and physical training to help teens to deal with depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The results have been remarkable, with higher than average retention levels and great gains in patients' mental and physical well-being.

Dan believes that everyone has the potential to create positive energy and running helps to do that.

Robert Zed Young Health Leader Award

This award is presented to a young Canadian healthcare leader who has demonstrated leadership in improving the effectiveness and sustainability of Canada's health system.

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Ray Racette, CHE, President and CEO, CCHL; Sharon McDonald, President, Compass Group Canada Healthcare; Emily Gruenwoldt Carkner, Acting Director, Office for Leadership and Professional Development, Canadian Medical Association; John King, CHE, Board Chair, CCHL

Emily Gruenwoldt Carkner

Acting Director

Office for Leadership and Professional Development

Canadian Medical Association

Emily is Founder and National Co-chair of Emerging Health Leaders, a national network across five major Canadian cities with over 800 members of clinical and non-clinical health backgrounds.

Emily continues to serve her community through active membership on various councils and committees. Most notably, she will be joining the Ottawa Hospital Board of Governors beginning in June 2011, having served as a governor-in-waiting for 1 year. Emily is also currently serving the Canadian Health Leadership Network as a founding member of the Board (Partner's Group). Emily recently stepped down from her position on the Eastern Ontario Chapter of CCHL Executive Committee, where she held positions including Chair Professional Development, Co-Chair Golf Tournament, and Chair Policy Development. In 2010, Emily was recognized by the College with an award of distinction for her long-standing service and support to chapter activities.

Emily is employed at the Canadian Medical Association and leads the Office of Leadership and Professional Development.

Robert Wood Johnson Awards

Established in 1956, the Robert Wood Johnson Awards are presented to one student from six Canadian universities offering a Master's of Health Administration. Recipients are selected by their respective faculty for their individual achievements and promising contributions to health services management.

Ben Ridout, BBA, MHA

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In 2006, Ben completed his Bachelor of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University, with a joint major in business administration and geography. After working for 2 years in the bulk materials logistics field, Ben decided to shift his focus to the challenging, but rewarding, field of healthcare. He returned to school at Dalhousie University to complete the Masters of Health Administration program. During this time, Ben did his administrative residency with the Vancouver Island Health Authority, and assisted in developing a Rural Health Services Framework for that organization. One area of interest for Ben is performance management, particularly the utilization of health data and indicators to support the development of appropriate and effective improvement initiatives.

Manal Abou-Ghaida, B.COMM, MPH

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Manal completed her Masters of Public Health, specializing in Health Policy and Management in spring 2011. During her time in the program, Manal was the representative for the Leadership, Health Management, and Policy Stream, and a member of the student association. She has also been a teaching assistant for the course ”Basics of Leadership.” Her passion for public health, and more specifically health policy, stems from her desire to bring a more holistic perspective of health into the health system. Manal is an active volunteer for literacy promotion activities as well as being a facilitator in the United Nations “What Kind of World … ?” educational program that teaches children about the United Nations' human rights issues around the world.

Zahida Esmail

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Ms. Esmail is currently a Project Support Consultant for the BC Medication Management Project, a collaborative initiative by the BC Ministry of Health and the BC Pharmacy Association. She is also a second-year student in the Master of Health Administration program at the University of British Columbia. In 1996, Zahida received her undergraduate degree in pharmacy from the University of British Columbia and had the honor of receiving the Horner Prize and Medal for Head of Graduating Class. Since then, she has worked in community, hospital, academic, and regulatory settings. Zahida currently serves as the Co-chair of Emerging Health Leaders—Vancouver, and is the student representative of the University of British Columbia MHA program. She is passionate about contributing to and leading initiatives that will improve and sustain our health system.

Hélena Bureau

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In 2003, Ms. Bureau received a Bachelor's degree in pharmacy from Laval University. After practicing as a community pharmacist, she started her own business of relief pharmacists. As a result of this new initiative, she developed an interest in health system organizations. In 2008, Ms. Bureau enrolled in the Masters in Health Administration at the University of Montreal. Her objective is to better understand the function and complexity of the health system in order to better invest in its preservation and evolution. Ms. Bureau is a member of the organizing committee for the Jean-Yves Rivard Colloquium 2011. She was the recipient of the Centennial Canadian Award and Future Leader Award.

Guillaume Lemieux

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Guillaume began his healthcare journey studying physiotherapy at the University of Ottawa. Instead of becoming a physiotherapist, Guillaume was offered a position as a music agent for S.L. Feldman & Associates. Fortunately, the opportunity to mix both his passion for management and healthcare presented itself again in 2009 when he was accepted to the Telfer School of Management Master of Health Administration program at the University of Ottawa. During his Masters program, Guillaume became involved in student politics with both the MHA—Student Association and the Graduate Students' Association. While completing his Masters degree, he also initiated and continues to manage the $4.2 million Grad House Project that is scheduled to open in 2012. Finally, Guillaume completed his Masters at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario by doing a residency with the CEO, Michel Bilodeau. He has since been hired to complete a space utilization project and currently works in Ambulatory Care as clinical manager at CHEO.

Andrea Thompson

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Andrea Thompson received her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Toronto. She is currently the Manager of Business Development for a marketed service program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. Before joining Sunnybrook in 2008, she worked as an occupational therapist in the community with adults with musculoskeletal injuries and in an institutional setting with children and adolescents with mental illness. She has also served on the Board of Directors at the Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists; is the 2010 co-recipient of two research awards through the Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation at the University of Toronto; and recently completed a 3-month internship at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington.

Articles from Healthcare Management Forum are provided here courtesy of Elsevier