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. 2020 Feb 29;9(3):579. doi: 10.3390/cells9030579
CO Carbon monoxide
IMS Mitochondrial intermembrane space
TCA Tricarboxic acid
IMM Inner mitochondrial membrane
5-ALA 5-aminolevulunic acid
ALAS Aminolevulunic acid synthase
PBGS Porphobilinogen synthase
PBG Porphobilinogen
HMB Hydroxymethylbilane
HMBS Hydroxymethylbilane synthase
UPgen III Uroporphyrinogen III
UROS Uroporphyrinogen synthase
CPgen III Coproporphyrinogen III
UROD Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
PPgen IX Protoporphyrinogen IX
CPOX Coproporphyrinogen oxidase
Fe-PPIX Iron-protoporphyrin IX
PPIX Protoporphyrin IX
PPOX Protoporphyrinogen oxidase
FECH Ferrochelatase
PLP Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate
OMM Outer mitochondrial membrane
SLC Solute carrier
α-KG A-ketoglutarate
MTS Mitochondria-targeting sequence
HRM Heme regulatory motif
IRP Iron regulatory protein
ATP Adenosine triphosphate
ADP Adenosine diphosphate
AAA+ ATP hydrolase associate with various cellular activities
ANT Adenine nucleotide translocator
KDH A-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
CcO Cytochrome c oxidase
ETC Electron transport chain
SDH Succinate dehydrogenase
CCHL Cytochrome c heme lyase
HCCS Holocytochrome c synthase
MLS Microphthalmia with linear skin defects
TMD Transmembrane domain
FDX Ferredoxin
MAMs Mitochondria-associated membranes
ERMES Endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria encounter structure
MDV Mitochondrial-derived vesicle
HRG Heme responsive gene
ZnMP Zinc mesoporphyrin
CHO Chinese hamster ovary
LDL Low-density lipoprotein
HDL High-density lipoprotein
HO Heme oxygenase
FeLV Feline leukemia virus
ABC ATP-binding cassette
BRCP Breast cancer resistance protein
HBP Heme-binding protein
FABP Fatty acid-binding protein
GAPDH Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase
PGRMC1/2 Progesterone receptor membrane component 1/2
EGFP Enhanced green fluorescent protein
ECFP Enhanced cyan fluorescent protein
EYFP Enhanced yellow fluorescent protein
HS Heme sensor
FRET Forster resonance energy transfer