Antimicrobial activity of AMPR-11 (K58-R78) derived from Romo1. (A) Sequences of deletion mutants of Romo1. Green represents transmembrane domains (M21 to L43 and I56 to I77) by TMMTOP server. (B) Determination of the MBC of each deletion mutant to kill 105 CFU of P. aeruginosa or S. aureus in 1 h. (C) Circular dichroism spectroscopy of AMPR-11. The black line represents the AMPR-11 structure in distilled water, and the red line represents the AMPR-11 structure in 50% HFIP. (D) Predicted alpha-helical wheel of AMPR-11. The illustration was recreated based on the Helical Wheel Projection server. Green, nonpolar amino acids; orange, polar amino acids. (E) GFP-expressing EIEC permeabilization by TAMRA-AMPR-11. Scale bar, 20 μm. (F) SEM images of CRPA or MRSA incubated with AMPR-11. Scale bar, 1 μm.