Fig. 2.
Syk inhibition reduces the mean area of integrin clusters. (a) Platelets were seeded onto collagen fibres and treated with either the Syk inhibitor PRT060318, or a DMSO control. The sample was immunolabelled for integrin , secondary labelled with AlexaFluor647 and imaged using dSTORM. Persistence-based clustering (ToMATo) was used to segment integrin nano-structures. Representative dSTORM image reconstructions, density estimates and clustering results (noise not shown). The search radius for the calculation of the density estimate and linking graph was set to 20 nm. Scale-bar 500 nm. (b) ToMATo diagrams showing the birth and death density for each candidate cluster. Dotted line shows the chosen persistence threshold for merging of clusters (10 detections). (c) Mean cluster area and cluster density. N = 3, four fields of view per replicate. The entire field of view was analyzed and mean cluster statistics were computed for all clusters in a replicate. Comparisons by two-sample t-test (*P < 0.05), error bars are mean ± SD