Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major viral cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections in children. Few data about the molecular epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus in developing countries, such as Jordan, are available. The frequency and severity of infections caused by HRSV were assessed in hospitalized Jordanian children <5 years of age compared with other potential etiological agents. Overall a potential pathogen was detected in 78% (254/326) of the children. HRSV was detected in 43% (140/326) of the nasopharyngeal aspirates. HRSV was found more frequently during the winter (January/February), being less frequent or negligible by spring (March/April). Analysis of 135 HRSV‐positive strains using restriction fragment length polymorphism showed that 94 (70%) belonged to subgroup A, and 41 (30%) to subgroup B. There were also two cases of mixed genotypic infection. Only four of the six previously described N genotypes were detected with NP4 predominating. There were no associations between subgroup or N‐genogroup and disease severity. HRSV was significantly associated with more severe acute respiratory infection and the median age of children with HRSV was lower than for those without. Next in order of frequency were adenovirus (116/312: 37%), human bocavirus (57/312: 18%), rhinovirus (36/325: 11%), Chlamydia spp. (14/312: 4.5%), human metapneumovirus (8/326: 2.5%), human coronavirus NL63 (4/325: 1.2%), and influenza A virus (2/323: 0.6%). Influenza B; parainfluenza viruses 1–4, human coronavirus HKU1 and Mycoplasma pneumoniae were not detected. J. Med. Virol. 80:168–174, 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Keywords: acute respiratory infections, respiratory syncytial virus, molecular epidemiology, disease severity, children, Jordan
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