Thirty‐four out of 64 faecal samples with adenovirus particles, as seen by electron microscopy, were found to contain adenovirus 40 or 41 by direct isolation and neutralization in Chang's conjunctival cells, mostly within one week. (Ad40 and 41 candidate viruses are serologically related.) 6 other adenovirus specics were isolated; 6 samples gave equivocal results, and 18 were negative. A genus‐specific ELISA with an antihexon coat yielded positive results in 40 out of 55 samples; the test failed to identify adenovirus antigen in 10 out of 17 specimens, which were found negative by culture. All of them were negative by immunfluorescence of inoculated Chang cell cultures. Hence the failures are probably due to insufficient amount of virus in the samples. The predominance of only two adenovirus species associated with gastroenteritis in children and the ease of cultivating and identifying them should help to elucidate their etiological significance.
Keywords: adenovirus, enteric adenoviruses, adenoviruses 40/41, identification, ELISA, immunofluorescence
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