We surveyed the frequency of reported infections and target autoantigens in 56 Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS) patients by detecting antibodies to myelin and microbes. Sulfatide (43%), cardiolipin (48%), GD1a (15%), SGPG (11%), and GM3 (11%) antibodies were the most frequently detected heterogenous autoantibodies. A wide spectrum of antimicrobial IgG and IgM antibodies were also detected; mumps‐specific IgG (66%), adenovirus‐specific IgG (52%), varicella‐zoster virus‐specific IgG (46%), and S. pneumoniae serotype 7‐specific IgG (45%) were the most prevalent. Our results indicate that polyclonal expansion of physiologic and pathologic antibodies and/or molecular mimicry likely occurs following infection and is related to other autoimmune factors in the etiology of GBS. Although no single definitive myelin‐specific autoantibody was identified, our results suggest a unique pattern of reactivity against autoantigens.
Keywords: autoantibodies, autoimmunity, gangliosides, myelin, neuropathy
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