Stro-4+ oBMSCs seeded ECM CAM/bone defect histology. Sample overview of Alcian blue Sirius red histology section staining; 3 regions of interest demarcated by the dashed box (A). Cluster of proteoglycan producing cells (white arrow) associated with periosteum like membrane (B). Area of hypertrophic cells (white arrow) associated with invading fibrous sheet (*) (C). Fibrous cellular invasion (*) of defect invading cells appear extra-femoral in origin and have begun collagen and proteoglycan matrix deposition (D). Sample overview of mineralised and osteoid staining (Goldner's trichrome) (E–H); Area of hypertrophic cells showing central region of osteoid production (E). Highlighted regions of hypertrophic cells showing clear osteoid production (white arrows) (G, H), cells are associated with invading collagen, osteoid-like dense tissue (Black arrows). Scale bar A&E = 500 μm, B, C, D, F, G, H = 50 μm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)