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Infectious Disease Modelling logoLink to Infectious Disease Modelling
. 2020 Apr 28;5:323–337. doi: 10.1016/j.idm.2020.03.003

A COVID-19 epidemic model with latency period

Z Liu a,1, P Magal b,∗,2, O Seydi c, G Webb d
PMCID: PMC7186134  PMID: 32346664


At the beginning of a COVID-19 infection, there is a period of time known as the exposed or latency period, before an infected person is capable of transmitting the infection to another person. We develop two differential equations models to account for this period. The first is a model that incorporates infected persons in the exposed class, before transmission is possible. The second is a model that incorporates a time delay in infected persons, before transmission is possible. We apply both models to the COVID-19 epidemic in China. We estimate the epidemiological parameters in the models, such as the transmission rate and the basic reproductive number, using data of reported cases. We thus evaluate the role of the exposed or latency period in the dynamics of a COVID-19 epidemic.

Keywords: Corona virus, Reported and unreported cases, Isolation, Quarantine, Public closings, Epidemic mathematical model

1. Introduction

In (New England Journal of Me, 2020) it is reported that transmission of COVID-19 infection may occur from an infectious individual, who is not yet symptomatic. In (Report of theO-China J, 2019) it is reported that COVID-19 infected individuals generally develop symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and fever, on an average of 5–6 days after infection (mean 5–6 days, range 1–14 days). In (Yanget al., 2020) it is reported that the median time prior to symptom onset is 3 days, the shortest 1 day, and the longest 24 days. It is evident that these time periods play an important role in understanding COVID-19 transmission dynamics. (see Table 1, Table 2, Table 3)

Table 1.

Parameters and initial conditions of the model SEIRU.

Symbol Interpretation Method
t0 Time at which the epidemic started fitted
S0 Number of susceptible at time t0 fixed
E0 Number of asymptomatic and noninfectious at time t0 fitted
I0 Number of asymptomatic but infectious at time t0 fitted
U0 Number of unreported symptomatic infectious at time t0 fitted
. Transmission rate fitted
N First day of the public interventions fitted
μ Intensity of the public interventions fitted
1/α average duration of the exposed noninfectious period fitted
1/ν Average time during which asymptomatic infectious are asymptomatic fixed
f Fraction of asymptomatic infectious that become reported symptomatic infectious fixed
ν1=fν Rate at which asymptomatic infectious become reported symptomatic fitted
ν2=(1f)ν Rate at which asymptomatic infectious become unreported symptomatic fitted
1/η Average time symptomatic infectious have symptoms fixed

Table 2.

Cumulative daily reported case data from January 19, 2020 to March 18, 2020, reported for mainland China by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese CDC (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1180). The data corresponds to cumulative reported cases confirmed by testing.

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
198 291 440 571 830 1287 1975
26 27 28 29 30 31
2744 4515 5974 7711 9692 11791
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14380 17205 20438 24324 28018 31161 34546
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
37198 40171 42638 44653 46472 48467 49970
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
51091 7054817409 7243617409 7418517409 7500217409 7589117409 7628817409
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
7693617409 7715017409 7765817409 7806417409 7849717409 7882417409 7925117409
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8002617409 8015117409 8027017409 8040917409 8055217409 8065117409 8069517409
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
8073517409 8075417409 8077817409 8079317409 8081317409 8082417409 8084417409
15 16 17 18
8086017409 8088117409 8089417409 8092817409

Table 3.

Table of the Median Absolute Deviation of model SEIRU and SEIRUδ.



Fig. 4 (a) 1717 Fig. 6 (a) 662
Fig. 4 (b) 1251 Fig. 6 (b) 796
Fig. 4 (c) 1899 Fig. 6 (c) 1095
Fig. 4 (d) 1485 Fig. 6 (d) 1967
Fig. 5 (a) 893 Fig. 7 (a) 178
Fig. 5 (b) 572 Fig. 7 (b) 485
Fig. 5 (c) 754 Fig. 7 (c) 585
Fig. 5 (d) 713 Fig. 7 (d) 852

In this work, we will examine the latency period of COVID-19 infection, that is, the period of time in which newly infected individuals are asymptomatic and noninfectious. We illustrate the latency period in Fig. 1 below:

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Key time periods of COVID-19 infection. The latent or exposed period before symptoms and transmissibility, the incubation period before symptoms appear, the symptomatic period, and the transmissibility period, which may overlay the asymptomatic period.

In the present article we develop two mathematical models to study the impact of the latency period. One is a ODE (ordinary differential equations) model, with an exposed class of infected individuals, who are not yet infectious. The other is a DDE (delay differential equations) model, with a time delay in newly infected individuals, before they become infectious. The DDE model can be derived from a continuous age of infection model, which can be reduced to a system of DDE. The derivation of such models is described in (Magal & McCluskey, 2013). We refer to (Tang et al., 2020; Yanget al., 2020) for early models with exposure applied to COVID-19.

As mentioned in (Liu, Magal, Seydi, & Webb, 2020), asymptomatic infectious cases are not usually reported to medical authorities, and reported infectious cases are typically only a fraction of the total number of the symptomatic infectious individuals. In this work, we examine the number of asymptomatic infectious cases and unreported infectious cases, as well as the number of reported infectious cases, for the COVID epidemic in mainland China. We note that public measures in China, beginning January 26, strongly attenuated the epidemic. One of our objectives is to understand how these measures, such as isolation, quarantine, and public closings, reduce the final size of the epidemic. We examine how the latency period, tied contact tracing and to a 14-day medical observation or quarantine period for exposed persons, mitigates the final size of the epidemic.

2. Models

2.1. Model with a compartment E of exposed infected individuals not yet infectious

This model has a compartment in the system of ODE that corresponds to exposed or latent infected individuals. We will designate this model as the SEIRU model:

{S'(t)=τ(t)S(t)[I(t)+U(t)],E'(t)=τ(t)S(t)[I(t)+U(t)]αE(t)I'(t)=αE(t)νI(t)R'(t)=ν1I(t)ηR(t)U'(t)=ν2I(t)ηU(t). (2.1)

Here tt0 is time in days, t0 is the beginning date of the epidemic, S(t) is the number of individuals susceptible to infection at time t, E(t) is the number of asymptomatic noninfectious individuals at time t, I(t) is the number of asymptomatic but infectious individuals at time t, R(t) is the number of reported symptomatic infectious individuals at time t, and U(t) is the number of unreported symptomatic infectious individuals at time t. This system is supplemented by initial data

S(t0)=S0>0,E(t0)=E0>0,I(t0)=I0>0,U(t0)=U0>0,R(t0)=R0=0. (2.2)

The exit flux of the exposed class E is describe by the term αE(t). The means that the time of exposure follows an exponential law, and the average value of the exposure time is 1/α, which can be, for example, 6 h, 12 h, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc …. The model contains an asymptomatic infectious class corresponding to the I(t)-equation. The dynamics of the symptomatic infectious individuals are decomposed into the R(t)-equation, which corresponds to the reported symptomatic infectious individuals (symptomatic infectious with severe symptoms), and the U(t)-equation, which corresponds to the unreported symptomatic infectious individuals (symptomatic infectious with mild symptoms). The flux of individuals leaving the class I is νI(t). We assume that a fraction f are reported and a fraction 1f are unreported. Thus, ν1=fν and ν2=(1f)ν.

The time-dependent parameter τ(t) is the transmission rate. During the early phase of the epidemic, when the cumulative number of reported cases grows approximately exponential, . is a constant value τ0. After January 23, strong government measures in all of China, such as isolation, quarantine, and public closings, strongly impacted the transmission of new cases. The actual effects of these measures were complex, and we use a time-dependent exponentially decreasing transmission rate τ(t) to incorporate these effects after the early exponentially increasing phase. The formula for τ(t) during the exponential decreasing phase is derived by a fitting procedure to the data:

{τ(t)=τ0,0tN,τ(t)=τ0exp(μ×(tN)),N<t. (2.3)

Day N corresponds to the day when the public measures take effect, and μ is the rate at which they take effect. A schematic diagram of the model is given in Fig. 2, and the parameters of the model are listed in Table 2.1 below (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Flow chart for the model SEIRU.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Flow chart for the model SEIRUδ.

2.2. Model with a constant time delay δ in the I class equation

This model has a time delay δ in the I(t) equation in the system of DDE that contains the latency period. We will designate this model as the SEIRUδ model:

{S'(t)=τ(t)S(t)[I(t)+U(t)],I'(t)=τ(tδ)S(tδ)[I(tδ)+U(tδ)]νI(t)R'(t)=ν1I(t)ηR(t)U'(t)=ν2I(t)ηU(t). (2.4)

This system is supplemented by initial data

S(t0+θ)=S0(θ)>0,I(t0+θ)=I0(θ)>0,U(t0+θ)=U0(θ)>0,θ[δ,0], and R(t0)=0. (2.5)

In the model SEIRUδ, the duration of exposure is constant and equal to δ. The exposed class is given by the integral formula

E(t)=tδtτ(σ)S(σ)[I(σ)+U(σ)]dσ. (2.6)

or alternatively, by using the differential equation

E'(t)=τ(t)S(t)[I(t)+U(t)]τ(tδ)S(tδ)[I(tδ)+U(tδ)]. (2.7)

E(t) can be decoupled from the equations in the DDE system SEIRUδ, since it can be obtained from S(t), I(t), and U(t). The parameters and initial conditions of the SEIRUδ model are given in Table 2.1, and a schematic diagram of the model is given in Fig. 2.2.

2.3. Data for the COVID-19 epidemic in China

In our simulations of models SEIRU and SEIRUδ for COVID-19 in mainland China, we will use the following data:

3. Estimation of the parameters and initial conditions

The parameters τ, ν, ν1, ν2, η, α, δ, as well as the starting time t0 and the initial conditions S(t0), E(t0), I(t0), U(t0), are uncertain. Our objective is to identify them from specific time data of reported symptomatic infectious cases. To identify the unreported asymptomatic infectious cases, we assume that the cumulative reported symptomatic infectious cases at time t consist of a constant fraction f of the total number of symptomatic infectious cases at time t. In other words, we assume that the removal rate ν of infectious asymptomatic cases I(t) takes the following form: ν=ν1+ν2, where ν1=fν is the removal rate of reported symptomatic infectious individuals, and ν2=(1f)ν is the removal rate of unreported symptomatic infectious individuals due to all causes. The cumulative number of reported symptomatic infectious cases at time t, denoted by CR(t), is

CR(t)=ν1t0tI(s)ds. (3.1)

Our method is the following: We assume that CR(t) has the following form when the epidemic is in the early exponentially growing phase:

CR(t)=χ1exp(χ2t)χ3. (3.2)

We evaluate . using the reported cases data. By using the method in Section 6.1 (Supplementary material), we estimate the starting time t0 for the models from


We fix S0=1.40005×109, which corresponds to the total population of mainland China. We assume that the variation in S(t) is small during this exponentially growing phase. We fix ν,η,f,α. We assume that the transmission rate τ(t)τ0 is constant during this exponentially growing phase. We identify τ0 from χ1,χ2,χ3 for each of the models SEIRU and SEIRUδ.

3.1. Parameters and initial conditions for model SEIRU

We fix the fraction f=0.8 of symptomatic infectious cases that are reported. Thus, 80% of infectious cases are reported. We assume 1/ν, the average time during which the patients are asymptomatic infectious is 5 days or 7 days. We assume that 1/η, the average time during which a patient is symptomatic infectious, is 7 days. Since f is known, we obtain

ν1=fν=0.8/5(or 0.8/7) and ν2=(1f)ν=0.2/5(or 0.2/7). (3.3)

From Section 6.1 (Supplementary material), we obtain

τ0=(χ2+α)E0S0[I0+U0]=(χ2+ν)(χ2+α)(χ2+η)αS0(χ2+η+ν2). (3.4)

From Section 6.2 (Supplementary material), we obtain basic reproductive number R0 for model SEIRU


3.2. Parameters and initial conditions for model SEIRUδ

The values of f, ν, and η are the same as for model SEIRU. From Section 6.3 (Supplementary material), we obtain

S(t0+θ)=S0(θ)=S0,θ[δ,0], (3.5)
I(t0+θ)=I0(θ)=χ3χ2fνeχ2θ,θ[δ,0], (3.6)
U0(t0+θ)=U0(θ)=(1f)νη+χ2I0(θ),θ[δ,0] (3.7)


τ0=χ2+νS0η+χ2ν2+η+χ2eχ2δ. (3.8)

From Section 6.4 (Supplementary material), we obtain the basic reproductive number R0 for model SEIRUδ


4. Comparisons of the models with the data

We use the data from Table 2.3 to numerically simulate models SEIRU and SEIRUδ.

4.1. Comparison of model SEIRU with data

In Fig. 4.1 and , we plot the graphs of CR(t), CU(t), R(t), and U(t) from the numerical simulation of model SEIRU. We use χ1=0.2254, χ2=0.3762, χ3=1, f=0.8,η=1/7, t0=3.9607, and S0=1400050000 in both Fig. 4.1 and . We take ν=1/5 in Fig. 4.1 and ν=1/7 in Fig. 4.1. We take four different values for α: 1/4,1/2,1,3 in both Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4. The value of μ is chosen so that the simulations align with the cumulative reported case data. In this way, we are able to predict the future values of the epidemic from early cumulative reported case data. We see from the simulations the following: for Fig. 4.1, with ν=1/5, the simulations are almost the same; for Fig. 4.1, with ν=1/7, the simulations are almost the same.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Graphs of the reported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCR(t) (black solid line), unreported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCU(t) (green solid line), tU(t) (blue solid line), and tR(t) (red solid line). The red dots are the data of the reported cumulated confirmed cases for mainland China in Table 2. We use χ1=0.2254, χ2=0.3762, χ3=1, f=0.8,η=1/7,ν=1/7, and S0=1400050000. (a) μ=0.1539,1/α=6hours. (b) μ=0.169,1/α=12hours. (c) μ=0.198,1/α=1day. (d) μ=0.3,1/α=3days.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Graphs of the reported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCR(t) (black solid line), unreported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCU(t) (green solid line), tU(t) (blue solid line), and tR(t) (red solid line). The red dots are the data of the reported cumulated confirmed cases for mainland China in Table 2. We use χ1=0.2254, χ2=0.3762, χ3=1, f=0.8,η=1/7,ν=1/5, t0=3.9607, and S0=1400050000. (a) μ=0.1273,δ=1/4. (b) μ=0.1432,δ=1/2. (c) μ=0.177,δ=1. (d) μ=0.373,δ=3.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Graphs of the reported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCR(t) (black solid line), unreported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCU(t) (green solid line), tU(t) (blue solid line), and tR(t) (red solid line). The red dots are the data of the reported cumulated confirmed cases for mainland China in Table 2. We use χ1=0.2254, χ2=0.3762, χ3=1, f=0.8,η=1/7,ν=1/7, t0=3.9607, and S0=1400050000. (a) μ=0.1515,δ=1/4 day. (b) μ=0.17,δ=1/2 day. (c) μ=0.2093,δ=1 day. (d) μ=0.454,δ=3 days.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Graphs of the reported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCR(t) (black solid line), unreported cumulated symptomatic infectious individuals tCU(t) (green solid line), tU(t) (blue solid line), and tR(t) (red solid line). The red dots are the data of the reported cumulated confirmed cases for mainland China in Table 2. We use χ1=0.2254, χ2=0.3762, χ3=1, f=0.8,η=1/7,ν=1/5, t0=3.9607, and S0=1400050000. (a) μ=0.1276,1/α=6hours. (b) μ=0.142,1/α=12hours. (c) μ=0.166,1/α=1day. (d) μ=0.25,1/α=3days.

4.2. Comparison of model SEIRUδ with data

In Fig. 4.2 and , we plot the graphs of CR(t), CU(t), R(t), and U(t) from the numerical simulation of model SEIRUδ. We use χ1=0.2254, χ2=0.3762, χ3=1, f=0.8,η=1/7, t0=3.9607, and S0=1,400,050,000 in both Fig. 4.2 and . We take ν=1/5 in Fig. 4.2 and ν=1/7 in Fig. 4.2. We take four different values for δ: 1/4,1/2,1,3 in both Fig. 4.2 and Fig. 4. The value of μ is chosen so that the simulations align with the cumulative reported case data. In this way, we are able to predict the future values of the epidemic from early cumulative reported case data. We see from the simulations the following: for Fig. 4.2, with ν=1/5, the simulation for δ=1/4 is almost the same as δ=1/2, the simulations for δ=1 and δ=3 do not agree with the data, and thus, δ cannot be greater than 5 days; for Fig. 4.2, with ν=1/7, the simulations for δ=1/4, δ=1/4, and δ=1 are almost the same and for δ=3, the simulation does not agree with the data, and thus, δ cannot be greater than 7 days.

5. Discussion

We have developed two models SEIRU and SEIRUδ of the COVID-19 epidemic in China that incorporate key features of this epidemic: (1) the importance of implementation of major government public restrictions designed to mitigate the severity of the epidemic; (2) the importance of both reported and unreported cases in interpreting the number of reported cases; and (3) the importance of asymptomatic infectious cases in the disease transmission. The main difference from our previous papers (Liu et al., 2020) and (Liu, Magal, Seydi, & Webb, Webb) is that we consider a latency period in the two models. In model SEIRU, an exposed class E is used to model latency. Newly infected individuals enter the class E, where they are neither symptomatic nor infectious. From this exposed class, noninfectious asymptomatic individuals enter an infectious asymptomatic class I. From I, asymptomatic infectious individuals enter a class R or U where they are symptomatic infectious, and later are reported R or unreported U. In model SEIRUδ a time delay is used to model latency. Newly infected individuals enter the class I after a fixed time delay δ, and then proceed through classes R and U.

In order to compare the models SEIRU and SEIRUδ, we use the Median of Absolute Deviation (MAD) as an indicator:

MAD=median(CRCRData), (5.1)

where CRData is the vector of the cumulative number of reported cases from Table 2.3, while CR is the vector of predicted cumulative number of reported cases of the model. The following table summaries the MAD of models SEIRU and SEIRUδ.

From Table 5, it is evident that Fig. 4.1(b) is the best fit for model SEIRU (which corresponds to 1/α=12hours) and Fig. 4.2(a) is the best fit for model SEIRUδ (which corresponds to δ=6hours) (see Table 4). This mean that for both models, ν=1/7is better than ν=1/5. Furthermore, Table 5 also indicates that model SEIRUδ gives a better prediction than model SEIRU. We also deduce that the best exposure period varies between 6 h for model SEIRUδ and 12 h for model SEIRU. Our finding is consistent with Zou (Zouet al., 2020) where the high viral load observed for COVID-19 was used to explain that the transmission can occur at the early stage of the infection. This gives an explanation for the very short exposure period which give the best fit with data here. This also justifies the fact that in our previous articles (Liu et al., 2020; Liu et al., Webb; Magal & Webb, 2020) we neglected the exposure period.

Table 5.

Predicted turning point and final size of the DDE model SEIRUδ. The turning point for I(t)U(t)and R(t)is the time t at which these functions reach a maximum.

Final size
Final size
Turning point
Turning point
size Reported Unreported ofR(t),U(t) ofI(t)
Fig. 6 (a) 78633 62907 15728 day 39.4 day 33.9
Fig. 6 (b) 78562 62850 15712 day 39.1 day 33.7
Fig. 6 (c) 78590 62872 15718 day 38.6 day 33.4
Fig. 6 (d) 79011 63209 15802 day 37.1 day 32.3
Fig. 7 (a) 80043 64035 16008 day 39.6 day 33.8
Fig. 7 (b) 79139 63312 15827 day 39.3 day 33.5
Fig. 7 (c) 78934 63147 15787 day 38.7 day 33.1
Fig. 7 (d) 78839 63071 15768 day 37.0 day 33.8

Table 4.

Predicted turning point and final size of the ODE model SEIRU. The turning point for I(t)U(t). and R(t)is the time t at which these functions reach a maximum.

Final size
Final size
Turning point
Turning point
size Reported Unreported ofR(t),U(t) ofI(t)
Fig. 4 (a) 79346 63477 15869 day 39.4 day 33.9
Fig. 4 (b) 78241 62593 15648 day 39.0 day 33.7
Fig. 4 (c) 79036 63229 15807 day 38.9 day 33.6
Fig. 4 (d) 78363 62691 15672 day 38.8 day 33.4
Fig. 5 (a) 78688 62950 15738 day 39.4 day 33.6
Fig. 5 (b) 79097 63278 15819 day 39.2 day 33.5
Fig. 5 (c) 78754 63003 15751 day 38.9 day 33.3
Fig. 5 (d) 78805 63044 15761 day 38.9 day 33.1

We summarize in the following tables the predicted turning point and final size, respectively, for models SEIRU and SEIRUδ.

For our model without latency in (Liu et al., Webb), the turning point of the asymptomatic infectious cases I(t) is approximately day 35 = February 4. The turning point of the reported cases R(t) and the unreported cases U(t) is approximately day 41 = February 10, and the final size of cumulative cases is approximately 79,400 with approximately 63,500 reported, 15,900 unreported. For the ODE model SEIRU, Fig. 4.1 (b) (the best one according to MAD) predicts a turning point of the asymptomatic infectious cases I(t) at approximately day 34 = February 3. The turning point of the reported cases R(t) and the unreported cases U(t) is approximately day 39 = February 8, and the final size of cumulative cases is approximately 63,278 reported, 15,819 unreported. For the DDE model SEIRUδ, Fig. 4.2 (a) (the best one according to MAD) predicts a turning point of the asymptomatic infectious cases I(t) at approximately day 34 = February 3. The turning point of the reported cases R(t) and the unreported cases U(t) is approximately day 40 = February 9, and the final size of cumulative cases is approximately 64,035 reported 16,008 unreported.

Our analysis of the latency period for the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China is applicable to COVID-19 epidemics in other regions.

6. Supplementary material

The part is devoted to the parameters estimation's of the models by assuming the reported cases data are exponentially growing. We assume that this exponential phase occurs before any public intervention. Therefore we assume that


for both SEIRU and SEIRUδ models.

6.1. Method to estimate the parameters and initial conditions of SEIRU from the number of reported cases

In the following we fix f,ν,η,α.

  • Step 1

    Since f, α, η and ν are fixed, we know that

ν1=fν and ν2=(1f)ν.
  • Step 2

    By using equation (3.1) and (3.2) we obtain

CR'(t)=ν1I(t)χ1χ2exp(χ2t)=ν1I(t) (6.1)



and therefore

I(t)=I0exp(χ2(tt0)). (6.2)

Moreover by using (6.2) at t=t0

I0=χ1χ2exp(χ2t0)fν=χ3χ2fν. (6.3)
  • Step 3

    In order to evaluated the parameters of the model we replace S(t) by S0=1.40005×109 in the right-hand side of (2.1) (which is equivalent to neglecting the variation of susceptibles due to the epidemic, which is consistent with the fact that tCR(t) grows exponentially). Therefore, it remains to estimate τ0, E0, and U0 in the following system:

{E'(t)=τ0S0[I(t)+U(t)]αE(t)I'(t)=αE(t)νI(t)U'(t)=ν2I(t)ηU(t). (6.4)

By using the second equation we obtain


and therefore by using (6.2) we must have

I(t)=I0exp(χ2(tt0)) and E(t)=E0exp(χ2(tt0)).

Then, by using the first equation we obtain


and then


By substituting these expressions into (6.4), we obtain

{χ2E0=τ0S0[I0+U0]αE0χ2I0=αE0νI0χ2U0=ν2I0ηU0. (6.5)

Remark 6.1

Here we fix τ0 in such a way that the value χ2 becomes the dominant eigenvalue of the linearized equation (6.5), and (E0,I0,U0) is the positve eigenvector associated to this dominant eigenvalue χ2. Thus, we apply implicitly the Perron-Frobenius theorem. Moreover the exponentially growing solution (E(t),I(t),U(t)) that we consider (which is starting very close to (0,0,0)) follows the direction of the positive eigenvector associated with the dominant eigenvalue χ2.

From the second and third equations of (6.5) we obtain


and by substituting these expressions into the first equation of (6.5) we obtain

τ0=(χ2+α)E0S0[I0+U0]=(χ2+ν)(χ2+α)(χ2+η)αS0(χ2+η+ν2). (6.6)

6.2. Computation of the basic reproductive number R0 of model SEIRU

In this section we apply results in Diekmann, Heesterbeek and Metz (Diekmann, Heesterbeek, & Metz, 1990) and Van den Driessche and Watmough (Van den Driessche & Watmough, 2002). The linearized equation of the infectious part of the system is given by

{E'(t)=τS0[I(t)+U(t)]αE(t)U'(t)=ν2I(t)ηU(t).I'(t)=αE(t)νI(t) (6.7)

The corresponding matrix is


and the matrix A can be rewritten as



V=[0τS0τS000ν2α00] and S=[α000η000ν].

Therefore, the next generation matrix is


and we obtain that

R0=τS0ν(1+ν2η). (6.8)

By using (6.6) we obtain


and by using ν2=(1f)ν we obtain

R0=(χ2+ν)(χ2+α)(χ2+η)αν(χ2+η+ν2)(1+(1f)νη). (6.9)

6.3. Method to estimate the parameters of model SEIRUδ from the number of reported cases

  • Step 1

    We have

ν1=fν and ν2=(1f)ν.
  • Step 2

    By using equation (3.2) we obtain

CR'(t)=ν1I(t)χ1χ2exp(χ2t)=ν1I(t) (6.10)



and therefore

I(t)=I(t0)exp(χ2(tt0)). (6.11)

Moreover, by using (6.10) at t=t0,

I(t0)=χ1χ2exp(χ2t0)fν=χ3χ2fν,U(t0)=ν2χ2+ηI0. (6.12)
  • Step 3

    In order to evaluate the parameters of the model SEIRUδ, we replace S(t) by S0=1.40005×109 in the right-hand side of (2.4) (which is equivalent to neglecting the variation of susceptibles due to the epidemic, and is consistent with the fact that tCR(t) grows exponentially). Therefore, it remains to estimate τ0 and η in the following system:

{I'(t)=τS0[I(tδ)+U(tδ)]νI(t)U'(t)=ν2I(t)ηU(t). (6.13)

By using the first equation we obtain


and therefore by using (6.11) we must have

I(t)=I(t0)exp(χ2(tt0)) and U(t)=U(t0)exp(χ2(tt0)),

so by substituting these expressions into (6.13) we obtain

{χ2I(t0)=τS0[I(t0)+U(0)χ2U(t0)=ν2I(t0)ηU(t0).} (6.14)

Remark 6.2

Here we fix τ0 in such a way that the value χ2 becomes the dominant eigenvalue of the linearized equation (6.14) and (I(t0),U(t0)) is the positve eigenvector associated to this dominant eigenvalue χ2. Thus, we apply implicitly the Perron-Frobenius theorem. Moreover the exponentially growing solution (I(t),U(t)) that we consider (which is starting very close to (0,0)) follows the direction of the positive eigenvector associated with the dominant eigenvalue χ2.

By dividing the first equation of (6.14) by I(t0) we obtain


and hence

U(t0)I(t0)=(χ2+ν)τS0eχ2δ1. (6.15)

By using the second equation of (6.14) we obtain

U(t0)I(t0)=ν2η+χ2. (6.16)

By using (6.15) and (6.16) we obtain

τ=(χ2+ν)S0eχ2δη+χ2ν2+η+χ2. (6.17)

By using (6.12) we compute

U(t0)=ν2η+χ2I(t0)=(1f)νη+χ2I(t0). (6.18)

6.4. Computation of the basic reproductive number R0 of model SEIRUδ

The linearized equation of the infectious part of the system is given by

{I'(t)=τS0[I(tδ)+U(tδ)]νI(t),U'(t)=ν2I(t)ηU(t). (6.19)

We apply the results in Thieme (Thieme, 2009) to the linear operator A:D(A)XX where




We split A into


By using Theorem 3.5 in (Liu, Magal, & Ruan, 2008) we obtain that B is invertible and




Thus we can compute


and since the range of C is contained into R2×{0C}2 it is sufficient to compute


Therefore, the next generation matrix is


which is a Leslie matrix, and the basic reproductive number R0 is

R0=τS0ν(1+ν2η). (6.20)

By using (6.17) and ν2=(1f)ν, we obtain

R0=χ2+ννη+χ2ν2+η+χ2eχ2δ(1+(1f)νη). (6.21)

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Handling editor. Dr. J Wu


Peer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.


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