h1Applied Biology Laboratory, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang, China
h2Key Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics of the Ministry of Education, Hubei Key Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Molecular-imaging, Center for Artificial Intelligence Biology, Department of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
h3SciLifeLab, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology. Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden
h4College of Life Science, HeNan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, China
Pluri Biotech Co.Ltd, Xuzhou, China
Shenyang Center for Disease Control And Prevention, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Liaoning Center for Disease Control And Prevention, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Biotech & Biomedicine Science (Shenyang) Co. Ltd, Shenyang, China
Nanog Biotech Co.Ltd, Shanghai, China
Biotech & Biomedicine Science (Jiangxi) Co. Ltd, Ganzhou, China
#L.Yu, S.Wu and X.Hao contributed equally to this work
✉Address correspondence to X.Yin: xiushanyin@me.com, W.Chen: weihuachen@hust.edu.cn, V.Pelechano: vicent.pelechano@scilifelab.se.
© 2020 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
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